TUESDAY 02.28.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Tuesday February 28, 2023


ENCOURAGEMENTOLOGY: Inspiring Interviews: Devyn and Ari, Quitting is Not an Option (00:30:51)

On this show we won’t be throwing in any towels, dropping by the wayside, or chucking any sponges because Devyn and Ari will inspire us to believe; quitting is not an option. Easy street sounds nice but the reality of life can be challenge after challenge. How many times have you said, that’s it, I’m done, I can’t take this any longer!? If you’re shaking your head yes then guess what, you’re more resilient than you think because you’re still here. In each situation, you’re just a click away from unlocking the answer. So, before you succumb thinking you don’t have another fight in you, listen to these two, bright and beautifully strong women and their ever-evolving journey of perseverance.

GOT SCIENCE?: Trust But Verify: Why Science Holds Sway in an Era of Misinformation (00:29:00)

New podcast host Jess Phoenix introduces a re-airing of an interview with science historian Naomi Oreskes.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Jesus Christ Could Never Get Elected as a Republican (00:58:00)

Conservative Christians can’t afford more brand damage from the Republican Party.. And maybe if their bad works keep getting exposed they will realize that the answer isn’t Jesus-washing; its substantive change. Plus – Why is America tolerating anti-Jewish hate right out front?


THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: At The Bottom Of The Sea (00:58:00)

This time on The Children’s Hour, the Kids Crew get aboard the JOIDES Resolution, virtually, while the ship is at sea off the coast of Portugal. We meet Amy Mayer, the Onboard Outreach Officer for the JOIDES Expedition 397, and research fellow Saray Martinez. We learn how the JOIDES brings up core samples from the ocean floor, that they then slice, x-ray, and study. Some of the soils they are bringing to the surface are over 300 million years old.

Scientists aboard the JOIDES stay for a short rotation, and collect as much data as possible. The ship is drilling for core samples 24 hours a day, 7 days a week when they are at the drilling site. The Kids Crew have a lot of questions for Amy and Saray about life on board a scientific research vessel. We also hear a poem by Kenn Nesbitt, from his poetry playground Poetry4Kids.com. Mixed with great music celebrating the sea, get to the bottom of the ocean with us, this time on The Children’s Hour. This episode was recorded by Katie Stone at the Sunspot Solar Studio in Albuquerque, New Mexico USA, and produced by Christina Stella and Katie Stone.


LITERATURE ALOUD: Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe ch. 15 (00:40:03)

Among the most “banned” books in the United States, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is a novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe which treats slavery as a central theme. Stowe was a Connecticut-born teacher at the Hartford Female Academy and an active abolitionist. The novel is believed to have had a profound effect on the North’s view of slavery. In fact, when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe, President Lincoln is said to have commented, “So you’re the little lady whose book started the Civil War.” First published on March 20, 1852, the story focuses on the tale of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave, the central character around whose life the other characters—both fellow slaves and slave owners—revolve. The novel depicts the harsh reality of slavery while also showing that Christian love and faith can overcome even something as evil as enslavement of fellow human beings. (summary by Wikipedia and John Greenman)


TEXT: http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/uncletom/uthp.html

TED TALK: How a handful of tech companies control billions of minds every day – Tristan Harris (00:17:00)

A handful of people working at a handful of tech companies steer the thoughts of billions of people every day, says design thinker Tristan Harris. From Facebook notifications to Snapstreaks to YouTube autoplays, they’re all competing for one thing: your attention. Harris shares how these companies prey on our psychology for their own profit and calls for a design renaissance in which our tech instead encourages us to live out the timeline we want. Check out more TED talks: http://www.ted.com

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/28/23 (00:56:45)

On the Show: Doctor Robert Waldinger, Direct of the Harvard Study of Adult Development and co-author of the new book The Good Life: Lessons From the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness joins David to discuss this comprehensive happiness study. Get the book: https://amzn.to/3IC1zzE Fox News’ Rupert Murdoch admits under oath that Fox News hosts were knowingly spreading lies about the 2020 election that Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden. The Republican civil war continues to heat up as Paul Ryan says he will not attend the 2024 RNC if Trump is the nominee. Anti-drag Republican Tennessee Governor Bill Lee is confronted with pictures of himself dressed in drag. New age guru Marianne Williamson will challenge President Joe Biden for the 2024 Democratic Presidential nomination. A confused-looking Donald Trump announces a dangerous and absurd trade war in his latest teleprompter tirade. Radical Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene claims she was “attacked” at a restaurant. Voicemail caller Eric from Mass is back, this time thinking that David will soon be fired and arrested.

MONDAY 02.27.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Monday February 27, 2023


WHEN THE BIOMASS HITS THE WIND TURBINE # 171: Creatively Funding your Homestead (00:29:11)

Many of us dream of carving out a little homestead in the country ” living off the land. But actually making a living this way can be quite difficult. Fortunately there are a lot of funding sources out there designed to help small farmers and homesteaders. But how can you tap into these funds? Join Annie and Jay Warmke of Blue Rock Station in a discussion of what funds are out there and how best to successfully compete for this money.


ECONOMIC UPDATE: Are Mega-Corporations Ruining Our World? (00:29:00)

In this week’s show, Prof. Wolff presents a critique of monopoly and oligopoly; past efforts and success in popular control over mega-corporations – in US and abroad; the fight back by mega-corporations to nullify reforms and regulations. Finally, some real solutions to the social problem and costs of an economy dominated by mega-corporations.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Shelby County v. Holder… Ten Years later (00:58:00)

National Redistricting Director of Common Cause, Kathay Feng joins Thom to discuss the dramatic changes after a decade without voting rights. Ten years ago, Shelby County v Holder ended important parts of the Voting Rights act. 


