500 citizens march to call attention to air, water, human values

Small print: our leaders were not leading them but have been busy doing anything else they could. God I wish I could joke about it, but these guys who sell off our future for their quarterly profits are really Sick!

One thousand plus resident of RVA marched from VCU to the steps of Richmond City Hall to call attention to the discounting of the environment. Their ages ranged from 2 to 80, mostly on the younger side; all concerned that elected leaders and TV cameras and spines were missing. This is what has happened to our democracy. Ignore, paint a pretty picture, throw something exciting and irrelevant at the masses,

Yes it is possible for our leaders to ignore the voices of citizens; for companies that want to avoid public scrutiny to do so, hiding behind State Police, Park Rangers and various Renta-Cops and all the states legal agencies.

It is even worse that the elected/ordained Governor and Attorney General chose to play deaf dumb and mute to all the violations that the fossil fuel fanatics commit in their headlong search for profit on this Unnatural Gas ALL Of WHICH WILL GO OVERSEAS.

Only a band of sociopaths, or company acting as one could pull this off, or a bank that’s over it’s head, or a rich exec that really needs a second Rolls, or a prostitute that just needs one more trick so he can retire. You get the picture. These are organized crime types.

if you think I am being unkind, listen to a 16 year old who will have to live with the trash these criminals leave behind: Greta Speaks

The Work expands to YouTube!!!

Do you see these faces? This awesome #allvolunteer crew redesigned the studio at WRWK The Work FM 93.9 and integrated updated equipment to improve our sound quality and our ability to serve the community! Thank you Ron SkinnerIan MouerChristopher Maxwell & Greg the Great!!

Please support local, independent media. We WORK hard to bring #RVA and surrounding counties timely, thoughtful talk-radio programs about what impacts your life every day, both locally produced and those curated from the Pacifica Radio Network and other sources. Your contribution will help us continue to bring challenging ideas forward and give the community a place to come together to discuss them, from left to right and city and county, all neighbors.
Donate here: http://1hq.449.mywebsitetransfer.com

What is “the work fm” anyway?

I am asked from time to time what our name means to us and why it was chosen. The Work FM is shorthand for “Let this little FM station help you do your work in the world. Not your 9 to 5, not necessarily what puts food on your table or a roof over your head but the things you do out of love for your family, community, the world you live in where you are not a rock a cat or a squirrel, but a thinking person with a big brain and opposible thumbs who can Enjoy the world and Make It Better.

WRWK- theWorkFM exists to connect the community of people looking to “up their game” in Life, Help them do their Work with our FM, station.

Come by and join us as a Host, Producer, you name it. This is about you, come add to it.

Now how can I fit that on a bumper sticker?


it was a pleasant surprise to see  several hundred people supporting common sense gun legislation, at the capital in downtown Richmond today.  There were members of the Brady Campaign, Moms Demand Aaction, March for Our Lives,  TeamEnough and other gun violence prevention focused advocacy groups. Rallyers used a carrot and stick approach w/ legislators as they entered the Senate and House, treating those who have voted for gun restrictions to cheers and those who have withheld votes for gun control, a reminder about the election in November. 

house and senate shoot down northam

In a one hour meeting today the Special Session shot down any hopes for free thought in Virginia on Guns and public health, guns and sanity, guns and responsibility, Guns are a Zieg Heil subject. Not a good sign for a thinking people. After 5,000 years of recorded human history the bullies have the baton and are running backwards as fast as they can. Luckily, history doesn’t work that way and they will soon revisit all the problems we have been trying to solve since WWII using shared benefit models.

Ok, we have to get this voting thing sorted out so people use it no matter how they feel about anything.

Just as Hitler used the despair of a democratic nation to turn “national-socialism” into Fascism, fear-mongers try to tell us that the fear they generate and focus on is why we need to be afraid. That’s like a person telling you it’s raining when they are pissing in your face. Some will fall for it. Violence is a great short term solution in pinch, but no good long term.

The Slash coleman Option

After today’s show, Guest Slash Coleman offered to run one event a month and dedicate the proceeds to WRWK – Community Radio. I was and am in love with the idea and told him I’d name it after him.

If you want to do the same thing or anything similar please drop me a line and I will help you do the same thing.

In the meantime just go to the nearest donation button.

Handy Donation Button

We run on donations as a low power fm station. All the labor is free, all we need is few bucks every month to pay for rent and internet.

If you have ever enjoyed a show or seen someone else elevated by our efforts you will realize that what we do is priceless but does require a few bucks from time to time.

Laughing Yoga is no Joke

We broke new ground today with our newest show hosted by Mary Burruss- the Self-Help Activist. We had three people, host and two guests and even the fellow running the mix-board got into the act.

For 2 hour this trio had people calling and commenting and learning Yoga Life Hacks; real emotional First Aid.

But don’t take my word for it, check out the FB live cast from Thursday, June 20th. It was side splittingly thoughtful.

If you ever wondered why the Buddha was laughing, this explains it.

the work fm.org web site upgrade!

Please look around the new and improved website and tell me what I need to add.

There are pages for each host, a new page for the program notes, and other updates.

I am also starting an archive of past shows and i’d like to get some conversations going on what we do now and what we can expand into. Sky is the limit. The local media is only trying to make money, we have much loftier goals. We want to bring you the better parts of your world so we can grow them and leave the crap to the dustbin.

If there are any news worthy stories that are not getting 3D coverage in the media, let us know.

Fake media only works with fake thinkers. we are more interested in issues that are missing vital parts to help thinking people make sense of them.

The two 42 inch fracked gas pipelines tearing through Virginia headed for ports on the coast claiming Eminent Domain rights to land for their greedy owners is good example. NPR, and the RTD treat them like nimby (not in my back yard) issues. I wouldn’t want that scam to steal anyone’s back yard. And then there’s fracking, Vice Cheney’s gift to the global trashing/warming. There are lots of issues that need more daylight big and small.

So let us know about issues you see that are not getting good coverage and we will do what we can to give them some more daylight.

Of course we prefer good news. The stuff that makes the world go round, when here are no creeps trying to corrupt it.

Send us all the good news about communities, neighborhoods working to create the kind of place you want to live.

That is how we can help build community.


Ron/programming wrwk lp fm

Friends of Buckingham Virginia have posted a video of the whole event,

It was a smashing success, the place was packed, estimates of roughly 1400 people . There was seating for 1200 and there were hundreds standing. Al Gore and Rev Barber rocked the place.

See for yourself: Friends of Buckingham:

This issue had legs, it is taking on wings now.

When the Governor says he wants to make amends, ask him to start with reversing his end run around democracy in Union Hill. He also needs to go public with his domination by fossil fuel and free the alternative energy community to replace it.

For the People | By the People