Support us with time or $

Support comes in many forms. Some folks with lots of time and little money bring themselves to the station and learn how to do the different things media creation requires.
Others may opt to give us money or equipment. Either is fine. We need equipment and we need to pay bills.
If you have good stuff you’d like to send our way drop us a line at, subject line : “Good Stuff”. You cannot use the donation on your taxes but with the recent tax “reform” act that doesn’t matter much. However we can guarantee that what ever you give us will be used to keep our hosts and guests and investigators and signal going out to build community. It might even get your show on the air.


Join us for Maintenance Fridays at 7 PM to learn the secrets of creating community broadcasts. Or Just email for a tour.

The secret is you and the community you bring and we altogether create. All we have to do is catch it in the act and make it available to folks who have lost sight of it.

You could learn to run the mix board during a show, or during an event, or help get the signal to the station or to social media or make spots from past shows or create spots from scratch. The sky is not even the limit anymore, It’s your imagination.

It’s fun to frame up good ideas and make them shareable.

We also need all the other things that go into modern media entities, web site development, helping fund raise, writing up underwriting agreements with supporting community groups, accountants, lawyers but mostly we just need folks who want the community to work. The rest can be learned.

Drop me a line at and let me know what you can bring to the community.

Ron/Volunteer Coordinator

For the People | By the People