RADIO ART HOUR: Mike Cooper (01:01:45)

“Beach Crossings ” Pacific Footprints” by Mike Cooper (2005) is featured this week. Introduced by Tyler Maxin. “Beach Crossings – Pacific Footprints” is an hour-long radio play by the English guitarist Mike Cooper, originally commissioned by producer Pino Saulo for Italy’s RAI3 Radio in 2005. Described by the artist as a meditation in words and music on European presence and colonization in the Pacific, the piece assembles a large group of ‘local musical improvisers” among them the composer Alvin Curran and the Mori instrumentalist Richard Nunn’s “guided and conducted by Cooper. The music is interspersed with narrations that trace the trajectory of oceanic conquest, from the HMS Dolphins 1766 landing in Tahiti to the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima nearly 180 years later. Central among the works motifs is the book Beach Crossings, a history of the Marquesas Islands by the Australian historian Greg Dening that Cooper had picked up at a bookstore by chance. It collides with other appropriated texts and songs, including music writing by David Toop and Steven Feld, political essays and slogans, the kroncong tune Bengawan Solo, and Bob Dylan’s Masters of War. Cooper arranged the text in English and translated it to Italian for this recording. The unique blend of inputs and sensibilities and the spontaneous dynamics of the group improvisation results in a work that is at once anarchic and harmonious, cerebral and visceral, disturbing and hopeful. Since 2005, Cooper has adapted this work for Portuguese, Australian, and American radio stations (most recently, with an English-language remix on the WFMU program The Stork Club), and performed a live variation, sometimes accompanied by his Super-8 film Planet Pacific. – Introduced by Wave Farm Radio Art Fellow 2022-2023, Tyler Maxin.


LITERATURE ALOUD: Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe ch. 14 (00:25:06)

Among the most “banned” books in the United States, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is a novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe which treats slavery as a central theme. Stowe was a Connecticut-born teacher at the Hartford Female Academy and an active abolitionist. The novel is believed to have had a profound effect on the North’s view of slavery. In fact, when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe, President Lincoln is said to have commented, “So you’re the little lady whose book started the Civil War.” First published on March 20, 1852, the story focuses on the tale of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave, the central character around whose life the other characters—both fellow slaves and slave owners—revolve. The novel depicts the harsh reality of slavery while also showing that Christian love and faith can overcome even something as evil as enslavement of fellow human beings. (summary by Wikipedia and John Greenman)


TEXT: http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/uncletom/uthp.html


Second Half Part Two – A Primer For Paradigm Shift is the second of a four part series. The primer is a how to for paradigm shift. The second half part 2 explains what is civic culture and why a civic culture does not need heroes and that reducing eco footprints is a core part of paradigm shift. We also learn about prioritizing time and money and also the double benefit to help pay for paradigm shift. Our society has potential to invest trillions of dollars and hours of time on behalf of paradigm shift. The primer is information dense and points out there are untold pioneers of a preferred future already creating a preferred future. Part Three will show and tell many of those pioneering examples and then, Part Four, how to take these ideas to a wider audience.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/28/23 (00:00:00)

(notes posted when available)

SUNDAY 02.26.23 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 2/24/23 (00:58:00)

Encore: original air-date 2-15-2023. On today’s ‘BradCast’: Accountability takes a while, especially when it relates to criminal accountability for a former President of the United States for the first time in history. Independent national security and accountability journalist MARCY WHEELER of Emptywheel.net delivers a deep dive into the latest details from the various federal investigations into Donald Trump that are now being overseen by Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith. Wheeler explains the latest developments in the probe of hundreds of stolen, classified documents recovered by the FBI last year at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago beach resort, and the ongoing investigation of the conspiracy behind Trump’s multi-pronged effort to steal the 2020 election, including the January 6, 2021 insurrection he incited at the U.S. Capitol. Wheeler knows nearly as much about the many criminal cases against Donald Trump as the prosecutors themselves, and as usual offers a ton of important, smart and well-informed insights into recent revelations and what to expect as the investigations move slowly but inexorably forward. 


EARTH RIOT RADIO: Crying All the Way To the Bank (00:29:00)

Consumerism micro-manages our bodies. Retail spaces require that we walk/reach/grab and return to the cash register, all surveilled and monitored by security. Gestures deemed Inappropriate by police are the justification for murders of the unarmed. Our dramatic work in the lobbies of JPMorgan Chase has evolved since our first direct action in this king of climate crime in 2007. This year in 2023 we go banking with a single emotion: extreme wailing sorrow, hysterical laughter, lamentations for police murders of forest protectors, and repeated pratfalls (tipping over while reciting the 6th Extinctions tipping points.

TURN ON THE NEWS: Fox On The Run (00:28:00)

“Turn On The News” is the weekly newscast from the fictional Radio Network, with parody radio coverage of the radio and its headlines. Now with computerized news readers, and fewer meddling reporters, plus aggregated reporting, and automated music. Tune in “Turn On The News” each week for the latest news, radio art, and more from our robot reporters, making sure you hear both sides — good and evil — every time you “Turn On The News.” This week: “Fox On The Run.” This week the news organization says in court that it makes up its news.


ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 2/24/23 (00:58:00)

Part 1:

We speak with Harvey Kronberg, Publisher, Quorum Report in Texas. We discuss how little has been referred to the Texas House (which meets only once every two years). Texas is eliminating voting sites on college campuses, and attacking education in general. Gov. Abbot has stated his support for school vouchers.

Part 2:

We talk with Alex Sammon and Bill Curry about the crisis for American boys and men. They are seceding from society, not participating. They are not marrying as in years past, and not attending higher education institutions as in years past. We also discuss what ‘security and safety’ is in the present context. Militarism? 

BACKGROUND BRIEFING 2/23/23 (00:59:00)

The Ohio Derailment as an Example of Wall Street’s Priority of Extracting Wealth Not Creating It | The Vast Constituency of Americans Comprising Much of the GOP Who Believe in Lies and Conspiracies | A New Report on Russia’s War Crimes Targeting Ukraine’s Healthcare Infrastructure and Personnel.


MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR:   Grieving While Black – An Anti-Racist Take on Oppression and Sorrow (00:59:00)

Breeshia Wade is a Buddhist chaplain in the Natal ICU, a birth doula, and a grief coach. She’s the author of Grieving While Black: An Anti-Racist Take on Oppression and Sorrow, which explores the range of grief that many of us experience throughout our lives, and goes into the additional grief and trauma that black people, Native Americans and LGBTQ+ people experience continually in our society. And how to be with and take responsibility for our grief so we don’t harm others with our unrecognized and unresolved traumas and issues. And that there is power and even joy inside our grief if we have the courage to honestly face our grief. 

DEEP DIVE CYBERSECURITY SHOW: Chinese Spy Balloons and the Serious Cybersecurity Repercussions (00:58:52)

The Chinese Spy Balloon… sure we’ve all heard of it but how many of us really understand what happened and what the national cybersecurity and surveillance ramifications are! We discuss this plus we catch up on the latest cybersecurity and privacy news and data breaches!



6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 2/22/23: AZ A.G. lied about 2020 fraud; Trump’s lying losers keep lying and losing (00:58:00)

On today’s ‘BradCast’: It’s remarkable how Republican supporters of disgraced former President Donald Trump keep lying on his behalf, despite losing elections and more. New document reveals that Arizona’s former Republican Attorney General Mark Brnovich launched a massive investigation that confirmed there was no evidence of fraud in the 2020 Presidential election, but Brnovich kept the findings secret during his unsuccessful run for the 2022 GOP Senate nomination, and instead lied about the findings in a misleading ‘interim’ report. The now-released report exposed that AZ GOP candidates Mark Finchem and Kari Lake also lied about the 2020 election. Lake is still lying about her resounding election loss in 2022. Despite all of the lies and losses, the Republican National Committee is now planning to increase their focus on false 2020 election fraud claims in advance of 2024. Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have been subpoenaed to testify before the federal grand jury investigating the January 6 insurrection. A federal court ruled that Trump may be deposed in lawsuits filed by former FBI employees who claim he targeted them for retribution. Lawyers for Trump crony Steve Bannon have sued him for nonpayment. GOP political operative Jesse Benton, previously pardoned by Trump for a bribery conviction, sentenced to 18 months in prison for accepting an unlawful political donation to Trump from a Russian national. Also today: President Biden’s approval ratings are steadily rising, while Trump’s are hitting new lows. Plus Desi Doyen has our latest ‘Green News Report.’


KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: More Weapons Spending=Weaker National Security (00:58:20)

There used to be some 50 military contractors, now its more like five. Merger mania. And were playing right into what China wants. And were still pouring money into one of the most costly weapons ever, the F 35, which was developed pretty much blindly. On this show Center for Defense Information analyst Julia Gledhill explains how our defense budget is weakening America.

Best of ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN (00:59:30)

We begin the show with Tim Belcher, a labor lawyer who has worked with Dartmouth undergraduate working students to establish a union. The students organized into a union, obtained recognition by the NLRB. They have negotiated a contract with Dartmouth for treatment as real workers.

GROWING GREENER: Are You Killing Your Garden With Kindness? (00:29:00)

Horticultural Educator Carol Reese explains why feeding your garden in springtime with a complete fertilizer can be a mistake, and describes a lazy style of gardening that can help heal the environment while drastically reducing your work.


TUC RADIO: 90 Seconds to Midnight with Dr. Helen Caldicott (00:29:00)

This thought provoking conversation took place on January 25, 2023, one day after the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists advanced the hands of the Doomsday Clock to 90 seconds before midnight”in large part due to war in Ukraine. Dr. Helen Caldicott is an Australian peace activist and environmentalist. She discusses the extreme and imminent threat of a nuclear holocaust due to a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia in Ukraine. She also addresses nuclear fusion and the relationship between the nuclear power industry and nuclear weapons.

Helen Caldicott is the author of many books and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. She was named by the Smithsonian as one of the most influential women of the 20th century. Her public talks describing the horrors of nuclear war from a medical perspective raised the consciousness of a generation. Helen Caldicott believes that the awareness of the possible destruction of all life on the planet has receded from public consciousness, making doomsday more likely. The title of her recent book states: we are sleepwalking to Armageddon. My thanks to Steve Taylor and the Global Justice Ecology Project for their permission to re-broadcast this interview with Dr. Helen Caldicott.


THE BOPST SHOW: Are You Having Any Fun? (00:56:06)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. This week’s show features Japanese cross-cultural instrumentalists of Tropique, the Tuvan throat singing of the Alash Ensemble, and Jamaican vocal trio the Soul Sisters as well as songs by Calypso legend Lord Invader, Scottish rock two-piece Sluts of Trust and many others outside mainstream consciousness.



Legendary investigative reporter, Seymour Hersh, outlines the story he broke that describes in great detail how the U.S. blew up the Nordstream pipelines in a covert act of war against Russia that the White House and intelligence community continue to deny and the mainstream press refuses to amplify. And Mickey Huff, of Project Censored joins us to speak to Ralph about the state of the so-called free press.


FRIDAY 02.24.23 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Friday February 24, 2023


JUST SOLUTIONS: Can We Fix Homelessness? (00:29:00)

Major cities spend millions of dollars every year on homelessness but the problems do not seem to be getting any better. Are the problems associated with homelessness solvable? What can we do as a society? What should we do?

COUNTERSPIN: Fentanyl, Social Security (00:28:00)

This week on CounterSpin: Corporate media tend to take the State of the Union address as an opportunity to talk about messaging, and whether the president’s message is landing well with, first of all, other legislators, and then, somewhere in there, the US public. A better mediaverse would start with the impact of official actions, not just on the people who donate or even the people who vote, but on everyone whose lives are shaped by government policy.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Republicans Are Just Obnoxious (00:58:00)

Is being a dick turning off many Americans to Republican candidates? Author and former Republican speech writer David Frum thinks so… and Thom’s listeners weigh in.


