Last night WRWK completed our first 2 hour live on site broadcast last night from the Neighborhood Resource Center in Fulton Hill of the Henricopolis Soil and Water Conservation District Board Forum .
It was Moderated by our own Stephanie Clark and Produced by David Melton, with station engineering by Ron Skinner.
it was refreshing to hear the competing candidates, 7 candidates for 5 slots, speak about their concerns and solutions for keeping the Soil and Water healthy with no trace of partisanship, just facts and science steering actions for positive outcomes for Water and Soil.
This is the stuff of democracy! This is how positive change happens, no bickering, just agreed upon concerns. Facts, science, tested ideas and leading to community solutions.
Oh and here is a survey to see how we are doing and what we could do to improve your community or meeting: WRWK Survey.
Yes we could come to your next community meeting and provide access for those who cannot get there.
Thanks for reading.