JULY 2024


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
July 3, 2024 


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Fulani herders struggle as water stress forces longer journeys in the Sahel  

PATIENTS COME FIRST: Behavioral Medicine (00:21:59)

This episode of VHHA’s Patients Come First podcast features Dr. Bob Trestman, Chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine at Carilion Clinic for a conversation about his work, mental health, collaboration with the Virginia Coordinated Clinical Research Network, and more.

ALAN WATTS: We Worry About Problems We Don’t Even Have (00:08:03)

An inspirational and profound speech from the late philosopher Alan Watts. Original Audio sourced from: “Alan Watts – Taoist Way”

THIS WAY OUT #1892 Justice and DArcy Drollinger, Drag Laureate (Part 1) & global LGBTQ news!  (00:28:59)

San Franciscan DArcy Drollinger’s justice drag promotes fabulousness; families of Southern U.S. trans kids make Grace-ful exits; Budapest Pride defies Orban’s machinery of fear, Hong Kong couples marry in a digital U.S. ceremony, President Biden pardons dishonorably discharged queer U.S. veterans, Texas top court ends pediatric care for the states trans kids, Arkansas Supremes yank X as a gender option on state IDs, and Utah’s new law shutters college LGBTQ centers. Those stories and more this week when you find This Way Out, the international LGBTQ radio magazine.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: A Poem in Progress (00:58:00)

Sitting-in for Thom Hartmann, Guest-Host Jefferson Smith of the Democracy Nerd Podcast engages with listeners on the composition of his new poem, The Supreme Court Sucks. Guest Interview: Elliot Mincberg, Senior Fellow-People For the American Way.


CIVIC CIPHER: Isaac Hayes III on The Evolution of Activism in Social Media, Black Ownership, and the Merits of Fanbase    (00:59:00)

The first part of today’s episode has us talking with Isaac Hayes III about his social media app Fanbase. We discuss the merits of an alternative approach to social media for folks who use it for activism, the benefits of having safe spaces for shared dialogues, and how algorithms influence content and online behavior. In the second part of the show, we discuss the merits of Black ownership, opportunities that exist in the tech space, and what the future holds for content creators and online activists.  Our Way Black History Fact highlights some of the names in the tech space we should have learned in school alongside their non-Black counterparts.


LITERATURE ALOUD: Main Street by Sinclair Lewis (1920) chapter 23 (00:31:07)

First published in 1920, Main Street is Sinclair Lewis’ first major novel, and was a phenomenal success at the time. In 1930 Lewis became the first American to receive the Nobel Prize for literature. The story involves Carol Milford, a college-educated, progressive, ambitious young woman, who is self-sufficient and working as a librarian in St. Paul. There she meets a country doctor, Will Kennicott, who convinces her to marry him and move to the rural Minnesota town of Gopher Prairie. Although she arrives with dreams of beautifying the town, of establishing art and culture, of improving lives and promoting child welfare, this spirit is challenged by small-town attitudes, ignorance and bigotry.


TEXT: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/543/543-h/543-h.htm

CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS: Curiosity at Work: A Swedish Perspective, with Peder Soderlind (00:28:00)

Peder Soderlind describes himself as a Swedish author, researcher and entrepreneur, but I see an important emerging curiosity theorist. His writing and thinking on the topic are rich in all the best ways — evocative, provocative, constructive. I was fascinated to learn about curiosity in the context of the Nordic social model of work life and the Swedish concepts of folkbildning and the Law of Jante.https://lynnborton.com/2023/05/04/the-curiosity-lab-with-jaison-manjaly/

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 7/3/24 (00:00:00)

(notes posted when available)


TUESDAY 07.02.24 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Tuesday M
July 2, 2024


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Action plan outlines ways to help protect children from climate hazards  

ENCOURAGEMENTOLOGY: Fresh Viewpoints: Transforming Problems into Possibilities (00:30:00)

On this show we are freshening our viewpoint as we work to transform problems into possibilities. Problems are like puzzles, tricky but solvable. They’re the hurdles that make life interesting! Possibilities, on the other hand, are the exciting paths that open up when we tackle these puzzles head-on. This show is about providing positive alternatives to some of life’s little challenges. Why stay stuck if you can take an alternate path? As I’ve said before, it’s all about perspective. Is the glass half-full or have you already enjoyed half of the concoction? Viewing a situation through the lens of possibilities can lead to a more positive and proactive approach to overcoming challenges and achieving success. So, lets flip our thinking and turn problems into fun challenges. Who knows what awesome opportunities might be waiting on the other side?


MAKING CONTACT: Family Matters: What Helps Black Trans Kids Thrive (00:29:00)

As political rhetoric & discriminatory laws contribute to poor mental health among LGBTQ+ kids, researchers study what keeps kids healthy, happy, & alive. We also discuss data around what could work to prevent suicidality among Black trans youth.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Supreme Court Makes Shadowy Move Amid Distractions (00:58:00)

Sitting-in for Thom Hartmann, Guest-Host Jefferson Smith of the Democracy Nerd Podcast weighs listener opinions about the recent presidential debate debacle and casts a light on the sneaky SCOTUS decisions that slipped by in the fracas. Now that you’ve had a few days to think it through…how DO you feel about Biden v. Trump?
(Is it really a choice?!)


THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: Southwest US History (00:58:00)

This time on The Children’s Hour, we have a different kind of show. This episode is taken from our six episode educational podcast series called “A Brief History of the American Southwest – For Kids” which was produced through multiple virtual field trips to sites of significance in our high desert of New Mexico. The story begins nearly 23,000 years ago, when people began migrating through, hunting, and living in this part of the world.