SEA CHANGE RADIO: Jeff Stoike: Blue Action Lab (00:29:00)

As the winter chill of February continues to prickle the skin, the warm tides of the Bahamas may sound particularly appealing. This week on Sea Change Radio, we speak with someone working to preserve the Bahamas’ pristine ocean ecosystem. Our guest today is the co-founder of Blue Action Lab, Jeff Stoike, who is with us to describe his organization’s efforts to protect fragile aquatic environments, discuss the legacy of colonization in the Bahamas, and talk about the new blue economy.


LAURA FLANDERS SHOW: Warrior Women & Wounded Knee at 50: Madonna Thunder Hawk & Marcella Gilbert (00:28:00)

What role did Warrior Women play in the Wounded Knee Occupation, and the American Indian Movement (AIM)? This February 2023, as we mark the 50th anniversary of the occupation, Laura speaks with two Indigenous women activists, a mother-daughter duo, who have been involved in the Red Power movement their entire lives. Madonna Thunder Hawk, Oohenumpa Lakota and Lakota Matriarch, Marcella (Marcy) Gilbert, Lakota/Dakota/Nakota, with Elizabeth Castle, co-director of the documentary Warrior Women, have co-organized the Warrior Women Project, an oral history archive that’s the first of its kind. Hear how the project, and an interactive exhibit set to open this month, are finally putting a spotlight on Indigenous women at the frontlines of the movement.

THE BOPST SHOW: Are You Having Any Fun? (00:00:00)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. This week’s show features Japanese cross-cultural instrumentalists of Tropique, the Tuvan throat singing of the Alash Ensemble, and Jamaican vocal trio the Soul Sisters as well as songs by Calypso legend Lord Invader, Scottish rock two-piece Sluts of Trust and many others outside mainstream consciousness.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/24/23 (00:56:39)

On the Show: 2024 Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley says she is waiting for Donald Trump to attack her before attacking him, yet Trump has already attacked her multiple times. Republican Senator Tim Scott, another potential 2024 contender, tells Fox News host Sean Hannity that he has no policy differences with Donald Trump. Caller asks about the future of artificial intelligence. Caller talks about Republicans not being affected by hypocrisy. Caller wonders if it makes sense for Joe Biden to end the COVID emergency. Caller talks about cryptocurrency and blockchain. Caller asks about leftist Latin American presidents. Caller wonders if Donald Trump will call Nikki Haley by her given name, “Nimarata.” Caller asks about identifying problems but not having ideas for solutions. Caller asks about Joe Biden’s State of the Union address. David responds to emails and social media messages.

THURSDAY 02.23.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon

(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Thursday February 23, 2023  


RADIO ECOSHOCK: Are you TOO worried about climate change? (00:58:00)

We talk mental health in the climate crisis with Dr. Susan Clayton, author of the Climate Anxiety Index. Then we go tiny: pollinators are disappearing at an alarming rate. Now we know the cost – in dollars and lives lost, with research scientist Matthew Smith from the Harvard Chan School of Public Health in Boston.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Death is the New Republican Badge of Honor (00:58:00)

They’re enthusiastically letting people die: low income working people have to put off medical care or, like Charlene Dill, cut their medications in half to be able to buy food for their kids. Also, Marjorie Taylor Greene gets Sean Hannity on board for national divorce ” then warns of a looming Civil War. Guest: Dean Obeidallah explains why Nicky Haley’s despicable white-washing of racism. Why is Trump visiting East Palestine? Is he returning to the scene of his crime? Plus, while Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene continue to support Putin’s slaughter in Ukraine, some Republicans are doing the right thing!


LOPATE AT LARGE: Industrial Hygienist Monona Rossol On Health Updates (00:53:15)

Chemist, artist and industrial hygienist Monona Rossol is the founder of Arts, Crafts and Theater Safety, Inc. A not-for-profit corporation dedicated to providing health and safety services to the arts. She is also the Health and Safety Director for the Local 829 union of the United Scenic Artists International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees. Join us when, Monona addresses concerns of the flu and other infectious health statistics on this installment of Leonard Lopate at Large.


LITERATURE ALOUD: Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe ch. 13 (00:22:08)

Among the most “banned” books in the United States, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is a novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe which treats slavery as a central theme. Stowe was a Connecticut-born teacher at the Hartford Female Academy and an active abolitionist. The novel is believed to have had a profound effect on the North’s view of slavery. In fact, when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe, President Lincoln is said to have commented, “So you’re the little lady whose book started the Civil War.” First published on March 20, 1852, the story focuses on the tale of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave, the central character around whose life the other characters—both fellow slaves and slave owners—revolve. The novel depicts the harsh reality of slavery while also showing that Christian love and faith can overcome even something as evil as enslavement of fellow human beings. (summary by Wikipedia and John Greenman)


TEXT: http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/uncletom/uthp.html

WINGS #45-22: Sex Worker Support in Kenya (00:28:52)

She didn’t have enough money for sanitary pads, could be how it started. Or she was raped and pregnant. It was covid lockdown and she had nowhere to sleep. In Kenya’s condom shortage, one condom – if even available – could cost as much as she would earn for sex. With almost no budget, and no help from government, Nkoko Iju Africa finds ingenious ways to keep these young women alive, show care, and open their eyes to chances. For more information, visit http://www.nkokoijuafrica.org/

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/23/23 (00:00:00)

(notes posted when available)


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Wednesday February 22, 2023  


PATIENTS COME FIRST: Dr. Stephen Noble (00:00:00)

This episode of VHHA’s Patients Come First podcast features a conversation with Dr. Stephen Noble, a cardiothoracic surgeon and Medical Director of the Chesapeake Regional Healthcare Lung Nodule Program, for a conversation about his clinical work, military service as a U.S. Navy veteran, his efforts to get more young people interested in medicine and science careers, and more.

