JUNE 2023

FRIDAY 06.30.23 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon (scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Friday June 30, 2023


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: American Samoa’s coastal communities face worsened sea-level rise

DEEP DIVE CYBERSECURITY SHOW: Is Social Media Liable For Mass Shootings? (00:29:06)

We know social media has caused grave damage to democracy, trust, the youngers, as well as increased radicalization. But, are social media platforms liable for mass shootings? We dive into this plus catch up on the latest news!


COUNTERSPIN: Dobbs 1 Year Later, Life after Roe (00:28:12)

Taryn Abbassian/Dobbs 1 Year Later, Pieklo, Hollar, Mcguire & Mitchum/Life after Roe

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Is Water Vapor Confirmed as a Major Player in Climate Change?  (00:58:08)

Sitting in for Thom Hartmann today and host of the Democracy Nerd Podcast, Jefferson Smith introduces his step-sister and Hydrology expert Angela Gygi, Director, Hollywood Orchard. What is regenerative agriculture and why we need it NOW. Article: “Walter Jehne: Restoring water cycles to naturally cool climate” by Peter Donovan. Recommended site: Understanding Ag.


SEA CHANGE RADIO: An Upfront Talk About Carbon With Lloyd Alter (00:29:00)

For some time now, ecologists and environmentalists have been promoting life-cycle analyses – calculations of the environmental impact of a product, from the sourcing of materials all the way through to its disposal. While this is still a valid expenditure of effort, our guest today on Sea Change Radio argues that we may need to re-focus more narrowly on the carbon generated at the front-end of an article’s life: its production, transportation, delivery, and installation. He asserts that these “upfront carbon” emissions are the more urgent and immediate concerns, and we simply don’t have time to focus on the rest of the product’s life. This week we welcome back to the show author, environmental journalist, and design expert Lloyd Alter, to discuss his upcoming book, The Story of Upfront Carbon. We learn about the birth of the term, discuss why it’s a useful lens for making consumer decisions, and go down a carbon emissions rabbit hole on products like iPhones, electric vehicles, and e-bikes.


LAURA FLANDERS SHOW: Drag Story Hour Under Attack: What Can Media Do? (00:28:00)

As Pride Month continues, we explore the activism of drag queens and trans individuals who bore the brunt of the violence during the Stonewall Riots of 1969 and are still targets of violence and vitriol today. State legislators, so far this year, have proposed and in some cases passed, hundreds of bills that seek to restrict drag culture and queer self-expression. Proud Boys have harassed and threatened Drag Story Hour events across the country, even in the diverse borough of Queens, NY. In this episode of The Laura Flanders Show’s monthly feature, Meet the BIPOC Press, Laura and co-host Mitra Kalita (co-founder of URL Media) are joined from North Carolina by Naomi Dix, an influential drag artist whose show in rural Moore County was disrupted by a sabotage attack on an energy substation ” an attack that left 45,000 households and businesses in the dark for five days in December 2022. We’re also joined by reporter Sam Zachar, the producer of a two-part podcast series for Epicenter-NYC on NYC’s Drag Story Hours ” what they are, and what they’re up against.

THE BOPST SHOW: Extinction Event Souvenir T-Shirt (00:56:01)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. This week’s show features music by Puerto Rican salsa band leader Bobby Valentín, Texan psychedelic soul band Black Pumas, post-punk and industrial hip-hop innovator Mark Stewart as well as Mauritanian griot, singer, songwriter, and instrumentalist Noura Mint Seymali, American artist, art educator, and musician Lonnie Holley and many others outside mainstream consciousness.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/30/23 (00:00:00)

(notes posted when available)

THURSDAY 06.29.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon (scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Thursday June 29, 2023 


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Mosquito that can carry viral infections spreads northward in U.S

RADIO ECOSHOCK: The Big Heat Strikes (00:58:00)

Military spending is up around the world. Will they protect fossil fuel interests while the world burns? Australia security analyst & climate researcher Dr. Elizabeth Boulton has a very different plan. Canadian medical doctor Peter Carter heads the Climate Emergency Institute. Carter says the world climate is already tipping into disaster.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: What is a “fraudulent elector” & what’s happening in the WI lawsuit?   (00:58:08)

Guest host Jefferson Smith of the Democracy Nerd Podcast sits in for Thom Hartmann today explaining the Case: “Khary Penebaker et al v. Andrew Hitt et al.” (fraudulent electors) Article: “Ben Wikler” by Wikipedia.

Article: “What To Know About Wisconsin Republicans’ Fake 2020 Electors” by Jonathon Sadowski. Poem: “Newspaper Poem” by Vera Sidhwa. Interview: Scott Thompson, Staff Counsel – Law Forward.


KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: Yes, Alternatives to War Are Realistic (00:59:12)

Like all bad habits, war is a tough one to break. On this show, Professor Emeritus Lawrence Wittner explains that respecting, listening, and helping people in other countries is a lot more economically conservative and accomplishes security much more effectively. Reforming the UN Security Council and democratization of decision making are available, perhaps inevitable, alternatives to the wars of today.

LITERATURE ALOUD: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair – ch. 11 (00:26:37)

It is the end of the 19th century. Like thousands of others, the Rudkus family has emigrated from Lithuania to America in search of a better life. As they settle into the Packingtown neighborhood of Chicago, they find their dreams are unlikely to be realized. In fact, just the opposite is quite likely to occur. The family, naïve to the ways of Chicago, quickly falls prey to con men and makes a series of bad decisions that lead them into wretched poverty and terrible living conditions. All are forced to find jobs in dismal working conditions for their very survival. The main character Jurgis, broken and discouraged, eventually finds solace in the American Socialist movement. This novel was written during a period in American history when “Trusts” were formed by multiple corporations to establish monopolies that stifled competition and fixed prices. Unthinkable working conditions and unfair business practices were the norm. The Jungle’s author, Upton Sinclair, was an ardent Socialist of the time. Sinclair was commissioned by the “Appeal To Reason”, a Socialist journal of the period, to write a fictional expose on the working conditions of the immigrant laborers in the meat packing industry in Chicago. Going undercover, Sinclair spent seven weeks inside the meatpacking plants gathering details for his novel. (Summary by Tom Weiss)


TEXT: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/140/140-h/140-h.htm

WINGS #11-23 Klein on Climate Solutions (00:28:57)

Geo-engineering the atmosphere is gaining fans as a quick and dirty way to reduce global warming. Naomi Klein addressed the World Social Forum in Dakar, Senegal, in 2011 about the risk of geo-engineering the atmosphere and how social movements must change the dominant narrative about the earth. 


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/29/23 (00:59:1 0)

On the Show: Ron DeSantis doesn’t answer a question about Donald Trump and the January 6 riots by saying that since he wasn’t in DC that day, he doesn’t know what happened. Donald Trump glitches badly when confronted by a reporter in New Hampshire about the leaked recording in which he admits to crimes. Donald Trump gives a speech in New Hampshire that goes terribly. Donald Trump now claims that he wasn’t actually showing anyone documents when he refers to showing people documents in the leaked audio recording. Alina Habba, one of Donald Trump’s supposed lawyers, is unable to coherently answer a simple question about the leaked documents recording. 2024 Republican presidential candidate and Mayor of Miami Francis Suarez has no idea what Uyghurs are when asked during an interview with Hugh Hewit. A former prosecutor says that the newly leaked audio recordings of Donald Trump are “game over” for his legal defense. Howard Stern gives David Pakman a strong endorsement, revealing that he watches most of David’s content, but says he will not buy a Membership. Donald Trump implodes in an all-caps rant on Truth Social as the legal walls close in around him. Voicemail caller suggests that maybe David is the one who doesn’t know the right procedures and etiquette for flying on an airplane.


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Wednesday June 28, 2023 


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Fort Liberty installs floating solar panels

PATIENTS COME FIRST: Women’s Mental Health  (00:15:08)

This episode of VHHA’s Patients Come First podcast features an interview with Dr. Jennifer Wells, the Director of Women’s Mental Health in Carilion Clinic’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, for a conversation about her work to support patients experiencing mental health and substance use challenges, and more.

ALAN WATTS: Conquering Fear (00:14:32)

Conquering Fear by Alan Watts. Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was a British writer and lecturer who interpreted and popularized Eastern philosophy and religion for a Western audience. Watts wrote more than 25 books and articles on subjects important to Eastern and Western religion, introducing the then-burgeoning youth culture to The Way of Zen (1957), one of the first bestselling books on Buddhism. In Psychotherapy East and West (1961), Watts proposed that Buddhism could be thought of as a form of psychotherapy and not a religion. He considered Nature, Man, and Woman (1958) to be, “from a literary point of view—the best book I have ever written.” He also explored human consciousness and psychedelics in the essay “The New Alchemy” (1958) and in the book The Joyous Cosmology (1962).


THIS WAY OUT #1839: AUS NGO Aids Queer Ugandan Refugees + global LGBTQ news!  (00:28:59)

Queers escaping Uganda find no solace in Kenya (produced by BARRY McKAY, with music by TALENTED UGANDAN KUCHUS produced by BRAVO BRYANS) and in NewsWrap (reported this week by KALYN HARDMAN & DAVID HUNT and produced by BRIAN DeSHAZOR), marriage equality comes to Estonia, Eswatinis Sexual and Gender Minorities win legal recognition, Cameroon and The Congo ban LGBTQ T.V., anti-queer city officials fail to block Daegu, South Koreas annual Queer Cultural Festival, U.S. federal judges rule against trans youth gender affirming care bans in Arkansas and Indiana, and another U.S. judge protects Utah queens freedom of drag. Those stories and more this week when you find “This Way Out”: the world’s audio oasis for queer news and culture.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: We Can’t be Slow in Preparing and Responding to the Threat of AI   (00:58:00)

Guest host Jefferson Smith of the Democracy Nerd Podcast sits in for Thom Hartmann today responding to the newly released Trump tapes of classified government documents and asking for sodas. Also a discussion erupts around the concerns over Artificial Intelligence and why we must be ready for the challenge.


CIVIC CIPHER: The Brooklyn Neighborhood that Polices Itself / The Persistent Myths about Black Fathers   (00:59:00)

In the first half of the show, we discuss the Brooklyn neighborhood that began using community policing to deal with many of their own issues. The positive impacts that this rethinking has had are far beyond what police could hope to do by themselves. In the second half of the show, we talk about Black fatherhood and the myths that Black men don’t take care of our children or leave our children to be raised solely by their mothers. We discuss the history of these stereotypes and how damaging they have been. Our Way Black History Fact covers the largest mass deportation in U.S. History.


LITERATURE ALOUD: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair – ch. 10 (00:27:09)

It is the end of the 19th century. Like thousands of others, the Rudkus family has emigrated from Lithuania to America in search of a better life. As they settle into the Packingtown neighborhood of Chicago, they find their dreams are unlikely to be realized. In fact, just the opposite is quite likely to occur. The family, naïve to the ways of Chicago, quickly falls prey to con men and makes a series of bad decisions that lead them into wretched poverty and terrible living conditions. All are forced to find jobs in dismal working conditions for their very survival. The main character Jurgis, broken and discouraged, eventually finds solace in the American Socialist movement. This novel was written during a period in American history when “Trusts” were formed by multiple corporations to establish monopolies that stifled competition and fixed prices. Unthinkable working conditions and unfair business practices were the norm. The Jungle’s author, Upton Sinclair, was an ardent Socialist of the time. Sinclair was commissioned by the “Appeal To Reason”, a Socialist journal of the period, to write a fictional expose on the working conditions of the immigrant laborers in the meat packing industry in Chicago. Going undercover, Sinclair spent seven weeks inside the meatpacking plants gathering details for his novel. (Summary by Tom Weiss)


TEXT: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/140/140-h/140-h.htm

CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS: Urban Sketching, with Todd Cumpston   (00:00:00)

“Urban Sketching” is an international movement of people who draw on location — indoors or out — capturing what they see from direct observation. The drawings tell the story of our surroundings, the places we live and where we travel. Todd Cumpston is both a practitioner and a teacher. I couldn’t wait to talk with him about this delightful curiosity practice. Such power in sitting still, paying close, appreciative attention to the world around us…

“When I started sketching and urban sketching, what I liked was it let me create in spaces of my day that would otherwise be on the phone, or just staring off into space. Being able to be creative wherever, whenever, really appealed.” ~ Todd Cumpston

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/28/23 (00:54:36)

On the Show: Ron DeSantis doesn’t answer a question about Donald Trump and the January 6 riots by saying that since he wasn’t in DC that day, he doesn’t know what happened. Donald Trump glitches badly when confronted by a reporter in New Hampshire about the leaked recording in which he admits to crimes. Donald Trump gives a speech in New Hampshire that goes terribly. Donald Trump now claims that he wasn’t actually showing anyone documents when he refers to showing people documents in the leaked audio recording. Alina Habba, one of Donald Trump’s supposed lawyers, is unable to coherently answer a simple question about the leaked documents recording. 2024 Republican presidential candidate and Mayor of Miami Francis Suarez has no idea what Uyghurs are when asked during an interview with Hugh Hewitt. A former prosecutor says that the newly leaked audio recordings of Donald Trump are “game over” for his legal defense. Howard Stern gives David Pakman a strong endorsement, revealing that he watches most of David’s content, but says he will not buy a Membership. Donald Trump implodes in an all-caps rant on Truth Social as the legal walls close in around him. Voicemail caller suggests that maybe David is the one who doesn’t know the right procedures and etiquette for flying on an airplane.

TUESDAY 06.27.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Tuesday June 27, 2023


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Many consumers find food labels confusing, contributing to food waste

ENCOURAGEMENTOLOGY: Respecting Time by Using it Wisely (00:29:57)

On this show We are checking it twice, looking to the horizon, and consulting a trusted advisor as we discuss; a clock, a compass, and a companion. This show is not to scare you with reminders like, You’re running out of time or Look at you, you’re still in the same spot or even to provide a disclaimer like, You can’t go it alone. Instead, it’s to remind you how precious time is, and how important it could be to identify what you want so you know where you need to go. And to encourage you to look to or strengthen your inner circle to provide love, support, and inspiration along your journey. We all desire to go somewhere emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Do you think that might require some mindful preparation? Ready to pack your bags and pause the mail?


MAKING CONTACT: Powerlands (00:29:00)

On this week’s Making Contact, we feature an extended interview with Ivey Camille Manybeads Tso, a queer Din filmmaker and director of the award-winning documentary Powerlands. Powerlands traces how multinational energy corporations extract resources and profits while displacing and harming Indigenous communities around the world. But those communities are fighting back in a global resistance.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: What Needs a Fresh Start? (00:58:00)

Is America the victim of its own hubris? Can we solve our problems together again, or will the assault of the billionaires succeed in taking power? Guest host Jefferson Smith asks the key questions and ponders listeners’ answers. Plus – Thom reads from “Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America” by Nancy MacLean.


THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: Forests (00:58:00)

We get into the woods with ecologist Dr. Lisa Markovchick to learn about forests, trees, and the critical role they play in sustaining life on Planet Earth. This episode comes with a signature Learn-Along Guide that meets and cites education standards. Find it at ChildrensHour.org/Forests  Dr. Markovchick explains how forests are the lungs of the planet, and describes the important role they play in capturing carbon, and creating oxygen. By capturing carbon, forests help maintain the delicate balance in our atmosphere to sustain life on earth. We also learn how the trees in a forest use complex mycorrhizal networks to help communicate with one another, and so much more. The mushrooms we see in the forest are just the fruiting bodies of these beings which help decompose the forest debris, and deliver chemicals necessary to keep trees healthy. There are a lot of things scientists do not yet fully understand about trees and how they communicate. They seem to be able to attract necessary insects to help devour predators harming trees, and they seem to send and receive chemical signals to and from other trees. To answer the question: When a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? This is an obvious YES! The huge community of living being in a forest are intrinsically linked to one another. You can learn a lot more about forests in our Learn-Along Guide. This guide meets and cites US National Education Standards, and will expand on what we explored today on the show. This episode was produced by Katie Stone, our Executive Producer and our Senior Producer, Christina Stella. Our Learn-Along Guides are written by Jonathan Dunski, with help from Lorraine Archibald. Many thanks to Dr. Lisa Markovchick for providing so many additional resources for us to share with our listeners.