LITERATURE ALOUD: Main Street by Sinclair Lewis (1920) chapter 22 (00:28:03)

First published in 1920, Main Street is Sinclair Lewis’ first major novel, and was a phenomenal success at the time. In 1930 Lewis became the first American to receive the Nobel Prize for literature. The story involves Carol Milford, a college-educated, progressive, ambitious young woman, who is self-sufficient and working as a librarian in St. Paul. There she meets a country doctor, Will Kennicott, who convinces her to marry him and move to the rural Minnesota town of Gopher Prairie. Although she arrives with dreams of beautifying the town, of establishing art and culture, of improving lives and promoting child welfare, this spirit is challenged by small-town attitudes, ignorance and bigotry.


TEXT: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/543/543-h/543-h.htm


US Provocatively Permits Ukraine to Use American Weapons to Attack Targets Inside Russia; Active Duty U.S. Soldiers Appeal for Redress to Voice Opposition to Americas Role in Israel’s War in Gaza; Voices from the Silenced Play Tells Stories of Women Who Had Abortions Before Roe v Wade.

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 7/2/24 (00:00:00)

 (notes posted when available)

MONDAY 07.01.24 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Monday July 1, 2024


CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: A tribal community’s struggle against erosion, rising tides, and a devastating storm

WHEN THE BIOMASS HITS THE WIND TURBINE Turbine #12 ” Solar Generators  (00:28:55)

How can you make your own solar generator for less than $250. This solar power system in a box is a great way to learn how solar power works, and is a handy emergency backup system for when the power goes out, for camping, for remote power (like lights in a chicken coop), or for remote building projects. The gateway drug to solar power…

* What is a solar generator

* Why would you need one

* How do you make them

* Where do you get the parts

* Watts, wire size, etc.

* Costs, process

* More information, Classes


ECONOMIC UPDATE: Fracking Vs Fossil Fuel Profits (00:29:00)

In this week’s Economic Update, Professor Richard Wolff discusses the latest US and EU tariffs against China’s electric vehicles, 27,000 Virginia teachers vote to unionize, and students and workers at all 6 University of California campuses strike against attempted repression of students peacefully advocating a Gaza ceasefire. In the second half of our program, we interview Oscar-nominated and Emmy Winning writer, director, and anti-fracking activist Josh Fox of the award-winning films GASLAND Parts 1 and 2 on his latest film “The Edge of Nature”.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Biden Team Hits Back After Debate (00:58:00)

Biden Team Hits Back After Debate With Whopping 50 Lies Trump Told On The Debate Stage. Biden affects everyone on the down ballot too…do the senate and house become imperiled? 23 senate seats in play and many governors.


SPIRIT IN ACTION: Trauma-healing: Buffalo Star People, Rwanda, & Nigeria  (00:55:00)

A visit with 2 people, from opposite corners of the globe, trying to help with recovery and healing from severe trauma. Terry Hokenson & his interest in regenerative agriculture led him to a total shift in his worldview, guided by the insights and work of Francis and Barbara Bettelyoun, and the Indigenous American organization called Buffalo Star People. This interview took place before the members of Minneapolis Friends Meeting on Easter Sunday 2024. The 2nd person interviewed, Christine Irumva, is Rwandan, active with Friends Peace House Rwanda, AVP workshops, HROC, and other peace and healing groups. Christine Irumva journeyed to Nigeria in 2019 and 2024 to help those hurt by the depredations of Boko Haram to recover and heal, as part of the work of the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria.

LITERATURE ALOUD: Main Street by Sinclair Lewis (1920) chapter 21 (00:28:04)

First published in 1920, Main Street is Sinclair Lewis’ first major novel, and was a phenomenal success at the time. In 1930 Lewis became the first American to receive the Nobel Prize for literature. The story involves Carol Milford, a college-educated, progressive, ambitious young woman, who is self-sufficient and working as a librarian in St. Paul. There she meets a country doctor, Will Kennicott, who convinces her to marry him and move to the rural Minnesota town of Gopher Prairie. Although she arrives with dreams of beautifying the town, of establishing art and culture, of improving lives and promoting child welfare, this spirit is challenged by small-town attitudes, ignorance and bigotry.


TEXT: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/543/543-h/543-h.htm

GREEN STREET: The Loneliness of MCS (00:29:05)

This week on Green Street, Patti and Doug discuss the hazards of tatoos and the plight of minority communities in Cancer Alley. Then Dr. Ann McCampbell and Susie Molloy discuss their battles with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS),and how they have learned to livel with this often debilitating condition.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 7/1/24 (00:52:15)

On the Show: Absolute chaos takes over the political world after President Biden’s poor debate performance against Donald Trump, but MAGA world’s assumption that the race is over is premature. President Biden owns up to his terrible debate performance during a speech in Raleigh, North Carolina. President Biden sets a fundraising record, raising more than $33 million since the debate against Donald Trump. A shocking new report from Axios claims President Biden is only really functional between 10am and 4pm. A new poll finds 72% of voters believe President Biden should drop out of the race because he is not fit to run. Donald Trump’s top suck-ups are confronted by our correspondent Luke Beasley at the debate in Atlanta, Georgia, and it does not go well for them. Trump’s dementia suspicions go mainstream after President Biden’s terrible debate performance. Donald Trump speaks to empty chairs while slurring endlessly at a rally in Chesapeake, Virginia. Audiovisual evidence is presented arguing that Donald Trump soiled himself during the presidential debate against President Joe Biden. Voicemail caller says that even if President Biden has dementia, he’s still voting for him over Donald Trump.

For the People | By the People