

Here at TheWorkFM, we think that once you listen to our unique mix of relevant and thought-provoking programs, engaged local shows and live coverage of local events you will want to donate to help support this grassroots, local, community radio station. A station where YOU can get involved by listening, donation, volunteering & promotion.



We designed this webstream to be as accessible as possible because no-one wants to “suffer the buffer” of a signal that has such a fat presence that it doesn’t fit through the door you have via your cell phone’s access to the cell phone tower. And if you have great bandwidth, great! It’ll sound great both ways!

DONATIONS are vital in this crucial election … this is the first attempt to specifically build a community radio station in a SWING VOTE DISTRICT.

Chesterfield County voted for a different person for Governor for the first time SINCE 1961!

And this in VIRGINIA … where ONE VOTE DRAWN FROM A BOWL selected which party would be in control of the committee assignments for the entire state legislature (the “General Assembly”) !!


So please VOTE … and be a part of Radio of, by and FOR THE PEOPLE.