THIS WAY OUT #1821: The Yellow Socks Affair & global LGBTQ news! (00:28:59)

Socks spark a homophobic blitz in 1950s Australia; Spain expands trans I.D. rights and more, the Church of England’s queer blessings deepen the Anglican rift, a Czech international footballer kicks out of the closet, Russian cops send a gay Chechen refugee to almost-certain abuse back in his homeland, U.S. marriage equality laws are tested by an Oklahoma lesbian custody fight, and a trans-phobic Arkansas senator gets the shade he deserves.

Those stories and more this week when you choose “This Way Out”: the world’s audio oasis for queer news and culture.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: It is Costing Us Peanuts to Defend Ukranian Democracy (00:58:00)

Jimmy Carter reflects the best of America. Jimmy Carter was the finest president of my lifetime, perhaps one of the four best presidents in American history behind Roosevelt, Lincoln and Washington. When he passes, America ” will be the poorer. Ben Wikler, Chair Wisconsin Democratic Party (WisDems) joins Thom to explain how Wisconsin could decide Americas future. In the last four presidential races, the vote count in Wisconsin has come down to less than one percentage point. That’s a small number to tip the balance. An upcoming election in Wisconsin could. It’s costing us peanuts to defend Ukrainian democracy and kick Putin’s ass. Plus Desantis and the GOP embraces fascism over democracy – now you know where he stands. 


CIVIC CIPHER: How Do We Reform These Police? / Florida Says Black History Lacks Educational Value (00:59:00)

In the first half of today’s show, we look at some recent instances of police violence and try to identify how reform never seems to work. One instance of an officer punching a Black woman in the face at a McDonalds, and another where 5 Black officers needlessly ended the life of a young Black man gives us a framework to ask this critically important question. In the second half of the show, we discuss the response from the Florida Board of Education / Ron DeSantis after examining a potential AP course on Black history in the United States. Their response stating that the course lacks educational value provoked a strong reaction from Black people, educators, and us too.


LITERATURE ALOUD: Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe ch. 12 (00:39:39)

Among the most “banned” books in the United States, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is a novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe which treats slavery as a central theme. Stowe was a Connecticut-born teacher at the Hartford Female Academy and an active abolitionist. The novel is believed to have had a profound effect on the North’s view of slavery. In fact, when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe, President Lincoln is said to have commented, “So you’re the little lady whose book started the Civil War.” First published on March 20, 1852, the story focuses on the tale of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave, the central character around whose life the other characters—both fellow slaves and slave owners—revolve. The novel depicts the harsh reality of slavery while also showing that Christian love and faith can overcome even something as evil as enslavement of fellow human beings. (summary by Wikipedia and John Greenman)


TEXT: http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/uncletom/uthp.html

CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS: In Praise of Distraction, with Tyson Lewis  (00:28:00)

At the close of his elegant and exhaustive biography of Leonardo Da Vinci, Walter Isaacson offers a list of the habits we might learn from Leonardo, that we might in some modest way emulate the genius. First on his list is “be relentlessly and randomly curious.” He goes on to include retaining a childlike sense of wonder, seeing things unseen, respecting facts, thinking visually, collaboration, procrastination. Somewhere in the middle is “get distracted.” Tyson Lewis, who teaches in the College of Visual Arts and Design at the University of North Texas, makes the case for distraction.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/22/23 (00:55:59)

On the Show: President Joe Biden absolutely crushes autocrats and authoritarians during a speech in Warsaw, Poland after his visit to Ukraine. President Joe Biden’s visit to Ukraine appears to have broken the brains of right-wingers. Radical Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene suggests separating the US into two countries, and Fox News propagandist Sean Hannity is taking it seriously. Failed former and wannabe future President Donald Trump releases a deranged video in which he announces his plan to end crime. Republican First Selectman Tara Carr suggests killing President Joe Biden. Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene comes out against hiring on the basis of “ethinenticity.” “Anti-woke” entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy announces he is running for the Republican Presidential nomination and absolutely nobody cares. Ron DeSantis appears to have broken Donald Trump’s brain, as Trump now posts about DeSantis daily. We take a look at the books that they actually want to ban in many schools and realize how pathetic and dangerous the entire idea is. Voicemail caller asks whether the Ohio train derailment will cause problems for Democrats in 2024.

TUESDAY 02.21.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Tuesday February 21, 2023


ENCOURAGEMENTOLOGY: Giving Yourself Permission to Move Forward (00:29:55)

On this show we are recognizing our authority to make thoughtful and qualified decisions on our behalf as we give ourselves permission to move forward. Wherever you are, stuck or detained, you have the right to take the necessary actions to heal, inform, forgive, and let go. Only from this type of feeling will you find the motivation to take the next step. So many of us find ourselves at one point or another trapped by regret, grief, anger, self-doubt, and more. We get so focused on trying to figure out the why of what happened that we can’t move past this rumination stage. Here we are stunted without the ability to see the bigger or better visions that lie just beyond this haze.

COOL SOLUTIONS: Throwing Shade (00:28:00)

With growing conflicts over solar development on farm land, dual use may provide middle ground and enough income to help small farmers keep farming. That’s how Byron Kominek found himself putting a solar garden on one of his hay fields and hosting teams of agrivoltaic researchers. Colorado farmers Byron Kominek and Liza McConnell and Jordan Macknick, head of agrivoltaic research at the National Renewable Energy Lab, are finding showing some crops in solar arrays grow better and use less water. 


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: A Poison Like No Other (00:58:00)

Wired Magazine’s Matt Simon joins Thom to discuss his new tome on microplastics… and nanoplastics. Could we be polluting our bodies on a cellular level? Plus – will turning to green electricity save the planet from global warming?


THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: Problem Solving (00:58:00)

The Kids Crew visit with producers and a young voice actor from PBS Kids new show Work It Out Wombats, which teaches kids about computational thinking, and problem solving in systematic, organized ways. We meet Work It Out Wombats Producer Marisa Wolsky from GBH, Creative Producer, Dr. Kareem Edouard, and Rain Janjua, a 9 year old voice actor and model from Ontario, Canada who plays the voice of Zeke. The Kids Crew want to know how the show is made, and what the process entails. We also learn about computational thinking, and how it can help prepare kids of today for the world of tomorrow. Kids can watch Work It Out Wombats on PBS Kids TV or on their YouTube page. Thaniel from the Kids Crew has a review of the TV Show Work It Out Wombats, now airing on PBS stations worldwide. We also hear from Third Grade Classroom with a clever problem solving strategy to deal with a magnet stuck up a nose.


LITERATURE ALOUD: Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe ch. 11 (00:33:11)

Among the most “banned” books in the United States, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is a novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe which treats slavery as a central theme. Stowe was a Connecticut-born teacher at the Hartford Female Academy and an active abolitionist. The novel is believed to have had a profound effect on the North’s view of slavery. In fact, when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe, President Lincoln is said to have commented, “So you’re the little lady whose book started the Civil War.” First published on March 20, 1852, the story focuses on the tale of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave, the central character around whose life the other characters—both fellow slaves and slave owners—revolve. The novel depicts the harsh reality of slavery while also showing that Christian love and faith can overcome even something as evil as enslavement of fellow human beings. (summary by Wikipedia and John Greenman)


TEXT: http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/uncletom/uthp.html

GREEN STREET NEWS: Fossil Fuel Energy or Health? with Alison Steele (00:28:23)

Everybody is for energy independence, and everybody is for public health. On Green Street News this week we’ll talk with Alison Steele of the Environmental Health Project about what happens when the two issues collide, as they do with fracking. Patti and Doug cover the weeks environmental news including the derailment of the freight train carrying vinyl chloride and Monsanto’s blatant effort to silence an expert witness.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/21/23 (01:03:27)

On the Show: Matthew Remski, freelance journalist who writes about religious cults and co-host of the Conspirituality Podcast, joins David to discuss cults, conspiracies, new age spiritual movements, and more. Right-wingers are hugely triggered by President Joe Biden’s visit to Ukraine, and meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin escalates his threats. It is revealed that Norfolk Southern eliminated a critical maintenance role in the region that suffered the horrible derailment. A confused failed former President Donald Trump holds an event in Florida that quickly goes horribly wrong. Donald Trump openly attacks Ron DeSantis during his press conference, signaling that the civil war is fully on. Lying Republican Congressman George Anthony Devolder Santos gives an interview to Piers Morgan which goes bad very quickly. Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis tries to talk about foreign policy and fails miserably. Voicemail caller weighs in on the culinary lie that are “boneless wings.”

MONDAY 02.20.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Monday February 20, 2023


WHEN THE BIOMASS HITS THE WIND TURBINE #129: Transitioning Towards Living Sustainably  (00:29:12)

Nearly 30 years ago Annie and Jay Warmke quit their high-paying corporate jobs, sold their suburban home, and moved to the hills of Appalachia to build a home out of tires and mud. The goal was to live a carbon neutral ” or even a negative carbon lifestyle. Many of the over 35,000 people who have visited Blue Rock Station over the years have asked – What made you do such a crazy thing? And how did you manage it? Join Annie and Jay Warmke of Blue Rock Station for a discussion of their experience moving towards a sustainable lifestyle and the lessons learned over 30 years of living in a house made of trash.


ECONOMIC UPDATE: Inequality’s Insidious Spread – COVID-19, India, Insurance (00:29:00)

In this week’s show, Prof. Wolff presents updates on India’s extreme inequality and its lesson, employers squeeze employees with “non-compete” job contracts, and how the profit motive distorts the concept of insurance. In the second half of the show, Wolff interviews Dr Stephen Bezruchka on how deeply and globally inequality endangers health with special attention to the US and Covid-19.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: The Outrageous New Way Big Pharma is Trying to Rip Us All Off  (00:58:00)

Big Pharma is buying off members of Congress to encourage an end to March-in and block any efforts to regulate the cost of drugs or let Medicare negotiate prices. Phil Ittner – Veteran War Correspondent – live from Ukraine! New report says Russia is holding 6,000 Ukrainian kids for re-education. Geeky Science! Can preventing dementia and cognitive impairment just be a few thousand steps away? Pharmacist refuses to give Covid booster- Why does anyone work at a pharmacy if they don’t believe in science? But wait! There’s more….How about being charged with a crime for giving an mRNA shot against Covid? Crazy Alert! Ann Coulter welcomes Nikki Haley to the 2024 prez election “Go back to your country.”


RADIO ART HOUR: Shanna Sordahl, Steve Bates (00:58:05)