LITERATURE ALOUD: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair – ch. 8-9 (00:46:22)

It is the end of the 19th century. Like thousands of others, the Rudkus family has emigrated from Lithuania to America in search of a better life. As they settle into the Packingtown neighborhood of Chicago, they find their dreams are unlikely to be realized. In fact, just the opposite is quite likely to occur. The family, naïve to the ways of Chicago, quickly falls prey to con men and makes a series of bad decisions that lead them into wretched poverty and terrible living conditions. All are forced to find jobs in dismal working conditions for their very survival. The main character Jurgis, broken and discouraged, eventually finds solace in the American Socialist movement. This novel was written during a period in American history when “Trusts” were formed by multiple corporations to establish monopolies that stifled competition and fixed prices. Unthinkable working conditions and unfair business practices were the norm. The Jungle’s author, Upton Sinclair, was an ardent Socialist of the time. Sinclair was commissioned by the “Appeal To Reason”, a Socialist journal of the period, to write a fictional expose on the working conditions of the immigrant laborers in the meat packing industry in Chicago. Going undercover, Sinclair spent seven weeks inside the meatpacking plants gathering details for his novel. (Summary by Tom Weiss)


TEXT: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/140/140-h/140-h.htm

TED TALK: The Future Will Be Shaped by Optimists – Kevin Kelly (00:09:52)

“Every great and difficult thing has required a strong sense of optimism,” says editor and author Kevin Kelly, who believes that we have a moral obligation to be optimistic. Tracing humanity’s progress throughout history, he’s observed that a positive outlook helps us solve problems and empowers us to forge a path forward. In this illuminating talk, he shares three reasons for optimism during challenging times, explaining how it can help us become better ancestors and create the world we want to see for ourselves and future generation.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/28/23 (00:54:36)

On the Show: Ron DeSantis doesn’t answer a question about Donald Trump and the January 6 riots by saying that since he wasn’t in DC that day, he doesn’t know what happened. Donald Trump glitches badly when confronted by a reporter in New Hampshire about the leaked recording in which he admits to crimes. Donald Trump gives a speech in New Hampshire that goes terribly. Donald Trump now claims that he wasn’t actually showing anyone documents when he refers to showing people documents in the leaked audio recording. Alina Habba, one of Donald Trump’s supposed lawyers, is unable to coherently answer a simple question about the leaked documents recording. 2024 Republican presidential candidate and Mayor of Miami Francis Suarez has no idea what Uyghurs are when asked during an interview with Hugh Hewitt. A former prosecutor says that the newly leaked audio recordings of Donald Trump are “game over” for his legal defense. Howard Stern gives David Pakman a strong endorsement, revealing that he watches most of David’s content, but says he will not buy a Membership. Donald Trump implodes in an all-caps rant on Truth Social as the legal walls close in around him. Voicemail caller suggests that maybe David is the one who doesn’t know the right procedures and etiquette for flying on an airplane.

ID PAKMAN SHOW 6/27/23 (00:00:00)

MONDAY 06.26.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Monday June 26, 2023


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Corn-based ethanol is not as good for the climate as once thought

WHEN THE BIOMASS HITS THE WIND TURBINE #1 – Living in an Earthship (00:28:38)

What is it like to live in an Earthship (a home made of tires, bottles, mud and assorted garbage)? Join Annie and Jay Warmke of Blue Rock Station for a discussion of the serious topic of sustainable living – without taking ourselves too seriously. You can take a free virtual tour at www.bluerockstation.com


ECONOMIC UPDATE: Class Struggles and Socialism (00:29:00)

This week’s show includes updates on the US west coast ILWU strike, unemployment compensation for strikers, 1700 CT caregivers strike against austerity, as well as discussing Mexico’s fight with the US over Mexico’s ban against GMO white corn imports from the US. The major topics of discussion focus on (1) ignorance about socialism among its enemies and (2) the four basically different kinds of socialism in the world today.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Have Billionaires Put Golden Handcuffs on Our Justices? (00:58:00)

Have Billionaires Put Golden Handcuffs on Our Justices? The GOP & the billionaires who fund them learned their lesson. Never again would they allow a rightwing justice to stray beyond the rigid ideological boundaries set at that justice’s confirmation.  Plus – Billionaire in a submersible versus 500 shipwrecked migrants- guess which one gets covered in the media?


RADIO ART HOUR: Blu Bone (00:58:16)

This week tune in “Blue Black Abyss” by Blu Bone (2021). Introduced by Iru Ekpunobi. “Blue Black Abyss” is an auditory excavation of the Blues, and a chronicling of its spiral into the abyss of the past, present, and future of Black sound and cultural production. Artist, curator, and Mississippi River indigen Blu Bone, hosts and MCs this hour-long radio program in which he threads sounds across and through the Black Atlantic, highlighting the use of melismatic technique from the call to prayer to Southern American Blues, Black Gospel soloists, the Kora string music of Toumani Diabate, to the Black American fiddle. These connective tissues grow and blossom throughout the piece as Blu offers an education in generations of Black sonic tradition and each styles’ compounding influence on the other.- Introduced by Wave Farm Radio Art Fellow 2023, Iru Ekpunobi.


LITERATURE ALOUD: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair – ch. 7 (00:30:13)

It is the end of the 19th century. Like thousands of others, the Rudkus family has emigrated from Lithuania to America in search of a better life. As they settle into the Packingtown neighborhood of Chicago, they find their dreams are unlikely to be realized. In fact, just the opposite is quite likely to occur. The family, naïve to the ways of Chicago, quickly falls prey to con men and makes a series of bad decisions that lead them into wretched poverty and terrible living conditions. All are forced to find jobs in dismal working conditions for their very survival. The main character Jurgis, broken and discouraged, eventually finds solace in the American Socialist movement. This novel was written during a period in American history when “Trusts” were formed by multiple corporations to establish monopolies that stifled competition and fixed prices. Unthinkable working conditions and unfair business practices were the norm. The Jungle’s author, Upton Sinclair, was an ardent Socialist of the time. Sinclair was commissioned by the “Appeal To Reason”, a Socialist journal of the period, to write a fictional expose on the working conditions of the immigrant laborers in the meat packing industry in Chicago. Going undercover, Sinclair spent seven weeks inside the meatpacking plants gathering details for his novel. (Summary by Tom Weiss)


TEXT: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/140/140-h/140-h.htm

GREEN STREET NEWS: Never Drink from a Plastic Bottle with Dr. Jenny Davies (00:28:41)

After the bad news about Sucralose (aka “Splenda”) and the smoke from Canadian wildfires, Patti and Doug talk with Dr. Jenny Davies (MD, MPH, JD) about how plastic is made from a combination of fossil fuels and lots of toxic chemicals which can migrate into the contents of the bottle even at room temperature.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/26/23 (00:00:00)

(notes posted when available)

SUNDAY 06.24.23 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 6/23/23 (00:58:00)

Encore: original air-date 6-13-2023. On today’s ‘BradCast’: It was another historic Arraignment Day, but also an opportunity to wish a happy 76th birthday to the disgraced former president. In federal court in Miami today, Donald J. Trump’s attorney pleaded ‘Not Guilty’ on his client’s behalf to 37 criminal felonies related to Trump’s theft of hundreds of highly classified documents and repeated attempts to obstruct the government from taking them back. Experts in criminal justice and national security explain why the granular documentary evidence revealed in Trump’s indictment is damning. We’re joined today for special coverage analysis by HEATHER DIGBY PARTON, award-winning columnist at Salon and Hullabaloo, and attorney KEITH BARBER, a former Republican who now writes for Daily Kos and Medium. Parton and Barber discuss the legal and political implications for the country going forward, debunk Republicans’ lies attempting to deflect scrutiny and portray Trump as a victim, and much more. Plus Desi Doyen has our latest ‘Green News Report.’


EARTH RIOT RADIO: A Very Different Emotion Far, Far Beyond Anger (00:29:00)

Things happen in the US that our words don’t reach. We shout, scream, shoot bullets

but none of what we do is a realistic response to the Earth’s crisis. We need logic more like the surrealism of evolution. We need common sense more like the paranormal intuition of a psychic who has a crying jag. We have murdered so many people that we have created a new creation-wide level of lamentation, a moan of pain above the dog frequencies beyond ultraviolet light but right here. Our activism comes straight from the mysteries.

TURN ON THE NEWS: “Feels Like The First Time.”  (00:28:00)

This week: “Feels Like The First Time.” While the former president is indicted again, more indictments could come.

“Turn On The News” is the weekly newscast from the fictional Radio Network, with parody radio coverage of the radio and its headlines. Now with computerized news readers, and fewer meddling reporters, plus aggregated reporting, and automated music. Tune in “Turn On The News” each week for the latest news, radio art, and more from our robot reporters, making sure you hear both sides — good and evil — every time you “Turn On The News.” https://wavefarm.org/radio/wgxc/schedule/93bbe3

Best of ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 6/23/23 (00:59:30)

Segment One

We begin with our friend our regular check in with Scott Braddock, the editor of the Quorum Report, the dean of the Austin Press Corps, the Voice of Texas.

Segment Two

We then speak with Anders Croy Communication director Florida Watch and DeSantis Watch. Floridas new budget offers a window into DeSantis depravity. With the stroke of a pen, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis authorized a state budget that offers a clear look into his right-wing worldview.


BACKGROUND BRIEFING with IAN MASTERS June 21, 2023 (00:59:00)

GOP Show Trials Sputter As 5 Years Later We Have Durham’s Nothingburger and Hunter Biden’s Misdemeanor Plea Deal | Why Tech Billionaires and Bannon Are Promoting RFK Jr’s Primary Challenge of the Biden Presidency | An Update on the Ukraine War and What Russia Has Learned From Past Mistakes 


MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR: Embodied Activism: A Practical Handbook for Transformative Social Change with Rae Johnson  (00:59:00)

Rae Johnson is a social worker, somatic movement therapist and scholar/activist working at the intersections of embodiment and social justice. Rae’s approach to embodied activism has been shaped by decades of frontline work with street youth, women in addiction recovery, psychiatric survivors and members of the queer community. Since completing their doctoral studies, Rae has held academic positions in several somatic psychology programs, including at Naropa University and the Pacifica Graduate Institute. They currently teach somatic psychology at the CIIS, and they are the author of Embodied Social Justice, Elemental Movement, Knowing in Our Bones, and most recently, Embodied Activism: Engaging the Body to Cultivate Liberation, Justice and Authentic Connection”A Practical Handbook for Transformative Social Change.

DEEP DIVE CYBERSECURITY SHOW: Can A US President Really Declassify Anything They Want!?  (00:58:46)

With Donald Trump continuously claiming that as president he could declassify anything he wanted in any way, it’s important to understand how that really works. In this episode we go through the nuts and bolts of declassification actually works for a president! We can catch up on the latest news and breaches!



6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 6/22/23:  (00:57:30)

On today’s ‘BradCast’: It’s yet another ‘tour de force’ of rightwing corruption of a U.S. Supreme Court Justice by billionaire Republican megadonors. A blockbuster new investigation by Pro Publica reveals that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito enjoyed luxury travel courtesy of rightwing billionaire ‘vulture capitalist’ and GOP megadonor Paul Singer. Even though Singer repeatedly had business before the Court, Alito never disclosed the luxury trips or recused himself from cases in which Singer would eventually reap billions of dollars. The new revelations are similar to Justice Clarence Thomas’ glaring omissions of gifts and luxury travel from a billionaire benefactor also linked to cases before the Court. The matchmaking between justices and rightwing billionaire benefactors was facilitated by Leonard Leo, leader of the far-right Federalist Society. LISA GRAVES, former high-ranking official at the Justice Department and the US court system, debunks the ridiculous claims made by Alito in his unusual op-ed attempting to pre-but the revelations, how Alito’s actions and omissions violate the clear text of ethics laws, the toxic and corruptive effect of unbridled rightwing money pouring into our political and judicial system, and much more. Also today: The indescribably dumb GOP House majority is hellbent on beclowning itself, this week focusing their impotent frustrations on the very effective Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA). As a brutal, climate-change intensified heatwave broils Texas, GOP Gov. Greg Abbott enacted a big government ban on local ordinances mandating water breaks for construction workers. Plus Desi Doyen has our latest ‘Green News Report.’


KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: One Nation Indivisible. Oh Really?  (00:59:31)

It’s not just blue vs red, North vs South. There’s us here in Yankeedom, Then there’s New Netherlands, The Midlands, Tidewater, Greater Appalachia, The Deep South (of course), New France, The Far West, El Norte, The Left Coast, and First Nation. You know this is accurate. On this show Colin Woodard, discusses his acclaimed book American Nations. Listen to hear about the history of these rival regional nations and ask yourself whether todays boundaries will look the same in a hundred years. One Nation? Never was. Check out this thought-provoking interview. Its our past, present, and future

ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 6/23/23 (00:58:00)

Part one: our regular check in with Scott Braddock, the editor of the Quorum Report, the dean of the Austin Press Corps, the Voice of TX

Part two:

Bill Curry an American lawyer and politician who has been a two-time Democratic nominee for Governor of Connecticut and a White House advisor in the administration of Bill Clinton. He was head of Freeze Voter, a nuclear freeze group.


GROWING GREENER: Gardening on a Lead-Contaminated Soil (00:29:00)

Lead contamination is common in soils of many residential neighborhoods in urban, suburban, and even rural settings. Soil scientist Clay Robinson ” Dr. Dirt ” details where this problem is most likely, how to test your soil, and how appropriate gardening can provide protection.


TUC RADIO: John Pilger on Depleted Uranium in Ukraine (00:29:01)

When the UK Ministry of Defense (MOD) made the announcement on March 20, 2023, peace groups and investigative reporters raised the alarm. Toxic and radioactive uranium dust, that appears when these DU shells are detonated, pose a danger to the health of anyone who inhales it. And they contaminate the soil and water.

The investigative reporter and documentary filmmaker John Pilger remembers the devastating effects the DU shells had when they were used in Iraq. In conversation with John Pilger is Phil Miller, chief reporter for Declassified UK. Miller was the first to expose Britain’s plan to send Depleted Uranium ammunition to Ukraine. Miller is reporting on the growing number of cases in European courts brought by soldiers who served in NATO wars and were sickened after serving in Iraq or NATO wars in the former Yugoslavia. On June 13, 2023, the Wall Street Journal broke the news that the Biden administration is planning to follow the lead of the UK and equip the Abrams tanks they are sending to Ukraine with Depleted Uranium shells. Now it remains to be seen if there is resistance to this decision in the US – or at least curiosity about the news – as shown by John Pilger and Phil Miller on this Consortium News video. Elizabeth Vos is hosting. She is joined by Joe Lauria – editor of Consortium News. The date was May 11, 2023.


THE BOPST SHOW: “Human Kindness”  (00:56:16)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s show, you’ll the late Sierra Leonean musician Janka Nabay with the Bubu Gang, British post-rockers Yard Act, and electronic dance floor generators Caribou as well as the 70s disco-flavored R&B of Prince Phillip Mitchell, the Swedish folk pop of First Aid Kit and many others outside mainstream consciousness.


RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR # 485 (00:58:00)

Ralph spends the entire hour with co-founder of RootsAction.org and executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy, Norman Solomon, to discuss his latest book, author of War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of Its Military Machine, which examines how our military-industrial-media-intelligence complex conspires to suppress the truth about war.


FRIDAY 06.22.23 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon (scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Friday June 22, 2023


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Conservative nonprofit promotes renewable energy

DEEP DIVE CYBERSECURITY SHOW: DeepFakes are Challenging our Perception of Reality (00:28:36)

In an era of DeepFakes and disinformation, the “Liar’s Dividend” threatens to erode the public’s ability to discern truth from fiction, making it crucial for society to implement detection technologies. We explore this plus catch up on the latest tech and privacy new and more!


