6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Wednesday May 31, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: One pastor’s mission to prepare his community for climate change
PATIENTS COME FIRST: Dr. Brian Weinshenker, Neurologist (00:17:02)
This episode of VHHA’s Patients Come First Podcast features an interview with Dr. Brian Weinshenker, a neurologist with UVA Health, for a conversation about his career, including his role in advancing care for multiple sclerosis patients, his induction into the 2023 class of the Giants of Multiple Sclerosis, and more. Send questions, comments, feedback, or guest suggestions to or contact us on Twitter or Instagram using the #PatientsComeFirst hashtag.
ALAN WATTS: Understanding The Synchronicity Of The Universe (00:12:37)
Alan Watts. Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was a British philosopher, writer, and speaker, best known as an interpreter and populariser of Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. Born in Chislehurst, England, he moved to the United States in 1938 and began Zen training in New York.
THIS WAY OUT #1834: Outrageous – The Queer History of Australian TV (Pt. 2) + global LGBTQ news! (00:28:59)
How Aussie audiences embraced TVs first queers; Estonia’s government proposes marriage equality, Namibia’s highest court approves foreign-wed queer bi-national couples, married lesbian and gay Taiwan couples gain full adoption rights, Chinas government shuts down the Beijing LGBT Center, Florida’s anti-LGBTQ campaign drags on, Nebraska and Texas Republicans batter trans youth, Missouris A.G. withdraws his absurd ban on all trans healthcare, and West Hollywood honors “This Way Out”! Those stories and more this week when you discover “This Way Out”: the world’s audio oasis for queer news and culture.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Can Little Ukraine Teach Big America How to Deal with Our Oligarch Problem? (00:58:00)
In 2021 the Zelenskyy declared a campaign to de-oligarchize his nation, having diagnosed Ukraine’s political & economic crises as tracing back to the corruption by the morbidly rich.
Debt Ceiling: Did anyone win? Also Good News! Clean energy is winning! Geeky Science! Can a simple houseplant see you from cancer?
CIVIC CIPHER: Racial Profiling Happens to Us Too / Who Gets to Decide Who Lives or Dies? (00:59:00)
In the first half of the show, Ramses tells a story of a recent profiling incident that put him at odds with a police officer in a neighborhood into which he is planning to move. He tells of how police will often exaggerate, change their story, or sometimes outright lie in order to justify their prejudice and profiling under the name of keeping the peace. In the second half of the show, we ask Who gets to decide who lives or dies? We cite recent examples of people who were needlessly killed because they made the (White) people in the story feel afraid. The problem is further illuminated when we show how these killers are often celebrated as heroes for protecting everyone against the (Black) threat.
LITERATURE ALOUD: The Iron Heel by Jack London Chapter 21 – 22 (00:35:42)
Published in 1908, this is a novel about a socialist revolution that was crushed for centuries by an oligarchy of wealth before ultimately reviving and building a more just and compassionate world. Portrayed as an illicit revolutionary journal written by Avis Everhard, London chooses a woman to narrate the great need for social justice, the progress of the revolution, its rationale and her sometimes starry-eyed love for the main character Ernest Everhard. Written after London was jailed for participating in a jobs march, this short and action-packed novel is London’s most detailed outline of his socialist views and the logic of a socialist revolution. Part political novel, part dystopian fiction, part speculative fiction, The Iron Heel also includes historically factual footnotes making it a unique textual hybrid.
CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS: Where Research Begins, with Tom Mullaney (00:28:00)
Where does research begin? Tom Mullaney and Christoper Rae say it starts *way* before we think it does.
Their book, Where Research Begins: Choosing a Research Project That Matters to You (and the World) is a remarkable book — a workbook, really. They provide a curiosity-informed, generative process for finding and really understanding the questions underlying anything you might want to learn more about. They thought they were writing for an academic audience, but I think these are great life strategies for all of us. A read both rigorous and delightful – I recommend it! “If you can stay in that place…the questions you come out with at the end are orders of magnitude better than if you just skip the introspective part and start writing a paper.” ~ Tom Mullaney
DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 5/31/23 (00:56:17)
On the Show: Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis gives a 2024 campaign speech in Iowa so deranged, it challenges Trump’s absurd speeches. Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis wants to make America more like Florida, but this would actually be a disaster. Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has gained 15% in Republican primary polling since his announcement, while Trump has lost 5%. Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis promises to “destroy leftism” if he is elected President. Failed former President Donald Trump announces that he will violate the Constitution by ending birthright citizenship on day one of his presidency, if he is elected. Donald Trump turns on his own former Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany in a deranged, unhinged Truth Social rant. President Joe Biden’s sexual assault accuser, Tara Reade, has defected to Russia. Suddenly, right wingers call for a boycott of Chick-Fil-A over its diversity and inclusion stance. Voicemail caller makes no sense in attacking David over his position against tipping culture.
TUESDAY 05.30.23 PROGRAM Notes
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Tuesday May 30, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Boston-area man finds his calling in the weatherization industry
ENCOURAGEMENTOLOGY: Finding Common Ground, Seeking to Understand (00:30:02)
On this show we’re going to seek to understand; putting aside our biases, limiting beliefs, and exploring our experiences to find common ground. Initial judgment is tough to overcome since part of it is built in for protection. What happens next is really up to you. How willing are you to open your mind and heart and explore a person to find common ground? Is it easier for you to live behind your protective wall of preconceived assumptions? Sometimes it is but it won’t serve you in the long run. Oh, the joy you are missing out on not to mention, the learning, expansion of ideas, and the adoption of new and exciting concepts. Don’t worry, there is time to turn it around and re-commit to re-examining your parameters. Let’s find out where those thoughts come from as we seek to understand.
MAKING CONTACT: Queens Memory Podcast- Seeing Signs (00:29:00)
This episode is from the Queens Memory Podcast, a project archiving stories from Queens, New York. Little Manila is a Filipino enclave dating back to the 1970s, but it still struggles to find its political footing. And we hear from Filipino care workers about their experiences battling COVID.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Trump’s Blood Money (00:58:00)
Are Trump’s Connections To Saudi Murderers WORSE Than His Ties To Russia? In a time when Donald Trump is finally facing SOME consequences… Why isn’t his connection to the murderers of Jamal Khashoggi being investigated? Also, Kiev based Veteran War Reporter Phil Ittner joins Thom Hartmann to discuss the ongoing war of technology in Ukraine.
THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: Solar Power (00:58:00)
This week on The Children’s Hour we learn about the most inexpensive energy source in the world: solar power. In a show recorded live at the New Mexico Solar Energy Association’s Solar Fiesta, the kids talk with solar educator and engineer, Marlene Brown. Find out how solar cells work, why we need transmission lines, and how everyone can benefit from the warming power of the sun without any wires or fancy equipment. Featuring interactive live music with Eileen and the In-Betweens, our Kids Crew, and much more. Learn about solar energy with us!
Find a free Learn-Along Guide to accompany this episode at
LITERATURE ALOUD: The Iron Heel by Jack London Chapter 19 – 20 (00:31:37)
Published in 1908, this is a novel about a socialist revolution that was crushed for centuries by an oligarchy of wealth before ultimately reviving and building a more just and compassionate world. Portrayed as an illicit revolutionary journal written by Avis Everhard, London chooses a woman to narrate the great need for social justice, the progress of the revolution, its rationale and her sometimes starry-eyed love for the main character Ernest Everhard. Written after London was jailed for participating in a jobs march, this short and action-packed novel is London’s most detailed outline of his socialist views and the logic of a socialist revolution. Part political novel, part dystopian fiction, part speculative fiction, The Iron Heel also includes historically factual footnotes making it a unique textual hybrid.
Can Chinese Diplomacy Help End the Ukraine War? DOJ Ignores Trump Scheme to Steal 2020 Election Software; 23 More Stop Cop City Activists Charged with Domestic Terrorism.
DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 5/30/23 (00:00:00)
(notes posted when available)
MONDAY 05.29.23 PROGRAM Notes
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Monday May 29, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: New way to test for contaminated water takes hours
So you want to change the world. We know the political and social structures that helped make that possible in the past are deaf and/or broken. So how can you begin to create effective change from where you are… with the resources you have available? Join Jay and Annie Warmke of Blue Rock Station for a discussion on how not to feel helpless and hopeless in a world that often feels overwhelming and dysfunctional.
ECONOMIC UPDATE: The “Great Debate” That Wasn’t (00:29:00)
Throughout capitalism’s history, the big topic in economics was how far the government should intervene in the economy. Conservatives wanted minimum intervention while liberals and socialists wanted much more. In fact, government intervention mostly aimed at saving, protecting, supporting capitalism. The genuinely “great debate” could and should have been about the strengths and weaknesses of capitalism versus those of a real alternative system, socialism.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Police Reform That Actually Works? (00:58:00)
Special training? Increased funding? We need more than idealist solutions to stop brutal murders committed by police according to Keith Ellison, Attorney General of Minnesota. Author of the new book Break the Wheel: Ending the Cycle of Police Violence What will end police violence? AG Ellison has solutions that could actually WORK.
RADIO ART HOUR: Sarah Sweeney (00:58:00)
Sarah Sweeneys father died when he was forty-four and she was seventeen. When Sweeney, who teaches at Skidmore College, turned forty-four, she wanted to talk to him again. She contacted Resemble AI, a company that creates clones of voices using machine learning, and they worked together to create an AI model of her father’s voice. When this model was completed, Sweeney was able to type and speak words into the interface and hear him speak. Conversations with My Deepfake Dad is a series of six conversations created through Sweeneys interactions with this audio deepfake of her father, the first of which is broadcast here, followed by a conversation between Sweeney and WGXC’s Tom Roe about the work.
LITERATURE ALOUD: The Iron Heel by Jack London Chapter 17 – 18 (00:34:41)
Published in 1908, this is a novel about a socialist revolution that was crushed for centuries by an oligarchy of wealth before ultimately reviving and building a more just and compassionate world. Portrayed as an illicit revolutionary journal written by Avis Everhard, London chooses a woman to narrate the great need for social justice, the progress of the revolution, its rationale and her sometimes starry-eyed love for the main character Ernest Everhard. Written after London was jailed for participating in a jobs march, this short and action-packed novel is London’s most detailed outline of his socialist views and the logic of a socialist revolution. Part political novel, part dystopian fiction, part speculative fiction, The Iron Heel also includes historically factual footnotes making it a unique textual hybrid.
GREEN STREET NEWS: The PFAS Problem with Dr. Arlene Blum (00:28:19)
This week Patti and Doug discuss the health impact of heat waves, how cleaning products are increasing anti-bacterial resistance, and why recycling plastic may be making things worse. Then Dr. Arlene Blum of the Green Science Policy Institute explains how and why the class of chemicals called PFAS is polluting our bodies and the world, probably forever.
SOCIAL SOLUTIONS SERIES: Thomas Mundy Interview (00:58:07)
Thomas Mundy discusses a social support group for felons looking to reintegrate into society positively and productively.
(no link available)
SUNDAY 05.28.23 PROGRAM Notes
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
THE BRADCAST 5/19/23: Election security expert Susan Greenhalgh on multi-state GOP conspiracy to breach voting systems began in Trump’s Oval Office (00:58:09)
Encore: Original airdate 4-24-2023. On today’s ‘BradCast’: The multi-state criminal plot by MAGA conspiracists to breach voting system software after the 2020 election actually began in Trump’s Oval Office and may have been overseen by Trump himself. The blockbuster new revelations add to our previous reporting regarding the unlawful, criminal breaches of sensitive voting and tabulation software by MAGA rightwingers following the 2020 election in right-leaning Coffee County, Georgia. SUSAN GREENHALGH of Free Speech for People explains her discovery that the plot to breach voting systems in several states was hatched during an infamous Oval Office meeting in December 2020, presided over by Donald Trump. Greenhalgh also explains new reporting on recently uncovered text messages of two MAGA conspiracists discussing whether to use the information from the breached systems to prevent certification the victory of Democratic Sen. Jon Ossoff, or ‘hold it for a bigger moment.’ Yet to date there is no evidence that either the FBI or the Justice Department are investigating the multi-state conspiracy. Greenhalgh discusses how the stolen software can be used to attack upcoming elections, both directly and indirectly, why federal investigations are needed into the security breach and Georgia officials’ lackadaisical response, and critical actions to secure elections going forward.
EARTH RIOT RADIO: Oh Mother Earth Invites us to the Revolution (00:29:00)
This week’s show will take you into extinction like the dinosaurs – turn into birds and fly away! Savitri D, John Trudell, Leila Adu, Francisca Benitez, Jason Candler & The Stop Shopping Choir help us mutate right out of this Apocalypse. Fossil fuel power has taken over much of the known world. And the toxins are killing us. The Earth is the activist that teaches us. She knows what she is doing. The prophecy shared widely among the teachers of Earth culture has it that we will survive if we help the Earth prepare for the changes now accelerating all around us. But how do we join up?
TURN ON THE NEWS: (00:28:00)
“Turn On The News” is the weekly newscast from the fictional Radio Network, with parody radio coverage of the radio and its headlines. Now with computerized news readers, and fewer meddling reporters, plus aggregated reporting, and automated music. Tune in “Turn On The News” each week for the latest news, radio art, and more from our robot reporters, making sure you hear both sides — good and evil — every time you “Turn On The News.”
Best of ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 5/27/23 (00:59:00)
Segment One
We begin with Max Greenwood, reporter for The Hill. Our discussion centers on Florida and the upcoming election cycle, and how DeSantis has raised a large sum of money already (8.4M). More newcomers are registering as Republicans than Democrats. The state is very restrictive in its voting processes.
Segment Two
We then speak with Shoshana Inwood and Florence Becot, researchers in Ohio who wrote on the problems faced by farmers in the US. Child care is needed, and it is almost inaccessible for farmers, because of distance from child care centers, and simple unavailability, Health care for families is also in short supply in farming communities. This affects the farmers, who cannot manage the farms with no support. The farm bill is currently being considered (5-year cycle), and these factors should be included.
BACKGROUND BRIEFING with IAN MASTERS May 25, 2023 (00:59:00)
The Meltdown of DeSantis’s Big Announcement on Elon Musk’s Troubled $44 Billion Platform | A Chief Justice Out of Touch With Reality and a Call For Justice Thomas to Resign | Time to Deal With the One State Reality of Israel.
MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR: A Wild Freewheeling Conversation with Writer, Poet & Writing Professor Michael Klein pt.2 (00:58:59)
This is the second half of a broad freewheeling conversation with writer, poet and writing professor Michael Klein about growing up in NYC with stories of his life and encounters with remarkable people along the way. We even get into politics.
DEEP DIVE CYBERSECURITY SHOW: DeepFakes are Challenging our Perception of Reality (00:58:41)
In an era of DeepFakes and disinformation, the “Liar’s Dividend” threatens to erode the public’s ability to discern truth from fiction, making it crucial for society to implement detection technologies. We explore this plus catch up on the latest tech and privacy new and more!
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
THE BRADCAST 5/25/23: Bad Days in Court for Rightwing Extremist Yutzes; Biden, GOP and the Debt Ceiling (00:58:00)
On today’s ‘BradCast’: The corrupted, far-right, activist extremists on the U.S. Supreme Court gutted the EPA’s authority to regulate wetlands under the Clean Water Act. Justice Sam Alito’s majority ruling once again legislated from the bench, while Justice Brett Kavanaugh accused the majority of rewriting federal law and undermining Congress’ original intent. Stewart Rhodes, the far-right leader of the Oath Keepers extremist group, was sentenced to 18 years in prison for his role in organizing the terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. The January 6 rioter who put his feet up on then-Speaker Pelosi’s desk was sentenced to 4.5 years in jail. Arizona court rejected the latest bogus lawsuit from election denier and rightwing extremist yutz Kari Lake. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his GOP House rightwing extremist yutzes continue to hold the global economy hostage to extort massive budget cuts in exchange for raising the dumb debt ceiling. MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell proposed a sort of ‘grand unification theory’ – – an educated guess that might explain why President Biden hasn’t yet taken advantage of multiple options to shut down the GOP’s dangerous nonsense, and how he can potentially avoid two upcoming fiscal cliffs. Plus Desi Doyen has our latest ‘Green News Report.’
KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: The High Price of American Exceptionalism on the Earth (00:59:40)
Politicians of both parties buy into American Exceptionalism. But what does it mean to the planet? On this show professor Aviva Chomsky sheds light on the aspects of exceptionalism we dont want to see. Instead of a good life just for the top few percent, if we decide to do it, we can have a good life for all within global boundaries. It can be done.
ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 5/26/23 (00:58:00)
The lines that got Amanda Gorman banned in a school in Florida…They are the lines that I think best describe the meaning of Memorial Day we remember the past and rededicate ourselves to a more just, fair, equitable nation with a keen sense of generational ethics….those that died in service to our country did not give up their lives for the moment but to see that we fulfill the promise that all men are created equal.
We’ve braved the belly of the beast.
We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace,
And the norms and notions of what “just is”
Isn’t always justice.
And yet the dawn is ours before we knew it.
Somehow, we do it.
Somehow, we’ve weathered and witnessed
A nation that isn’t broken, but simply
rethink the week
GROWING GREENER: More about Mulch (00:29:00)
Will a volcano mulch around the bases of their trunks kill your trees? And is a mulch made of ground-up shipping pallets really beneficial for your plants? You may be surprised by the science-based insights about common organic mulches that Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott of Washington State University shares in the most recent Growing Greener.
TUC RADIO: Daniel Ellsberg: The Doomsday Machine – Secret Launch Plans for US Nuclear Weapons (00:28:59)
In 1971, the young defense analyst Daniel Ellsberg had taken on the Nixon administration, risking his career and freedom to leak the Pentagon Papers. He showed the world that the U.S. government had lied repeatedly about beginning and winning the war on Vietnam. Now, over 40 years later, Ellsberg is sharing the research from his most ambitious project yet, The Doomsday Machine ” a stunning inside’s tale of the American nuclear procedures. Ellsberg was a nuclear war planner during the 1950s and ’60s. In The Doomsday Machine Ellsberg offers an expose about “the nuclear war planners, of which I was one, who have written plans to kill billions of people,” calling it “a conspiracy to commit omnicide, the death of everyone.” Ellsberg asks us, “Can humanity survive the nuclear era? We don’t know. I choose to act as if we have a chance.” For decades he has put himself on the line to oppose those plans: writing, speaking, standing up, and sitting-in against the threat of nuclear annihilation. Ellsberg has been hauled off to jail for civil disobedience against war over 80 times. On Dec 13, 2017, Daniel Ellsberg was on stage at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco. He had an engaging conversation with the Clubs President, Dr. Gloria Duffy. She and Ellsberg share a similar background. She worked as a resident consultant at the Rand Corporation in Santa Monica, where Ellsberg had been 6 years earlier. She then was Communications Director at the Arms Control Association in Washington, D.C.. This broadcast is part of a celebration of the work and life of Daniel Ellsberg. He recently disclosed that he has pancreatic cancer and has only three to six months to live. He remains active in his anti-nuclear work and wrote that his editor knows that he works better under a deadline. And Ellsberg adds Quote: It turns out that I also live better under a deadline!
THE BOPST SHOW: The Drug of a Nation (00:54:57)
The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s show, you’ll hear modern African grooves from the Republic of Burkina Faso by Baba Commandant and the Mandingo Band, 70s space-age disco by the Doctor Exx Band, seminal hip hop by The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy as well as new music by Galen & Paul, the William Loveday Intention and many others outside mainstream consciousness.
RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR #481 (00:58:00)
Ralph welcomes Pulitzer Prize winning reporter, Gretchen Morgenson, co-author of These Are the Plunderers: How Private Equity Runs ” And Wrecks ” America, where they name names in this heads we win, tails you lose system of predatory capitalism.
FRIDAY 05.26.23 PROGRAM Notes
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon (scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Friday May 26, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Fossil fuel industry donates hundreds of millions to university climate and energy research
JUST SOLUTIONS: The Appeal (00:27:56)
How broken is our criminal justice system? We explore what criminal justice reform should look like. After many calls for police reform in the summer of 2020, we dive into the effectiveness of alternative policing programs. From race disparities to monetization, we cover it all with The Appeal’s Jerry Ianelli.
COUNTERSPIN: Hollywood writers’ strike (00:28:00)
Eric Thurm discusses the Hollywood writers’ strike
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Institutionalizing Discrimination (00:58:00)
From LPGBTQ persecution to rampant racism, why does the G.O.P. aggressively pursue a pro-prejudice agenda? What can and must we do about this? Also, Thom reads from ‘Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America’ by Michael Eric Dyson.
SEA CHANGE RADIO: Wood Pellets: The New Coal (00:29:00)
Back in the 16th century, when England began to run out of trees, it started burning coal. And by 1700, most Brits were using coal as their main source of fuel. But then coal became scarce. To come full circle, today England is burning large amounts of wood again ” much of it in the form of wood pellets from the US. Wood has somehow been designated as a renewable energy source since the Kyoto Protocol in 1992 and the repercussions have been devastating. This week on Sea Change Radio, we speak to journalist Justin Catanoso, a journalism professor at Wake Forest University, about the dangers of this latest transition to a fuel source which is leading to deforestation and pollution. We learn about the wood pellet industry, manufacturing giant Enviva, and the wide-ranging problems caused by burning trees.
LAURA FLANDERS SHOW: Jumaane Williams & Hell Gate on Rikers: Why is it So Hard to Close a Jail? (00:28:00)
The notorious Rikers, a 10-jail complex situated on an island in the East River of New York City, has become a national symbol and a symptom of our current approach to crime. The jail has over 6,000 inmates ” the majority of whom are awaiting trial because they can’t afford bail ” living in unconstitutionally inhumane conditions, a federal court once ruled. In October 2019, the New York City Council passed, and then Mayor Bill de Blasio signed into law, a plan to permanently close Rikers and replace the jails with four borough facilities by August 2027. But the proposed closure has hit roadblocks ” from the left, from the right, from the prison guards union and from concerned residents who live near where new jails would be built. Although many support the Rikers closure, there is little agreement as to how and when ” or what should replace it. Why is it so difficult to make changes to our challenged carceral system? Joining Laura to discuss the local and national implications of this story are Journalist Nick Pinto, co-founder of Hell Gate, a worker-owned news outlet covering New York City, and New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, who helped pass the law to close the jail. Elected Public Advocate last fall, he is now the prime sponsor of legislation that would ban solitary confinement in city jails.
THE BOPST SHOW: The Drug of a Nation (00:54:57)
The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s show, you’ll hear modern African grooves from the Republic of Burkina Faso by Baba Commandant and the Mandingo Band, 70s space-age disco by the Doctor Exx Band, seminal hip hop by The Disposable Heroes of Hiphopcrisy as well as new music by Galen & Paul, the William Loveday Intention and many others outside mainstream consciousness.
ALAN WATTS: How to Enjoy Life (00:05:44)
Buddhist teacher Watts reflects on life. Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was a British writer and lecturer who interpreted and popularized Eastern philosophy and religion for a Western audience. Born in Chislehurst, England, he moved to the United States in 1938 and began Zen training in New York. Pursuing a career, he attended Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, where he received a master’s degree in theology. Watts became an Episcopal priest in 1945, then left the ministry in 1950 and moved to California, where he joined the faculty of the American Academy of Asian Studies. Watts gained a large following in the San Francisco Bay Area while working as a volunteer programmer at KPFA, a Pacifica Radio station in Berkeley. Watts wrote more than 25 books and articles on subjects important to Eastern and Western religion, introducing the then-burgeoning youth culture to The Way of Zen (1957), one of the first bestselling books on Buddhism. In Psychotherapy East and West (1961), Watts proposed that Buddhism could be thought of as a form of psychotherapy and not a religion. He considered Nature, Man, and Woman (1958) to be, “from a literary point of view—the best book I have ever written.” He also explored human consciousness and psychedelics in the essay “The New Alchemy” (1958) and in the book The Joyous Cosmology (1962).
DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 5/26/23 (00:59:09)
On the Show: Radical Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is potentially implicated in covering up child abuse perpetrated by her soon-to-be former husband, Jayson Boebert. Former Trump Vice President Mike Pence will get getting his own CNN town hall despite the fact that he is not at this time a presidential candidate. Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes sentenced to 18 years in prison for his involvement in the January 6th Trump MAGA riots. Caller asks whether Kari Lake is a true believer in voter fraud conspiracy theories. Caller gets closer and closer to being a progressive every time they call in. Caller asks if Elon Musk fans will vote for Ron DeSantis. Caller is a democratic socialist. Caller is also a socialist. The Friday Feedback segment.
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon (scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Thursday May, 25 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Baltimore residents get career training in urban forestry
RADIO ECOSHOCK: On Fire Again (00:58:00)
Early Spring wildfires cover parts of North America with smoke. Record temperatures roast the Pacific Northwest, again. India and Thailand went into their ninth straight week of unbearable heat, into the mid-40s Celsius, well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Thats how it was last week during this decade of climate shift. This week you will hear 3 of my best interviews on wildfires. But first I want to explain why I almost gave up.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: If a Billionaire can a Supreme Court Justice… (00:58:00)
This court is out of control, and if Durban, Schumer, and Biden don’t get together and do something about it now, there may not be another chance And, Matt Gaetz confirms to America that the US Economy is ‘Our Hostage’.
Plus – Thom reads from his book ‘Screwed: The Undeclared War on the Middle Class’.
KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: The Earth for Humanity: A How-To (00:59:32)
The 19th and 20th century systems of control of the earth have failed; there’s a connection between famines and empire. Especially in the face of climate change, we have a lot to learn from indigenous and peasant systems; the idea of the commons works for a sustainable future. On this show Professor Jo Guldi, whose new book is The Long Land War, explains little known UN efforts and how planning for land use can address the global threat.
LITERATURE ALOUD: The Iron Heel by Jack London Chapter 16 (00:19:38)
Published in 1908, this is a novel about a socialist revolution that was crushed for centuries by an oligarchy of wealth before ultimately reviving and building a more just and compassionate world. Portrayed as an illicit revolutionary journal written by Avis Everhard, London chooses a woman to narrate the great need for social justice, the progress of the revolution, its rationale and her sometimes starry-eyed love for the main character Ernest Everhard. Written after London was jailed for participating in a jobs march, this short and action-packed novel is London’s most detailed outline of his socialist views and the logic of a socialist revolution. Part political novel, part dystopian fiction, part speculative fiction, The Iron Heel also includes historically factual footnotes making it a unique textual hybrid.
WINGS #06-23 Homecare Worker Protest (00:28:57)
Audio from an April 2023 rally in New York City with homecare workers and their supporters protesting 24-hour shifts paid for only 13 hours, sometimes for days in a row. City Council (now majority women and minority) promised to end this abuse and didn’t. They are also getting screwed on a promised wage increase by the state. Speakers in various languages, with translation, include workers, organizers, feminists, former officials, and a tech worker with a similar problem.
DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 5/25/23 (00:59:09)
On the Show: David Auerbach, writer, technologist, and author of the book “Meganets: How Digital Forces Beyond Our Control Commandeer Our Daily Lives and Inner Realities,” joins David to discuss the problematic structure of online networks. Get the book: Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis launches his 2024 Republican presidential campaign on Twitter alongside Elon Musk, and it goes so horribly wrong from a technical standpoint that it immediately becomes a meme-worthy global humiliation. Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ campaign launch event was so bad, Donald Trump was able to brutally troll him. Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis enters a talking point coma during a Fox News interview with Trey Gowdy in the immediate aftermath of his presidential campaign announcement. Donald Trump is wildly triggered by Ron DeSantis’ campaign launch and publishes a wacky attack ad against DeSantis. Fox & Friends hosts make fun of Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announcing his presidential campaign on Twitter Spaces. Radical Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene becomes the latest attack dog for Donald Trump against Ron DeSantis. A desperate Nikki Haley, ignored by everyone, decides to go fully anti-transgender to try to get attention. Fox News propagandist Maria Bartiromo becomes the latest anchor to casually and quickly admit that their entire story about undocumented immigrants and hotel rooms was fake news.
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Wednesday May 24, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Museum tries to keep history above water in Portsmouth, New Hampshire
PATIENTS COME FIRST: Automated Breast Ultrasound Technology (00:13:26)
This episode of VHHA’s Patients Come First Podcast features an interview with Dr. Vijay Ramakrishnan, a radiologist at Clinch Valley Health, for a conversation about automated breast ultrasound technology, its diagnostic benefits for patients with dense breast tissue, and more.
TED TALK: I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. Here’s why I left Megan Phelps-Roper (00:15:17)
What’s it like to grow up within a group of people who exult in demonizing … everyone else? Megan Phelps-Roper shares details of life inside America’s most controversial church and describes how conversations on Twitter were key to her decision to leave it. In this extraordinary talk, she shares her personal experience of extreme polarization, along with some sharp ways we can learn to successfully engage across ideological lines. TED Talks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at
THIS WAY OUT #1834: Outrageous – The Queer History of Australian TV (Pt. 2) + global LGBTQ news! (00:28:59)
How Aussie audiences embraced TVs first queers; Estonias government proposes marriage equality, Namibias highest court approves foreign-wed queer bi-national couples, married lesbian and gay Taiwan couples gain full adoption rights, Chinas government shuts down the Beijing LGBT Center, Floridas anti-LGBTQ campaign drags on, Nebraska and Texas Republicans batter trans youth, Missouris A.G. withdraws his absurd ban on all trans healthcare, and West Hollywood honors “This Way Out”! Those stories and more this week when you discover “This Way Out”: the world’s audio oasis for queer news and culture.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Russia and Saudi Arabia’s Devious Plan to F**k the 2024 Election on Trumps Behalf? (00:58:00)
There is a solution and we need your help. Do it for the planet, for your children and grandchildren, and to prevent Putin and MBS from teaming up with the GOP again to screw Democrats in 2024
Debt ceiling talks: Biden Vs the GOP vision. Book banning in Florida continues on. Republicans are the groomers and they are grooming this country for hate and racism Speaking of hate…
Crazy Alert! Right-wing TV mocks NAACP travel advisory – Black people “don’t need more sunshine.”
CIVIC CIPHER: he Two Parties are Not the Same / What is the Right Wing Death Squad? / Where is Right-Wing Accountability? (00:59:00)
The two main political parties in this country are not the same. Recently we both had a conversation with a friend who suggested that he didnt need to concern himself with politics because both parties were exactly the same. In the first half of the show, we identify some of the rights policies, ideologies, and culture that led to the RWDS (Right Wing Death Squad) and has radicalized a group of far-right individuals to carry out mass shooting attacks. In the second half of the show, we discuss the lack of accountability on the right and how it affects the nature of politics in general as well as the ripple effect it has on our country as a whole.
LITERATURE ALOUD: The Iron Heel by Jack London Chapter 14 – 15 (00:27:28)
Published in 1908, this is a novel about a socialist revolution that was crushed for centuries by an oligarchy of wealth before ultimately reviving and building a more just and compassionate world. Portrayed as an illicit revolutionary journal written by Avis Everhard, London chooses a woman to narrate the great need for social justice, the progress of the revolution, its rationale and her sometimes starry-eyed love for the main character Ernest Everhard. Written after London was jailed for participating in a jobs march, this short and action-packed novel is London’s most detailed outline of his socialist views and the logic of a socialist revolution. Part political novel, part dystopian fiction, part speculative fiction, The Iron Heel also includes historically factual footnotes making it a unique textual hybrid.
CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS: The Art of Insubordination, with Todd Kashdan (00:28:00)
Psychologist Todd Kashdan wrote his book “The Art of Insubordination” to elevate the value of curiosity, intellectual humility, and courage in public discourse, and to teach people how to amplify their voices and help others do the same. Todd is intent on cultivating principled insubordination and pushing back against incuriosity.
I figured we should talk…
“What I’m suggesting is that we bring this unconscious questioning and curiosity into the conscious level, and actually think about what the rules are, who made them, why should I follow them, what costs am I willing to absorb to do what is ethical, to do what is worthy, to do what is healthy.” ~ Todd Kashdan
DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 5/24/23 (00:55:24)
On the Show: Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is launching his 2024 presidential campaign on Twitter, alongside Elon Musk. Failed Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake does Donald Trump’s dirty work and starts the character assassination of Ron DeSantis ahead of his campaign launch. Donald Trump explodes on Truth Social in reaction to Ron DeSantis’ 2024 campaign announcement. Republican Senator and 2024 presidential candidate Tim Scott brutally fails when asked how he will defeat Donald Trump. Right wing media starts alluding to Tim Scott possibly being gay as part of their attempt to help Donald Trump. Failed Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake begs for money after her final election challenge was turned away. Radical Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene says that she refused to “wear” the COVID vaccine. Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert claims that she only had a third child because birth control was expensive. Donald Trump’s criminal trial has been scheduled for March 2024, the middle of the 2024 election. Confused voicemail caller says there is no such thing as gay children or transgender children.
