As the pandemic spreads across the world sparing no nation, economics seems to trump human life (no pun intended).
Capitalism is on trial. The current leadership has held to stripping out, dismissing or ignoring human concerns in favor of a narrow and short term economic gain. We are only beginning to see how foolish and dangerous that is.

In the midst of the CoVid-19 viral pandemic the addiction to short term economic gain floats to the top like scum on a pond. Grabbing fast profits by exploiting a scarcity of supplies during a catastrophe may seem like the American way but it sure doesn’t fit with the values of the “City on a hill” which our leaders are constantly claiming we are. Read it, we’re not.
Back in 2005, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Naomi Klein wrote an essay introducing the term “disaster capitalism” to our political discussions and awakening us to the cancerous impact of those who attempt to profit from disasters. It all sounds great if you have visions of dollars dancing in your head, but eventually you’ll be on the receiving end of such greed and it may cost you your life or the life of someone you love.
Whether it is the cynical promotion of opioids to profit from addiction or bonus checks paid to CEOs from public bailout money or bank scams or gouging people on the price of toilet paper, hand sanitizer or surgical masks, it all adds up to our most dangerous cancer: GREED.
And if we’re not careful, it will be the death of us all.
Ron S. & Stryder Lee