COUNTERSPIN: Attacks on Social Security, Role of Whistleblowers  (00:28:00)

Nancy Altman/Social Security attacks, Daniel Ellsberg/role of whistleblowers

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: The MAGAT Republican Plan for Classic Fascism (00:58:00)

They’ve read their history: if they can embed fascism deeply at every level of American government, business, and civic life, it will take generations to rip it out. Plus – Thom reads from “A Field Guide to White Supremacy” by Kathleen Belew and Ramon A. Gutierrez 


SEA CHANGE RADIO: Chuck Collins: Disturbing The Very Comfortable (00:29:00)

The novelist David Foster Wallace once said, Good fiction’s job is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. This week on Sea Change Radio, we speak with author Chuck Collins about his debut novel which centers on Big Oil and climate change. We talk about how he has channeled a life of privilege into a quest to raise awareness about wealth inequality, discuss what it was like to co-author with Bill Gates, Sr. a book advocating for taxing the rich, and explore the unique manner in which fiction reveals truth.


LAURA FLANDERS SHOW: Pride Pioneers Holly Hughes & Esther Newton: How Queer Kinship Ties Help Us Survive (00:28:00)

Holly Hughes and Esther Newton are radical in their fields and a couple for more than 30 years. In this Pride special, they talk with Laura about the anti-LGBTQ, anti-feminist backlash we’re seeing today and their own experiences making ground-breaking work and surviving unfriendly times thanks to their queer kinship ties. Hughes is a writer and performer probably best known for being one of the artists targeted by the religious right in the culture wars of the 1990s. Esther Newton is a pioneering anthropologist and the subject of the recent documentary film ESTHER NEWTON MADE ME GAY, which explores her introduction to gay life in the 1950s and its impact on her field and her lifes work. Hughes and Newton are cultural icons, dog agility enthusiasts and without a doubt makers of history. What can this long-lived lesbian couple teach us about community survival? Tune in to find out why love, community and kinship are essential for all of our survival, plus a commentary from Laura.

THE BOPST SHOW: “Human Kindness”  (00:56:16)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s show, you’ll the late Sierra Leonean musician Janka Nabay with the Bubu Gang, British post-rockers Yard Act, and electronic dance floor generators Caribou as well as the 70s disco-flavored R&B of Prince Phillip Mitchell, the Swedish folk pop of First Aid Kit and many others outside mainstream consciousness.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/22/23 (00:00:00)

(notes posted when available)

THURSDAY 06.21.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon

(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Thursday June 21, 2023 


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Most Americans underestimate the popularity of policies to protect the climate

RADIO ECOSHOCK: The Rush to Wreck the Planet (00:58:00)

Hot world and blistering speech at U.N. by Secretary General Antonio Guterres. Sea ice expert Dirk Notz: new science shows summer Arctic sea ice gone within 10 years? Oil industry takes over the COP climate process. The crazy rush for methane power – Greig Aitken takes us Inside Gas.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Why Trump’s Trial MUST be Televised (00:58:00)

Watergate prosecutor says Congress could act to put cameras in Trump courtroom. Thom’s listeners from across America weigh in. Plus- Thom reads from ‘It Came from Something Awful: How a Toxic Troll Army Accidentally Memed Donald Trump into Office, by Dale Beran.          


KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: Trumpism: The Opposite of Populism (00:59:28)

It’s about more democracy, not less! What passes today for populism is anything but! It’s astounding that the far right calls itself that when they are the total opposite. Labor historian and author Steve Babson on this show clarifies the meaning of the word populism: and its all of the left. Give a listen to both William Jennings Bryans 1896 Cross of Gold and Huey Longs 1935 Share the Wealth speeches. Fred Harris and Bernie Sanders were populist candidates for president. Not those other guys. And for the future, imagine a populist economic democracy, and a democratic foreign policy! Populism is for more democracy, not less.

LITERATURE ALOUD: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair – ch. 7 (00:30:13)

It is the end of the 19th century. Like thousands of others, the Rudkus family has emigrated from Lithuania to America in search of a better life. As they settle into the Packingtown neighborhood of Chicago, they find their dreams are unlikely to be realized. In fact, just the opposite is quite likely to occur. The family, naïve to the ways of Chicago, quickly falls prey to con men and makes a series of bad decisions that lead them into wretched poverty and terrible living conditions. All are forced to find jobs in dismal working conditions for their very survival. The main character Jurgis, broken and discouraged, eventually finds solace in the American Socialist movement. This novel was written during a period in American history when “Trusts” were formed by multiple corporations to establish monopolies that stifled competition and fixed prices. Unthinkable working conditions and unfair business practices were the norm. The Jungle’s author, Upton Sinclair, was an ardent Socialist of the time. Sinclair was commissioned by the “Appeal To Reason”, a Socialist journal of the period, to write a fictional expose on the working conditions of the immigrant laborers in the meat packing industry in Chicago. Going undercover, Sinclair spent seven weeks inside the meatpacking plants gathering details for his novel. (Summary by Tom Weiss)


TEXT: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/140/140-h/140-h.htm

WINGS #10-23 Two-Spirit Women Speak Out (00:28:57)

Update of an archival recording. Two-spirited women presented at the 1994 Indigenous Women’s Network conference on sustainable communities, held at White Earth. They talked about prejudice and acceptance, leadership, AIDS, and tradition. Conference co-organizer, Marsha Gomez, discussed the growing two-spirit acceptance in an interview.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/22/23 (00:56:58)

On the Show: Luke Beasley, host of The Luke Beasley Show and TDPS correspondent, fills in for David. Tim Scott does a Fox News town hall. Donald Trump gets cornered on his death penalty for drug dealers policy during a Fox News interview with Bret Baier. Trump continues to struggle when talking about the COVID-19 vaccines to his right-wing base. Chris Christie mocks Trump over his federal indictment. Lauren Boebert introduces articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden. Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene clash on the House floor. Ron DeSantis goes to San Francisco to claim the left has destroyed the city. Republican House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer expresses support for defunding the (federal) police. Former Republican Congressman Will Hurd announces he’s running for president. Jessica Tarlov debunks right-wing talking points about Hunter Biden’s plea deal on Fox News’s “The Five.”


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Wednesday June 21, 2023 


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Brooklyn-based company helps buildings become cleaner and greener

PATIENTS COME FIRST: Anup Gangavalli  (00:16:18)

This episode of VHHA’s #PatientsComeFirst #podcast features an interview with Dr. Anup Gangavalli, a spine surgeon affiliated with HCA Virginia’s Parham Doctors’ Hospital, for a conversation about his work in augmented reality surgery, his passion for restoring vintage motorcycles, and more.

Patients Come First Podcast – Dr. Anup Gangavalli (vhha.com)

ALAN WATTS: Exploring Your Dark Side (00:12:43)

A British writer who explored Eastern Philosophy for a western audience.

THIS WAY OUT #1838: Lipstick Conspiracy Reunited + global LGBTQ news!  (00:28:59)

Pucker up for a Lipstick Conspiracy Reunion (produced and hosted by ERIC JANSEN from San Francisco’s Out In The Bay queer radio and podcast, featuring SARAFINA MARASCHINO, SHAWNA LOVE and MARILYN MITCHELL, with excerpts from Call, Just A Girl, Locked Away, and You (Do x 3), and with audio editing by DAVID KWAN) and in NewsWrap (reported this week by WENZEL JONES & NICO RAQUEL and produced by Brian DeShazor), Britain’s NHS cuts pediatric gender-affirming care, Iceland outlaws conversion therapy, Queensland stops requiring surgery for legal gender change, the Australian Capital Territory protects intersex people, Arizona’s governor vetoes a trans-student bathroom bill, Texas expands its trans female sports ban to higher education, Illinois governor signs a bill to ban book bans, and Tony winner Michael Arden reclaims the F word; plus brief teases and a promo for next weeks feature about the brutal fallout of Ugandas Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023).

All that and more this week when you discover “This Way Out”: the world’s audio oasis for queer news and culture.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: We Were Conned by Merrick Garland and Christopher Ray (00:58:00)

Did ‘We, The People’ suffer irreparable harm due to the Justice Department delaying two years in prosecuting Donald Trump for his crimes? Also- Is Trump really running to avoid going to jail? Plus, Thom reads from ‘Tyranny from Plato to Trump: Fools, Sycophants, and Citizens’ by Andrew Fiala.


CIVIC CIPHER: Why Certain Foods are Associated with Racism / Why is Church Still so Segregated?   (00:59:00)

Today’s episode we discuss the history of certain foods that have been negatively associated with Black people and the impact that it can have. We share some personal stories and provide some historical context and examples to flesh out the roots of this form of ignorance. The second half we discuss how segregated churches can be on Sunday mornings. We look into the roots of this segregation, challenge it, and identify ways race-relations could improve if this were ever remedied.


LITERATURE ALOUD: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair – ch. 6 (00:26:36)

It is the end of the 19th century. Like thousands of others, the Rudkus family has emigrated from Lithuania to America in search of a better life. As they settle into the Packingtown neighborhood of Chicago, they find their dreams are unlikely to be realized. In fact, just the opposite is quite likely to occur. The family, naïve to the ways of Chicago, quickly falls prey to con men and makes a series of bad decisions that lead them into wretched poverty and terrible living conditions. All are forced to find jobs in dismal working conditions for their very survival. The main character Jurgis, broken and discouraged, eventually finds solace in the American Socialist movement. This novel was written during a period in American history when “Trusts” were formed by multiple corporations to establish monopolies that stifled competition and fixed prices. Unthinkable working conditions and unfair business practices were the norm. The Jungle’s author, Upton Sinclair, was an ardent Socialist of the time. Sinclair was commissioned by the “Appeal To Reason”, a Socialist journal of the period, to write a fictional expose on the working conditions of the immigrant laborers in the meat packing industry in Chicago. Going undercover, Sinclair spent seven weeks inside the meatpacking plants gathering details for his novel. (Summary by Tom Weiss)


TEXT: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/140/140-h/140-h.htm

CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS: A Curiosity Practice Bonanza, with Jonathan Schooler (00:28:00)

In 28 very fast minutes we cover curiosity and creativity, the transformative power of asking questions, pivotal differences between general interest curiosity and deprivation curiosity, turning “mind wandering” into “mind wondering”, the loveliness of open mindfulness and implementation intentions … and the possibility of an app for all of that! I reached out to Jonathan Schooler, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of California Santa Barbara, about his research on curiosity — I had no idea what a wellspring I was tapping into. Fasten your seatbelt and keep your notebook handy. The curiosity practices come fast and furious in this one…

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/21/23 (00:54:26)

On the Show: Producer Pat Ford fills in for David. Donald Trump admits to multiple crimes during his Fox News interview with Bret Baier. Hunter Biden accepts a plea deal in his case regarding tax crimes and a gun charge. Former Trump Attorney General Bill Barr calls his former boss a “consummate narcissist” who puts “his own ego above everything else.” Why Joe Biden should not pardon Donald Trump. Republican presidential candidates Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson take issue with the RNC’s pledge to support the party’s eventual nominee. Ron DeSantis says he wishes he was one of Jesus’s disciples.

TUESDAY 06.20.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Tuesday June 20, 2023


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Solar trade group helps minority- and women-owned firms grow in the solar industry

ENCOURAGEMENTOLOGY: Seeing the In-Between, the Distortion of All-Or-Nothing Thinking (00:30:26)

On this show we are setting aside our all-or-nothing thinking, taking a second and maybe even a third look, as we strive to see the in-between, somewhere between this and that. Before you accept it for what you think IT is, formulate a strong opinion, and develop your truth, take another look. Open your mind to alternative ideas. Accept that quite possibly, you don’t have all the answers and embrace something new. See one door can be the beginning but it’s never the end. One door leads to the next, and then the next, and then another as you expand your thinking. The journey is the fun part and once you have enlightenment, well then you re-pack, find a new direction, and set out for uncharted territory. Old dogs can’t learn new tricks is a myth. Your mind, soul, and spirit are craving expiration. Let’s go!


MAKING CONTACT: A History of Development and Disruption (00:29:00)

In a new book, Hella Town: Oakland’s History of Development and Disruption, author Mitchell Schwarzer explores the origins and lasting impacts of transportation improvements, systemic racism, and regional competition on Oakland’s built environment.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: The Threat of ‘Forever Chemicals’ (00:58:00)

Emily Scarr, Maryland PIRG Director & Co-Author of the new report on PFAS joins Thom. How are these very common chemicals potentially harming our health? Plus Thom reads from ‘The Water Defenders: How Ordinary People Saved a Country from Corporate Greed by Robin Broad and John Cavanagh.


THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: Forests (00:58:00)

We get into the woods with ecologist Dr. Lisa Markovchick to learn about forests, trees, and the critical role they play in sustaining life on Planet Earth. This episode comes with a signature Learn-Along Guide that meets and cites education standards. Find it at ChildrensHour.org/Forests  Dr. Markovchick explains how forests are the lungs of the planet, and describes the important role they play in capturing carbon, and creating oxygen. By capturing carbon, forests help maintain the delicate balance in our atmosphere to sustain life on earth. We also learn how the trees in a forest use complex mycorrhizal networks to help communicate with one another, and so much more. The mushrooms we see in the forest are just the fruiting bodies of these beings which help decompose the forest debris, and deliver chemicals necessary to keep trees healthy. There are a lot of things scientists do not yet fully understand about trees and how they communicate. They seem to be able to attract necessary insects to help devour predators harming trees, and they seem to send and receive chemical signals to and from other trees. To answer the question: When a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? This is an obvious YES! The huge community of living being in a forest are intrinsically linked to one another. You can learn a lot more about forests in our Learn-Along Guide. This guide meets and cites US National Education Standards, and will expand on what we explored today on the show. This episode was produced by Katie Stone, our Executive Producer and our Senior Producer, Christina Stella. Our Learn-Along Guides are written by Jonathan Dunski, with help from Lorraine Archibald. Many thanks to Dr. Lisa Markovchick for providing so many additional resources for us to share with our listeners.


LITERATURE ALOUD: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair – ch. 5 (00:27:36)

It is the end of the 19th century. Like thousands of others, the Rudkus family has emigrated from Lithuania to America in search of a better life. As they settle into the Packingtown neighborhood of Chicago, they find their dreams are unlikely to be realized. In fact, just the opposite is quite likely to occur. The family, naïve to the ways of Chicago, quickly falls prey to con men and makes a series of bad decisions that lead them into wretched poverty and terrible living conditions. All are forced to find jobs in dismal working conditions for their very survival. The main character Jurgis, broken and discouraged, eventually finds solace in the American Socialist movement. This novel was written during a period in American history when “Trusts” were formed by multiple corporations to establish monopolies that stifled competition and fixed prices. Unthinkable working conditions and unfair business practices were the norm. The Jungle’s author, Upton Sinclair, was an ardent Socialist of the time. Sinclair was commissioned by the “Appeal To Reason”, a Socialist journal of the period, to write a fictional expose on the working conditions of the immigrant laborers in the meat packing industry in Chicago. Going undercover, Sinclair spent seven weeks inside the meatpacking plants gathering details for his novel. (Summary by Tom Weiss)


TEXT: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/140/140-h/140-h.htm

BETWEEN THE LINES 6/14/23  (00:29:00)

After Trumps Federal Indictment, GOP Threat of Violence Spreads Across the Nation; Protesting Deal to Build Mountain Valley Pipeline, Rep. Tlaib Says Corporate Greed is Killing Us; The Urgent Need to Reduce Rising US-China Tensions and Avert Future Conflict.

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/20/23 (00:55:45)

On the Show: The College Board isn’t putting up with Ron DeSantis’s plan to scrub AP classes of LGBT topics. Republicans James Comer and Marjorie Taylor Greene admit they don’t know if there are tapes of Joe Biden receiving bribes. Ron DeSantis defends Donald Trump over his latest criminal charges and deflects to talking about Hillary Clinton’s emails. Republican Congresswoman Elise Stefanik claims Biden “committed multiple criminal acts.” Trump supporters sound confused about what it means to be charged under the Espionage Act. How much prison time is Donald Trump facing? Trump reportedly was offered multiple outs in the classified documents scandal before the DOJ had no choice but to raid Mar-a-Lago and prosecute him. Trump’s trial timelines will overlap with voting in the 2024 election. Caller talks about how his family is only focused on right-wing culture war issues.