TUESDAY 05.23.23 PROGRAM Notes
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Tuesday May 23, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Racehorses may need more protection from heat illness in a warming climate
ENCOURAGEMENTOLOGY: Finding Common Ground, Seeking to Understand (00:30:02)
On this show, we’re going to seek to understand; putting aside our biases, limiting beliefs, and exploring our experiences to find common ground. Initial judgment is tough to overcome since part of it is built in for protection. What happens next is really up to you. How willing are you to open your mind and heart and explore a person to find common ground? Is it easier for you to live behind your protective wall of preconceived assumptions? Sometimes it is but it won’t serve you in the long run. Oh, the joy you are missing out on not to mention, the learning, expansion of ideas, and the adoption of new and exciting concepts. Don’t worry, there is time to turn it around and re-commit to re-examining your parameters. Let’s find out where those thoughts come from as we seek to understand.
COOL SOLUTIONS: Community Owned Solar (00:28:00)
Meet a retiree in rural OR and a group of millennials in WA who are spreading community owned solar projects across their states. Most community solar in the US benefits corporations more than communities, with a large percentage of the economic benefit extracted as profit. A retired scientist in Talent, OR organized the first participant owned community solar project in his state. A group of young people in Olympia WA figured out how to work around the state’s lack of virtual net metering and install community funded solar on non-profit and community buildings. Both groups are now working statewide on projects with partners including tribes, high schools, fire departments, county governments, and irrigation districts. Mason Rolph, Dan Orzech, and Ray Sanchez Pescador explain why we don’t have to wait for utilities, big investors, or politicians to expand solar access in our communities.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: America is at Maximum Crisis from being Poisoned for 50 years (00:58:00)
Our country has been poisoned, and if we don’t remove the poison and start using the antidote, America may soon be completely unrecognizable as a free nation: tag, you’re it! Also Florida: Will people move or vote them out? Is it time for Democrats to force Republican lawmakers to look at the pictures their policies have created? Dean Obeidallah – Is the GOP banning TikTok because young people are using it to defeat republicans? These guys really are committed to destroying the country so people will vote for Trump – Can they get more craven? Crazy Alert! Marjorie Taylor Greene boyfriend in drag – How long will that romance last?
THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: Community Science (00:58:00)
This time on The Children’s Hour we learn how everyone can contribute to active scientific research by participating in Community Science with groups like BEMP: the Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program. The Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program or BEMP, studies the riparian forest along the Rio Grande in New Mexico as it travels from Colorado’s Rocky Mountains, down to the Gulf of Mexico in El Paso, Texas. Students in BEMP work with the program as part of their school science curriculum, taking multiple field trips to the bosque to collect data, from counting insects, to measuring leaf litter. When the kids collect their data, they are participating in community science. In order for scientists to understand as much as possible about our climate, soil health, endangered species, weather, and so much more, they need to get as much information as possible. Members of every community are needed to collect certain kinds of data from wherever they may live. BEMP helps teachers make that effort part of a day at school. More than 100,000 New Mexican students have worked directly with BEMP, as of fall 2022. You can learn a lot more about Community Science in our Learn-Along Guide thats posted above. Press the button and your download will start. This guide meets and cites US National Education Standards, and will expand on what we explored today on the show.
LITERATURE ALOUD: The Iron Heel by Jack London Chapter 12 – 13 (00:38:39)
Published in 1908, this is a novel about a socialist revolution that was crushed for centuries by an oligarchy of wealth before ultimately reviving and building a more just and compassionate world. Portrayed as an illicit revolutionary journal written by Avis Everhard, London chooses a woman to narrate the great need for social justice, the progress of the revolution, its rationale and her sometimes starry-eyed love for the main character Ernest Everhard. Written after London was jailed for participating in a jobs march, this short and action-packed novel is London’s most detailed outline of his socialist views and the logic of a socialist revolution. Part political novel, part dystopian fiction, part speculative fiction, The Iron Heel also includes historically factual footnotes making it a unique textual hybrid.
ART, MUSIC AND THE BRAIN – Daniel Levitin (00:21:51)
Daniel Levitin, professor of neuroscience at McGill University, describes the way that learning a musical instrument alters and strengthens key areas of the brain. lRAYsyN7M
DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 5/23/23 (00:00:00)
(notes posted when available)
MONDAY 05.22.23 PROGRAM Notes
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Monday May 22, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Most teachers support teaching students about climate change
WHEN THE BIOMASS HITS THE WIND TURBINE #181: Ohio’s Potential Nuclear Disaster (00:29:46)
After WWII the US Department of Defense decided it would be a good idea to refine Uranium for nuclear bombs in the small southern Ohio town of Piketon. Over the decades the released vast amounts of radioactive material into the region, elevating death rates to twice the national average, causing schools to be closed due to high radioactive measurements and resulting in more than $1 billion in worker’s comp claims. Yet few people have heard of this… and they are planning to reopen and expand operations. Jay and Annie Warmke of Blue Rock Station are joined by Pat Marida of the Ohio Nuclear Free Network to discuss the history of this plant and an upcoming forum to be held in Piketon to address the past and future issues this plant is imposing upon the region.
In this week’s show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on the real, inadequate economic condition of 50% of New Yorkers/Americans, the false debate over the US debt ceiling, and the sleazy UK corruption linking BBC chair Richard Sharp and Prime Minister Boris Johnson. In the second half of the show, Wolff interviews ex-health insurance company exec – Wendell Potter – now turned advocate for Medicare for All.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Mark Pocan on the Debt Ceiling (00:58:00)
Who is really creating a crisis over the debt ceiling and why? Congressman Mark Pocan takes listener calls on this issue and more. Plus- Thom reads from ‘State Capture: How Conservative Activists, Big Business, and Wealthy Donors Reshaped American States and the Nation’.
RADIO ART HOUR: Douglas Kahn, Cliff Roth, Doug Kaplan, Christian Marclay, Transmaniacon MC (00:58:00)
This week we tune in radio art mash-ups. First tune in Douglas Kahns piece Reagan Speaks for Himself (1980), in which Kahn carefully edits together Ronald Reagan interviews to concoct a hilarious and surreal story. Then hear Cliff Roth and “The Reagans Speak Out on Drugs,” released in 1988. It is an almost seamless re-edit of the the Ron and Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” speech given by the Reagans in September of 1986. Then tune in Doug Kaplan and his Ira Glass Speaks for Himself, a proposed long-form troll radio play in which one of radios most recognizable voices is mercilessly edited to tell a mind-boggling, magical realism-core, ambling non-story. Then noted turntablist Christian Marclay is featured, with “His Master’s Voice.” And finally Transmaniacon MC’s Radio4 is featured.
LITERATURE ALOUD: The Iron Heel by Jack London – Chapter 10-11 (00:33:47)
Published in 1908, this is a novel about a socialist revolution that was crushed for centuries by an oligarchy of wealth before ultimately reviving and building a more just and compassionate world. Portrayed as an illicit revolutionary journal written by Avis Everhard, London chooses a woman to narrate the great need for social justice, the progress of the revolution, its rationale and her sometimes starry-eyed love for the main character Ernest Everhard. Written after London was jailed for participating in a jobs march, this short and action-packed novel is London’s most detailed outline of his socialist views and the logic of a socialist revolution. Part political novel, part dystopian fiction, part speculative fiction, The Iron Heel also includes historically factual footnotes making it a unique textual hybrid.
Biden’s Invocation of 14th Amendment Would Neutralize GOP Debt Ceiling Threat; After Title 42 Bidens New Immigration Policies to Make it More Difficult for People Seeking Asylum in the US; The Fascist Republican Party Declares War on US Democracy, While Imposing Minority Rule.
DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 5/22/23 (00:56:29)
On the Show: An increasingly desperate Ron DeSantis is now telling Republican donors that Donald Trump “can’t win” in 2024. The NAACP warns black and LGBT folks not to travel to Florida as it is increasingly hostile to minority groups. An absolutely disgusting interview with an anti-transgender mom on CNN goes terribly. Fox News host Laura Ingraham casually mentions that a story she and the network pushed for days about undocumented immigrants that completely made up. Republican Senator Tim Scott enters the 2024 Republican presidential primary race. Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis makes a cringeworthy visit to a New Hampshire diner, reminding everyone about his total lack of charisma. Donald Trump receives a disastrous prediction about conviction and jail from his own former lawyer, Ty Cobb. Radical Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is called out by witness Amy Spitalnick during a recent hearing about extremism. Repugnant Republican Congressman Jim Jordan mentions to Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo that Republicans are considering investigating Bill and Hillary Clinton. Voicemail caller is against tipping culture and has a suggestion for how to eliminate it.
SUNDAY 05.21.23 PROGRAM Notes
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
THE BRADCAST 5/19/23 (00:58:00)
Encore: original air-date 5/1/2023. On today’s ‘BradCast’: The rightwing supermajority on the U.S. Supreme Court has two different plans for potentially overturning decades of established precedent on federal elections and the power of federal agencies. In North Carolina, the state supreme court’s new rightwing majority has taken the unprecedented step of rehearing and reversing a previous court ruling, handed down just months ago, that blocked partisan gerrymandered maps. What does this unprecedented reversal at the NC state Supreme Court mean for the U.S. Supreme Court’s pending ruling in ‘Moore v. Harper’? DAN VICUNA, national redistricting manager at Common Cause, the plaintiffs in a landmark U.S. Supreme Court case challenging North Carolina’s earlier gerrymandered maps, explains. The Supreme Court also announced it will take up a case next year that could overturn the ‘Chevron Doctrine’, a decades-old precedent that requires courts to defer to federal agency expertise when creating rules and regulations via laws passed by Congress, like the Clean Air Act. Conservative business groups and Republicans have sought for decades to undermine and dismantle federal agencies’ authority to craft regulations that curb pollution and rein in corporations. But the corrupted, packed and stolen rightwing SCOTUS now appears ready to ‘dismantle the administrative state’ on everything from the climate crisis to health care to immigration and beyond. Callers weigh in.
EARTH RIOT RADIO: 2 Spirits Now Among Us: John Sims & Hamish Kilgour (00:29:00)
These two artists passed on within days of one another last December, and it seems like yesterday. They were dear friends of the Church of Stop Shopping. Hamish was best known for his band The Clean, and John for his Afro-Dixie Mixtapes. Ambitious artists could wish to leave for the world such luminous gifts. But ….our little life / Is rounded with a sleep.” We can’t know whether what we make will survive. All we can do is give to those who follow us our songs, and our stories, for justice, love, and peace. That’s what John and Hamish did and continue to do every day. Love-a-alujah!
TURN ON THE NEWS: Fox News Coverage of the 2024 Election (00:27:57)
“Turn On The News” is the weekly newscast from the fictional Radio Network, with parody radio coverage of the radio and its headlines. Now with computerized news readers, and fewer meddling reporters, plus aggregated reporting, and automated music. Tune in “Turn On The News” each week for the latest news, radio art, and more from our robot reporters, making sure you hear both sides — good and evil — every time you “Turn On The News.” This week: “Fox News Coverage of the 2024 Election.” This week tune in audio from a future election.
Best of ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 5/20/23 (00:59:30)
Segment One
We begin the show with Julia Manchester, writer for the Hill. We discuss the changes in Florida’s political climate. DeSantis is using the pandemic as a way of advancing himself, and the fascist agenda, and doing it very quickly. So many changes are being foisted on people in Florida, that they have trouble keeping up. DeSantis is using this as a way of branding himself as a success, and having many accomplishments.
Segment Two
We then speak with Andrew Seidel, VP of Strategic Communications for Americans United for the Separation of Church and State. We discuss the rise of the christian white supremacy: the shadow network it uses, and the Becket fund. These groups use the concept of “religious freedom” as a weapon. And it is responsible for the recent right wing rulings of the US Supreme Court over the last few years. We discuss the specific cases that support their biases. Cases in which the Court has proven to be acting in collusion with white nationalist propaganda. They are redrawing and, in some cases, eliminating the line between Church and State.
The G7 Summit Underway in Hiroshima, Japan and the Haunting Spectre of Nuclear Weapons | Can the House Radicals Compromise on a Deal Many Democrats Say Biden Should Not Be Negotiating? | The Politics Behind Diane Feinstein’s Sad Return to the US Senate.
MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR: A Wild Freewheeling Conversation with Writer, Poet & Writing Professor Michael Klein (00:59:00)
This is the first half of a broad freewheeling conversation with writer, poet and writing professor Michael Klein about growing up in NYC with stories of his life and encounters with remarkable people along the way. We even get into politics.
DEEP DIVE CYBERSECURITY SHOW: DeepFakes are Challenging our Perception of Reality (00:58:41)
In an era of DeepFakes and disinformation, the “Liar’s Dividend” threatens to erode the public’s ability to discern truth from fiction, making it crucial for society to implement detection technologies. We explore this plus catch up on the latest tech and privacy new and more!
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
THE BRADCAST 5/18/23: AZ GOP State Senator Ken Bennett on landmark new election transparency bill (00:58:00)
On today’s ‘BradCast’: A potentially landmark moment for election transparency in America is on deck with a new bipartisan bill in Arizona that’s on the verge of becoming law. It has passed the state legislature and now awaits the signature of the state’s Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs. It’s a truly bipartisan effort, joining the forces of long time progressive election integrity champ, John Brakey of AUDIT US, AZ’s new Democratic Sec. of State Adrian Fontes, and the state’s former Republican Sec. of State, now a state Senator, KEN BENNETT. Bennett explains how the new bill’s central focus designates digital ballot images – – routinely scanned in the process of tallying votes – – as public records, available to all, to increase transparency, trackability, and public oversight of our elections. Bennett urges voters in every state to contact Governor Hobbs’ office via email and let her know their feelings about the law, HB2560. Also today: While Arizona’s HB2560 is an excellent election transparency bill adopted by a far-right leaning state legislature, Brad explains his thoughts on a terrible election law adopted by the far-right legislature of Georgia, the SB202 voter suppression bill, and his status as a named plaintiff representing the media in a lawsuit challenging the law’s criminalization of routine election reporting, filed by the Coalition for Good Governance. Plus Desi Doyen has our latest ‘Green News Report’.
KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE; The Collapse of Journalism: How it Threatens Democracy (00:59:46)
Reporters used to report, now theres virtually no line between media and the national security state. Veteran international journalist Patrick Lawrence on this show notes the big change occurred 9/11; since then we have been subject to an information monoculture. Instead of reporting, the story is fit into an official frame, never mind reality.
ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 5/19/23 (00:58:00)
Part 1:
We talk with Scott Braddock, Editor of the Quorum Report. We discuss the push that the Texas governor is making for school vouchers. In fact, these are coupons for families that can afford to send their children to private schools, since they would not cover all tuition costs. This is not popular in Texas. Another issue is the banning of transgender care for children in Texas.
Part 2:
We talk with Bill Curry and Lincoln Mitchell about how increasingly fascistic Republicans are becoming across the country, primarily in red states. As a piece of good news, Vermont has decided to give Vermont families with children $126 as a summer stipend. Families are slated to receive $120 per student on a prepaid electronic benefit transfer, or EBT, card. The funds can be used to buy food at grocery stores, farmers markets and convenience stores.
The pandemic funds, which will be distributed in August, are a one-time benefit. There are no income limits or requirements to receive the money, which will expire in roughly a year. Florida has enacted laws against migrants, but this affects all Latinos and those that resemble them. Texas and Florida will likely see and exodus of Latinos, which will damage the economies of these states. Many persons now work in the farming, food production industries, which will hurt Florida. The fight with Disney has already damaged Florida, as has the fight about schools, including colleges.
GROWING GREENER: Plant a Living Mulch (00:29:00)
Ecological gardening leader Larry Weaner details how you can get all the benefits of conventional mulch, plus boosting biodiversity and wildlife, with a well-designed and beautiful groundcover of native plants.
TUC RADIO: The Northern California Land Back Symposium 2023, Panel on Land-Grab Universities (00:29:00)
How the Morrill Act of 1862 gave nearly 11 million acres of land, taken from more than 250 tribal nations, to finance 52 land grant colleges. Land Grant Universities got their money through land confiscations, often through violence and threats. The Land Back Symposium was a day-long event at Cal Poly Humboldt, Arcata, CA, held on March 24 of 2023. A powerful movement of land return is spreading across the world and has even reached some support from state governments.
