If you want a good garden you use good soil and tend it and protect it and remove the parasites and worms and critters. if you grow yogurt , or make beer, you carefully manage the ingredients and the temperature, avoid contamination and know that you will have grateful consumers when it is done right.
At WRWK we work to create a medium that adds to the world, helps us deal with things, improve our game, make things work better.
We assume nothing except that we will have to do almost the same thing tomorrow with different issues and maybe different people, that the journey is never ending but the journey is the point.
Imagine if you had a chance to create the media, the soil, that society needs to grow straight and strong and find answers and to create a world that works better. The media is that mixture of ingredients that people make their lives out of and our mission is to provide the media, the stories and ideas and courage that feed them.
I’m not saying that we are as clever as yeast is in turning good ingredients into edibles but if you can enjoy a good brew or some good yogurt, why should you settle for sour news and lumpy leaders when you know that some folks out there are making it right.
At WRWK we add to the good stuff. Join us in brewing up a better world.
Life is short, we should be enjoying it more.