MONDAY 06.19.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Monday June 19, 2023


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: A father and son take a bike trip inspired by climate change

WHEN THE BIOMASS HITS THE WIND TURBINE: # 029 – The Man Who Invented Everything (00:29:17)

Probably the most important scientist that you have never heard of. It can be claimed (and we will claim it) that William Murdoch was involved in creating or perfecting most of the major inventions that brought us through the Industrial Revolution to the modern age. From the steam engine to the locomotive, to the automobile to the steam boat – he even invented the pneumatic tube (that thing that delivers checks at the bank) and a way to purify beer with fish. Join Annie and Jay Warmke of Blue Rock Station for a discussion of sustainable living – and the Dead White Scientists that made it all possible.


ECONOMIC UPDATE: Capitalism’s Costly Contradictions (00:29:00)

This week’s show brings updates on the real US unemployment problem, discusses how the US Congress betrays students on the student debt crisis. It also details how huge majorities polled support US teachers with increased teacher’s pay, teachers’ freedoms to teach about race, and teachers’ power vs boards of education and state governors, as well as discussing the importance of the ILWU strike shutting down west coast seaports. The second half of the show features major discussions of capitalism’s contradictions around (1) capitalists forever “saving on labor costs,” and (2) capitalists celebrating self-correcting markets.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Standing Fast Against Fascism (00:58:00)

Phill Ittner joins Thom live from Ukraine. Can the Russians scare Kyiv with constant missile attacks? Will the Ukrainian offensive succeed in pushing back the Russian trenches? Plus – Why is the FBI going after pro-choice activists, when so many have been murdered by anti-abortionists?


RADIO ART HOUR: MU, Anna Friz and Jeff Kolar, Rick Prelinger, Lia Kohl (00:58:00)

This week tune in for radio songs from MU and Lia Kohl, a performance from Jeff Kolar and Anna Friz, and a Rick Prelinger. First, from the 1981 album “Motion in Tune” Dutch experimental/improvisational underground band MU asks you to “Turn Your Radio Off.” Then tune in for a performance from April 30, 2023 at The Radio Preservation Task Force of the Library of Congress Conference for “A Century of Broadcasting.” The “Useful Radio Part 2” performance by artists Anna Friz and Jeff Kolar in Response to Rick Prelingers The Other Spectrum: Useful Radio was at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Taking a deep dive into Rick Prelingers radio listening archives as well as their own, Anna Friz and Jeff Kolar compose across shortwave, UHF and VHF bands, from air traffic control to citizens band, from encrypted security systems to emergency scanners. Employing live and sampled radio together with electronic instruments, the artists tune in to the ordinariness, the urgencies, and the intimacies of everyday radio communications, exploring the musicality of this transmission ecology. After that, stay tuned for a Q&A with the artists and Rick Prelinger, hosted by Walter Forsberg, Alison Reppert Gerber, and Dave Walker. Finally, the show ends with a track from Chicago-based sound artist Lia Kohl’s 2023 album “The Ceiling Reposes,” with Kohl’s cello and sampled sounds of static on “the moment a zipper.” Anna Friz is a radio, sound and media artist, and media studies scholar. She has exhibited and performed widely across North America and internationally; her radio artworks have been commissioned by national public radio in Canada, Australia, Austria, Finland, Germany, Denmark, and Spain, and heard on public and independent airwaves all over the world. Anna is Associate Professor of Film and Digital Media at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Jeff Kolar is a composer, sound artist, and founder of Radius, an experimental radio broadcast platform established in 2010. His work has been exhibited internationally at The Kitchen, Museum of Arts and Design, CTM Festival for Adventurous Music, and reviewed in The New York Times, The Wire Mag


LITERATURE ALOUD: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair – ch. 4 (00:33:27)

It is the end of the 19th century. Like thousands of others, the Rudkus family has emigrated from Lithuania to America in search of a better life. As they settle into the Packingtown neighborhood of Chicago, they find their dreams are unlikely to be realized. In fact, just the opposite is quite likely to occur. The family, naïve to the ways of Chicago, quickly falls prey to con men and makes a series of bad decisions that lead them into wretched poverty and terrible living conditions. All are forced to find jobs in dismal working conditions for their very survival. The main character Jurgis, broken and discouraged, eventually finds solace in the American Socialist movement. This novel was written during a period in American history when “Trusts” were formed by multiple corporations to establish monopolies that stifled competition and fixed prices. Unthinkable working conditions and unfair business practices were the norm. The Jungle’s author, Upton Sinclair, was an ardent Socialist of the time. Sinclair was commissioned by the “Appeal To Reason”, a Socialist journal of the period, to write a fictional expose on the working conditions of the immigrant laborers in the meat packing industry in Chicago. Going undercover, Sinclair spent seven weeks inside the meatpacking plants gathering details for his novel. (Summary by Tom Weiss)


TEXT: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/140/140-h/140-h.htm

GREEN STREET NEWS: Trees; Survival Tool for a Changing Climate with Dr. Andy Reinmann  (00:28:20)

Pn this edition of Green Street Patti and Doug talk with Dr. Andrew Reinmann, Assistant Professor in the Advanced Science Research Center at Hunter College about how trees can not only sequester carbon but protect, shade, cool and inspire us as we face a warming climate. 


TED TALK: How a handful of tech companies control billions of minds every day – Tristan Harris (00:17:00)

A handful of people working at a handful of tech companies steer the thoughts of billions of people every day, says design thinker Tristan Harris. From Facebook notifications to Snapstreaks to YouTube autoplays, they’re all competing for one thing: your attention. Harris shares how these companies prey on our psychology for their own profit and calls for a design renaissance in which our tech instead encourages us to live out the timeline we want. Check out more TED talks: http://www.ted.com

SPROUTS: The Origin of Juneteenth (00:29:00)

June 19, 1865 marks the origin of Juneteenth, on Galveston Island. The official celebration began in 1866, commemorating the freedom of African people from settler colonialism, 2 1/2 years after President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. June 17, 2021, President Joe Biden signed the legislation, making Juneteenth the 12th federal holiday. It’s the first new federal holiday since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day was created in 1983.

SUNDAY 06.18.23 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 6/16/23 (00:57:00)

Encore: Original air-date 6/12/2023. On today’s ‘BradCast’: Last week, a grand jury indicted disgraced former Pres. Donald J. Trump on 37 criminal felony counts related to his theft of government documents from the White House and multiple efforts to conceal his crimes. On Monday, rightwing extremism experts warned that incendiary rhetoric from Republican elected officials and wannabe-elected officials could result in acts of ‘lone wolf’ violence, if not an organized January 6th-style attack. Even Trump’s own wildly corrupt Attorney General Bill Barr told Fox ‘News’ that the evidence detailed in the indictment demonstrates Trump is likely ‘toast’ for his theft of highly classified state secrets belonging to the American people. The indictment documents the dozens of boxes, filled with sensitive materials, stored haphazardly at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago golf club in a public ballroom, a bathroom, a storage space, his office and bedroom. But there are still many disinformed folks who actually believe Trump’s preposterous excuses that are directly contradicted by his own well-documented actions, tape recordings, and his own attorneys, some who also documented his attempts to use them to commit crimes. Callers weigh in on all of the above.


EARTH RIOT RADIO: Rockin’ in the Natural World  (00:29:00)

Consumerized Capitalism is designed to multiply our product choices while taking away from us the one choice that matters. We live in the natural world. It turns out that is a science fiction concept. That is why in our Earthchxrch today we feature Ursula K. Le Guin. e feature Jordan Neely, who moon-walked in the tunnels under New York City until his anxieties excited a certain ex-marine to violence. And we honor on our show the singing of three birds who break down the walls of nationalism, religion and militarism – and they are the Siberian Crane, the Arctic Tern, and the Bar-Tailed Godwit. These three birds fly around and around the Earth, free to make the one choice that matters.

TURN ON THE NEWS: ReIndicted (And It Feels So Good)  (00:27:57)

“Turn On The News” is the weekly newscast from the fictional Radio Network, with parody radio coverage of the radio and its headlines. Now with computerized news readers, and fewer meddling reporters, plus aggregated reporting, and automated music. Tune in “Turn On The News” each week for the latest news, radio art, and more from our robot reporters, making sure you hear both sides — good and evil — every time you “Turn On The News.” This week: “ReIndicted (And It Feels So Good).” This week the former president is indicted again.


Best of ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 5/20/23 (00:59:30)

Segment One

We begin with our friend Bill Curry, joined by Margaret Carlson, a columnist for the Daily Beast, about proposals floated about pardoning Trump. The venue is bad for the prosecution as Florida is a current Trump stronghold. The presiding judge was appointed by Trump, proven to be partial.

Segment Two

We then catch up with Alan Berlow, a freelance journalist, discusses the myth of the ‘responsible gun owners”. The US is awash in guns, and gun owners have NOT proven to be responsible. Over 25% have had their guns stolen. And in many states people are not even required to report stolen weapons, so there may be many more. There are, in many states, no background checks, training, or alcohol checks for purchase. There have been 4 Million gun incidents in the last decade.



Why Did Trump Steal Classified Documents? Maybe Because Putin Told Him To | Analogies Between World War I and the War in Ukraine.


MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR: Undreaming Wetiko and the Individual and Collective Madness Plaguing Humanity   (00:58:59)

Paul Levy is a creative artist and the author of numerous books including The Madness of George W Bush, Dispelling Wetiko, The Quantum Revolution and his new book that we discuss in this interview is Undreaming Wetiko ” Breaking the Spell of the Nightmare Mind-Virus. In this interview we talk about the mass insanity of our world through the lens of wetiko, a Native American term for the madness they observed in people who went mad. We also talk about how the perspective of quantum physics fits into this and how the antidote to the wetiko mind-virus can be found within wetiko itself. 

DEEP DIVE CYBERSECURITY SHOW: Can A US President Really Declassify Anything They Want!?  (00:58:46)

With Donald Trump continuously claiming that as president he could declassify anything he wanted in any way, it’s important to understand how that really works. In this episode we go through the nuts and bolts of declassification actually works for a president! We can catch up on the latest news and breaches!



6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 6/15/23: The Trump Mind Virus, American Idiots and Our ‘Two-Tiered Justice System’; Good SCOTUS news  (00:58:00)

On today’s ‘BradCast’: On the day that Donald Trump was arraigned on 37 criminal felony counts, a Fox ‘News’ chyron obnoxiously labeled President Joe Biden as a ‘wannabe dictator’; Fox’s laughable ‘cover up’ attempt thereafter offers a telling illustration of how the Trump Mind Virus has been implanted into the poisoned minds of his cult followers. Polls show Republican voters’ support may be eroding for their disgraced defendant former president. Columnist Rex Huppke hilariously skewers the idiotic false claims of those with the Trump Mind Virus who are angry that Democrats are not being held accountable for crimes they did not commit. The attorney for 2016 Russian election interference whistleblower Reality Winner explains that Trump is receiving extra-gentle treatment in our actual two-tiered justice system. The rightwing majority on the U.S. Supreme Court issued a shockingly positive ruling in a 7-2 decision upholding the Indian Child Welfare Act and the rights of tribal governments. Still to come by the end of June are major decisions on affirmative action, student loan debt, and the bonkers ‘independent state legislature’ legal theory that could wreak havoc in the 2024 Presidential election. A federal judge rejected Tennessee’s unconstitutional ban on free speech and drag shows. A judge in Florida issued a temporary injunction halting FL GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis’ unspeakably cruel law that inserts Big Government between doctors and trans children’s private medical care. Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) has helpful advice on how to spot an idiot. Plus Desi Doyen has our latest ‘Green News Report.’


KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: The Term “MAGA” Admits Empire is Over (00:59:33)

He served 20 years in the military. No, hes not the macho militarists; our guest today retired Lt Col. William Astore says empire is killing the America he served to protect. Our insane war budget, our full spectrum global dominance is resulting in an Iron Curtain here at home, the real heroes are those speaking out. Like Snowden, Manning, and Assange. Meanwhile the glorification of all things military is making domestic gun violence worse, as our effort to dominate the world weakens America. This guy knows what hes talking about, give a full listen.

ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 5/19/23 (00:58:00)

Part 1:

We talk with Scott Braddock, Editor of the quorum Report, Dean of the Austin Press Corps, and the Voice of Texas.

We discuss the impeachment of the Atty General, Ken Paxton. We also discuss the disagreement that the governor, Abbott, is having with the Lt. Governor Patrick, about how the current budget surplus should be allocated. The Texas legislature is in special session, though the outcome is questionable.

Part 2:

We talk with Margaret Carlson, columnist for the Daily Beast, about proposals floated about pardoning Trump. The venue is bad for the prosecution (Florida a Trump stronghold, the judge was appointed by Trump, proven to be partial.)


GROWING GREENER: Sculpting Sunlight (00:29:00)

Artist Robert Adzema discusses his history of creating ingenious and innovative sundials, and what sundials can teach the gardener about plants primary fuel.


TUC RADIO: How we can make peace with Russia by learning from JFKs example (00:29:00)

They invited Professor Jeffrey Sachs to speak to the congregation. Sachs wrote a book on the American University speech entitled: To Move the World – JFKs Quest for Peace. Jeffrey Sachs is an economist, academic, and public policy analyst. He is Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, and President of the UN Sustainable Solutions Network, and an SDG advocate for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. Sachs has credentials for Eastern Europe and Russia as former advisor to the economic team of Presidents Michael Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin. He also spent time in Ukraine as advisor to the President of independent Ukraine, Leonid Kuchma. Working for peace is the mission of the Boston Community Church and they watched a documentary of Kennedys speech on World Peace and then gathered to talk with Prof. Sachs. Thanks to the Community Church of Boston for the excerpts of their meeting with Jeffrey Sachs. You can find the full two hour ZOOM recording on YouTube under the title Prof. Jeffrey Sachs on How we can make peace with Russia. That includes a lively Q/A session, and it all ends with a performance of a beautiful piece of choral music.


THE BOPST SHOW: The Wayward Wind (00:55:19)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. This week’s show features the homespun Americana of legendary American musician and producer SPOT, Zimbabwean vocal group the Family Singers, the Jamaican harmonies of Well Pleased and Satisfied as well as songs by Pakistani singer Iqbal Singh, French electronic duo Acid Arab and many others outside mainstream consciousness.

RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR #484 (00:58:00)

This week we welcome back Professor Randall Kennedy to help us pay tribute to three principled, uncompromising African American activists, Glen Ford of Black Agenda Report, human rights champion, Randall Robinson, and legendary actor, singer, and activist, Harry Belafonte.


FRIDAY 06.16.23 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon (scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Friday June 16, 2023


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: New book celebrates women driving climate action

JUST SOLUTIONS: The Intersectionality of the Climate Crisis (00:27:01)

This week, we discuss the varying communities impacted by our ongoing climate crisis. Diandra Marizet Esparza of Intersectional Environmentalist joins Gloria to teach about environmental work that highlights those most vulnerable to the systems that we’ve created or aspire to develop. 

COUNTERSPIN: Cannabis, Kids’ Online Safety  (00:28:00)

Tauhid Chappell/cannabis, Evan Greer/kids online safety 

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Can American Democracy Survive Fox News?   (00:58:00)

Democracy is based on the will of the people – and that is a function of the information to which citizens have access. Can America rescue our nations currently polluted streams of information and news? Plus Thom reads from “The Death of Truth: Notes on Falsehood in the Age of Trump” by Michiko Kakutani, and from “The Water Defender” by Robin Broad, John Cavanagh.