THE BOPST SHOW: Them a Laugh (00:54:59)
The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. This week’s show features music by Dutch revivalist music ensemble the Beau Hunks, Barcelona-based electronic music duo the Shanghai Restoration Project, Austrailan rockers Radio Birdman as well as songs by reggae vocal trio the Soulmates, cross-cultural psychedelic warriors Dengue Fever and many others outside mainstream consciousness.
RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR #480 (00:58:00)
Auto safety expert, Byron Bloch, joins us to tell the story of how citizens in conjunction with the Sierra Club defeated a highway widening boondoggle in Maryland. Then we welcome microgrids manager at the Green Justice Coalition, Sari Kayyali, to tell us how microgrids in his community have saved money and the environment. Finally, we catch up with the director of Progressive Democrats of America, Alan Minsky, in Washington DC to talk about high speed rail and the post-Bernie progressive movement.
FRIDAY 05.19.23 PROGRAM Notes
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Friday May 19, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Nonprofit wants Wisconsin to electrify buildings and transportation
JUST SOLUTIONS: Climate Crisis to Climate Climate Emergency (00:24:05)
After the UN Climate report in March and their grim forecast, what is next for mankind in this manmade mess? Marion Gee of Climate Justice Alliance joins to discuss what it will take to see substantive action from business and governments.
COUNTERSPIN: Cop City Protests (00:28:00)
Cody Bloomfield on Cop City protests.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: The Secret Plan to Break the Independent Spirit of the Supreme Court Revealed (00:58:00)
Hamilton and the other Framers envisioned a Supreme Court that was immune to public opinion, the arguments of presidents and senators, and great wealth alike – but today’s GOP has a different plan China agrees with DeSantis and a few other states – library books should not have “unhealthy ideas.” What’s unhealthy? Whatever the dictator decides. Speaking of China – Comedy firm gets a $2 minion fine for a military joke – Is this giving Desantis any idea of next steps? Phil Ittner – Veteran War Correspondent based in Kyiv, Ukraine. Plus, a bit of humanity hits the war in Ukraine.
SEA CHANGE RADIO: Adam Woltag: Designing Sustainable Spaces (00:29:00)
They say home is where the heart is, and it’s also where our story begins today. This week on Sea Change Radio, we talk to two people doing their best to make everyone’s home a happy one. First, we speak to architect Adam Woltag to discuss how sustainability factors into newly constructed buildings. We learn about a high-end luxury apartment building in Honolulu that is incorporating some cutting-edge technologies to conserve both power and water, examine how consumer demand for environmentally conscientious buildings continues to increase, and look at how this correlates to office spaces as well. Then, we dig into the archives and speak to Shamus Roller, the Executive Director of the National Housing Law Project, about housing challenges, evictions, and homelessness.
LAURA FLANDERS SHOW: Cash Relief for Black Moms: The Success of Guaranteed Income (00:28:00)
This Mother’s Day, May 14th coincides with the formal end of the National Covid-19 Emergency. Since its enactment in March 2020, emergency spending expanded healthcare coverage to some 15 million people who will now be disenrolled, and increased food stamp benefits, and post-partum coverage in many states. Poor parents will be taking a hit ” but Guaranteed Income could be the solution. The Magnolia Mothers Trust in Jackson, Mississippi is the first in the country to provide Guaranteed Income of $1000 monthly to low-income families headed by a Black woman living in affordable housing. Joining Laura for this Mother’s Day special are Aisha Nyandoro who leads this program as the CEO of Springboard Opportunities, a nonprofit organization working with residents in affordable housing to help them reach their goals; Anquoindria Moore, a mother of three was a recipient of this cash relief from Magnolia Mothers and Dorian Warren, the Co-President of Community Change, that focuses on building the power of people most impacted by injustice. How does cash relief reduce poverty, and increase equity and security for families? All that, and a commentary from Laura on renewing, and renaming, the tax credit program.
THE BOPST SHOW: Them a Laugh (00:54:59)
The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. This week’s show features music by Dutch revivalist music ensemble the Beau Hunks, Barcelona-based electronic music duo the Shanghai Restoration Project, Austrailan rockers Radio Birdman as well as songs by reggae vocal trio the Soulmates, cross-cultural psychedelic warriors Dengue Fever and many others outside mainstream consciousness.
DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 5/19/23 (00:56:36)
On the Show: Ron DeSantis is turning Florida into a right-wing nightmare of a state. Radical Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene wrongly claims that “Antifa killed a cop” during a recent hearing.
Caller is a progressive member of the military. Caller looks at the American culture war from an international perspective. Caller wonders how the Republican presidential nominee will appeal to the general public. Caller talks about the right’s reaction to trans shooters. The Friday Feedback segment.
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Thursday May, 18 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Louisiana teacher and students examine environmental injustices
RADIO ECOSHOCK: Extreme Heat #2: How It Kills (replay) (00:58:00)
Deadly heat in India, all Asia, unheard-of heat in Spain. People have died and many more will be killed by heat in the future. But how does heat kill, and who? Three experts to explain what we all need to know.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: When Do We Officially Declare that the GOP has Killed America? (00:58:00)
Next year may be the last chance to reclaim the values of democracy, pluralism & egalitarianism that have animated this country since her founding. Nobody can say they weren’t warned about the stakes Elon Musk defends move to “censor” Twitter in Turkey ahead of controversial presidential election – say what?! Was Tuberville unaware of the Voting Rights Act? What do young voters think of the job Biden is doing?
KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: The Moms for Liberty Nightmare (00:55:38)
Of course all parents want to protect their children from inappropriate material. But when parental rights mean teachers are forbidden from mentioning homosexuality or racism because that means teachers are grooming kids for pedophilia or Chinese communism, liberty is under threat. Hypocritically enough, the vanguard of this threat is from something called Moms For Liberty. On this show, from her writing in The New Republic, Laura Jedeed examines the serious chilling effect on teachers and education. And how social media has encouraged people to believe what they want.
LITERATURE ALOUD: The Iron Heel by Jack London – Chapter 9 The Mathematics of a Dream (00:32:53)
Published in 1908, this is a novel about a socialist revolution that was crushed for centuries by an oligarchy of wealth before ultimately reviving and building a more just and compassionate world. Portrayed as an illicit revolutionary journal written by Avis Everhard, London chooses a woman to narrate the great need for social justice, the progress of the revolution, its rationale and her sometimes starry-eyed love for the main character Ernest Everhard. Written after London was jailed for participating in a jobs march, this short and action-packed novel is London’s most detailed outline of his socialist views and the logic of a socialist revolution. Part political novel, part dystopian fiction, part speculative fiction, The Iron Heel also includes historically factual footnotes making it a unique textual hybrid.
WINGS #05-23 Adrienne Rich Remembered (00:28:41)
The late Adrienne Rich was a bridge between the near-invisibility of women writers, feminist writers, and lesbian writers, and their larger presence today. This documentary draws on interviews and readings from 1983 to 2000, to portray the late feminist writer’s history, her activism, and her poetry.
Note: As with many archival recordings preserved on open reel, some of these recordings suffer from “print-through” – a ghostly echo or pre-echo. Think of it as adding a haunting quality to the late writer’s words.
DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 5/18/23 (00:57:10)
On the Show: Tim Maudlin, Founder and Director of the John Bell Institute for the Foundations of Physics, and Professor of Philosophy at New York University, joins David to discuss the origins and foundations of metaphysics. Audio is released of Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein seemingly not understanding or remembering that she was gone from the Senate for 3 months, generating another round of demands that she resign. Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ two endorsements this week both lost as his polling continues to collapse. Adam Mockler interviews Donald Trump supporters at the Iowa rally that ended up being canceled, and it’s out-of-this-world insane. Will Cain serves as Tucker Carlson’s latest replacement on Fox News, and it goes really poorly. Republican Congressman Clay Higgins is caught on video committing criminal battery against an activist who tried to ask questions of Republican Congressman Paul Gosar. The Eggman calls in to say that recent urine-drinking guest Christopher Key has convinced him on the topic of urine drinking.
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Wednesday May 17, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Electric school buses are healthier for kids, but there could be a downside for workers
PATIENTS COME FIRST: Wendy Burch (00:13:36)
This episode of VHHA’s Patients Come First Podcast features an interview with Wendy Burch, RRT, a respiratory therapist at VCU Health Community Memorial Hospital in South Hill who unexpectedly was pressed into duty to deliver a baby when her daughter went into labor in the garage at her Arizona home while Burch was visiting the family. Send questions, comments, feedback, or guest suggestions to or contact us on Twitter or Instagram using the #PatientsComeFirst hashtag.
ALAN WATTS: Stop Feeling Lost by Doing This (00:15:17)
If there is one simple question that bothers us all as human beings, it is : Why are we living ? It is a burden on our shoulders, and we cannot think about it without going depressed or becoming sad, because simply we can’t answer it. We got blocked. In this lecture, Alan Watts talks about the game of life, how the answer of that question is : To play. To simply not take it seriously, to stay within the flow of life without having to be very strict and rigid about it. We have to take it as if it was a game. Because if we take it seriously, we will be forced to think scientifically, to predict the future, and be aware that any false move, would lead us to a fatal death, which is not the case.
THIS WAY OUT #1833: Outrageous: The Queer History of Australian TV (Pt. 1) + global LGBTQ news! (00:28:59)
How Australia’s “Number 96” broke TV’s straight ceiling; India’s Supreme Court mulls marriage equality, Sri Lanka’s top court clears a path to sex law reform, a Guatemalan trans woman gets closer to U.S. asylum, Republican majorities in 2 U.S. states turn teachers into trans tattletales, Montana equality advocates challenge their new pediatric care ban, Washington state shields trans kids from unsupportive parents, and Indiana high schoolers save a censored queer-themed play. Those stories and more this week when you choose “This Way Out”: the world’s audio oasis for queer news and culture.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Trump Couldn’t Possibly Be a Russian Asset…Could He? (00:58:01)
Apparently John Durhams “imagination” couldnt extend to the possibility that Trump has been a Russian asset for at least 30 years and continues to be one to this day. Why? Does everything Trump touches die? CNN Loses to Newsmax in Prime-time Ratings Two Days After Trump Town Hall. Is the EPA finally waking up from the Trump disaster? Crazy Alert! Apparently Rudy Giuliani was in a Viagra/alcohol haze much of the time. If I Only Had a Brain Alert! Driver switches with dog to avoid DUI & Dog gets off with a warning….man doesn’t.
CIVIC CIPHER: Why Arent There Consequences for Harming Black People? / Police Harassment of Black Teen Goes Viral (00:59:00)
For todays show, we spend the first half discussing some recent examples (and some now historical examples) of private White and White-passing citizens harming Black people and receiving no consequences or minimal punishments for their actions. In the second half of the show, we examine a video that is going viral of an interaction between a Black mother, her teenage son, and a police officer who is harassing them. They are now clients of attorney Ben Crump and making national headlines. Our Way Black History Fact is dedicated to AAPI Heritage Month!
LITERATURE ALOUD: The Iron Heel by Jack London – Chapter 8 The Machine Breakers (00:29:33)
Published in 1908, this is a novel about a socialist revolution that was crushed for centuries by an oligarchy of wealth before ultimately reviving and building a more just and compassionate world. Portrayed as an illicit revolutionary journal written by Avis Everhard, London chooses a woman to narrate the great need for social justice, the progress of the revolution, its rationale and her sometimes starry-eyed love for the main character Ernest Everhard. Written after London was jailed for participating in a jobs march, this short and action-packed novel is London’s most detailed outline of his socialist views and the logic of a socialist revolution. Part political novel, part dystopian fiction, part speculative fiction, The Iron Heel also includes historically factual footnotes making it a unique textual hybrid.
CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS: The Curiosity Lab, with Jaison Manjaly (00:28:00)
The Curiosity Lab at IIT Gandhinagar (India) studies factors that generate, sustain and foster curiosity. The Lab is designed as an interdisciplinary space that promotes research and outreach initiatives specifically around curiosity.
The Curiosity Lab takes on systemic inequalities, popular notions of what does and doesn’t support curiosity, and generally makes it their business to encourage curiosity at every turn. Jaison Manjaly is The Curiosity Lab’s principal investigator and chief cheerleader. My kind of guy! “I call it ‘epistemic inequality’ — access to knowledge is very constrained.” ~ Jaison Manjaly
DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 5/17/23 (00:55:38)
On the Show: Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ 2024 presidential campaign continues to collapse before it even starts, with his polling continuing to decline. Elon Musk defends his tweets, calls himself “pro-Semite,” and defends his conspiratorial claims about a recent mass shooting during a bizarre interview with CNBC’s David Faber. Failed former President Donald Trump, in a bad mood, is interviewed by fired Fox News hots Dan Bongino, where both Trump and Bongino lie badly about the recently released Durham report. A desperate Donald Trump is interviewed on Newsmax and simply cannot, or will not, stop lying. Caller talks about limiting presidential pardon power. Caller discusses the disadvantage the left has on social media. Former Republican Alaska Governor Sarah Palin appears on Newsmax to discuss immigration, and it’s an absolute humiliation. Infowars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones wildly claims that Kari Lake is “really” the Governor of Arizona in a deranged statement. Voicemail caller is absolutely stunned by the interview with urine-drinking Christopher Key.
TUESDAY 05.16.23 PROGRAM Notes
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Tuesday May 16, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Electric school buses are healthier for kids, but there could be a downside for workers
ENCOURAGEMENTOLOGY: Confronting Confrontation, Finding Your Voice (00:30:07)
On this show we are hanging in there, standing tall, and finding our voice as we confront confrontation. Generally, when asked, most people don’t seek out or enjoy confrontation and yet it can be a part of our everyday lives to some degree. Definition: a face-to-face meeting. a confrontation between the suspect and the victim: the clashing of forces or ideas: conflict. a violent confrontation between rival gangs: comparison. As you can see, there are varying degrees, and some are as simple as finding your voice in a tense or disagreeable situation. What is your level of comfort? And a follow-up questionnaire: are you already getting anxious about even talking about confrontation? Well look at a number of degrees as we search for an understanding and possible technique that will make these moments, stages, and phases of our lives, more agreeable.
COOL SOLUTIONS: Decarbonizing Based on Need not LEED (00:28:00)
80% of the buildings that will be here in 2050 are already here, producing 30% of our greenhouse gas emissions. Uber sustainable new construction is cool, but the big carbon reductions will come from electrifying older buildings.
Chicago plans to retrofit 80,000 homes in the next 7 years. A research collaboration between the city of Chicago, community organizations, a utility, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory is working out a plan that will minimize emissions, maximize justice and lower peoples’ energy bills. The results convinced me that, at least in Chicago, it’s far better to eliminate fossil fuel heating in lots of homes than to spend the same amount of money completely decarbonizing a lesser number. We need to do it all eventually, but this is the way to make big change fast.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Why the Ukraine Offensive Is Scaring Russia But Not As Much As You Think (00:58:00)
Stop The Steal B.S. brainwashed too many Americans in the last presidential election. Now, Trump is busy resurrecting his stuffed ballot lies. Will Americans be trumped into violence again as they were on January 6th? Hypnotized by the lies of Donald Trump. Investigative Journalist, Greg Palast drops in to explain. Veteran War Correspondent based in Kyiv, Ukraine, Phil Ittner joins Thom Hartmann for an update on the war in Ukraine and why reports of Russia’s military teetering on disaster might be more wishful thinking than reality.
THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: Sounds Classic (00:58:00)
This time on The Children’s Hour we explore what sounds classic. First we learn about classical music with prodigy pianist Kayden Kelly. Then we play with sound effects with Kip Allen and Crawford MacCallum. Kayden is a 16 year old pianist who has been featured in the Junior Clyborn Festival, and has won numerous awards for his talents. He explains to our Kids Crew what classical music is, and plays us samples from the evolution of the genre.
Then, we visit with Crawford MacCallum and Kip Allen, to learn how sound effects can tell a story without any visuals at all. Kip and Crawford both recently passed away, and this piece was originally recorded in 2016.
This episode was produced by Katie Stone, our Executive Producer. Production support was also provided by Rodrigo Cuenca, and The Children’s Hour Senior Producer, Christina Stella. Our hearts go out to the families of Crawford MacCallum and Kip Allen, as we remember them today on the program.
