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The Slash coleman Option

After today’s show, Guest Slash Coleman offered to run one event a month and dedicate the proceeds to WRWK – Community Radio. I was and am in love with the idea and told him I’d name it after him.

If you want to do the same thing or anything similar please drop me a line and I will help you do the same thing.

In the meantime just go to the nearest donation button.

Handy Donation Button

We run on donations as a low power fm station. All the labor is free, all we need is few bucks every month to pay for rent and internet.

If you have ever enjoyed a show or seen someone else elevated by our efforts you will realize that what we do is priceless but does require a few bucks from time to time.

the work web site upgrade!

Please look around the new and improved website and tell me what I need to add.

There are pages for each host, a new page for the program notes, and other updates.

I am also starting an archive of past shows and i’d like to get some conversations going on what we do now and what we can expand into. Sky is the limit. The local media is only trying to make money, we have much loftier goals. We want to bring you the better parts of your world so we can grow them and leave the crap to the dustbin.

If there are any news worthy stories that are not getting 3D coverage in the media, let us know.

Fake media only works with fake thinkers. we are more interested in issues that are missing vital parts to help thinking people make sense of them.

The two 42 inch fracked gas pipelines tearing through Virginia headed for ports on the coast claiming Eminent Domain rights to land for their greedy owners is good example. NPR, and the RTD treat them like nimby (not in my back yard) issues. I wouldn’t want that scam to steal anyone’s back yard. And then there’s fracking, Vice Cheney’s gift to the global trashing/warming. There are lots of issues that need more daylight big and small.

So let us know about issues you see that are not getting good coverage and we will do what we can to give them some more daylight.

Of course we prefer good news. The stuff that makes the world go round, when here are no creeps trying to corrupt it.

Send us all the good news about communities, neighborhoods working to create the kind of place you want to live.

That is how we can help build community.


Ron/programming wrwk lp fm

Friends of Buckingham Virginia have posted a video of the whole event,

It was a smashing success, the place was packed, estimates of roughly 1400 people . There was seating for 1200 and there were hundreds standing. Al Gore and Rev Barber rocked the place.

See for yourself: Friends of Buckingham:

This issue had legs, it is taking on wings now.

When the Governor says he wants to make amends, ask him to start with reversing his end run around democracy in Union Hill. He also needs to go public with his domination by fossil fuel and free the alternative energy community to replace it.

in 2019 racism is for unnatural gas

Rev. Dr. Barber is President of Repairers of the Breach and co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival., and Former Vice President Gore is the founder and chairman of The Climate Reality Project, a non-profit devoted to solving the climate crisis, are coming to Buckingham Tuesday February 19 to discuss the damage to the community and the environment posed by the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and the compressor station that would forever destroy the bucolic character of the historic freedman’s town of Union Hill. If you can’t be there, we’ll make sure you know what’s going on! Tune in at 93.9 FM or

Or stream us at WRWK LP FM


Since Mid December we have made a great deal of progress:

Raised our antenna and finished installing our new feed cable

Completed 4 live Simulcasts from locations around RVA including:

“If You Could See Me Now” event

Women’s March and 2019 (Kick butt) Kick off.

General Assembly IN SESSION Senate vote on the E.R.A.

Held our first on-air Fund raiser and netted $250

More on these exciting happenings coming soon…….

Join us to be present for the next event. It could be Yours!

News as it’s being made, that’s Life

2019 WRWK Kick-off!

The year is starting off with a bang and lots of crazy things to keep track of around the world and in our corner of it.

Richmond is close to the decision making machine and has a history of making history. From the colonization, to the civil war, Jim Crow, voting suppression, the Byrd Machine up the present day we see leadership going one way while public needs lead in another.

This can be the year when we begin to at least communicate about realities and push aside the shmooze .

As long as we all love our kids we are on the same page. The rest is just details. Nothing can divide us as much as that piece that connects us. That we do right by the kids and leave them something decent to care for and pass on in their time. It will involve some work.

So join the effort, listen, call in, offer to host a show on some topic of community life you care about, or just paypal us a few dollars each month so we can keep the conversation going now and into our future.


Democracy in the way? Pour some money on it. Money, it makes everything alright, Right?

Northam’s Interference with Air Board Membership Exposes Support for Fracked Gas Pipeline
Thursday, November 15, 2018

RICHMOND, VA — Today, Gov. Ralph Northam reportedly informed two members of the State Air Pollution Control Board that they would soon be replaced, along with two members of the State Water Control Board. The timing of this decision is extremely suspect due to the recent decision by the Air Board to continue deliberation over the air permit for the Buckingham Compressor Station for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline into December.