This week’s show features two radio art works that employ low-power FM frequencies to tell their stories, both introduced by Wave Farm Radio Art Fellow Andy Stuhl. First, tune in Shanna Sordahl ‘s “subterranean.” In 2020, members of the CO-OPt gallery in Lubbock, Texas installed a hyperlocal FM station that broadcast to an area extending just into the gallerys parking lot and the street in front of it. Sordahl, an experimental cellist, was one of several artists from whom the CO-OPt collective, via member and musician Andrew Weathers, commissioned original transmission works to air on the micro-FM station. The COVID-19 pandemic had spurred CO-OPts use of radio, and it also shaped the circumstances for Sordahls creation: facing a sudden international move and a long period of separation from much of her gear, Sordahl began immersing herself and her cello in a minimalist and feedback-heavy system. The resulting bassy drone offers up the same kind of physical wave interactions that one can experience moving through a low power FM signal, and with it the same feeling of immersion as antidote to the many forms of displacement the pandemic brought on. – Introduced by Wave Farm Radio Artist Fellow 2021/2022, Andy Stuhl. Then, tune in “A Year of Radio Silence” from Steve Bates. From November 10, 2012 to November 10, 2013, artist Steve Bates transmitted a 25 micro-watt signal at the lower bound of the FM band from his apartment in Montreal. The content of this signal was the same all year: silence. In part an experimental injection of calm into a crowded broadcast spectrum, the project also took inspiration from the ritual-like process in which pirate radio operators first find their transmitter’s frequency. As Bates puts it, “To find this broadcast signal, one scans the radio dial until the static gives way to a quiet, open space of stillness.” Like other silent works, notably John Cage’s 4’33”, the project also inevitably became a reminder of the impossibility of pure silence — in this case, how transmitters drift in and out of perfect alignment while other electromagnetic signals trespass into the broadcast band. To produce this recorded version of A Year of Radio Silence, Bates collected samples from an earlier iteration of the work, which the Austrian national broadcaster ORF hosted. Working with engineer Martin Leitner, Bates allowed the disruptions to silence that these recordings captured to resonate a grand piano in an ORF studio. The resulting half-hour piece, which first aired on the ORF’s Kunstradio program, re-sonifies Bates’s silent installation by bringing its unquiet edges to the foreground. – Introduced by Wave Farm Radio Artist Fellow 2021/2022, Andy Stuhl.


LITERATURE ALOUD: Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe ch. 10 (00:23:30)

Among the most “banned” books in the United States, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is a novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe which treats slavery as a central theme. Stowe was a Connecticut-born teacher at the Hartford Female Academy and an active abolitionist. The novel is believed to have had a profound effect on the North’s view of slavery. In fact, when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe, President Lincoln is said to have commented, “So you’re the little lady whose book started the Civil War.” First published on March 20, 1852, the story focuses on the tale of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave, the central character around whose life the other characters—both fellow slaves and slave owners—revolve. The novel depicts the harsh reality of slavery while also showing that Christian love and faith can overcome even something as evil as enslavement of fellow human beings. (summary by Wikipedia and John Greenman)


TEXT: http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/uncletom/uthp.html

CREATING OUR PREFERRED FUTURE: First Half Part Two – Primer For Paradigm Shift (00:29:00)

Part Two – A Primer For Paradigm Shift is the second of a four part series. The primer is a how to for paradigm shift. First Half Part Two describes various aspects of moving towards a preferred future. Technology will serve the needs and interests of an uplifted society rather than the growth and profit needs of capitalism. We also learn a preferred future will not need heroes because we have civic culture instead. Paradigm shift is the opposite of back to the land, its all about building civic culture that is inclusive and positive. We learn about how to help pay for the transformation by way of prioritizing our time and money and the double benefit. The primer is information dense and points out there are untold pioneers of a preferred future already creating a preferred future. Part Three will show and tell many of those pioneering examples and then, Part Four, how to take these ideas to a wider audience.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/20/23 (00:54:41)

On the Show: Residents in Ohio near the train derailment are now looking for their own chemical tests as trust in official statements is low. Fox News gets utterly destroyed by leaked text messages which confirm that, despite on-air claims that they believed Trump’s election lie claims, they privately didn’t believe any of it. Anti-vaxxers now want “revenge,” although it really isn’t clear why. 2024 Republican Presidential contender Nikki Haley struggles to explain why she is running for President, and whether she has any policy differences with Trump during another interview gone wrong. Fox News pathetically doesn’t mention Donald Trump during an interview with Ron DeSantis about the growing number of attacks against him. Republicans will reportedly try to make Donald Trump sign a loyalty pledge, which has the potential to completely backfire against them. The Donald Trump vs Ron DeSantis feud explodes as Trump goes full RINO on DeSantis. An explainer about right wing virtue signaling and dog whistling. Radical Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene says something racist while trying to prove how not racist she is. Voicemail caller says David is erasing bisexuals in his coverage of George Anthony Devolder Santos.

SUNDAY 02.19.23 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 2/17/23 (00:00:00)

Encore: original air-date 2/1/2023. On today’s ‘BradCast’: House Republicans are capable of causing real economic harm as they work out how best to hold the nation’s (and world’s) economy hostage in order to extort deep cuts to the social safety net in exchange for raising the statutory debt limit, which they attempt only when a Democrat is in the White House. Republicans have refused to explicitly state their demands. The Biden White House has refused to negotiate on whether the US will pay its debts. Finance and politics journalist KEVIN DRUM offers deep insights into the GOP’s dangerous mess, the history and context of the debt ceiling, and the costly impacts that the GOP’s gambit would unleash on everyday Americans. Drum explains various solutions that have been floated to stop the recurring threat, like a $1 trillion platinum coin and a ‘constitutional option’ that would undercut Congressional Republicans’ scheme. Also today: Get ready for the circus of insanity now barreling toward us with the GOP’s takeover of the U.S. House, from their so-called ‘investigations’ seeking to smear Joe Biden while ignoring the mountain of evidence of influence-peddling by Donald.


EARTH RIOT RADIO: The Earth’s Like a Sensual Human: Non-Binary with a Smile (00:29:00)

Most of us back away from divisive fear. We do that instinctively. While most of us Earth-defenders are closer to the people called “Woke” by the Right, it’s also true that most of us don’t like to point fingers and accuse. But let the Earth show the way…The Earth isn’t binary. A boreal forest of a long-grass prairie is the coming together of many species with many qualities, and human beings have their own eco-systems called communities, or neighborhoods. In such places we need difference – and we know it. We live in service to one another, building a gift economy. We create invisible currencies made of feelings of trust. Can we scale up such public compassion as big as a city? A nation? A planet. Yes – we have to.

TURN ON THE NEWS: It Came Out of the Sky (00:28:00)

This week: “It Came Out of the Sky.” There are weather balloons in the sky, watch out.