LITERATURE ALOUD: The Iron Heel by Jack London – Chapter 6 – 7 (00:27:48)
Published in 1908, this is a novel about a socialist revolution that was crushed for years by an oligarchy of wealth before ultimately reviving and building a more just and compassionate world. Portrayed as an illicit revolutionary journal written by Avis Everhard, London chooses a woman to narrate the great need for social justice, the progress of the revolution, its rationale and her sometimes starry-eyed love for the main character Ernest Everhard. Written after London was jailed for participating in a jobs march, this short and action-packed novel is London’s most detailed outline of his socialist views and the logic of a socialist revolution. Part political novel, part dystopian fiction, part speculative fiction, The Iron Heel also includes historically factual footnotes making it a unique textual hybrid.
GREEN STREET NEWS: The Politics of Plastic (00:28:32)
On this week’s show, Patti and Doug discuss how heat impacts health, PFAS in food pesticides, and toxics at home and at work. Then former EPA Region II Administrator Judith Enck talks about the politics of plastics, and why legislation is required to force companies like Coca Cola to do the right thing.
DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 5/16/23 (00:59:32)
On the Show: Christopher Key, notorious advocate of urine therapy and other unproven “treatments,” joins David to try to defend his claims that drinking or injecting urine is effective for treating or preventing COVID-19. Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump’s former attorney, is accused in a lawsuit of trying to sell presidential pardons, demanding sex from a staffer, and much more. Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani are accused of trying to sell presidential pardons for $2 million each, but is that actually illegal for Trump to do? Elon Musk, who claims to be in favor of “free speech,” is accused of bowing to pressure from Turkish President Erdogan and silencing dissenting voices during the recent Turkish election. Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis won’t answer whether Donald Trump won or lost the 2020 election, saying that “Biden became President.” At an event held at Donald Trump’s Doral resort, Dr. Peter McCullough suggests that vaccines cause autism, and autism causes people to become transgender, which is not based in any currently accepted science. Even Fox News host Larry Kudlow tells Republican Senator Ron Johnson that it simply doesn’t appear there is evidence of Joe Biden having committed any crimes. Radical, repugnant Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene says that the now-missing “whistleblower” will end Joe Biden’s presidency. Voicemail caller The Eggman points out that “catering to delusions,” which Republicans use to refer to transgender people, could also be applied to literal Christian Bible beliefs.
MONDAY 05.15.23 PROGRAM Notes
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Monday May 15, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: DOE wants to help 5 million homes connect to community solar by 2025
WHEN THE BIOMASS HITS THE WIND TURBINE # 179: Fixing Appalachia’s Chronic Poverty (00:29:32)
Appalachia is a region that seems perpetually stuck in recession, followed by depression, followed by recession. What are some of the causes of this chronic cycle of poverty and how can the region emerge economically.
Jay and Annie Warmke of Blue Rock Station are joined by Natalia Rudiak of Reimagine Appalachia and Ted Boettner of the Ohio River Valley Institute for a discussion of these and other issues that face the region.
ECONOMIC UPDATE: Corporations vs Democracy (00:29:00)
In this week’s show, Prof. Wolff analyzes the corporation. It stands as a basic institution blocking real democracy in our society. The corporation’s structure and operations empower and enrich a tiny social minority at the expense of the people’s wealth and democratic power. Like the critiques of slave plantations and feudal manors that preceded the disappearance of those systems, the growing critique of capitalism reflects but also informs critical social movements now.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Trump’s Inflammatory Town Hall (00:58:00)
Where does Trump’s rhetoric leave- or lead- the Republican party? Plus- Is it time to mint a one trillion dollar coin? It won’t be inflationary, and it will sidestep the political circus the GOP is trying to whip up.
RADIO ART HOUR: Steve Roden, Nicholas Collins (00:58:00)
This week: Radio art works from Steve Roden and Nicholas Collins. First, “The Radio,” a 1996 composition from Roden. The album cover saysm “The piece was created in response to the idea of composing a piece specifically for radio transmission that has as its main sound source the actual sounds of a radio. For this work, I used the following radio transmission sounds: 1.5 seconds of choral music under static; five seconds of shortwave radio static, captured on cassette in Japan in 1994; eight seconds of talking with random fading in and out; eight seconds of talking under static with random fading in and out; and two seconds of birds beneath static. I also used my grandfather’s old Toshiba transistor radio to create the following acoustic sounds: bowing the tiny battery cables with a violin bow; clicking the on/off switch; turning the tuning knob back and forth; plucking the battery holder spring; and striking the radio speaker screen against a microphone.” Then tune in a work from the New American Radio archive at “The Spark Heard ‘Round the World” is from 1989 created by Nicolas Collins. The work is a sonic portrait of the world as revealed through electromagnetic phenomena. It is shaped out of the tremendous buzz, hum, and squawk of the international communications systems: commercial FM and AM, short-wave and long-wave transmissions, HAM and CB radio, public service bands, Morse code, telex and other coded signals. A frenzied noisy striving for communication that thickens into an almost tangible morass of sound, then loosens into sound patterns and light textures. The human voice and its messages seem strangely lost in this environment “distorted, barely audible” while the transmission system itself sounds vibrant and amazingly alive. Commissioned by New American Radio.
LITERATURE ALOUD: The Iron Heel by Jack London – Chapter 4 – 5 (00:58:55)
Published in 1908, this is a novel about a socialist revolution that was crushed for years by an oligarchy of wealth before ultimately reviving and building a more just and compassionate world. Portrayed as an illicit revolutionary journal written by Avis Everhard, London chooses a woman to narrate the great need for social justice, the progress of the revolution, its rationale and her sometimes starry-eyed love for the main character Ernest Everhard. Written after London was jailed for participating in a jobs march, this short and action-packed novel is London’s most detailed outline of his socialist views and the logic of a socialist revolution. Part political novel, part dystopian fiction, part speculative fiction, The Iron Heel also includes historically factual footnotes making it a unique textual hybrid.
DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 5/15/23 (00:56:35)
On the Show: Republicans are in shambles as the predicted “disaster” at the border hasn’t happened after Titles 42 restrictions expired. The supposed bombshell Republican “informant” about the alleged “crimes” of Joe Biden has now gone “missing.” A House Republican report finds no evidence of wrongdoing by President Joe Biden. Could James Buchanan, not Donald Trump, be the worst President in American history? Despite Donald Trump’s rally in Iowa being cancelled, the dangerous and deranged Trump cult showed up at full strength. Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis appears to be trying to fix his personality, but so far is failing. MyPillow CEO and Founder Mike Lindell has now blown $40 million pursuing his election lies. Failed former President Donald Trump explodes in a deranged Mother’s Day rant on Truth Social, attacking CNN anchor Kaitlan Collins, Ron DeSantis, and many others. White supremacists march on Washington DC while wearing masks. Voicemail caller says that we need to stop calling internet searches “research” since they certainly are not research.
SUNDAY 05.14.23 PROGRAM Notes
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
THE BRADCAST 5/12/23: Documented’s Jamie Corey on secret vote suppression meeting of GOP election officials (00:57:00)
Encore: original air-date 4/26/2023. On today’s ‘BradCast’: The GOP’s policy positions are wildly unpopular, and their phony culture war issues are bombing with voters, so Republicans appear to believe their best bet may be to prevent voters from casting a ballot at all. JAMIE COREY, Senior Researcher at nonprofit watchdog Documented, explains new revelations exposing how the far-right Heritage Foundation and other anti-democracy groups hosted top Republican election officials from 13 states for secret, off-the-record conferences with notorious GOP Voter Fraud fraudsters and election deniers. Corey discusses the appalling developments, and why it matters that public elections officials are participating in secret meetings with top voter suppression and election denial groups in advance of the 2024 Presidential Election. New leaked audio reveals Republican attorney and vote suppressor Cleta Mitchell pitched Republican donors on several schemes to ‘combat’ young voters, end early voting and same-day voter registration, and other suppression tactics in GOP-controlled states. The Walt Disney Co. sued Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, alleging ‘a relentless campaign to weaponize government power against Disney in retaliation for expressing a political viewpoint.’ A Trump-appointed federal judge tossed out libel lawsuits filed by doofus former Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) against media outlets for accurately reporting that his family’s farm hired hundreds of undocumented workers. Voters rejected far-right MAGA school board candidates running on phony culture war issues in several states. Plus Desi Doyen has our latest ‘Green News Report.’
EARTH RIOT RADIO: The Walls Come Tumblin’ Down (00:29:00)
Our action against fossil fuel violence is not more violence – but the world of cultural resistance is still open to us. It is not exhausted. Lately, the culture seems not alive to many of us, as all expression from any source is swallowed whole by the virtual reality bubble of corporate marketing supported by big money and militaristic police. We seem paralyzed in TikTok’s irrelevance. The screens are the walls! And so, in our passivity, we let the Earths hyper Evolution and Extinction accelerate toward mass death. But the Earth is waiting for our love and imagination.
TURN ON THE NEWS: Rape Me (00:28:00)
“Turn On The News” is the weekly newscast from the fictional Radio Network, with parody radio coverage of the radio and its headlines. Now with computerized news readers, and fewer meddling reporters, plus aggregated reporting, and automated music. Tune in “Turn On The News” each week for the latest news, radio art, and more from our robot reporters, making sure you hear both sides — good and evil — every time you “Turn On The News.” This week: “Rape Me.” This week the former president pays off his sexual assault victim.
Best of ATTIUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 5/13/23 (00:59:00)
Segment One
We begin the show with Robert Hockett, lawyer and professor at Cornell. We discuss the US debt ceiling and what President Biden should do in the face of Republican intransigence. We also discuss the deposit insurance problem.
Segment Two
We then talk to Robert Hennelly, reporter and activist. First, we talk about the state of health care in the US. We spend more on ‘healthcare’ than any industrialized nation, and have the worst outcomes of all. Many people (200+ day) are still dying from Covid, maternal mortality is high, while most people are not insured or underinsured. We also have medical bankruptcies which has introduced Venture Capitalists, who are quickly taking over many medical services, with an increasingly detrimental effect.
Trump’s Unstable Unfitness For Office on Display as the Much of the U.S Falls into the Grip of Madness | A Flood of Desperate and Destitute Migrants Face a Military and Police Response Not Humanitarian Assistance | The Arrest of Imran Khan, the Pakistan Military’s Favorite who Fell Out of Favor With Them.
MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR: The Yoga of Sound & the Teachings of Swami Nada (00:59:00)
Michael Grosso is a writer, artist and musician who earned his doctorate in philosophy from Columbia University. He has taught at City University of New York, Kennedy University in California, and City University of New Jersey. Hes the author of several books, including Smile of the Universe & his new book is The Yoga of Sound: The Life and Teachings of the Celestial Songman, Swami Nada Brahmananda. Michael and I talk about his experiences with Swami Nada Brahmananda in the 1970s and how what he learned applies to crises going on in the world today.
DEEP DIVE CYBERSECURITY SHOW: Deepfake News, AI bosses, Newborn DNA privacy, Oh my! (00:58:39)
The last two weeks were so insane with Cybersecurity and privacy news that this week’s show is nothing but pure information. You can’t say you haven’t been told after listening to this one!
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
THE BRADCAST 5/11/23: Salon’s Heather Digby Parton on CNN’s shameful Trump townhall; OH GOP undermines democracy (00:58:00)
On today’s ‘BradCast’: Ohio’s heavily gerrymandered, Republican-controlled state legislature is doing an end-run around voters to knee-cap a citizen-led ballot initiative protecting abortion rights in the state’s constitution on the November ballot. The Ohio Republican lawmakers suddenly enacted an anti-democratic scheme to use a low-turnout special election in August to raise the threshold for passage of the abortion rights measure a few months later. Ohio Republican state officials are lying to voters about the scheme. CNN’s disturbing ‘town hall’ on Wednesday night was actually a 70-minute Donald Trump campaign infomercial filled with a tsunami of twisted lies, on everything from his lies about the 2020 election to his lies about stolen documents, lies about the January 6 insurrection, lies about the jury verdict finding him liable for sexual abuse and defamation, and many, many more. Award-winning columnist HEATHER DIGBY PARTON of Salon and Hullabaloo joins us to discuss the shameful spectacle on CNN that clearly embarrassed its employees and commentators, in what is arguably one of the lowest moments in CNN’s history. Did the live town hall ultimately help or hurt Trump overall? Plus Desi Doyen has our latest ‘Green News Report.’
KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: I Want a Better Catastrophe! (00:59:53)
Catastrophe or new beautiful? Click and then forward arrow to be inspired, not hopeless. We finally get that can’t have infinite growth on our finite planet. The dominant western approach of treating the earth as our playground isn’t working anymore. Its late but there are still real opportunities for a partnership between humans and the planet. In his new book I Want a Better Catastrophe, author Andrew Boyd offers us positive steps he’s gleaned from many divergent sources for the predicament were in. A resilient future.
Part 1 Scott Braddock, Editor of the Quorum Report joins us from Texas. The Texas State Legislature is in session. They appear to be rejecting Governor Abbott’s school voucher program, via procedural roadblocks.
The most recent mass shooting in Allen, Tx. Has NOT produced any big push to limit the purchase of automatic weapons in Texas. One in 20 persons in the US now owns an AR15.
Part 2: We talk with Alex Sammon and Bill Curry about Trump’s town hall, which was really a rally. Trump continues to normalize the attitudes he expresses: lying, fascist initiatives, etc. This is now the new Republican attitude as a party. We discuss the immigration policy issues, and how they appear to be linked to the use of child labor in the US. Many states are lowering the age for child work. We discuss Dianne Feinstein’s return to the Senate, though on a part-time basis, despite the backlog of work for the Judiciary Committee.
GROWING GREENER: Guaranteeing Your Right to a Healthy Environment (00:29:00)
Maya K. van Rossum discusses Green Amendments for the Generations, the movement she founded to bring an amendment to every state constitution guaranteeing residents basic human right to clean air and water, and a healthy environment.
TUC RADIO: The Northern California Land Back Symposium 2023 (00:29:00)
The Land Back Symposium was a day-long event at Cal Poly Humboldt, Arcata, held on March 24. The meeting broke many taboos and told the story how a powerful movement of land return is spreading across the world and – at least in California – has even reached some support by state government. The opening session began with a welcome from Chairman Ted Hernandez of the Wiyot Tribe, followed by Geneva Thompson, the Assistant Secretary for Tribal Affairs at the California Natural Resources Agency; and ended with a talk by Dr. Cutcha Risling Baldy on Land Histories & Decolonial Land Futures. She is Cal Poly Humboldt’s Native American Studies Department Chair.
You can find videos of all sessions on the website of
THE BOPST SHOW: Cueing Deep Cuts (00:56:00)
The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s program, you’ll hear the sounds of Haitian mizik raisin band RAM, the multi-cultural melting pot of the Tel Aviv-based quartet El Khat, and legendary Indian playback singer and musician Mohammed Rafi as well as New York punk group Bodega, the modern Brazilian Tropicália of João Selva and many others outside mainstream consciousness.
RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR #479 (00:58:00)
We welcome former Writers Guild of America (West) president and current co-chair of the negotiating committee, David Goodman, who also happens to be the head writer for many of your favorite TV shows like The Family Guy to tell us why TV and movie writers are on strike. Then, grad students Sandra Oseguera and Jesus Gutierrez stop by to update us on their continuing fight to save the anthropology library at UC Berkeley, a battle that has wider implications for how more and more universities across the country are becoming corporatized. Plus, Ralph highlights some trenchant listener feedback.
FRIDAY 05.12.23 PROGRAM Notes
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Friday May 12, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: How one strawberry farmer is coping with erratic weather in California
FOOD SLEUTH RADIO: Martin Blaser, MD, discusses the human microbiome (00:28:00)
Did you know that the overuse of antibiotics can disrupt our microbiome, and contribute to diseases such as asthma, obesity, diabetes, cancer, and more? Join Food Sleuth Radio host and Registered Dietitian, Melinda Hemmelgarn, for her interview with Martin Blaser, M.D., Henry Rutgers Chair of the Human Microbiome at Rutgers University, author of Missing Microbes: How the Overuse of Antibiotics Is Fueling Our Modern Plagues, and featured in the documentary film, Invisible Extinction. Blaser discusses the relationship between the human microbiome, health and disease, and the cumulative effects of exposure to antibiotics.
Related website:
COUNTERSPIN: Supreme Court Corruption (00:28:00)
Ian Millhiser/Supreme Court corruption
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Trump Proves Hate & Violence Is Not the Fascists Final, Last-Gasp Option: It’s Their First (00:58:00)
Guest-host Jefferson Smith fills in for Thom Hartmann today. On CNN last night Donald Trump doubled down on his lies in support of the white supremacist haters convicted of violently killing one police officer and sending 140 others to the hospital on January 6th. As long as Trump ” or someone who shares his fascistic worldview ” heads the Republican Party, this country will continue to be in crisis. Since Trumps arrival on the scene, this cancer has spread. Guests: Prof Brad Snyder – Democratic Justice Felix Frakfurter. Will Bunch, national opinion columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer.