ALAN WATTS: Are You Tired of Playing the Social Game? (00:08:50)

Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was a British writer and lecturer who interpreted and popularized Eastern philosophy and religion for a Western audience. Full lectures: https://www.alanwatts.com/​ Learn more: https://www.alanwatts.org/

SEA CHANGE RADIO: Paul Wheaton: Building A Better World In Your Backyard (00:29:00)

An unusual by-product of the global pandemic was that a lot more people ended up becoming gardeners – one study estimated that over 18 million Americans discovered gardening while spending more time at home. This week on Sea Change Radio, we revisit our 2020 discussion with author and sustainability expert Paul Wheaton about his book, Building A Better World In Your Backyard. Wheaton provides us with some innovative ideas on gardening and permaculture while outlining the many benefits of Hugelkultur techniques. We also look at some home efficiency solutions, including warming up our bodies rather than the air in our homes, and the advantages of using a rocket mass heater.


LAURA FLANDERS SHOW: America’s Drug Price Nightmare: Public Production Can Save Lives   (00:28:00)

Pharmaceutical prices in the US are astronomically high and many vulnerable people can’t afford the drugs they need. Public ownership of drug manufacturing can break the private monopolies and save lives, but it’s going to take a lot of public pressure to make change. Today, we look at the progress that’s being made to tackle Americas killer drug price problem at the state, national and global level. The Biden administrations agreement with manufacturer Eli Lilly to cap insulin prices at $35/dose is a step, but what would really make a difference would be to get private profit and monopoly patents out of the health business altogether. In the US, California is taking the lead. Advocates Dana Brown, Luis Gil Abinader and Kevin Wren join Laura to bring us an update ” and in her closing, Laura shares some news about the impact of our investigative series from North Carolina.

THE BOPST SHOW: The Wayward Wind (00:55:19)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. This week’s show features the homespun Americana of legendary American musician and producer SPOT, Zimbabwean vocal group the Family Singers, the Jamaican harmonies of Well Pleased and Satisfied as well as songs by Pakistani singer Iqbal Singh, French electronic duo Acid Arab and many others outside mainstream consciousness.

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/16/23 (00:56:18)

On the Show: Republicans are increasingly panicking that Donald Trump’s multiple arrests may doom the. Joe Biden leads Donald Trump by 4 in a new national election poll. Despite saying he would buy everyone food at Miami Cuban restaurant Versailles, Donald Trump did not actually pay for anyone’s food. Caller asks about critical thinking and the right-wing. Caller wonders why there are Republicans running against Trump. Caller talks about the possibility of Trump going to prison. Caller is a libertarian and wants to debate David for $100. Caller questions if there’s any hope for turning Florida blue. Caller talks about the federal charges against Trump. The Friday Feedback segment

THURSDAY 06.15.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon (scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Thursday June, 15 2023 


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Fire survivors in Oregon community find hope in resident-owned cooperative

RADIO ECOSHOCK: Climate: The Fatal Fork In The Road (00:58:00)

The fork in the road: deadly Hothouse Earth, OR a human stabilized planet. My 2018 interview with the late Professor Will Steffen about where the planet is going. Then we search for tipping points leading the climate to hot-house Earth. Top Swedish scientist Johan Rockstrom explains Planetary Boundaries on Radio Ecoshock.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: The Revival of Labor is Gaining Strength  (00:58:00)

Thom speaks with labor leaders Rob Baril & Ed Hawthorne on the issues facing American workers. How are contractors and tip employees being exploited at wages far below what it costs to make a living? Plus- Thom reads from his book ‘Screwed: The Undeclared War on the American Middle Class’.


KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: Get Back to Americas Founding Ideals? No; Leave the Standard Story Behind (00:58:32)

The standard story is not the truth: The surprising reality of Americas founding shows we were created for insider rule, a stable hierarchy but not justice. On this show UPenn Law School professor Kermit Roosevelt III discusses his eye opening book The Nation That Never Was in which he argues the Gettysburg Address was the pivotal moment and should be the basis for how we move forward. He says the Confederates and the January 6th are the inheritors of the original intent; to move forward to the nation we can become, its really time to leave that behind.

LITERATURE ALOUD: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair – ch. 4 (00:33:27)

It is the end of the 19th century. Like thousands of others, the Rudkus family has emigrated from Lithuania to America in search of a better life. As they settle into the Packingtown neighborhood of Chicago, they find their dreams are unlikely to be realized. In fact, just the opposite is quite likely to occur. The family, naïve to the ways of Chicago, quickly falls prey to con men and makes a series of bad decisions that lead them into wretched poverty and terrible living conditions. All are forced to find jobs in dismal working conditions for their very survival. The main character Jurgis, broken and discouraged, eventually finds solace in the American Socialist movement. This novel was written during a period in American history when “Trusts” were formed by multiple corporations to establish monopolies that stifled competition and fixed prices. Unthinkable working conditions and unfair business practices were the norm. The Jungle’s author, Upton Sinclair, was an ardent Socialist of the time. Sinclair was commissioned by the “Appeal To Reason”, a Socialist journal of the period, to write a fictional expose on the working conditions of the immigrant laborers in the meat packing industry in Chicago. Going undercover, Sinclair spent seven weeks inside the meatpacking plants gathering details for his novel. (Summary by Tom Weiss)


TEXT: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/140/140-h/140-h.htm

WINGS #08-23 Globalizing Feminism (00:28:59)

Excerpts from a keynote address to the US National Women’s Studies Association, by the world-famous scholar of deconstructionism. She takes as her theme the question from her best-known essay: Can the subaltern speak? The related question embedded in the talk is: if she speaks, can she be properly understood, when the listeners superimpose their own context, language, and expectations on the messages of those they see as lowly. Global feminism is unfolding in a context of aggressive financialization of the whole world; to have any balance requires the agents of development learning to listen.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/15/23 (00:00:00)

(notes posted when available)


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Wednesday June 14, 2023 


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Ann Arbor community aims to become one of the first carbon-neutral neighborhoods in the U.S.

PATIENTS COME FIRST: Dennis Haley (00:12:19)

This episode of VHHA’s Patients Come First podcast features an interview with Dennis Haley, a retired professional football player now working as Director of Quality Management at Carilion Clinic, for a conversation about his upbringing in the Roanoke area, his playing days, his transition to working with Carilion, an inspirational book he wrote about his own journey and obstacles, and more. Send questions, comments, feedback, or guest suggestions to pcfpodcast@vhha.com or contact us on Twitter or Instagram using the #PatientsComeFirst hashtag. https://www.vhha.com/communications/patients-come-first-podcast-dennis-haley/

ALAN WATTS: Stop Feeling Lost by Doing This (00:15:17)

If there is one simple question that bothers us all as human beings, it is : Why are we living ? It is a burden on our shoulders, and we cannot think about it without going depressed or becoming sad, because simply we can’t answer it. We got blocked. In this lecture, Alan Watts talks about the game of life, how the answer of that question is : To play. To simply not take it seriously, to stay within the flow of life without having to be very strict and rigid about it. We have to take it as if it was a game. Because if we take it seriously, we will be forced to think scientifically, to predict the future, and be aware that any false move, would lead us to a fatal death, which is not the case.


THIS WAY OUT #1837: Pioneering Gay Recordings Rediscovered + global LGBTQ news (00:29:00)

Rediscovering gay broadcasts buried for 50 years (Brian DeShazor shares from a treasure trove); and in NewsWrap (reported this week by Melanie Keller & Allan Tijamo, and produced by Brian DeShazor), Thailand’s prospective new Prime Minister brings a marriage equality vow to Bangkok Pride, another Japanese district court rules on the constitutionality of banning civil marriage for same-gender couples, Texas Republicans deprive trans youth of gender-affirming healthcare, Missouri Republicans deny trans healthcare for minors and all transgender athletic competition in schools, a U.S. federal judge derides Florida’s trans youth healthcare ban, another U.S. judge pans Tennessee’s drag show ban, and out gay Congressman Robert Garcia crowns RuPaul the queen of drag in a Pride season speech in the U.S. House. Those stories and more this week when you choose “This Way Out”: the world’s audio oasis for queer news and culture.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Are We Seeing the Reemergence of the Old Confederacy, This Time as the GOP? (00:58:00)

Is the GOP Plan to Be Content With a “Red States” Fascist Empire? Jim Jordan wants to know why disinformation experts have been studying disinformation – here’s why Jim…. Shouldn’t the 10 house republicans who conspired with Trump to overturn the election be indicted as well? Is Trump trying to provoke a replay of 1963 with his vows to “go after” Biden? Crazy Alert! McCarthy’s latest defense of Trump, “the bathroom has a lock” Really!?


CIVIC CIPHER: The News Stories that Need Context / Who are we Allowing to Dictate the Rules?   (00:59:00)

In the first half of the show, we discuss the news story about Aderrien Mury, the 11-year-old who was shot in his home after he called the police to come help and obeyed the officer’s commands. We also talk about a story from last year that just made national news concerning 54-year-old Dexter Barry who died in police custody because he was not allowed to receive medication for a heart transplant he received. In the second half of the show, we talk about a recent story that saw Amanda Gorman’s poem from President Bidens inauguration that has been banned in Florida. We discuss the person behind the banning and ask vital questions to understand who this nation is centering and who this nation is ignoring. Our Way Black History Fact discusses the Zoot Suit Riots.


LITERATURE ALOUD: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair – ch. 3 (00:33:10)

It is the end of the 19th century. Like thousands of others, the Rudkus family has emigrated from Lithuania to America in search of a better life. As they settle into the Packingtown neighborhood of Chicago, they find their dreams are unlikely to be realized. In fact, just the opposite is quite likely to occur. The family, naïve to the ways of Chicago, quickly falls prey to con men and makes a series of bad decisions that lead them into wretched poverty and terrible living conditions. All are forced to find jobs in dismal working conditions for their very survival. The main character Jurgis, broken and discouraged, eventually finds solace in the American Socialist movement. This novel was written during a period in American history when “Trusts” were formed by multiple corporations to establish monopolies that stifled competition and fixed prices. Unthinkable working conditions and unfair business practices were the norm. The Jungle’s author, Upton Sinclair, was an ardent Socialist of the time. Sinclair was commissioned by the “Appeal To Reason”, a Socialist journal of the period, to write a fictional expose on the working conditions of the immigrant laborers in the meat packing industry in Chicago. Going undercover, Sinclair spent seven weeks inside the meatpacking plants gathering details for his novel. (Summary by Tom Weiss)


TEXT: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/140/140-h/140-h.htm

CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS: Sanity, with Tanmoy   (00:28:00)

This started as a conversation about how curiosity shows up in mental health. But New Delhi-based independent journalist Tanmoy took us to post-colonialism property ownership, sussing out the boundaries of allowable questioning, our bias toward answers, and what we can learn from our kids. Curiosity and sanity, through a whole new set of lenses. “When you superimpose [curiosity as a colonial construct] onto how curiosity is sought to be actively stifled in the mental health ecosystem, you realize how little things have changed.” ~ Tanmoy

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/14/23 (00:56:39)

On the Show: Failed former President Donald Trump is arrested on 37 felony counts, pleading not guilty. Donald Trump admits to crimes during a post-arrest speed in Bedminster, New Jersey. Luke Beasley was on the ground in Miami, Florida for Donald Trump’s arrest, interviewing a number of his supporters. Absolutely sick and deranged Trump supporters surround the Miami, Florida courthouse at which Donald Trump was arrested. Republicans are increasingly turning on Donald Trump after his disastrous second arrest. MSNBC has surpassed Fox News in ratings for the first time in more than two years. Fox News introduces Trump as the “President of the United States” and labels Joe Biden “wannabe dictator” in an on-screen graphic. Voicemail caller says California is actually a terrible place.

TUESDAY 06.13.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Tuesday June 13, 2023


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Vienna museum uses tilted paintings to spark climate conversations

ENCOURAGEMENTOLOGY: Riding the Waves of Constant Change (00:30:16)

On this showwere focused on finding balance, being flexible, and quick to pivot to secure footing as we strive to ride the ways of constant change. Youve heard it before, the only thing consistent, is change. It feels like every era and generation have claimed the same. Some change is good, necessary, and timely. Some change happens without warning or reason. Sometimes were making the change, necessary or impulsive, and other times its change we neither asked for nor wanted. Why all the changes?


COOL SOLUTIONS:Reviving Repair (00:28:00)

80% of the carbon pollution from our laptops, cell phones, and appliances is emitted before we even open the box. When we fix what we have, we reduce emissions, and strengthen our communities. A return to repair means changing our culture and challenging corporate monopoly. We have stories about starting a repair cafe in Chicago and about Minnesotans winning passage of the nation’s strongest Right to Repair law. 


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: What is the endgame for a party of violence? (00:58:00)

If we continue to allow violence (like January 6th) and violent rhetoric to spread through the American body politic, we stand a very real chance of losing our republic. Plus Thom reads from his book ‘We The People- A Call to Take Back America’.


THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: Honoring Fathers (00:58:00)

This week on The Children’s Hour we honor fathers in a musical special for the dads, stepdads, granddads, papas, and fellas in our lives who help us grow. Featuring some of the best in Kindie musicians, plus we play some old favorites.

It’s a Father’s Day musical special this week on The Children’s Hour. Follow our playlists at ChildrensHour.org and let us know what you think of the show!


LITERATURE ALOUD: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair – ch. 2 (00:27:54)

It is the end of the 19th century. Like thousands of others, the Rudkus family has emigrated from Lithuania to America in search of a better life. As they settle into the Packingtown neighborhood of Chicago, they find their dreams are unlikely to be realized. In fact, just the opposite is quite likely to occur. The family, naïve to the ways of Chicago, quickly falls prey to con men and makes a series of bad decisions that lead them into wretched poverty and terrible living conditions. All are forced to find jobs in dismal working conditions for their very survival. The main character Jurgis, broken and discouraged, eventually finds solace in the American Socialist movement. This novel was written during a period in American history when “Trusts” were formed by multiple corporations to establish monopolies that stifled competition and fixed prices. Unthinkable working conditions and unfair business practices were the norm. The Jungle’s author, Upton Sinclair, was an ardent Socialist of the time. Sinclair was commissioned by the “Appeal To Reason”, a Socialist journal of the period, to write a fictional expose on the working conditions of the immigrant laborers in the meat packing industry in Chicago. Going undercover, Sinclair spent seven weeks inside the meatpacking plants gathering details for his novel. (Summary by Tom Weiss)


TEXT: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/140/140-h/140-h.htm


Nations Poor, Students & Climate Lose in Deal to End GOP Federal Debt Ceiling Extortion; Supreme Court Weakens EPA Enforcement of Clean Water Act Endangering Wetlands; Historic Cold War-era Peace Boat Sails Again to Demand Nuclear Abolition Atomic. 

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/13/23 (00:00:00)

 (notes posted when available)

MONDAY 06.12.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Monday June 12, 2023


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: The sun powers a Syracuse community farm in more ways than one  

WHEN THE BIOMASS HITS THE WIND TURBINE # 111 – Home Funerals, Sustainable Burials (00:29:12)

We are all going to die someday. So how would you like to go? Many people are opting to reject the industrialized death machine that has gradually emerged in our society – one that makes those who love you spectators rather than participants in what is, after all, a natural and inevitable end to being a part of this world. Join Annie and Jay Warmke of Blue Rock Station as they speak with Donna Baker, founder of Columbus Community Deathcare about the process of conducting a home funeral and burial options that are more natural and easier on this planet that we have come to know and love.


ECONOMIC UPDATE: Germany, US, China: a Stressed Global Economy (00:29:00)

This week’s updates focus on the German recession, deadly drug wholesalers, and immigrants in the US labor force, as well as oil and gas profiteers. In the latter half of the show the economic facts on China’s economic reality will be discussed and the origin and source of profits in Marxian economic theory will be detailed.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: The Trump indictment cliff notes…could he face prison?  (00:58:00)

Trump Indictment revealed! Also why billionaires hate social security. The Harlan Crow plot thickens with Manchin & Sinema intrigue and It’s Time to Investigate Ginni Thomas. Geeky Science! They knew the earth would burn. Can this judge stop the GOP from playing doctor? Guest Interview: Susan Corke – Where are the Trends & threats of hate of far-right extremism taking America?