In response, Kate Addleson, Director of the Sierra Club Virginia Chapter, released the following statement:

“By disrupting a purposefully independent process, Gov. Northam has abandoned any semblance of impartiality in the construction of the dirty and dangerous Atlantic Coast Pipeline. Rather than keeping his promise to not interfere, Gov. Northam is abdicating his responsibility to protect Virginians from the threats it poses to the health of Virginia’s air, water, climate, and communities, and directly opposing the growing grassroots opposition to this fracked gas pipeline.

“The fact that our governor would replace two citizen members of an independent board before they are scheduled to decide on a crucial permit shows just how tight a grip Dominion has on our political system. If Gov. Northam wants to truly protect the people who elected him, he will reverse this decision immediately.”

Libertarian added back in to Debate Audio for US House 7th Seat

Libertarian voice re-incorporated into the debates between Brat vs Spanberger! (audio link below …See More)

Hear the Libertarian Joe Walton for Virginian (the third candidate in the US House of Representatives 7th District running to unseat incumbent Republican David Brat as well as Democrat Abigail Spanberger).

The Culpeper Chamber of Commerce hosted the only debate between Brat and Spanberger on October 15th, 2018 and did not invite the Libertarian to join the debate.

The *only* radio station in Virginia to live simulcast this debate was WRWK 93.9 The Work FM so the Libertarian recorded his responses as if he had been in on the debate with the same rules for length of time for comments.

So in the interests of having as informed a population as possible as the citizens go to the polls – WRWK added the Libertarian voice into the debate!
This is unique to WRWK … PLEASE share it around!

Libertarian voice re-incorporated into the debates between Brat vs Spanberger! (audio link below …See More)Hear the…

Posted by The Work FM on Monday, November 5, 2018

Direct Link to the audio:

And of course we hope you’ll donate to WRWK to enable us to keep simulcasting community events!
Please press the paypal button at:

Elections are so very boring, if you are looking for real, not invented, issues

If it weren’t for all the hate fear and suspicion this election would be boring
because we’ve seen it all before, and it’s not really what people care about: check out this excerpt from a few years back on the eve of the presidential election in 2012:
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….. It’s boring because it’s a huge amount of drama built around a very small conversation. In American politics today, so little can really happen…and conversely, so much can happen over so very little. When the Presidential “Debate Commission” — made up only of Democratic and Republican operatives — took the Presidential Debates out of the hands of the League of Women Voters several years ago, any chance of those debates actually covering a meaningful array of topics, much less a more meaningful array of candidates, went out the window.

I assume the mainstream journalists who’ll be moderating the debates will ask just the right small questions, towing the line of the corporate driven political messaging. I’m sure we’ll all just be sitting at the edge of our seats.

Politics is boring — yet ironically enough, real democracy is exciting. If democracy itself – the real impulses of the American people — actually inspired the political process, then I think we’d get some much more interesting answers because we’d be asking far more interesting questions. The candidates would be asked such things as:

“What is your feeling about the 23.1 percent child poverty rate in the United States — among 35 developed nations of the world, second only to Romania?”

“Why is it that, in the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., “if we give it to the poor we call it a handout, but if we give it to the rich we call it a subsidy?”

“How, if my child doesn’t get a decent education, can I expect that they’ll ever have a chance to attain true prosperity, much less a job at all, in a competitive global economy?”

“Why are we just talking about tax rates— rather than on how little money the average citizen is able to make period, and how little access they have to capital?”

“If college were free, wouldn’t it actually help the economy by producing a more educated work force?”

“Explain to me again why a fire in my house elicits a ‘We’re coming to help you!’ but cancer in my body elicits help only if I can pay for it?”

“How will we ever have peace in the world if we spend so much of our money on waging war and so comparatively little of it on waging peace?”

“What do you think about the fact that the United States has the highest incarceration rate of any nation in the world, or any nation in history?”

Or, “Given that our military defense expenditures, at $700 billion a year, are almost twice that spent by every other nation in the world combined, could it be argued that our defense budget has as much to do with feeding the military-industrial complex as it does with keeping America safe?”

Then the Presidential debates would be more than just the pabulum now being served up to the American people as meaningful political dialogue.

Until then, corporations will continue to define where the political parties can go, and the political parties will define where the debates can go. I hope that in the next chapter of American politics – the one that begins the day after this next election — the people of the United States will say where we want to go.

And democracy, with all its grit and genuine glory, will have a chance.