SEA CHANGE RADIO: Sasha Buchert of Lambda Legal: The Case For LGBTQ Equality (00;28:00)
The passage of time has generally moved us in the direction of increased dignity and rights for members of the LGBTQ community in this country, with marriage equality officially recognized in 2015. But since then, the US Supreme Court has taken a sharp turn to the right, and we are now looking at the erosion of some hard-fought gains. This week on Sea Change Radio, we speak to Sasha Buchert, a senior attorney at Lambda Legal about the many angles from which the right wing is attacking Americas LGBTQ community. We look at the battle to maintain fundamental human rights, talk about the struggles that transgender children are facing in states like Florida and Iowa, and examine the impact that uniformed LGBTQ personnel are making in the military, nearly a decade into achieving the right-to-serve openly. We also distinguish high-leverage legal issues from provocative but less substantive culture war misdirects.
LAURA FLANDERS SHOW: Deciding the Fate of Democracy in North Carolina (00:28:00)
In this episode, we examine anti-democratic election law and a legal case ” Moore vs. Harper ” which is to be decided this term by the US Supreme Court ” that could undermine the power of voting in North Carolina and throw elections everywhere into the sort of chaos we saw after the 2020 election. What does it mean for democracy and voters of color? And what does the pushback look like?
THE BOPST SHOW: Cueing Deep Cuts (00:56:00)
The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s program, you’ll hear the sounds of Haitian mizik rasin band RAM, the multi-cultural melting pot of the Tel Aviv-based quartet El Khat, and legendary Indian playback singer and musician Mohammed Rafi as well as New York punk group Bodega, the modern Brazilian Tropicália of João Selva and many others outside mainstream consciousness.
DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 5/12/23 (00:56:11)
On the Show: What happens to CNN after its deranged Trump town hall? Former Vice President Mike Pence reacts to Trump’s sexual assault liability by saying he hasn’t personally seen Donald Trump assault anyone. Caller wonders if Donald Trump could bring an end to the Republican Party. Caller talks about the right’s obsession with trans people. Caller asks if Donald Trump would try to stay in power for longer than a term. Caller discusses how Republican leadership will respond to the charges against George Santos. Caller talks about being against religion. The Friday Feedback segment.
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Thursday May, 11 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: How faith-based groups are helping Arizonans survive brutal heat waves
RADIO ECOSHOCK: Jean-Marc Jancovici: Whistling Past the Graveyard (replay) (00:58:00)
Did you know energy is free, and Peak Oil is not dead? That comes from a French expert in technology, energy, and climate, Jean-Marc Jancovici. Jean-Marc co-founded Carbone 4 consultancy, and The Shift Project. He advises, writes books, and lectures mostly in French, but his ideas resonate with American writers like Richard Heinberg. The world premiere of an English language in-depth radio interview with Jean-Marc Jancovici. Jean-Marc is well known in Europe and beyond. He is a Professor, an author of several books, the latest being Sleep quiet until 2100, and other misunderstandings about climate and energy (French only, translation pending?). Jancovici is also a member of ASPO France, the Association for the Study of Peak Oil.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: E. Jean Carroll Victorious as Disgraced Donald Trump Found Liable for Sex Abuse (00:58:00)
Guest-host Jefferson Smith fills in for Thom Hartmann today. For the first time, when it comes to a series of claims of sexual misconduct against Trump, the legal system has issued a judgment against him. Survivors of rape call in with their emotional responses to the verdict. Plus what does the George Santos arrest signify for the future of the GOP? Interview: John Stoehr is the managing editor of the Editorial Board at Substack.
NUCLEAR HOTSEAT with LIBBE HaLEVY: French Polynesian A-Bomb Tests + Rainbow Warrior Bombing + BREAKING: NRC Approves NM Radioactive Waste Dumps (00:57:01)
France’s atomic bomb tests in French Polynesia and the sinking of the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior by French government agents – what France has NOT done to make reparations. Kevin Hester, Dennis Riches.
KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: The Roots of Anti-Woke (and WWI!) (00:59:50)
DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 5/11/23 (00:57:12)
On the Show: Matt Desmond, Professor of Sociology at Princeton University and author of the book “Poverty, By America,” joins David to discuss poverty in the United States, including its causes, changes over time, and ways to eradicate it.
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Wednesday May 10, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: New video game immerses players in a world ravaged by climate change
PATIENTS COME: Heart Transplant – Janell Hull and Marry Small (00:16:22)
This episode of VHHA’s Patients Come First Podcast features a conversation with two women, Janell Hull and Mary Small, who were strangers when each underwent heart transplant procedures at VCU Health at roughly the same time and ultimately developed a lasting bond of friendship through shared experience.
ALAN WATTS: Understanding The Synchronicity Of The Universe (00:12:37)
Alan Watts. Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was a British philosopher, writer, and speaker, best known as an interpreter and populariser of Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. Born in Chislehurst, England, he moved to the United States in 1938 and began Zen training in New York.
THIS WAY OUT #1832: Robert Patrick Memorial & global LGBTQ news & more! (00:28:59)
Playwright Robert Patrick takes his final bow; Uganda’s Parliament rinses & repeats its Anti-Homosexuality Bill, Turkey’s Erdogan relies on homophobia to win reelection, a Christian Youth Concert replaces Seoul Pride, Oklahoma’s governor nixes PBS, Missoulans march for Zooey, Illinois and Maryland governors protect books and trans health, Pennsylvania’s House approves a bill to ban bias against LGBTQ people, anti-DeSantis Floridians are busted amidst an avalanche of anti-queer bills, and Victoria’s Premier denounces drag queen detractors.
Those stories and more this week when you find “This Way Out”: the world’s audio oasis for queer news and culture.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Are We There? Are America’s Mass Shooters Just Our Version of Suicide Bombers? (00:58:00)
Trump is hosting a pro-Hitler event in Miami. Where is the news? Will Fox-So-Called-News be banned in Canada – why not here for the same reasons? Debate! Charles Sauer Vs Thom – Isn’t the debt ceiling unconstitutional? And if there is concern about debt – why aren’t we rolling back tax cuts instead of “removing the floor” poor people shouldn’t fall through?
CIVIC CIPHER: Getting Caught Up / How White Supremacy Causes Harm to White People (00:59:00)
For today’s show, we are getting caught up on some of the major headlines we haven’t been able to cover. We discuss Fox News settlement, Phil Jackson slamming BLM protests, and Kim Porter getting released from prison among other topics. In the second half of the show, we examine the harm that White Supremacy causes to White people. These forces may be invisible to many White folks who believe that White Supremacy benefits them, however as we uncover the truth, we learn that isn’t always the case.
LITERATURE ALOUD: The Iron Heel by Jack London – Chapter 3 Jackson’s Arm (00:21:04)
Published in 1908, this is a novel about a socialist revolution that was crushed for years by an oligarchy of wealth before ultimately reviving and building a more just and compassionate world. Portrayed as an illicit revolutionary journal written by Avis Everhard, London chooses a woman to narrate the great need for social justice, the progress of the revolution, its rationale and her sometimes starry-eyed love for the main character Ernest Everhard. Written after London was jailed for participating in a jobs march, this short and action-packed novel is London’s most detailed outline of his socialist views and the logic of a socialist revolution. Part political novel, part dystopian fiction, part speculative fiction, The Iron Heel also includes historically factual footnotes making it a unique textual hybrid.
CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS: Can We Choose to Be Curious? with Asia Ferrin (00:28:00)
I’m poking at the very premise of the show and asking: can we, in fact, choose to be curious? American University philosophy professor Asia Ferrin wasn’t going to let me get away with making it her job to answer the question. She pulled me right in there with her. What I Learned: morality might be more hardwired than we’ve been inclined to believe. What I Loved: conversations about curiosity and choice might actually be conversations about compassion.
TED TALK: The Future Will Be Shaped by Optimists – Kevin Kelly (00:09:52)
“Every great and difficult thing has required a strong sense of optimism,” says editor and author Kevin Kelly, who believes that we have a moral obligation to be optimistic. Tracing humanity’s progress throughout history, he’s observed that a positive outlook helps us solve problems and empowers us to forge a path forward. In this illuminating talk, he shares three reasons for optimism during challenging times, explaining how it can help us become better ancestors and create the world we want to see for ourselves and future generation.
DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 5/9/23 (00:55:10)
On the Show: Inflation drops to its lowest level in 2 years as we take a broader look at the US economy. Tucker Carlson announces that he is re-launching his show on Twitter after being fired from Fox News. Lying, disgraced Republican Congressman George Santos was arrested and taken into custody today on federal charges including fraud, money laundering, theft, and making false statements. Donald Trump is found liable of sexual assault and defamation of E. Jean Carroll by a jury in the suit brought against him. Donald Trump absolutely explodes after the $5 million verdict against him, posting a series of unhinged videos and text posts to Truth Social. Donald Trump is now accused of being a sexual serial harasser during his time in the White House by former staffer Alyssa Farah Griffin. CNN will hold a Donald Trump town hall tonight, which will be made even crazier by the timing of the E. Jean Carroll verdict. MyPillow founder and CEO Mike Lindell has yet another event planned, this time an “Election Crimes Summit,” which he says will be the most watched show ever. Voicemail caller asks whether Donald Trump has to register as a sex offender as a result of being found liable for sexual assault in the E. Jean Carroll civil suit.
TUESDAY 05.09.23 PROGRAM Notes
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Tuesday May 9, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Researcher Sandra Lupien of Michigan State wants to create a market incentive for removing low-value wood from forests.
ENCOURAGEMENTOLOGY: Who’s Watching? Taking Personal Responsibility (00:30:16)
On this show we are stepping up, doing the work, recognizing our role, and taking personal responsibility. Regardless of who’s watching, first and foremost, were accountable to ourselves. Ever try and get one over on yourself? Maybe you’re the most gullible when you’re selling yourself, justifying your actions, and glamorizing the situation. I mean really, who’s watching? YOU and you count, possibly more than anyone. How can we start taking responsibility without all the shame and guilt? Forgiveness. But this only happens with acceptance. Looks like we have a lot to unpack and a process to follow, so let’s get started.
MOBILIZED NEWS: How the disruption of Status Quo systems creates an improvement in Public Service (00:28:26)
We are on the cusp of the fastest, deepest, most consequential transformation of human civilization in history, a transformation every bit as significant as the move from foraging to cities and agriculture 10,000 years ago.
During the 2020s, key technologies will converge to completely disrupt the five foundational sectors that underpin the global economy, and with them every major industry in the world today. The knock-on effects for society will be as profound as the extraordinary possibilities that emerge.
In information, energy, food, transportation, and materials, costs will fall by 10x or more, while production processes an order of magnitude (10x) more efficient will use 90% fewer natural resources with 10x-100x less waste. The prevailing production system will shift away from a model of centralized extraction and the breakdown of scarce resources that requires vast physical scale and reach, to a model of localized creation from limitless, ubiquitous building blocks ” a world built not on coal, oil, steel, livestock, and concrete but on photons, electrons, DNA, molecules and (q)bits. Product design and development will be performed collaboratively over information networks while physical production and distribution will be fulfilled locally. As a result, geographic advantage will be eliminated as every city or region becomes self-sufficient. This new creation-based production system, which will be built on technologies we are already using today, will be far more equitable, robust, and resilient than any we have ever seen. We have the opportunity to move from a world of extraction to one of creation, a world of scarcity to one of plenitude, a world of inequity and predatory competition to one of shared prosperity and collaboration.
This is not, then, another Industrial Revolution, but a far more fundamental shift. This is the beginning of the third age of humankind ” the Age of Freedom.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Republicans are Fueling Inequality (00:58:00)
How has deregulation of the banking industry lead directly to large-scale homelessness in American cities? Plus- Thom reads from ‘Moving Forward: How Markets and the State Leave the Community Behind’.
THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: Musical Mother’s Day (00:58:00)
Celebrate Mom with The Children’s Hour in a musical Mother’s Day special. We feature some of the latest tunes from Kindie musicians honoring mothers, and we hear poetry about the special bond between kids and our moms. Happy Mother’s Day to all who celebrate from The Children’s Hour.
LITERATURE ALOUD: The Iron Heel by Jack London – Chapter 2 Challenges (00:27:41)
Published in 1908, this is a novel about a socialist revolution that was crushed for years by an oligarchy of wealth before ultimately reviving and building a more just and compassionate world. Portrayed as an illicit revolutionary journal written by Avis Everhard, London chooses a woman to narrate the great need for social justice, the progress of the revolution, its rationale and her sometimes starry-eyed love for the main character Ernest Everhard. Written after London was jailed for participating in a jobs march, this short and action-packed novel is London’s most detailed outline of his socialist views and the logic of a socialist revolution. Part political novel, part dystopian fiction, part speculative fiction, The Iron Heel also includes historically factual footnotes making it a unique textual hybrid.
GREEN STREET NEWS: Toxins in the Water with Dr. Elijah Stommel (00:28:14)
Chemical coatings on your veggies, FCC ignoring the environment and PFAS-laden biosolids on farmland top the week’s headlines; then Dr. Elijah Stommel tells about his research linking exposure to blue green algae (cyanobacteria) with ALS and other serious health problems.
DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 5/9/23 (00:56:19)
On the Show: Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) joins David to discuss the debt ceiling fight, the state of politics in the US, and her Senate campaign for the seat currently held by Dianne Feinstein. Democratic Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr is interviewed by Fox News propagandist Sean Hannity and it goes terribly badly. Republican Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy channels Trump, telling a story about a supposed MAGA hat-wearing Trump supporter who cried at Vivek’s event and abandoned Trump. Failed Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is interviewed again by Piers Morgan, and it goes even more poorly than the first time. Former Donald Trump Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany fills in for the fired Tucker Carlson this week on Fox News, and it’s a disaster, including a horrifying interview of Tulsi Gabbard. Donald Trump is now promoting classic antisemitic George Soros conspiracy theories in his latest mailing. Donald Trump is suspected of doctoring Mar-a-Lago security footage in connection with the federal investigation into mishandling of classified documents. Steve Bannon, former propagandist for Donald Trump, attacks David during a recent episode of his program The War Room. Voicemail caller wants to know why David did not extensively promote his appearance on the Lex Fridman podcast.
MONDAY 05.08.23 PROGRAM Notes
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Monday May 8, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Middle schoolers learn how city design influences extreme heat
WHEN THE BIOMASS HITS THE WIND TURBINE # 153: Save the Soil (00:29:15)
According to a United Nation’s study, the planet has only about 60 years of soil left. The nutrients in our soil have been so depleted that today you must eat 8 oranges to get the same vitamins that your grandparents got by eating just one. So what are the issues and what can we do about them? Annie and Jay Warmke of Blue Rock Station are joined by Heather Kabler and Chitra Iyer of the Isha Foundation to discuss the Save Soil Movement and what is being done to raise awareness of this critical issue.
ECONOMIC UPDATE: Public Banking: Solving the Private Banking Mess (00:29:00)
In this weeks show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on the abortion pill fight and drug firms’ profiteering, stunning wage gains (of $7.50/hour) won by hotel workers’ unions, US real wages fell March ’22-March, racism and empty boasts in Tennessee. In the second half of the show, Wolff interviews Ellen Brown, Chair of Public Banking Institute, on the failures of US banks and the monetary system.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Orbn is Giving the GOP Lessons on “Soft Fascism” at CPAC & They’re Taking Notes (00:58:00)
For 20 years, Hungary was a functioning democracy; today, its a corrupt neofascist oligarchy. Europeans refer to it as soft fascism – Orban succeeded in pulling off what Donald Trump tried. Did Trump sell classified documents he stole to the Saudis and others? Are we shocked? In TX doctors are being forced to report “fake ” abortion “complications” under threat of losing their jobs. Michael Fanone claims CNN declined to run op-ed critical of network for hosting Trump town hall – hmmm….Isn’t this the one person they should hear from? Victoria Jones – Coronation of King Charles…and the future of the monarchy / PLUS, the UK elections…will the Tory party finally be voted out?! Is the banking crisis deepening? Pigeon Alert! The robots from the planet xenu are putting out misinformation again, and they have invented a new coverup – I’ll fill you in.