RADIO ART HOUR: Porest, Selestra (01:01:59)

This week tune in a radio play from Porest, and a shortwave radio blast from Selestra. First, Porest makes agitprop sound art, post-globalized hate-pop, diabolical radio dramas, and carefully rearranged realities, and that applies to their 2017 radio play “Flimsy Tomb” that is included here. Then stay tuned for Selestra’s “Dispatches from Radiotopia: Hamburg Rehearsal.” Selestra, is the electronic music project of the artist and writer Adriana Knouf. They write, “Recorded during the first rehearsal of RADIOTOPIA, these tracks guide shortwave frequencies into a portable modular system for signal transmutation. Understanding or decoding is not the point, but rather these signals act like any other voltage in the system: one to be manipulated, one that can travel through the wires to modulate another parameter. Paired with algorithmic generation of melodies, the EP manifests a merging of generated and captured voltages from around the world.”


LITERATURE ALOUD: The Jungle by Upton Sinclair – ch.1 (00:57:04)

It is the end of the 19th century. Like thousands of others, the Rudkus family has emigrated from Lithuania to America in search of a better life. As they settle into the Packingtown neighborhood of Chicago, they find their dreams are unlikely to be realized. In fact, just the opposite is quite likely to occur. The family, naïve to the ways of Chicago, quickly falls prey to con men and makes a series of bad decisions that lead them into wretched poverty and terrible living conditions. All are forced to find jobs in dismal working conditions for their very survival. The main character Jurgis, broken and discouraged, eventually finds solace in the American Socialist movement. This novel was written during a period in American history when “Trusts” were formed by multiple corporations to establish monopolies that stifled competition and fixed prices. Unthinkable working conditions and unfair business practices were the norm. The Jungle’s author, Upton Sinclair, was an ardent Socialist of the time. Sinclair was commissioned by the “Appeal To Reason”, a Socialist journal of the period, to write a fictional expose on the working conditions of the immigrant laborers in the meat packing industry in Chicago. Going undercover, Sinclair spent seven weeks inside the meatpacking plants gathering details for his novel. (Summary by Tom Weiss)


TEXT: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/140/140-h/140-h.htm

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/12/23 (00:55:42)

 On the Show: The one thing that President Joe Biden needs to do to win re-election in 2024. Failed former President Donald Trump has been indicted on 37 federal counts and faces a hypothetical 536 years in prison. Aileen Cannon, a Trump-appointed judge, will be overseeing Donald Trump’s indictment, raising major concerns. A deflated Donald Trump delivers a low energy speech to a North Carolina crowd ahead of his second arrest. Donald Trump pleads his innocence in a waffle restaurant over the weekend in humiliating fashion. William Barr, Donald Trump’s own former Attorney General, says that if even half of the federal indictment against Trump is true, Trump is “toast.” Donald Trump responds to William Barr’s legal analysis of the latest Trump indictment by calling him a “gutless pig.” Republican Senator Lindsey Graham is unable to coherently answer simple questions about the new Trump indictment during an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. Radical Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene continues her anti-trans rhetoric, wildly claiming that trans people in bathroom “want to have sex with you” during a Turning Point USA event for women. Voicemail caller jokingly suggests the entire Trump indictment is a distraction from the real story, Obamagate.

SUNDAY 06.11.23 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 5/19/23: Former prosecutor Randall D. Eliason on how SCOTUS ‘legalized’ its own corruption; DeSantis’ weaponized Big Government (00:58:00)

Encore: original air-date 5/24/2023. On today’s ‘BradCast’: Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis has announced his 2024 presidential run. While corporate media focuses on the horse race between DeSantis and the disgraced former president, they ignore the victims of DeSantis’ Big Government weaponization against people of color and the LGBTQ+ community. Similarly gerrymandered GOP-controlled states have adopted many of DeSantis’ same hateful, Big Government ‘cancel culture’ laws, and are banning books, muzzling teachers, and repealing fundamental rights. DeSantis’ cruel agenda is playing out in terroristic threats against Target employees, an investigation into a Florida teacher’s showing of an animated Disney film, and the ridiculous banning of Amanda Gorman’s poem for the 2021 inauguration, ‘The Hill We Climb,’ from a grade school library in Florida. Former federal prosecutor RANDALL D. ELIASON of George Washington University Law School discusses how the U.S. Supreme Court has gutted laws aimed at fighting corruption and limiting the reach of the powerful to enrich public officials to advance their interests. Eliason connects the Court’s erosion of anti-corruption statutes to the decades-long corruption of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, similar revelations about other justices, and Chief Justice John Roberts’ refusal to act, and details ways that Congress can repair this clearly corrupt and broken system and begin to restore the Court’s legitimacy with the public.  


EARTH RIOT RADIO: What kind of people would we be, if we were so powerful that we successfully defended the Earth?  (00:29:00)
It happens once in a while, some of us are possessed. Call it “Justice Possessed”. Black Lives Matter, ACT UP, Standing Rock, Occupy Wall Street, The Rapist in Your Path, #metoo… Many of us have never been that possessed. Many of us think of a revolutionary as someone in the distant past. No, now it’s you and me. The Earth tells with every wildfire that it is you and me and the time is now. Featuring Reverend Billy Talen, Savitri D, Ga

TURN ON THE NEWS: “Smoke From a Distant Fire.” (00:28:06)

This week fires in Canada stand in as a metaphor for many things. “Turn On The News” is the weekly newscast from the fictional Radio Network, with parody radio coverage of the radio and its headlines. Now with computerized news readers, and fewer meddling reporters, plus aggregated reporting, and automated music. Tune in “Turn On The News” each week for the latest news, radio art, and more from our robot reporters, making sure you hear both sides — good and evil — every time you “Turn On The News.”


Best of ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 5/20/23 (00:59:30)

Segment One
We begin with Mark Joseph Stern. He joins us to discuss the latest rulings by the Supreme Court. We talk about how the Court should be covered by reporters, like any part of the government. We learn that while the Court has been setting its own agenda, this is a function of Congress, and should be kept that way
Segment Two
We then catch up with Robert Hennelly about Chris Christie’s presidential candidacy announcement. We discuss Christie’s history with the Republican party, and how the party has been hijacked by the far right, often with Christie’s complicity. 



A Surprise Ruling From the Supreme Court Whose Supermajority is Increasingly Out Of Touch With Mainstream America | Is the Breaching of the Dam in Ukraine an Act of Ecocide? | The Impact on European Public Opinion From Revelations Ukrainians Blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline.


MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR: The Quantum Nature and Influence of Angels as Sacred (00:59:01)

Normandi Ellis is an award-winning writer, workshop facilitator and archpriestess of the Fellowship of Isis, and the author and coauthor of several books, including Awakening Osiris and Hieroglyphic Words of Power She also leads tours to Egypt, and her new book that we talk about in this interview is The Ancient Tradition of Angels ” The Power and Influence of Sacred Messengers, which is an in depth study of angels and angelic dimensions from traditional spiritual perspectives to the quantum perspective from ancient times to the present day. We discuss the nature of and function of angels in the world and in our lives. That they are like archetypes that we or we don’t experience in different ways or different forms, through the creative power of the mind. We also talk about the relationship between imagination and reality, and that they aren’t mutually exclusive, as some people believe.

DEEP DIVE CYBERSECURITY SHOW: Is Social Media Liable For Mass Shootings? (00:58:40)

We know social media has caused grave damage to democracy, trust, the youngers, as well as increased radicalization. But, are social media platforms liable for mass shootings? We dive into this plus catch up on the latest news and breaches! 



6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 6/8/23: FairVote’s David Daley on good voting rights news from SCOTUS (00:58:00)

On today’s ‘BradCast’: Some surprisingly good news from our wildly corrupted U.S. Supreme Court on voting rights and racial gerrymandering. In a 5-4 ruling, Justices Roberts and Kavanaugh surprisingly voted with the liberal justices to strike down racially-gerrymandered maps in Alabama. The ruling is a stunning departure from the rightwing court majority’s years-long efforts to hack away at the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965. Gerrymandering expert and author DAVID DALEY of FairVote explains the details of the ruling, the history of the rightwing court majority’s efforts to dismantle voting rights and fair elections, and the decision’s potential effects on the 2024 election and ongoing voting rights lawsuits in 10 states. In the U.S. House, the gerrymandered GOP majority is busy eating itself alive amid a mutiny by its far-right faction that has shut down the chamber. Plus Desi Doyen has our latest ‘Green News Report.’  


KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: Seriously Radical Action to Defend the Earth (00:59:43)

Its a tale of fiction but in his new book Altar to an Erupting Sun well known activist and author Chuck Collins tells the story of the main character Rae Kelliher who, facing her own death, makes a bold, shocking, and yes violent and desperate act aimed at shaking it up and saving the planet. As we all know, for decades, the powers behind the avoidable destruction of the earth have waltzed above protests and politics. They have severely limited the choices available to us, causing death and destruction especially in the global south. So is Rae a hero?

ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 6/9/23 (00:00:00)

Part 1:
We talk with Harvey Kronberg, the publisher of the Quorum Report. We discuss the impeachment of Texas Atty General Ken Paxton. This impeachment is serious, and shows the divisions among Republicans in Texas.
Part 2:
Our guests Bill Curry, and Harold Meyerson discuss the ongoing fires in Canada, and their effects in the US. Although they are a consequence of climate change, no big announcements from the White House or Congress about this. All messaging is weak. We also discuss RFK campaign. Other topics: student loan repayments issues, the kidnapping of migrants in Florida, and having them sent to California. 


GROWING GREENER: Beautiful and Field Tested Native Lawns (00:29:00)

Dan Jaffe Wilders response to the polluting sterility of the traditional lawn? Plant strawberries. And thats only one of many intriguing ” and tested – proposals made by this talented native plants pioneer. 


TUC RADIO: The Land Back Symposium 2023, Corrina Gould on Indigenous Land Trusts and LANDBACK in the S.F. Bay Area (00:29:00)

The event focused on the indigenous peoples of Northern California and how a growing LandBack movement can protect former tribal land from mining, logging and climate change. Corrina Gould is the co-founder and Co-Director of the Sogorea Te Land Trust. She is the Spokeswoman and Tribal Chair of the Confederated Villages of Lisjan, now known as the San Francisco Bay Area. Five of the eight Ohlone Tribes lived on that land and their sacred sites are now buried under cement slabs and their rivers turned into toxic storm drains and their food trees were cut down. Today nobody even wonders why there is a city called Oak-land. First an introduction to Corrina Gould’s work: Her November 20, 2022, talk entitled: Rethinking Thanksgiving: From Land Acknowledgement to LANDBACK. Four months later Corrina Gould was the invited speaker at the Land Back Symposium 2023, on the Indigenous Land Trusts panel. Here is her talk and response to questions This recording was made on March 24, at The Land Back Symposium 2023, Location Cal Poly Humboldt, CA.
You can find videos of all sessions on the website of https://www.californiasalmon.org/landback
DATE: March 24, 2023, Location Cal Poly Humboldt, CA.


THE BOPST SHOW: Mugged by the Aristocracy (00:54:58)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. This week’s show features music by Northern soul singer September Jones, dub experimentalists Dub Syndicate, 70s Swedish prog rockers Nationalteatern well as songs by the founding member of Cabaret Voltaire, Stephen Mallinder, funk rockers Mfalme and many others outside mainstream consciousness.


RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR #483 (00:58:00)

Ralph welcomes New York Times reporter, Binyamin Applebaum, author of The Economists’ Hour: False Prophets, Free Markets, and the Fracture of Society about how Chicago School economists of the late 70s and early 80s who believed in the power and the glory of markets transformed the business of government, the conduct of business, and, as a result, the patterns of everyday life. 


FRIDAY 06.09.23 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon (scroll down for previous note

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Friday June 9, 2023


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Former NHL goalie helps community ice rinks reduce energy use

JUST SOLUTIONS: The Intersectionality of the Climate Crisis (00:27:01)

This week, we discuss the varying communities impacted by our ongoing climate crisis. Diandra Marizet Esparza of Intersectional Environmentalist joins Gloria to teach about environmental work that highlights those most vulnerable to the systems that we’ve created or aspire to develop. 

COUNTERSPIN: Cannabis, Kids’ Online Safety  (00:28:00)

Tauhid Chappell/cannabis, Evan Greer/kids online safety 

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: First Criminal President: Donald Trump Didn’t Do It Alone (00:58:00)

As Trump faces the music for a small slice of his crimes against our nation & our democracy, lets not forget that he’s not the first. He was carrying on a GOP tradition stretching back to 1968 Plus, the demise of CNN – what did the Trumpian far-right move do for CNN? Phil Ittner – Did Russia accidentally lose Crimea and maybe the war too? Congressman Mark Pocan phones in for an update from DC. The Saudis want us to forget it’s a murderous dictatorship – the Americans that have played into it are now rich & bought off. 


SEA CHANGE RADIO: John Platt: In Search of The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker (00:29:00)

When you visit the World Wildlife Funds list of critically endangered species, the first animals named are large, beloved mammals like the African Forest Elephant and the Eastern Lowland Gorilla. While these majestic creatures tug at our heartstrings, there are also a lot of smaller, more unsung organisms that are in grave risk of extinction, like the lowly freshwater mussel. This week on Sea Change Radio, we speak to environmental writer, John Platt, the editor of The Revelator to talk about some of the less glamorous animals that have recently been declared extinct or are on the brink of extinction. First, we take a deep dive into the plight of the ivory-billed woodpecker, a regal swamp-dwelling bird whose demise may or may not have been premature. Then we discuss why Hawaii is referred to by some naturalists as the extinction capital of the world, and look at the ethical quandaries presented by the emerging field of resurrection biology, also known as de-extinction. 


LAURA FLANDERS SHOW: Imara Jones: Countering The Anti-Trans Hate Machine (00:00:00)

We thought that last year would go down in history, but this year is even worse for the number of anti-trans bills introduced into state legislatures, and the successful passage of many of those bills. 549 proposed bills, banning books, medical treatment, even access to the bathroom were introduced in 2023. 73 of those anti-trans bills have already passed and the ACLUs weekly tracker can barely keep score. As extremists crank up the volume on hate ” trans people, especially trans women of color, are facing an onslaught of violence. As today’s guest points out, the people driving the anti-trans movement are the same as those leading the anti-abortion movement. Imara Jones is featured in this year’s Times 100 Most Influential People for her work to combat disinformation against trans people. She’s the producer of a podcast mini-series called The Anti-Trans Hate Machine: A Plot Against Equality. The final three episodes of the podcast will release this June and July. Jones is also the creator of TransLash Media, a cross-platform journalism, personal storytelling, and narrative project, which seeks to shift the culture, create empathy and save trans lives. In this episode, Laura asks her what impacts these restrictions and increased control have on all of us.

THE BOPST SHOW: Mugged by the Aristocracy (00:54:58)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. This week’s show features music by Northern soul singer September Jones, dub experimentalists Dub Syndicate, 70s Swedish prog rockers Nationalteatern well as songs by the founding member of Cabaret Voltaire, Stephen Mallinder, funk rockers Mfalme and many others outside mainstream consciousness.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/9/23 (00:57:40)

On the Show: Failed former President Donald Trump is indicted in the special counsel’s classified documents probe, marking the first time a US president has been federally charged. Donald Trump responds to news of his indictment on Truth Social. Fox News host Mark Levin throws a temper tantrum over news that Donald Trump has been federally indicted. Caller talks about pronouns and trans issues. Caller discusses the right-wing culture war. Caller wants to know who is to blame for Ron DeSantis’s rise to prominence. Caller wonders if Trump can win the general election. Caller asks what the other Republican candidates are thinking by running against Trump. Caller wonders how long the right-wing culture war will go on for. Caller asks if Hillary Clinton would have won in 2016 if she was a man. The Friday Feedback segment.

