#metoo succeeds with Gov Cuomo resignation – Submit your famous womens quotes of history!

Gov. Cuomo has resigned! That’s a victory for #metoo.
And you … too … and how many women of history?

Please submit any great quotes of women of history that we may form a more comprehensive list of quotes for YOU TO VOICE!

Many women of history are now dead, having never been heard on the radio.

THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO SPEAK HER TRUTH AS YOURS IN YOUR VOICE and spread the word, literally, of the many, many women of history that we now can hear … via YOU!

Record your favorite quotes into your cell phone, upload the voice recording with the famous womans name, your name, city of residence and permission verbally for us to re-broadcast your voicing of their quote!

Send (upload) to INFO@TheWorkFM.org

For more information: See:

Is it News or is it Noise?

What is News, or Newsworthy? Follow us on a journey through media-land as we let facts emerge from a world of noise, some natural, due to competing interests and raised voices, and others created just to sow confusion and throw citizens “off the trail” of what is happening. Not knowing what is news and why it happens costs citizens their quality of life and and their kids the American Dream that was possible only a few generations ago.

One organization, Ad Fontes Media (https://www.adfontesmedia.com/), exists just to study news sources and track their biases; Left to Right, progressive to conservative, fast change to slow change, or more recently “Want to understand” to , “Don’t want to know” .

Not knowing is not an option. Stay tuned, there is more to come.

This is just an introduction…

WRWK Radio Festival Fundraiser!

WRWK FM 93.9 Fundraiser at Main Line Brewery
Saturday, July 10th from 1 to 4:30 PM
Suggested donation $10

There will be great three bands on the bill, Instant Karma (Beatles Tribute), Los10space (psychedelic), and The Hullabaloos (Sixties Songs). The music will be reflecting the Summer of Love spirit, come out to hear some of the best songs ever written.
The goal is to raise money for overhead and new equipment for WRWK FM 93.9, a low-power non-profit station located at 813 Grove Rd in Midlothian. The station produces local programming and talk shows, plus syndicated national talk shows. Visit theworkfm.org
For more info on the show, call Brooke Saunders at 804-236-6869
Main Line Brewery is located at 1603 Ownby Ln, Richmond, VA 23220. It is just off Hermitage Road by the tracks near Meadow and Broad Street, the phone number there is (804) 387-9670


Instant Karma Band


Main Line Brewing


april showers bring ……

Spring! Flowers, leaves, butterflies and bees, showers, mud, cleaning, income tax.
It’s a mixed bag of things you love and things you maybe don’t but they’ve got to be done.

2021 will be like that.

On one hand we have the very fact that we live on one of the few bodies in space that supports life as we know it, what luck!
On the other hand we have leaders who cannot see past the next election, let alone care whether they are fostering the destruction of life as we know it.
At theworkfm we may bring you news of people being short sighted,
But we will follow it with people caring and overcoming human vulnerabilities to solve problems.

Most media follow the formula of stirring up fear and anger to keep people’s attention because their real purpose is to sell ads and keep people coming back for more.

At theworkfm our work is to help, you so we get right to the point.
We deliver ideas to you that help you create a good life, narratives that keep life in focus and stories that remind us all that we can get it right, live a good life and include the kids, and others so they can too.
We don’t do commercial music since other stations are already doing it very well.
We don’t do sports since our sport or game is improving the fit between humans and life on the planet.

We tell your story, or your friends story, or you’re just happy to hear is possible, somewhere.

We are all on the same human journey.
If we are missing your story join us so you can tell it.
And don’t forget that we have bills to pay so send us something when you can. In the past folks have donated campers, cell phones, computers, furniture, water, food and dollars.

But your time is what we really want. whether you are listening, or hosting a show gathering news, or bringing water for the crew, volunteering at an event or working on a committee you are part of our community and we are Community Radio.

Please join us, and help us keep the The Dominion free from distraction, duplicity and domination.

Ron/Producer theworkfm 93.9 Midlothian, Virginia


Listen to Reverend Billy Radio every Sunday at 1pm exclusively on WRWK. Billy is the pastor of “The Church of Stop Shopping” in New York City. Although his church has tens of thousands of members, Billy is “a preacher with an unknown god”. He is not Christian, but wears a priest’s collar and televangelist’s hair. His followers shout “Earthalujah!” and “Change-a-lujah!” on the sidewalks. He started the show while locked down in NY, with death raining down on the skyscrapers. He likes to stop preaching suddenly and play music. In his show, “The Fiery Eagles of Justice”, a jazz trio that is hard to fathom, and “The Stop Shopping Choir” a 35 voice chorus of trespassing activists – help the reverend slide into his next sermonette. Proud part of Pantheon – the podcast network for music lovers.


What’s in a name? What do we mean by “work” in TheWorkFM? Work is any activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a specific purpose or result.  More specifically, in theology it means good or moral deeds; in the military it means a defensive structure; in civil engineering it means maintaining and enhancing our infrastructure. Work is what you do so you can build what best serves you.

At TheWorkFM, our work is to help build an informed community, one that examines public issues from multiple perspectives so it can grow into a community that works for everyone. This takes work. There’s that word again! Our bias is toward positive progress and the ideas and institutions that promote a healthy, functional community.

If you are depending on an apocalypse to clean things up or to excuse you from your share of the work, we cannot help you. We are ethical, social members of the community not beholden to monied special interests or quarterly profit. We are an independent media outlet and we promote affirmative inquiry through civility and critical thinking.

TheWorkFM is a work in progress. We are only beginning to tap into our strength, but we have already helped to make positive changes in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the waterways we fish in and the oceans that encircle the globe. There’s a message in that. Our efforts have had an impact and even small, consistent contributions can make a difference in our community.

As Saint Paul an early Christian ethicist said: When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. At TheWorkFm We believe that humans have come of age. Now it’s time to put away our childish things and own our power. It starts with individuals, in community groups, living as engaged citizens doing the work and supporting the work. We are taking the long view and we welcome your participation and support. Help us to strengthen our community. It’s more fun than you might think!

For the People | By the People