Last night on The Frequency of Hope we had a special guest via phone, Jennifer Cohn (twitter handle @jennycohn1), a lawyer and advocate for voting integrity.
Stephanie and I both follow Jennifer on twitter and when Stephanie mentioned that she would add a lot to the show I twittered Jennifer with that request. Jennifer called in and stayed with us for over an hour discussing the present situations, voting machines in general, their history and what citizens can do to advocate for legit machines.
Here is the link to the show ( fb live 11122018). You can skip to 6 minutes for the actual show, Jennifer called in at 36 minutes.
Jennifer has written and spoken extensively on the voting machines and voting integrity. Google “Jennifer Cohn” to follow these issues.
Those who practice voter suppression have made and art of it. It is the last barricade to genuine a true democracy where we include all the “Others”. These “Others” are now tax paying policemen, teachers, stock brokers, university professors and newscasters etc.
To those who have gamed our election and turned politics into a system for peddling influence actual democracy would be”game over” . I say good riddance to them.
We’d love to hear what you think,