THURSDAY 06.08.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon (scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Thursday June 8, 2023  


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Cajun Navy Ground Force connects volunteers to communities affected by natural disasters 

RADIO ECOSHOCK: Why Make a World Nobody Wants? (00:58:00)

Why are we heading hell-bent into a world that nobody wants? Social philosopher Daniel Schmachtenberger has the best explanation. He warns adding Artificial Intelligence to the unsustainable system we have will speed the decline toward disaster for humanity. Daniel talks with UK science communicator, television presenter and former professional poker player Olivia Liv Boeree. Then we talk wildfires and climate change with Canadian fire expert Michael Flannigan. This is a new interview. Mike Flannigan explains why burning the great north Boreal forests could change world climate for all of us.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: What Happens When Corporations are Taxed at 50% – Like Before the Reagan Revolution? (00:58:00)

It’s time to tax the rich, be they individuals or giant corporations, if we want to restore the American middle class and return our nation to the vitality that was once normal You have a right to own a gun, but a right to travel? Not so much… Crazy Alert! Fox News Host: Why Try to Save Earth When Afterlife Is Real? Sam Schwartz – Survivors of gun violence and mass shootings weigh in. Dr. Peter H. Glick – The Three Ages of Water Military whistleblower alleges the government is concealing extraterrestrial spacecraft – are they? 


KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: What Can Be Done About Injustice in Our Justice System? (00:58:41)

In our 300 year old system of an adversarial combative system of justice, there is no mechanism to prove and protect the innocent. In his newly published book, The Plea of Innocence, author Tim Bakken argues that prosecution really has a duty to find the guilty party and to actually endeavor to protect the innocent. Far too many innocents today languish in our penitentiaries for far too long, and Bakken offers specific reform to address this. 


Misinformation represents a major obstacle between humanity and a livable future. This week’s episode features a special guest, Kierra Johnson from Progress Virginia, who walks us through the problem of misinformation, where it comes from, how to identify it, and how to combat it. Huge thanks to Kierra for sharing their lengthy knowledge on the subject! If you don’t follow Progress Virginia, you should.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/8/23 (00:58:40)

On the Show: Steve Schmidt, American political strategist, commentator, and founder of The Warning, joins David to discuss the Biden presidency, the state of the 2024 Republican primary, the future of the MAGA movement, and much more…CNN is truly in shambles as it fires its relatively new CEO Chris Licht after only one year after ratings declines and a disastrous Donald Trump town hall. Former Vice President Mike Pence launches his 2024 Republican presidential primary campaign with a disastrous and pathetic speech. During his CNN town hall, newly-announced 2024 Republican presidential candidate Mike Pence fails badly. Pat Robertson, the televangelist demagogue from The 700 Club, has passed away at age 93. A report claims that failed former President Donald Trump will be imminently indicted federally, and Trump immediately denies the report. Donald Trump flips out at midnight over his allegedly forthcoming federal indictment. Voicemail caller attacks David for not talking about the recent UFO/UAP “whistleblower” regarding alien spacecraft.


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Wednesday June 7, 2023  


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Former refugee brings solar to the camp where he once lived 

PATIENTS COME FIRST: Dr. Willoughby (00:09:09)

This episode of VHHA’s Patients Come First podcast features an interview with Dr. Willoughby Hundley, a physician from Southside Virginia who previously work for VCU Community Memorial Hospital, for a conversation about his career as an emergency physician and medical examiner and how that work helped inspire his side gig as a crime novelist with five published books to his credit.

ALAN WATTS: The Power of Releasing Control (00:21:15)

In this Video Alan Watts explains how much freedom we can achieve once we learn to let go of controlling things and people. Interested in this video please follow the link below and thanks for your support.

THIS WAY OUT: The Pride of Harvey Milk + global LGBTQ news (00:28:59)

Harvey Milks 90th Birthday Kicks off Pride Season; Uganda enacts its dreaded Anti-Homosexuality Act, Turkish homophobia keeps Erdogan in power, Latvias Parliament elects Europes first gay President, Jerusalem Pride parades on Bibis watch, and the U.S. Defense Department shoots down an Air Force bases Pride drag show! Those stories and more this week when you find “This Way Out”: the world’s audio oasis for queer news and culture.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Here’s the Truth – If You’re Anti-Woke, You’re Pro-Bigot (00:00:00)

Turn on a light, the old saying goes, and the cockroaches will scatter. It’s time to bring honest and unflinching light to the Republican Party’s use of the word woke Grift Alert! Of course, the pool guy drained Trump’s pool into the room where the video surveillance is…. I told you Clarence Thomas was corrupt – we now have the receipts! Nikki Haley fails to hide her bigotry and hate. Also Dr. Bandy Lee is going to court. 


CIVIC CIPHER: This Week in Racism / Why is the GOP so Loyal to Trump? (00:59:00)

In the first half of the show, we catch up on some of the numerous incidents of racism in the news this past week including attacks on Black people, Mexican people and immigrants, and Asian people being used as a tool for White supremacists. In the second half of the show, we try and get to the root of the GOPs obsession with the former president and try to understand what people are looking for and why he seems to resonate with them, often at the expense of the security of Black and Brown people in this country.


LITERATURE ALOUD: “’Repent Harlequin!’ Said the Ticktockman” by Harlan Ellison (00:27:15)

In a world where time, scheduling and punctuality are worshipped, those who arrive late for anything have that time deducted from their lives – except for the Harlequin.


TEXT: https://knape.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/9/3/12935004/ellison_repent-harlequin-1.pdf

CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS: Beyond Your Front Door, with Dina Pavlis (00:28:00)

A lovely celebration of curiosity not just in work and life — but out and about! Killer whales, honey bees, walking dunes and hugging trees? Those are just a few of the delights awaiting those who get beyond their front doors, both literal and figurative. Dina Pavlis has lived and played on the Oregon Coast for over 20 years. She is an avid hiker, outdoor enthusiast, nature photographer and volunteer interpretive ranger with the U.S. Forest Service. She also produces and hosts Beyond Your Front Door Northwest, a coastal adventure radio show that airs weekly in the Pacific Northwest. I got to know her work though stations in coastal Oregon and Washington that carry both her show and mine — and I was soon a fan. I live on the other side of the continent but she has piqued my curiosity big time for a part of the country I had known little about. “When you pique people’s curiosity — or help them make a connection: why is something special? why is something important? — then they begin to care.” ~ Dina Pavlis

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/7/23 (00:56:34)

On the Show: Yet another loss for the so-called anti-woke movement as a judge blocks the Florida law that banned gender-affirming care for transgender youth. A Donald Trump Mar-a-Lago employee reportedly drained a pool into the surveillance room, destroying surveillance footage related to the Trump classified documents investigation. 2024 Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie comes out strongly swinging at Donald Trump at his first town hall event. Donald Trump is wildly triggered by Chris Christie’s 2024 presidential town hall, immediately attacking Christie for his weight, despite Trump being obese himself. Fox News host John Roberts apologizes for making a joke about Chris Christie’s weight. Donald Trump again promises to unveil a great new healthcare plan, something he already promised in 2016, 2017, and 2020. Donald Trump re-brands his own followers as “MAGADONIANS” in an erratic Truth Social post. 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr tells obvious lies during a strange Twitter Spaces with Elon Musk. Tucker Carlson launches his new Twitter show, “Tucker on Twitter,” and it’s underwhelmingly bad. Voicemail caller asks who the most reasonable 2024 Republican presidential candidate is.

TUESDAY 06.06.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Tuesday June 6, 2023


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Community-wide geothermal system provides heating and cooling in new Texas development 

ENCOURAGEMENTOLOGY: Honoring History and Leaving a Legacy (00:30:05)

On this show we’re committing to learning from the past, giving honor to the experiences that shaped all of us, and leaning into the legacy we want to leave. We have a tendency to gloss over, rewrite, or try and forget the past or what no longer serves us. A past that might be tainted with mistakes and failures. It’s easier to remember the good stuff than to relive the struggle but where is the learning? What happens if we forget without forgiving? We are all on a journey with good intentions, goals, and dreams but were also evolving. We are and those that came before us did too. How many times can you look back over your short life span and say, Oh if I knew then what I know now? Think about hundreds of years. If they only knew then what we know now. But that isn’t how life works, that’s not how progress is made, and how evolution unfolds. So they or maybe you, missed the mark. Are you supposed to forget it happened or the impact it made good or bad? Erase it and start from here? We will all fall, make choices we regret, and steer our lives in and out of progress more than once along our journey. A legacy is the long-lasting impact of particular events, actions, etc. that took place in the past, or of a person’s life. Cumulative not the punchline or moral of the story.  


MAKING CONTACT: Well Nourished: How Mutual Aid is Transforming Food Security for Single Moms in Ohio (00:29:00)

Federal food programs, like WIC, face big changes coming out of the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health. Meanwhile, a single moms collective in Ohio holds it down for the single pregnant and parenting people in their community. Motherful’s resource pantry serves their 325-strong membership out of a garage three times a week. We talk to members and founders to learn what’s it’s like to participate, how it all started and where food justice is headed for them now and in their wildest dreams.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: The GOP Vote Thieves Strike Again (00:58:00)

Republicans know the only way they can continue to hold onto national power ” and even keep their control over states like Texas, Georgia, and Florida ” is by making it difficult to register and vote McCarthy is releasing Jan 6th tapes to far-right conspiracy groups. Does MTG have blackmail material on the guy? Was this the price he had to pay for her vote to make him speaker?”Crazy Alert! Judge refuses to derail the EJ Carroll case because trump is a persecuted “white christian” The Terminator Alert! Did an AI just attack its human operator?! Joe Manchin confesses his willingness to make Trump prez, again. Geeky Science! Pass on the Splenda – It’s not splendid.


THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: Trains (00:58:00)

This time on The Children’s Hour we get onboard and learn about trains. The Kids Crew went on a field trip to The Wheels Museum of Albuquerque, and discovered the rich history of railroads. Several kids on our Kids Crew went to the WHEELS Museum of Albuquerque to learn more about trains and transportation. Genevieve, Cade, Corbit, Kodiak, Max, Thorfin, and Gareth spoke with WHEELS volunteers about their work, what the museum does, and how trains came to be our main form of transportation of goods in the world. Train technology is much older than we expected. The original tracks were made of wood, and were built in Germany in the 1500’s to help horse drawn carriages navigate dirt roads. Those same tracks have become the foundation for express trains today which can go over 200 miles per hour! But the fastest trains in the world are in China, and can go over 260 miles per hour. The United States has not yet invested in high speed rail systems. It’s about time, don’t you agree? Katie Stone is The Children’s Hour Executive Producer, our Senior Producer is Christina Stella. Eli Henley produced our Kids Crew segments recorded at the Wheels Museum in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Children’s Hour is produced at the solar powered Sunspot Studio in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Many thanks to the parents who chaperoned, and Leba at Wheels Museum for the excellent adventure in field recording had by our Kids Crew.


LITERATURE ALOUD: “The Yellow Wallpaper” (1899) by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (00:32:08)

Originally considered a gothic horror story, Gilman’s proto-feminist story is rich with suggestive detail and disturbing details. Inspired by her own treatment with “the rest cure” by Dr. Weir, Gilman gives us a chilling sense of what it feels like to be so dismissed and micromanaged by authority to the extent that we begin see strange things.
The link provides both the text and the audio



Candidate Ron DeSantis Poses Unique Threat to Democracy; Massive Pentagon Budget Increased Under Proposed Debt Ceiling Deal;Food Rescue Group Feeds The Hungry, Protects the Environment; Food Rescue Group Feeds The Hungry, Protects the Environment.  

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/6/23 (00:00:00)

 (notes posted when available)

MONDAY 06.05.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Monday June 5, 2023


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS Winter storms caused losses in western monarch population


Lithium and specifically lithium batteries promise to be the oil of the coming decades. But like oil, it comes at a price. There has already been a military coup of a democratically elected government (applauded by the US govt, sound familiar?) over control of this resource. Mining practices are wreaking havoc on some regions of the world ” and the transition to lithium is just beginning. But is the future of lithium all doom and gloom, or the dawn of a bright new age? Join Jay and Annie Warmke of Blue Rock Station for a discussion of the positives and negatives the world faces as it transitions to a battery economy ” and what new sources and technologies hold promise that history does not have to repeat itself. 


ECONOMIC UPDATE: The Banking Crisis Demystified (00:29:00)

This week’s Economic Update focuses on the merger of collapsed First Republic Bank and JP Morgan Chase bank, making a “too big to fail” bank even bigger, and the cost of FDIC bank bailouts and mergers. We also present the timeline of policies leading to bank crises and give a brief history of government failures to supervise private banks.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: As The Bombs Keep Falling (00:58:00)

Phil Ittner checks in with Thom from the front line of Russia’s war on Ukraine. Thom reads from Samuel Moore’s book ‘Humane: How the United States Abandoned Peace and Reinvented War’. Plus – the surprising correlations between eating junk food and the damaging impacts of insomnia.


RADIO ART HOUR: Anna Raimondo, Chantal Dumas, Sally Ann McIntyre (00:58:16)

This week: First, “Mediterraneo,” by Anna Raimondo. Introduced by Karen Werner. This piece packs a wallop as a form of witness and all the more so in its spare approach. Anna Raimondo produced “Mediterraneo” in 2014 as both a radio artwork and video installation. Introduced by Wave Farm Radio Artist Fellow Karen Werner. Second, “The Piano Tuning” by Chantal Dumas (2010). Introduced by Karen Werner. “The Piano Tuning” by Quebecois radio artist Chantal Dumas is a sonically delicious experience of and meditation on listening and sound in space. Chantal Dumas produced “The Piano Tuning” for German radio in 2010. The Quebec audio arts centre Avatar has created an online solo exhibition of Chantal Dumas radio work, worth checking out at http://avatarquebec.org/en/projects/residency-chantal-dumas/ Introduced by Wave Farm Radio Artist Fellow 2019/2020, Karen Werner. Finally, New Zealand-based radio artist Sally Ann McIntyre created “three variations on a study for a data deficient species (grey ghost transmission)” in 2017. The piece focuses on a New Zealand bird species, the South Island kkako, which may or may not be extinct, no one knows for sure. The bird species was nicknamed the grey ghost for its hauntingly beautiful, mournful, slow, loud song. The only existing recordings of the kkako, included in the piece, are fragmentary and elusive–more of an absence than a presence. McIntyre writes, In these recordings, the bird hovers on the edge of audibility, refusing to be pinned down to monumental extinction narratives, just as it destabilizes…imperial ecology, by remaining outside Western scientific forms of knowing which rely on the verification of empirical evidence. The piece includes a musical score based on written documentation of the kkakos song as described in private letters and publications. This score is performed on piano, violin, clavichord and harpsichord. Another notable element of the piece is Maori musician Rob Thorne improvising on traditional instruments. He does a call-and-response to a field recording I sent him of the data deficient bird’s endangered cousin, the North Island kkako, which I made on the bird sanctuary Kapiti Island. My recording remains inaudible in the final piece, making Rob’s haunting playing of the traditional instrument a space in which only the ghosts of the missing bird are left to respond. 


LITERATURE ALOUD: The Iron Heel by Jack London Chapter 24-25 (00:16:17)

Published in 1908, this is a novel about a socialist revolution that was crushed for centuries by an oligarchy of wealth before ultimately reviving and building a more just and compassionate world. Portrayed as an illicit revolutionary journal written by Avis Everhard, London chooses a woman to narrate the great need for social justice, the progress of the revolution, its rationale and her sometimes starry-eyed love for the main character Ernest Everhard. Written after London was jailed for participating in a jobs march, this short and action-packed novel is London’s most detailed outline of his socialist views and the logic of a socialist revolution. Part political novel, part dystopian fiction, part speculative fiction, The Iron Heel also includes historically factual footnotes making it a unique textual hybrid.


GREEN STREET NEWS: The Dirt on PFAS with Tracy Frisch (00:28:15)

This week Patti and Doug talk about recycled plastic food packaging, the Supreme Court decision on the Clean Water Act, and the plight of native honeybees. Then Sierra Club’s Tracy Frisch tells why spreading sewage sludge on farmland, as recently recommended by NY Governor Hochul, is a really bad idea that will contaminate fields forever.


