Here at TheWorkFM, we think that once you listen to our unique mix of relevant and thought-provoking programs, engaged local shows and live coverage of local events you will want to donate to help support this grassroots, local, community radio station. A station where YOU can get involved by listening, donation, volunteering & promotion.



We designed this webstream to be as accessible as possible because no-one wants to “suffer the buffer” of a signal that has such a fat presence that it doesn’t fit through the door you have via your cell phone’s access to the cell phone tower. And if you have great bandwidth, great! It’ll sound great both ways!

DONATIONS are vital in this crucial election … this is the first attempt to specifically build a community radio station in a SWING VOTE DISTRICT.

Chesterfield County voted for a different person for Governor for the first time SINCE 1961!

And this in VIRGINIA … where ONE VOTE DRAWN FROM A BOWL selected which party would be in control of the committee assignments for the entire state legislature (the “General Assembly”) !!


So please VOTE … and be a part of Radio of, by and FOR THE PEOPLE.

WRWK 93.9 relies on listeners’ support to keep it on air

WRWK LP FM is an all-volunteer, non-commercial community radio station that relies on listeners’ support to keep it on the air.  We are totally dependent on contributions in time, equipment and/or money in check form or via PayPal.

LISTEN to our live stream at  WRWK LP FM and when we have a live broadcast, listeners can call the station at 804-464-1089 to join the discussion.
You can also post your comments or questions about programs that engage your interest in our Listener FEEDBACK Blog on this site.
Or you can email questions or feedback to
We video stream live programs on Facebook where listeners can also join the conversation and post feedback at
If you listen for a few days you’ll note that TheWorkFM features a wide array of programs about news, politics, science, history, activism, working families, environmental health, gardening, economics, spirituality, sexuality, human health and even the chemistry of coffee, the history of chickens and the psychology of horses! (try to find that kind of diversity on another station)

We are kicking off a fundraiser for WRWK today, we wanted to wait for our “sister station” WRIR to finish theirs, which they did  over target and days early.

WRIR reaches up north of Richmond several miles but it doesn’t make it to WRWK studios to the south.  We fill in that gap in the southern part of RVA with similar news and talk.

And like WRIR we are totally volunteer run and donation supported.  Hence this fundraiser.

Check out the site, the menu is on the left and you can trace our history up to today from the show hosts to the literature professor who puts together a new 6 hour loop each day that runs when there are no live shows or events to broadcast. He also puts a full index of all shows in the loop and how to contact them and their producers.

And the best part?  It’s all yours; it’s Chesterfield’s locally owned and operated community radio station.


Community Radio – Pre-election

This is a great time to be doing community radio.

In the chaos of our current media storm, there is plenty of confusing information out there, lots of need for clarity, fresh ideas, specific details and a context that adds sense, value, and a path to action for community members.

What do you think of today’s news?

What do you think about our content?

Please let us know.




Hello world!

This is the intro to Progressive-Non-Partisan Radio shows.

Check on the following pages for current shows, shows in planning, community activity, building, healing and blogs on topics suggested by our community that may lead to shows or the general discussions that make shows and communities  more fun.

Please add your voice to the conversation and help RVA develop it’s voice.



For the People | By the People