RADIO ART HOUR: Scanner, Black Siren Radio, Andrea Sodomka (00:58:00)
New works this week from Scanner, Black Siren Radio, Andrea Sodomka. British radio artist Scanner is first, with “The Earthbound Fox” from his 2022 album collaboration with Olga Wojciechowska, here going by Stri. Next we tune in “Mourning Good” from Black Siren Radio, and introduced by Andy Stuhl. Mourning Good is the work of Black Siren Radio, which is one outlet for the We Be Imagining initiative. We Be Imagining combines academic research and the performance arts to propel critical conversations around race, gender, class, and disability. Mourning Good exemplifies this approach by collaging music and archival audio including academic work. A keystone source for the remix is a 2017 talk by sociologist Ruha Benjamin, but we also hear Pauline Rogers, Joshua Bennett, Mamie Till, Kendrick Lamar, Geto Boys, 2Pac, and others. The producers of Black Siren Radio, which airs on Columbia University station WKCR-FM, intend for the piece to advance an artistic practice of remixing and re-amplifying Black scholarship. – Introduced by Wave Farm Radio Artist Fellow 2021/2022, Andy Stuhl. Finally, we tune in “Intimate Space” by Andrea Sodomka, and introduced by Jess Speer. “Intimate Space” was originally conceived as an installation for the festival Ars Sonora, Radio Clsica, put on by Radio Nacional de Espana. As is her usual practice, Sodomka spent many months thinking about, researching, and conducting interviews about the concept of intimacy and intimate space before beginning composition or production. During this time, she spent time in Tokyo, which gave her insight into cultural and contextual differences in the idea of physical intimacy and personal space. When the time came for production, Sodomka and her collaborators, including Helmut Jasbar on electric guitar, Heidelinde Gratzl on accordion, and Sodomka herself using electronic instruments, gathered in the studio, and were able to take time to improvise and play together to get a good recording that captured their expression of intimate space. Afterwards, Sodomka worked with sound engineer Anton Reininger to mix a recording in Dolby 5.1 Digital Surround Sound that included a recorded interview with collaborator August Black edited by Anna Kuncio, and a sound donation by Daniel Lercher.
LITERATURE ALOUD: The Iron Heel by Jack London – Foreword & ch. 1 My Eagle (00:37:30)
Published in 1908, this is a novel about a socialist revolution that was crushed for years by an oligarchy of wealth before ultimately reviving and building a more just and compassionate world. Portrayed as an illicit revolutionary journal written by Avis Everhard, London chooses a woman to narrate the great need for social justice, the progress of the revolution, its rationale and her sometimes starry-eyed love for the main character Ernest Everhard. Written after London was jailed for participating in a jobs march, this short and action-packed novel is London’s most detailed outline of his socialist views and the logic of a socialist revolution. Part political novel, part dystopian fiction, part speculative fiction, The Iron Heel also includes historically factual footnotes making it a unique textual hybrid.
ART, MUSIC AND THE BRAIN – Daniel Levitin (00:21:51)
Daniel Levitin, professor of neuroscience at McGill University, describes the way that learning a musical instrument alters and strengthens key areas of the brain.
DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 5/8/23 (00:54:06)
On the Show:11 mass shootings and more than 300 shootings total in the United States this past weekend. Gun-loving former police officer Steven Spainhouer says it’s time to do something about guns after the latest Texas mass shooting. Republican Representative Keith Self says that prayer does work to stop mass shootings in a totally unhinged rant. The latest jobs report is a blowout as black unemployment hits an all-time low in the United States. A top rated poll from ABC says that both Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis would easily defeat Joe Biden in a 2024 election faceoff. Donald Trump claimed on video that he was going to New York to testify in the E. Jean Carroll trial, and then his attorney said Trump will not be testifying. Donald Trump mistakes the alleged victim, E. Jean Carroll, for his own ex-wife, Marla Maples, during a wild deposition. The real cancel culture is coming from the American right wing, not the left wing. Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis clearly cannot handle tough questions, ending up massively triggered once again at his own press conference. Voicemail caller is obese but says he “identifies as thin.”
SUNDAY 05.07.23 PROGRAM Notes
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
THE BRADCAST 5/5/23: Lifestyles of the Rich and Thomas: New reporting reveals corruption and law-breaking by Justice Clarence Thomas (00:57:30)
Original air-date 4-6-2023. On today’s ‘BradCast’: The lawlessness of U.S. Supreme Court Clarence Thomas is endless. Back in 2011, the BRAD BLOG documented how Justice Thomas, for many years, omitted his wife’s salary from the far-right Heritage Foundation on mandatory financial disclosure forms, in violation of federal law. Once caught, Thomas amended the filings. Around the same time period, his wife, Ginni Thomas, launched a dark money ‘non-profit’ organization that pulled in funding from rightwing groups with business before the U.S. Supreme Court, including the Citizens United group that shortly thereafter received a favorable ruling from Thomas and the rightwing SCOTUS majority that overturned dark money disclosure rules. Today, stunning new reporting from Pro Publica exposes how Thomas has, for decades, received undisclosed donations in the form of luxury vacations around the world from major Republican mega-donor Harlan Crow. Thomas’ failure to report these trips is not only shockingly unethical for a member of the U.S. Supreme Court, but experts say it is also illegal. Also today: some thoughts on the ‘uncharted waters’ of Donald Trump’s first (but not likely last) criminal indictment this week, courtesy of Daily Kos contributor ‘Dartagnan.’ Plus Desi Doyen has our latest ‘Green News Report.’
EARTH RIOT RADIO: How To See Through Eyes of the Great Unknown (00:29:00)
The buskers, the doowop groups, the jugglers, Mariachi combs and rappers, and the Michael Jackson moon-walkers like Jordon Neely, killed by an ex-marine/son of a cop from Long Island. A light was extinguished, lighting up of the underground canyons of this city. Years ago, Mayor Guiliani shot, jailed or shipped out of town the characters that might be scary to the tourists in Times Square, making way for the Lion King era. But those weirdos will break through the wall of the monoculture with their unsanctioned song and dance, call them the Unknown.
TURN ON THE NEWS: A Fox In The Snow (00:28:00)
“Turn On The News” is the weekly newscast from the fictional Radio Network, with parody radio coverage of the radio and its headlines. Now with computerized news readers, and fewer meddling reporters, plus aggregated reporting, and automated music. Tune in “Turn On The News” each week for the latest news, radio art, and more from our robot reporters, making sure you hear both sides — good and evil — every time you “Turn On The News.” This week: “A Fox In The Snow.” This week the mystery is who will succeed Tucker Carlson.
Best of ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN (00:59:30)
Segment One
We begin the show with Anders Croy, Communications Director for Florida Watch and DeSantis Watch. We discuss the various changes in law that the Florida legislature has made to enable DeSantis to run a presidential campaign. We also discuss the various trips that DeSantis has taken, with no transparency on who paid for them. There are no available records on his travel, his visitors, and any testimony from his staff. We discuss what is happening with New College, which has received $50M in the wake of the takeover by DeSantis and his new Board.
Segment Two
We then speak with Asher Lehrer Small, a staff reporter at The 74 We discuss the actions of the Texas legislators who recently passed a bill that prevents students from learning about how government works, and how to participate. Their actions have had a chilling effect on civics education, and discourage democracy. There is simply no purpose for these nefarious actions but to separate the average working class citizen from the halls of Government.
BACKGROUND BRIEFING with IAN MASTERS May 6, 2023 (00:59:00)
Trump’s StormTroopers the Proud Boys Found Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy | The Possibility the Drone Attack on the Kremlin Was Carried Out By Anti-Putin Russian Partisans | Why Does the Biden Administration Create Red Lines For Ukraine Then Eventually Deliver the Weapons Months if Not a Year Later?
MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR: Listening to Ayahuasca – Psycho-Spiritual Healing with Dr Rachel Harris (00:59:00)
This is an in depth interview with researcher and retired psychotherapist Rachel Harris, author of LISTENING TO AYAHUASCA: New Hope for Depression, Addiction, PTSD & Anxiety, which could also have been titled Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Ayahuasca But Were Afraid to Ask. We talk about traditional psychedelic plant healing from the Amazon jungle, and how it is affecting and changing the lives of people here in the west, from the perspective of healing and psychotherapy.
DEEP DIVE CYBERSECURITY SHOW: Deepfake News, AI bosses, Newborn DNA privacy, Oh my! (00:58:39)
The last two weeks were so insane with Cybersecurity and privacy news that this week’s show is nothing but pure information. You can’t say you haven’t been told after listening to this one!
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
THE BRADCAST 5/4/23: GOP legislatures gaming elections, suppressing voting; Proud Boys guilty; More Clarence corruption (00:58:00)
On today’s ‘BradCast’: A jury convicted four members of the far-right, racist militia group Proud Boys on charges of seditious conspiracy and other serious crimes for their actions in Donald Trump’s January 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. A judge tossed out Trump’s lawsuit against the New York Times for reporting on his tax returns, and ordered Trump to pay the paper’s legal fees. New reporting reveals that rightwing Justice Clarence Thomas never disclosed that billionaire Harlan Crow paid the private school tuition of Thomas’ nephew. Good news for democracy in Nebraska and Michigan, where voters resoundingly rejected far-right, billionaire-funded MAGA candidates. In Michigan, a MAGA election clerk under investigation for breaching election security was defeated in a deep red county. After losing badly in their attempts to enact abortion bans via statewide ballot initiatives in Kansas and Kentucky, GOP-controlled state legislatures are now trying to game the ballot initiative process itself, and erect new hurdles for voters. In Ohio, Republicans are pushing a scheme to raise the qualification threshold for ballot initiatives before voters can mobilize to stop them. Missouri Republicans are outright lying to voters about their anti-democracy ballot initiative. In Florida, the GOP legislature further restricted voting, criminalized non-profit groups’ voter registration drives, and changed long-standing state law to allow far-right Gov. Ron DeSantis to run for President without resigning his seat. Plus Desi Doyen has our latest ‘Green News Report.’
KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: Courage Unexcelled in US History (00:59:49)
It was a crime to even be a member of the One Big Union. But even Helen Keller was a member of the IWW, the Industrial Workers of the World. On this show, Ahmed White talks about his new book Under the Iron Heel: The Wobblies and the Capitalist War on Radical Workers. Does Iron Heel sound like America? It was author and supporter Jack London who popularized the term. Though crushed by the government, the courage and solidarity of the IWW deserves to be better known as we seek a better world. It’s quite a story.
GROWING GREENER: An Introduction to Veganic Gardening (00:29:00)
John Walker, a horticulturist who trained at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew and a multi award winner environmental writer, shares advice on Veganic Gardening, an approach that combines organic practices with plant-based nurturing of the soil with resources found or grown on-site for maximum sustainability.
TUC RADIO: Forgotten History of the US War on Korea (00:29:00)
On Wednesday, April 26, 2023, Joe Biden pledged to deploy nuclear armed submarines to South Korea for the first time in 40 years. The US would involve officials from South Korea in nuclear planning operations targeting North Korea. How has it come to this, what is the experience of people on the ground in North and South Korea. And why do we know so little about the US War on Korea, that began 70 years ago, and never ended in a peace agreement.
I had the moving experience to record one of the few living veterans of that war. The great late folk singer and story teller Utah Phillips said that being drafted and stationed in Korea changed his life. Jeff Blankfort is a much traveled journalist and photographer. He did in depth research on the origin of the war and invited Christine Ahn to be the guest on his program on August 23, 2017. Thanks to Jeff Blankfort and KZYX for sharing part of the one hour program. Christine Ahn is founder and executive director of Women Cross DMZ, a global movement of women mobilizing to end the Korean War. Christine is also the coordinator of the campaign Korea Peace Now! She has addressed the UN, Congress and the National Human Rights Commission in South Korea. This program was recorded in August 2017. Now – 6 years later – Christine Ahn gives an update as guest on the April 28, 2023, edition of Democracy Now.
THE BOPST SHOW: Fatal Charms (00:00:00)
The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s show, you’ll hear Thai funk from Panadda Chayapark, atmospheric space rock from Ukrainian group Sex Blender, and modern electronic pop by Brazilian artist Bel Medula (AKA: Isabel Nogueira) as well as tunes by the Mile Lee Sound, the Creatures and many others outside mainstream consciousness.
ALAN WATTS: How to Enjoy Life (00:05:44)
Buddhist teacher Watts reflects on life. Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was a British writer and lecturer who interpreted and popularized Eastern philosophy and religion for a Western audience. Born in Chislehurst, England, he moved to the United States in 1938 and began Zen training in New York. Pursuing a career, he attended Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, where he received a master’s degree in theology. Watts became an Episcopal priest in 1945, then left the ministry in 1950 and moved to California, where he joined the faculty of the American Academy of Asian Studies. Watts gained a large following in the San Francisco Bay Area while working as a volunteer programmer at KPFA, a Pacifica Radio station in Berkeley. Watts wrote more than 25 books and articles on subjects important to Eastern and Western religion, introducing the then-burgeoning youth culture to The Way of Zen (1957), one of the first bestselling books on Buddhism. In Psychotherapy East and West (1961), Watts proposed that Buddhism could be thought of as a form of psychotherapy and not a religion. He considered Nature, Man, and Woman (1958) to be, “from a literary point of view—the best book I have ever written.” He also explored human consciousness and psychedelics in the essay “The New Alchemy” (1958) and in the book The Joyous Cosmology (1962).
RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR #478 (00:57:24)
In conjunction with the American Museum of Tort Law, we conduct another live Zoom recording where Ralph welcomes legendary trial lawyer Shanin Spector to discuss the constitutional right of wrongfully injured people to have their day in court and the corporate forces that are trying to limit this most basic of American principles. Then, Ralph and Mr. Spector take questions from our live audience.
FRIDAY 05.05.23 PROGRAM Notes
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Friday May 5, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Students push for climate education at med schools
FOOD SLEUTH RADIO: Margaret Reeves, Ph.D., Senior Scientist at the Pesticide Action Center of North America discusses pesticides role in climate change (00:28:00)
Did you know that most synthetic pesticides are petroleum-based? Join Food Sleuth Radio host and Registered Dietitian, Melinda Hemmelgarn, for her interview with Margaret Reeves, Ph.D., Senior Scientist at the Pesticide Action Center of North America. Reeves discusses the Pesticide Action Networks new report: Pesticides and Climate Change: A vicious cycle. She describes how pesticides contribute to climate change and explains the smoke and mirrors behind some climate smart terms and practices. Related website: Report Pesticides and Climate Change: A vicious cycle:
and webinars:
COUNTERSPIN: Debt Ceiling Crisis, The Right to Repair (00:28:00)
Chris Lehmann/debt ceiling crisis, Kyle Wiens/right to repair
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Trump Town Hall: Is CNN Normalizing Fascism Next Week? (00:58:00)
It’s time to call a fascist a fascist, speaking of CNNs upcoming attempt to rehabilitate Trump with a sanitized Town Hall and a mostly MAGA audience. The Tucker Carlson text message: Inside the mind of a sociopath? Investigative journalist Greg Palast explains Powell’s bag of leeches – hiking interest rates, the Medieval cure for inflation. Also, what Putin is up to by claiming an attempted drone attack. Veteran War Correspondent Phil Ittner reports from Kyiv, Ukraine.
SEA CHANGE RADIO: Daniel Pye on the “Protecting Our Planet” Challenge (00:29:00)
Backed by some of the world’s wealthiest people like Jeff Bezos and Michael Bloomberg, the Protecting our Planet (POP) campaign has a mission to ensure the protection of 30% of the worlds land and seas by 2030. This week on Sea Change Radio, we speak to Mongabay reporter Daniel Pye to learn more about this bold initiative. We check in on the progress of the group two years into its launch, look deeper into its finances, and discuss the realistic expectations for what POP might be able to accomplish.
LAURA FLANDERS SHOW: Muslim Americans in the Media: From Islamophobia to Power (00:28:00)
Dangerous stereotypes around Muslim Americans persist, with very real consequences for Muslim people and American democracy at large. Even in Congress, Muslim Representatives like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Keith Ellison have faced vilification. But are we witnessing a shift? This year, the United Nations celebrated the first-ever International Day to Combat Islamophobia and Minneapolis became the first major city in the nation to start public broadcast of the Islamic call to prayer five times a day. Joining Laura for this Meet the BIPOC Press conversation are Hibah Ansari, a reporter from the Sahan Journal, that is dedicated to reporting on communities of color in Minnesota, and Dalia Mogahed, a leading researcher at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding in Washington, DC. Our cohost is Mitra Kalita of Epicenter-NYC, who with Sara Lomax is the co-founder of URL Media, a network of independently owned and operated Black and Brown media outlets. What happens when Muslim Americans themselves take on the task of reporting on their communities?