ALAN WATTS: Understanding The Synchronicity Of The Universe (00:12:37)

Alan Watts. Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was a British philosopher, writer, and speaker, best known as an interpreter and populariser of Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. Born in Chislehurst, England, he moved to the United States in 1938 and began Zen training in New York.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/5/23 (00:55:42)

On the Show: Utah’s right wing book ban backfires as the Bible is now banned in some schools, and the Book of Mormon is being considered for a ban. The anti-woke movement suffers another defeat as the Tennessee drag ban is found unconstitutional. Donald Trump’s Fox News town hall goes so terribly, even friendly host Sean Hannity can’t make Trump look good. Donald Trump holds a disastrous series of speeches in different parts of Iowa. Donald Trump is confronted by an anti-vaccine lunatic, the latest example of losing control of the monster you’ve created. Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis enters a “woke” coma, uttering the word numerous times while essentially saying nothing. Casey DeSantis, the wife of Ron DeSantis, steals Donald Trump’s “tears in their eyes” meme and tells her own version of the story. 2024 Republican candidates Nikki Haley, and previously Ron DeSantis, are asked to define woke, and are unable to do so in any manner that makes sense. Radical Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is caught lying about her non-vote in the debt ceiling bill by hilarious video of her sprinting outside the US Capitol. Twitter is collapsing under Elon Musk’s leadership, with ad sales down 59% and multiple high level employees quitting. Voicemail caller has an interesting question about vegetables and evolution.

SUNDAY 06.04.23 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 6/2/23: GA Delays Security Fixes to Vote Systems Until After 2024; Santos Indicted (00:57:30)

Encore: original air-date 5-10-2023. On today’s ‘BradCast’: The GOP crime wave continues with the indictment of serial liar Rep. George Santos (R-NY) on federal charges, including wire fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds and making false statements to Congress. New revelations in a Georgia courtroom expose that elections officials know about massive security vulnerabilities in the state’s electronic voting systems but are refusing to take action. MARILYN MARKS of the Coalition for Good Governance, a plaintiff in a long-running lawsuit challenging Georgia’s use of costly, unverifiable, and wildly insecure touchscreen voting systems, explains. After the court sealed a cyber-security expert’s report revealed shocking holes in the state’s election system, the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) recommended critical upgrades be installed before the 2024 Presidential election in the critical battleground state. But Marks reports that state election officials informed the court this week that they won’t implement the security upgrades until 2025, in a state that became a flash point for baseless 2020 Presidential election fraud claims and unrest. Marks notes hand-marked paper ballots would have been faster, cheaper and more secure than Georgia’s current boondoggle of an election system. Marks also discusses new revelations in the Fulton County, GA conspiracy probe into Donald Trump’s attempts to steal the 2020 election from Joe Biden, and the election system security breach in Coffee County, GA. Plus Desi Doyen has our latest ‘Green News Report.’ 


EARTH RIOT RADIO: Earth is the Only Celebrity That Matters  (00:29:00)

History was made by men triumphing over nature. Now the Earth makes history. Earth has the right approach to the 6th Extinction. Engaging the human predator with its ungodly violence; filling us with fear so that we need strongmen and cruel armies. But our weak violence only spins us out. The Earth’s power is greater by many orders of magnitude. How can we join up? 

TURN ON THE NEWS: “Campaigner.” (00:28:00)

“Campaigner.” This week the ex-president is trying to stay out of jail.

“Turn On The News” is the weekly newscast from the fictional Radio Network, with parody radio coverage of the radio and its headlines. Now with computerized news readers, and fewer meddling reporters, plus aggregated reporting, and automated music. Tune in “Turn On The News” each week for the latest news, radio art, and more from our robot reporters, making sure you hear both sides — good and evil — every time you “Turn On The News.” https://wavefarm.org/radio/wgxc/schedule/93bbe3

Best of ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 5/20/23 (00:59:00)

Segment One
We begin with Scott Braddock, Editor of the Quorum Report, dean of the Austin Press Corps, and the voice of Texas. We discuss the impeachment of the Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton.
Segment Two
We then speak with Bill Curry, two time candidate for governor in Connecticut, and with Harold Meyerson, editor-at-large, at The American Prospect. We discuss how few eligible candidates there are for the army, and how difficult it is to recruit for the police. We also discuss the number of people entering the Republican primary. Democrats need to be the party of change, but are not. The problem of Trump is for both parties. The Republicans are afraid, and would like the Democrats to get rid of Trump for them. 



Trump Eviscerates His Own Defense as Jack Smith Closes in on Indicting Him | The Disconnect Between Biden’s Low Poll Numbers and His Many Achievements | How Defense Contractors Influence the Ukraine Debate. 


MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR: Love on Every Breath – An Ancient Practice of Healing & Compassion (00:59:00)

Lama Palden Drolma is one of the first women Tibetan Buddhist lamas, a psychotherapist facilitating clients with psyco-spiritual development and integration through the methods of western psychology and Buddhism, and the author of Love on Every Breath: Tonglen Meditation For Transforming Pain into Joy. In this interview I ask her to clarify some of aspects of Tibetan Buddhism that are often misunderstood, in addition to talking about her book. 

DEEP DIVE CYBERSECURITY SHOW: Is Social Media Liable For Mass Shootings? (00:58:40)

We know social media has caused grave damage to democracy, trust, the youngers, as well as increased radicalization. But, are social media platforms liable for mass shootings? We dive into this plus catch up on the latest news and breaches! 



6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 6/1/23: National security journalist Marcy Wheeler updates status of major criminal cases against Donald Trump (00:58:00)

Encore: original air-date 5/3/2023. On today’s ‘BradCast’: Veteran independent national security journalist MARCY WHEELER of Emptywheel.net joins us for an extensive update on the three ongoing, as-yet-unindicted criminal probes of disgraced former President Donald Trump in the wake of his recent criminal indictment in New York. Wheeler explains the final issues under consideration by prosecutors before indictments can be brought in each case. We begin with the sprawling criminal federal investigation by Special Counsel Jack Smith into the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection and Trump’s related conspiracies, including the fake electors plot to obstruct the certification of Electoral College votes, potential criminal exposure for Trump’s lawyers, and Trump’s fraudulent fundraising on his lies about election fraud. Wheeler also offers insights into the status of the criminal investigation of Trump’s theft of classified documents from the White House. Finally, Wheeler explains new, surprising developments in the broadening criminal probe by Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis into Trump’s failed attempt to strong-arm state officials into stealing the 2020 election from Joe Biden.  


KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: Hawley and The Right: Wrong About Manhood  (00:59:28)

Hawley purposely exacerbating men’s new challenges. Today’s right encourages and seeks to use mens anger in the culture war, though their policies actually damage working class men. In their fear and rage at the gains for equality, as Washington Monthly editor William Norris notes, Sen. Josh Hawley and others legitimize violence in an angry attempt to reassert lost white male dominance. And the left is being too quiet; there are real solutions that benefit men and everyone. 

ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 5/19/23 (00:00:00)

Part 1:
We talk with Harvey Kronberg, publisher of the Quorum Report, Texas.
We discuss the Texas House vote to impeach the Attorney General, Ken Paxton, for various corrupt actions.
We also discuss how Harris County is being taken over by the Republicans, in fact nullifying the election.
Part 2:
We talk with Bill Curry, two time candidate for governor in Connecticut, and with Harold Meyerson, editor-at-large, The American Prospect. We discuss how few eligible candidates there are for the army, and how difficult it is to recruit for the police. We also discuss the number of people entering the Republican primary. Democrats need to be the party of change, but are not. The problem of Trump is for both parties. The Republicans are afraid, and would like the Democrats to get rid of Trump for them.


GROWING GREENER: A Critical Look at Permaculture  (00:29:00)

Robert Kourik, a pioneer of sustainable gardening, draws on his 45 years of experience with Permaculture to explore the strengths and weaknesses of this controversial gardening movement. 


TUC RADIO: Daniel Ellsberg: How many will die in a Nuclear War launched by the U.S.? (00:29:00)

Daniel Ellsberg is best known for having made public the Pentagon Papers in 1971. They showed the world that the U.S. government had lied about planning war on Vietnam and using a lie to start it. At the same time Ellsberg had copied and taken 7,000 pages from the nuclear command and control system in the US – that also contained the targeting for a first strike launch against the Soviet Union and China. Ellsberg always said that this was information even more vital for the world to have than the Pentagon Papers. And in part one of this program, he described how these records were lost in their hiding place after a landslide. Daniel Ellsberg managed to reconstruct the files from his own notes and from material that now has become declassified. That led to his 2017 book: The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner. On Dec 13, 2017, Daniel Ellsberg was on stage at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco. He had an engaging conversation with the Clubs President, Dr. Gloria Duffy. She takes Ellsberg back to 1961, when Ellsberg gets the data on the number of deaths of civilians in a nuclear war to pass on to President Kennedy. This broadcast is part of a celebration of the work and life of Daniel Ellsberg. He recently disclosed that he has incurable cancer. 


THE BOPST SHOW: And I Feel Alright (00:55:18)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s show, you’ll hear whistling guitarist Toots Thielemans, 50s rockers Real George & His Krazy Kats, psychedelic sitarist Sagram as well as the dub reggae of Little Harry, president day folk by Check Prophet and many others outside mainstream consciousness.


RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR #482 (00:58:00)

A license to loot is what our guest, economist William Lazonick, calls stock buybacks. Until the Reagan Revolution, stock buybacks were considered market manipulation and at the very least are an unproductive use of profits used only to pump up the stock price and enrich upper management, while neglecting worker’s wages, capital expansion, and innovation. Ralph and Professor Lazonick break it all down for you. 


FRIDAY 06.02.23 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon (scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Friday June 2, 2023


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Wisconsin company uses cow waste to produce energy 

JUST SOLUTIONS: The Intersectionality of the Climate Crisis (00:27:01)

This week, we discuss the varying communities impacted by our ongoing climate crisis. Diandra Marizet Esparza of Intersectional Environmentalist joins Gloria to teach about environmental work that highlights those most vulnerable to the systems that we’ve created or aspire to develop. 

COUNTERSPIN: Affirmative Action in Higher Education (00:28:00)

Jeff Chang & Jeannie Park on affirmative action in higher education 

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: The Shills Pushing Climate Change Denial (00:58:00)

Climate scientists are fleeing twitter- but is this just the tip of the ‘iceberg’ of a right-wing propaganda push against the reality of climate change? Plus – brain shrinkage?- science fiction stuff or a surprisingly real problem? 


SEA CHANGE RADIO: Jim Motavalli on the EV Revolution (00:29:00)

According to the International Energy Agency, over 14 million electric vehicles, or EVs, are expected to be sold globally in 2023. If this is accurate, EVs would account for about 18 percent of total car sales for the year, a 35 percent increase over 2022. The EV revolution is upon us, and here to help Sea Change Radio listeners decide where to plug-in is automotive journalist, Jim Motavalli. We discuss the puzzling decision by General Motors to shelve the Chevy Bolt, get some recommendations on new EV automakers and models, and examine Americas ongoing fascination with big old gas-guzzling trucks and SUVs.


LAURA FLANDERS SHOW: Black Maternal Mortality: How Do We Save Black Lives? (00:28:00)

What is causing the Black maternal mortality epidemic, and what can be done to save Black lives? The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate of any high-income nation in the world ” and it is Black mothers who are dying at the highest rates. Black birthing people are three times more likely to die in childbirth, but about 84% of those deaths are preventable. For this episode of Meet the BIPOC Press with our partner URL Media, a network of Black and Brown owned and operated news outlets, Laura Flanders is joined again by co-host Sara Lomax of Philadelphias WURD Radio. They invite Marianne Fray, the CEO of Maternity Care Coalition and Kenya Hunter, the Atlanta Health Reporter for Capital B News, to discuss how Black women and birthing people are taking control of their pregnancies. Explore the community-centered responses that may lead to better pregnancy outcomes and a more equitable healthcare system. 

THE BOPST SHOW: And I Feel Alright (00:55:18)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s show, you’ll hear whistling guitarist Toots Thielemans, 50s rockers Real George & His Krazy Kats, psychedelic sitarist Sagram as well as the dub reggae of Little Harry, president day folk by Check Prophet and many others outside mainstream consciousness.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/2/23 (00:00:00)

(notes posted when available)

THURSDAY 06.01.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon (scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Thursday June 1, 2023  


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: How EV incentives for gasoline superusers could help the planet

RADIO ECOSHOCK: Biggest greenhouse gas you dont know – plus world lakes drying out (00:58:00)

New from Dolly Parton World on Fire -an anthem for our times. First Texas atmospheric scientist Andrew Dessler: what is happening with the world’s biggest greenhouse gas – and no, it’s not carbon dioxide. Plus, why are half the world’s lakes drying up? Dr. Ben Livneh explains a developing disaster affecting one quarter of the worlds people. 


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: How Harlan Crow benefits from Clarence Thomas’ vote to gut the clean water act (00:58:00)

Were Mike Lee and John Eastman behind all the fake elector plots? Can the GOP ever win an election honestly? As to the Debt Ceiling bargain, changes to food aid will cost money, but not the savings the GOP envisions. Also Good News! Clean energy is winning! 


KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: How Do We Form Our Gender Identity & Can It Change Over Time? (00:58:07)

They claim loudly they’re protecting freedom and innocent children, but the truth is the right is oppressing both. On this show psychoanalyst Avgi Saketopoulou, co-author of Gender Without Identity, argues there is not one true immutable authentic identity with which we are born but instead there is a more active becoming in our lives. 

LITERATURE ALOUD: The Iron Heel by Jack London Chapter 23 (00:24:49)

Published in 1908, this is a novel about a socialist revolution that was crushed for centuries by an oligarchy of wealth before ultimately reviving and building a more just and compassionate world. Portrayed as an illicit revolutionary journal written by Avis Everhard, London chooses a woman to narrate the great need for social justice, the progress of the revolution, its rationale and her sometimes starry-eyed love for the main character Ernest Everhard. Written after London was jailed for participating in a jobs march, this short and action-packed novel is London’s most detailed outline of his socialist views and the logic of a socialist revolution. Part political novel, part dystopian fiction, part speculative fiction, The Iron Heel also includes historically factual footnotes making it a unique textual hybrid.



WINGS # 07-23 UN. Aid, and Sexual Abuse (00:28:58)

From the podcast series Gender at Work, feminists with experience in United Nations and aid organizations explain how policies to stop sexual abuse in humanitarian missions fail, and what might discourage the culture of impunity.
Aruna Rao and David Kelleher, co-founders of Gender at Work, introduce the podcast; Joanne Sandler and Shawna Wakefield anchor the interviews. Sandler was Deputy Executive Director for Programmes at UNIFEM (the UN Development Fund for Women); Wakefield was Oxfam Internationals Senior Gender Justice Lead for 7 years; both are consultants and researchers. The interviewees are Hendrica Okondo, who has 20+ years of experience in humanitarian contexts within UN organizations; Robin Yaker, who has worked for the International Rescue Committee and Raising Voices; and Sarah Douglas, deputy chief of peace and security at UN Women. 


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 6/1/23 (00:55:24)

On the Show: Robert Greene, author of seven international bestsellers including The 48 Laws of Power, Mastery, The Laws of Human Nature, and more, joins David to discuss his writing process, the impact of social media on thinking and society, how to find the right media diet, and much more. Get his latest book, The Laws of Human Nature, here: https://amzn.to/3IR5aKO Former Vice President Mike Pence will soon announce that he’s running for President against his former boss, Donald Trump. Former New Jersey Chris Christie is set to announce his presidential candidacy and will also challenge Donald Trump, who he previously endorsed. Donald Trump is caught on tape admitting to taking classified documents from the White House when he left office, and knowing that they are classified. Trump lawyer Jim Trusty fails to defend Donald Trump over allegations that he broke federal law when he took classified documents from the White House. Ron DeSantis gives an incredibly boring campaign speech in Iowa. Donald Trump complains that Ron DeSantis stole his “Great American Comeback” line, even though Trump stole it from Ronald Reagan. Voicemail caller critiques David’s hypothetical Chick-Fil-A order.

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