Spring! Flowers, leaves, butterflies and bees, showers, mud, cleaning, income tax.
It’s a mixed bag of things you love and things you maybe don’t but they’ve got to be done.
2021 will be like that.
On one hand we have the very fact that we live on one of the few bodies in space that supports life as we know it, what luck!
On the other hand we have leaders who cannot see past the next election, let alone care whether they are fostering the destruction of life as we know it.
At theworkfm we may bring you news of people being short sighted,
But we will follow it with people caring and overcoming human vulnerabilities to solve problems.
Most media follow the formula of stirring up fear and anger to keep people’s attention because their real purpose is to sell ads and keep people coming back for more.
At theworkfm our work is to help, you so we get right to the point.
We deliver ideas to you that help you create a good life, narratives that keep life in focus and stories that remind us all that we can get it right, live a good life and include the kids, and others so they can too.
We don’t do commercial music since other stations are already doing it very well.
We don’t do sports since our sport or game is improving the fit between humans and life on the planet.
We tell your story, or your friends story, or you’re just happy to hear is possible, somewhere.
We are all on the same human journey.
If we are missing your story join us so you can tell it.
And don’t forget that we have bills to pay so send us something when you can. In the past folks have donated campers, cell phones, computers, furniture, water, food and dollars.
But your time is what we really want. whether you are listening, or hosting a show gathering news, or bringing water for the crew, volunteering at an event or working on a committee you are part of our community and we are Community Radio.
Please join us, and help us keep the The Dominion free from distraction, duplicity and domination.
Ron/Producer theworkfm 93.9 Midlothian, Virginia