THE BOPST SHOW: Fatal Charms (00:00:00)
The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s show, you’ll hear Thai funk from Panadda Chayapark, atmospheric space rock from Ukrainian group Sex Blender, and modern electronic pop by Brazilian artist Bel Medula (AKA: Isabel Nogueira) as well as tunes by the Mile Lee Sound, the Creatures and many others outside mainstream consciousness.
DAVID PAKMAN SHOWW 5/5/23 (00:00:00)
(notes posted when available)
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Thursday May, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: New Mexico school helps students recover from wildfire trauma
RADIO ECOSHOCK: Making $$ from Endless Record Heat (00:58:00)
Endless record heat over Asia. Is it because the ocean has never been hotter? Then Katrin Gandswindt from Urgewald names the trillion dollar pension funds and investment houses paying for a new surge in fossil fuel production. Psychologist Derrick Sebree Jr. on the African American experience during the climate shift.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: As the GOP Puts the U.S. Economy in Limbo, Justice Ticks Down for DJT (00:58:00)
Anxiety rises around the globe as the House Republicans and Kevin McCarthy recklessly toy with the US debt ceiling. Meanwhile E. Jean Carroll’s emotional testimony and evidence continue in the rape trial against Donald Trump. Trumps lawyer, Joseph Tacopina demonstrates tone deaf bullying tactics and a disregard for the jury’s safety and anonymity. Plus Marjorie Taylor Greene latest embarrassment in congressional hearings plus much more.
NUCLEAR HOTSEAT with LIBBE HaLEVY: The Antidote to Oliver Stone – “Fukushima Disaster,” New Film Exposes Core Nuclear Lies (00:57:01)
The Antidote to Oliver Stone is “Fukushima Disaster: The Hidden Side of the Story” a film by Philippe Carillo. It demonstrates what’s wrong with nukes, animates radiations impact on cells & DNA, & makes the case against nuclear power.
The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) is a program that makes the power sector pay money to the state for how much they pollute. The money raised by RGGI is invested back into communities. RGGI has been wildly successful in Virginia, raising over a billion dollars to strengthen Virginia’s communities and lower our electric bills through energy efficiency programs. It’s also popular with everyone except the fossil fuel industry and their pro-polluter allies like Governor Glenn Youngkin. This episode both describes the massive benefit of Virginia keeping the RGGI program and details how Governor Youngkin is trying to get rid of it.
Learn more and social media links:
DAVID PAKMAN SHOWW 5/4/23 (00:57:39)
On the Show: Russia claims that the United States is behind the failed drone “attack” on the Kremlin, and says it will retaliate. Republicans wildly accuse President Joe Biden of bribery, even calling for his impeachment, but present absolutely no evidence. Florida Republicans have passed a disgusting, and arguably unenforceable, “pronoun” bill. Will they target LGBT teachers next? Caller talks about how people are more aligned on politics than they think. Caller wants to see primary debates in the 2024 election cycle. Donald Trump is confronted by Nigel Farage during an interview, who says Trump should stop talking about the 2020 election being “rigged” if he wants to win in 2024. A judge throws out Donald Trump’s lawsuit against the New York Times, ordering him to pay legal fees. A reporter in Ireland asks Trump why he is there rather than at his rape trial in New York. Voicemail caller is upset that David is “rude” to Donald Trump during coverage of his rallies.
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Wednesday May 3, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Clean energy technology can reduce energy costs for low-income people
PATIENTS COME FIRST: Carol Olson (00:10:10)
The latest episode of VHHA’s Patients Come First podcast features an interview with Carol Olson, MA, LPC, ATR, CSAC, a licensed professional counselor with the VCU Health Injury and Violence Prevention Program who manages both Project Empower and IVPP Counseling, for a conversation about her background in the arts, how that brought her to counseling, and working with individuals impacted by domestic, interpersonal, and sexual violence.
ART, MUSIC AND THE BRAIN – Daniel Levitin (00:21:51)
Daniel Levitin, professor of neuroscience at McGill University, describes the way that learning a musical instrument alters and strengthens key areas of the brain.
THIS WAY OUT #1831: Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Redux & Biden Stand-Up & global LGBTQ news! (00:28:59)
Ugandan activist Frank Mugisha lobbies against killing the gays; Joe Biden serves humor at the White House Correspondents Dinner; Hungary’s president vetoes a queer family snitch bill, rekindled Tokyo Pride parades for change in Japan, the Wade-Union family flees Florida to protect their trans daughter, drag queens sashay to Tallahassee to protest DeSantis anti-queer laws, and Montana’s sidelined trans state rep Zooey Zephyr fights on. Those stories and more this week when you discover “This Way Out”: the world’s audio oasis for queer news and culture.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: The SCOTUS Betrayal of Justice (00:58:00)
Reporter covering Supreme Court, Politics & Democracy at Mother Jones, Pema Levy explains that the Dobb’s leak didn’t wreck the Supreme Court – the Justice’s Scandals Did…A year ago, conservatives complained of a betrayal of justice. Since then, theyve been ignoring plenty. Also Executive Director-Social Security Works Alex Lawson reveals that Social Security was just voted down by 217 Republicans. Alex Lawson knows how we can save it but we have to work together.
CIVIC CIPHER: Living in the Aftermath of Anti-Black Violence (00:59:00)
For today’s show, we are discussing the aftermath of anti-black violence. Our guest is Marshun Neeley who is a victim of police brutality and has launched a $5 million lawsuit against officers who attacked him. He shares his story and tells us about the aftermath and his recovery. In the second half of the show, we discuss Raph Yarl, the 16-year-old who was shot twice for knocking on the wrong door in Kansas City. In the aftermath of the shooting, we examine how the perpetrator was treated, and the long road to recovery for Ralph and his family and community.
LITERATURE ALOUD: Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman ch. 12 “Expelled” (00:27:35)
Herland is a utopian novel written in1915 by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman author of the famous and influential short story “The Yellow Wallpaper.” It describes the adventures and education of three men who land in an isolated and get schooled by a society comprised entirely of women who reproduce via asexual reproduction. Their matrifocal emphasis leads to an ideal social order, free of war, conflict and domination. It first appeared as a serial in Perkin’s monthly magazine Forerunner.
CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS: Citizen Science Is for Everyone, with Caroline Nickerson (00:28:00)
“A citizen scientist is anyone who is curious about the world and eager to help explore and understand it,” says National Science Foundation director Sethuraman Panchanathan. We dig into the fun and importance of citizen science with Caroline Nickerson, advisor to SciStarter, one of the allied network of organizations promoting citizen science and April as Citizen Science Month. “Citizen Science is for everyone. It really is a democratizing force.” ~ Caroline Nickerson
Episode webpage:
DAVID PAKMAN SHOWW 5/3/23 (00:57:32)
On the Show: Bob Zeidman, the software engineer who debunked MyPillow Mike Lindell’s election fraud allegations and has claimed the offered $5 million reward, joins David to discuss the entire fiasco. Right-wing content creator Steven Crowder and right-wingers would like women to have to stay married if they can’t point to “fault” for a divorce. CNN is promoting their forthcoming Donald Trump town hall as if Trump is a normal person who was not arrested and did not incite a riotous insurrection. Lawrence Jones, Tucker Carlson’s latest replacement, continues to humiliate himself. Donald Trump’s recent interview with his own former propagandist Steve Bannon goes horribly wrong. Donald Trump opens a 36-point lead over Ron DeSantis. A visibly confused Donald Trump tries pandering to Christians during a religious interview. Donald Trump reportedly grabbed a reporter’s phone during a childish tantrum. Voicemail caller says he witnessed a crime in New York City.
TUESDAY 05.02.23 PROGRAM Notes
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Tuesday May 2, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: 15 million people at risk globally from glacial lake dam bursts, study finds
ENCOURAGEMENTOLOGY: You Deserve Another Go (00:30:25)
On this show we are taking another stab at it, digging in to see what went wrong and how we can re-engineer our approach, modify our goal, or clarify our vision. Because YOU deserve another go! How many home runs and hole-in-ones have you had in your life? Can you count them on one hand or are you right now, holding back a chuckle thinking Yeah right!? Well if you’re tired of the hammer hitting everything but the nail on the head, hold tight. Let’s step back for a minute. Are you worth figuring this out? Unlocking the door to possibilities? You bet you are. Sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration and an alternative perception. You got this! Not ready to release the rally cry? Keep listening.
COOL SOLUTIONS: Throwing Shade (00:28:00)
With growing conflicts over solar development on farm land, dual use may provide middle ground and enough income to help small farmers keep farming. That’s how Byron Kominek found himself putting a solar garden on one of his hay fields and hosting teams of agrivoltaic researchers. Colorado farmers Byron Kominek and Liza McConnell and Jordan Macknick, head of agrivoltaic research at the National Renewable Energy Lab, are finding showing some crops in solar arrays grow better and use less water.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: For the Next Time Some Idiot Tries to Tell You the GOP is The Party of Business (00:58:00)
The only businesses Republicans support are gun sellers, megachurches, corrupt defense contractors & giant monopolies – and none of those are good for average Americans or the US economy. Interview: Consumer advocate, lawyer, author, former presidential candidate, and radio host Ralph Nader introduces his new newspaper The Capitol Hill Citizen, and book, The Incommunicados. Also how republicans are silencing their constituents and why GOP “snowflakes” can’t handle unique artwork – so it’s being destroyed – WHAT!?
THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: World War 2 (00:58:00)
We take a step back in time, to over 80 years ago to World War II, one of the biggest conflicts in human history, which changed modern humanity forever. Learn from Ms. Teresa Rand Bridges’ bilingual 5th grade class at Alvarado Elementary, a public school in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We will hear about where the United States stood, and how the war started in Europe. Students present the story of Anne Franke, and we hear about a Jewish family who escaped thanks to two teenage penpals. This piece is from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The kids in Ms. Rand Bridges’ class explain how the United States came to enter the war, when a military outpost in Hawaii was bombed by the Japanese military. After Pearl Harbor, over 120,000 Japanese-Americans were imprisoned from March 1942 to November 1945. Producers Robin Amer and Jesse Seay talked with some of their survivors who were themselves children in that long incarceration, from Listenwise Students. The students teach us about the role women played in the war, including teaching about Victory Gardens in a bilingual piece. Then we learn about the arsenal of weapons, ships and aircraft used by the Allied and Axis forces. World War 2 was the most deadly conflict ever in human history, with nearly 52 million people killed worldwide. World War 2 came to an end on September 2, 1945, when the final treaty was signed between the Americans and Japanese. The kids in Ms. Rand Bridges’ class are from the place where the nuclear bomb was developed and tested. They cover nuclear weapons and the part they played at the end of the war. All the music we play in this episode either teaches about World War 2 or is from that era.
LITERATURE ALOUD: Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman ch. 11 “Our Difficulties” (00:29:29)
Herland is a utopian novel written in1915 by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman author of the famous and influential short story “The Yellow Wallpaper.” It describes the adventures and education of three men who land in an isolated and get schooled by a society comprised entirely of women who reproduce via asexual reproduction. Their matrifocal emphasis leads to an ideal social order, free of war, conflict and domination. It first appeared as a serial in Perkin’s monthly magazine Forerunner.
GREEN STREET NEWS: The Study That Should Have Stopped Wireless (00:28:14)
After a discussion of the week’s environmental headlines, Patti and Doug speak with Dr. Ron Melnick, designer of the world’s most elaborate and expensive study designed to determine if non-ionizing radiation from cell phones and other wireless devices could cause cancer. Spoiler Alert: it can, and it does.
DAVID PAKMAN SHOWW 5/2/23 (00:00:00)
(notes posted when available)
MONDAY 05.01.23 PROGRAM Notes
6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)
Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Monday April 24, 2023
CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Tool helps communities identify areas lacking trees
WHEN THE BIOMASS HITS THE WIND TURBINE #178: Solar Cookers (00:29:16)
Cooking with the sun. Not only is it a practical solution to deforestation in third-world nations, keeping smoke and ash out of poorly ventilated buildings and causing women to risk their health and safety by walking miles for fire wood ” but is also a great alternative here at home as well. Join perhaps the nation’s leading expert on solar cookers, Luther Krueger, as he discusses the art and science behind solar cookers with Jay and Annie Warmke of Blue Rock Station.
ECONOMIC UPDATE: Varoufakis’ Critique of Capitalism Today (00:29:00)
Yanis Varoufakis, elected member Greek parliament, joins the program and offers his original, critical perspectives on (1) the banking crisis, (2) the decline of the US empire and US capitalism, (3) the mass uprisings of the French and Greek working classes in Europe, (4) the collapse of Europe’s efforts to shape an independent (from the US and China) economic position, and (5) class struggle inside China.
THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: How to De-throne the Self-Appointed Kings & Queens of America (00:58:00)
I am proposing that Congress change the rules of how the Court operates around decisions in which they invoke the Constitution to change or strike down laws. Trump calls to end the constitution and Republicans say nothing – say what? Veteran War Correspondent based in Kyiv, Ukraine Phil Ittner is here – The Battle of the apps. Sen Durban says a SCOTUS overhaul is coming – I can’t wait. Hakeem Jeffries gives epic speech on house floor. Geeky Science! Why & how touch and massage are so therapeutic.
RADIO ART HOUR: People Like Us (00:58:16)
British audio-visual collage artist Vicki Bennett, aka People Like Us, is well known for her sampling, appropriating, and cutting up of found footage and archives, and for producing the “DO or DIY” radio show on WFMU. Here we sample several People Like Us radio-related works, including “The Joy of Noise” (with Ergo Phizmiz), “Guide To Broadcasting,” “Radio On The Radio Side,” “Experiments in Terroir Best of DO or DIY,” and “Wide Open Spaces.”
LITERATURE ALOUD: Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman ch. 10 “Their Religions and Our Marriages” (00:25:25)
Herland is a utopian novel written in1915 by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman author of the famous and influential short story “The Yellow Wallpaper.” It describes the adventures and education of three men who land in an isolated and get schooled by a society comprised entirely of women who reproduce via asexual reproduction. Their matrifocal emphasis leads to an ideal social order, free of war, conflict and domination. It first appeared as a serial in Perkin’s monthly magazine Forerunner.
CREATING OUR PREFERRED FUTURE: Paradigm Shift and Transforming Suburbia (00:29:00)
The previous four editions of Creating A Preferred Future [CAPF] unveiled “A Primer For Paradigm Shift.” The Primer explains many social, economic, environmental, public health, personal and spiritual aspects of paradigm shift. This episode explains the relationship between paradigm shift and suburbia. The episode begins with a look at 22 years transforming a suburban property to produce more basic needs on site and to reduce the eco footprints of those living here, all within the context of paradigm shift. Projects include grass to garden front and back. Edible landscaping all over. Depaving the driveway, remodeling the garage into living space. Turning an outdoor south side patio into a 350 ft sq passive solar space, building a 400 ft sq detached living space, 6500 gal rain water system and more. Thousands of people have visited over the years. This episode of CAPF explains how a suburban property and suburbia can be a valuable part of paradigm shift and creating a preferred future, where humans live within the boundaries of the natural world.
DAVID PAKMAN SHOWW 5/1/23 (00:56:11)
On the Show: Fox News has lost more than half of its audience in Tucker Carlson’s old time slot after Carlson was fired and replaced albeit temporarily by Brian Kilmeade. A stunning new poll reveals the brutal bloodbath that could be the 2024 elections for Republicans. Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has a total meltdown when asked about his possible role in torture at Guantanamo Bay detention center. Failed former President Donald Trump holds a campaign event in New Hampshire which immediately goes off the rails into a combination of painful tedium and obvious lies. Attendees of Donald Trump’s campaign event in New Hampshire are interviewed, and it is a reminder of how scary his supporters are. Rudy Giuliani admits to a technique to suppress the Hispanic vote during his 1993 New York City mayoral election. Montana Republican State Representative Kerri Seekins-Crowe appears to suggest that she would rather her daughter take her own life than be transgender on a confusing but definitively disgusting rant. Donald Trump comes up with a conspiracy theory so insane during an interview with Fox News’ Mark Levin that even Levin can’t save Trump. Voicemail caller doesn’t like that The David Pakman Show has sponsors and doesn’t understand why we have them.