2019 WRWK Kick-off!

The year is starting off with a bang and lots of crazy things to keep track of around the world and in our corner of it.

Richmond is close to the decision making machine and has a history of making history. From the colonization, to the civil war, Jim Crow, voting suppression, the Byrd Machine up the present day we see leadership going one way while public needs lead in another.

This can be the year when we begin to at least communicate about realities and push aside the shmooze .

As long as we all love our kids we are on the same page. The rest is just details. Nothing can divide us as much as that piece that connects us. That we do right by the kids and leave them something decent to care for and pass on in their time. It will involve some work.

So join the effort, listen, call in, offer to host a show on some topic of community life you care about, or just paypal us a few dollars each month so we can keep the conversation going now and into our future.


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