TheWorkfm september fundraiser!

We had a very successful fundraiser on the 26th, last Saturday.

About 75 people showed up to check out the 5 Bands and the last band played till nearly 12:00.

The bands ran the gamut from South American Latin Folk to a band that featured covers from the Pink Floyd.

Wrwk at Rick's for 5 bands!!! Seranata just wrapped. Next up

Posted by The Work FM on Saturday, September 26, 2020

All bands were local and most bands were interiewed after their set to learn their connection to the community and to Rick’s Rock Cafe and WRWK-theworkfm community Radio.

Posted by The Work FM on Saturday, September 26, 2020

Covid19 has reshaped our social habits but it was good to see this much community was still possible with social distancing and masks of course.

The Work FM parties hard at Rick's Rock Cafe. We are interviewing some guests right now.

Posted by The Work FM on Saturday, September 26, 2020

We raised just shy of $300, made lots of friends and met the bands we will no doubt be working with for some time to come.

WRWK 93.9 The Work FM live from Rick's Rock Cafe: Blue River Boys

Posted by The Work FM on Saturday, September 26, 2020

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