“Turn On The News” is the weekly newscast from the fictional Radio Network, with parody radio coverage of the radio and its headlines. Now with computerized news readers, and fewer meddling reporters, plus aggregated reporting, and automated music. Tune in “Turn On The News” each week for the latest news, radio art, and more from our robot reporters, making sure you hear both sides — good and evil — every time you “Turn On The News.”


ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 2/17/23 (00:00:00)

Part 1:

We speak with Scott Braddock, Dean of the Austin Press Corps about Texas governor Abbott’s plan to present his State of the State address at a private business venue. No cell phones, and attendees will be expected to sign NDA’s. Abbott continues to hide within his “Covid Coccoon” with very little contact with the citizens of Texas. He is also taking more power, thus being labeled as the King of Texas. Ken Paxton has settled with former employees ($3.3M). Texas is spending millions of dollars extra in fees and forgone interest, due to avoiding banks that subscribe to environmental principles. Diversity, equity, and inclusion has been declared “violations of law” when universities want to observe these principles.

Part 2:

We speak with Bill Curry and Robert Hennelly about the train derailment in Ohio, where toxic materials have been spilled onto land and waterways. The train carries 141 cars, with only two workers on board. Initially denying that toxic chemicals were spilled, the railroad has admitted this.

We also discuss the mass shooting in Michigan, and the trauma, and repeated trauma suffered by students and others. The lack of integrated health care was discussed, and how this contributes to the severity of this problem.

GROWING GREENER: The Contributions of a Modern Plant Explorer  (00:29:00)

Plant explorers, once the rock stars of the horticultural world, have suffered a loss of status as gardeners turn to native plants. Listen to plant explorer extraordinaire Panayoti Kelaidis of the Denver Botanic Gardens discuss why his quest is still important to making our gardens more sustainable, as well as beautiful.


GOT SCIENCE?: Trust But Verify: Why Science Holds Sway in an Era of Misinformation (00:29:00)

New podcast host Jess Phoenix introduces a re-airing of an interview with science historian Naomi Oreskes.


MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR: The Performance Poetry and Artistry of Saul Williams (00:59:00)

Saul Williams is an amazing performance artist, poet and actor. He starred in the groundbreaking movie Slam back in 1998. Since then, he’s performed his slam poetry in front of audiences all over the world. In honor of Black history month we present some of the best of Saul Williams.

DEEP DIVE CYBERSECURITY SHOW: Chinese Spy Balloons and the Serious Cybersecurity Repercussions (00:58:52)

The Chinese Spy Balloon… sure we’ve all heard of it but how many of us really understand what happened and what the national cybersecurity and surveillance ramifications are! We discuss this plus we catch up on the latest cybersecurity and privacy news and data breaches!



6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 2/16/23: Attorney Keith Barber on GA criminal probe of Donald Trump (00:58:00)

On today’s ‘BradCast’: A judge in Fulton County, Georgia released a partial report by the Special Purpose Grand Jury convened by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to investigate whether Donald Trump and his allies unlawfully pressured election officials to alter 2020 Presidential election results to declare him the winner, despite his loss to Joe Biden. Most of the report was withheld to protect the due process rights of any potential future defendants, but the publicly-revealed sections contain key revelations, including that ‘a majority of the grand jury believes that perjury may have been committed by one or more witnesses testifying before it,’ and recommended indictments. The grand jury also concluded ‘by a unanimous vote that no widespread fraud took place in the Georgia 2020 presidential election that could result in overturning that election.’ Attorney and legal commentator KEITH BARBER offers legal analysis and insight into the partial report, any potential indictments, and next steps. Also today: Why have Fox ‘News’ and rightwing media suddenly decided they are very concerned about toxic pollution released by the horrific toxic chemical train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, despite previously cheering rollbacks of train safety regulations? Plus Desi Doyen has our latest ‘Green News Report.’


KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: How Ted Kennedys Liberalism Strengthened America, And Still Can (00:59:42)

How Ted Kennedys Liberalism Strengthened America, And Still Can The Trumpist right today has had no small success erasing the productive history of liberalism. Today’s guest is author, lecturer, and journalist for The Washington Monthly David Masciotra who in this show talks about the renewed interest in Ted Kennedy, the liberal lion of the senate, as shown in two new books. Today we all benefit from his accomplishments. A leader for the future?

Best of ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 2/18/23 (00:59:30)

Segment One

We begin our show with Craig Hooper, writer, and expert on defense contracting. We discuss how the contributions to Ukraine’s war effort are being ‘paid’. In fact, the materiel being given to Ukraine is an inventory of old, mothballed equipment that is not likely to be used by the US. Ukraine is therefore a test site for the use of such equipment. New equipment, such as munitions, is being manufactured by American suppliers, thus increasing jobs for Americans.

Segment Two

We then talk with Kathryn Joyce, an investigative reporter, about the takeover of New College in Florida by Ron DeSantis. This was done to change the philosophy of the school, and make it conform to his and his party’s far-right view. The Board of Trustees was changed, and the President of the College was replaced. The implications for other schools are dire.


The Partial Release of Findings From the Special Grand Jury Investigation of Trump’s Attempt to “Find” 11,780 Votes in Georgia | Which of the Many Cases Against Trump Will be the First to Issue Indictments | Why the Department of Transportation Can’t Regulate Rail Companies to Prevent Derailments of Toxic Chemicals.


MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR: The Performance Poetry and Artistry of Saul Williams (00:59:00)

Saul Williams is an amazing performance artist, poet and actor. He starred in the groundbreaking movie Slam back in 1998. Since then, he’s performed his slam poetry in front of audiences all over the world. In honor of Black history month we present some of the best of Saul Williams.

RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR #467 (00:59:00)

Ralph welcomes old friend, Judge Andrew Napolitano, to talk about why the U.S. government offered a plea deal to the supposed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four others. He asks, Why would the government agree to such a plea for the persons it claims are the monsters who murdered 3,000 Americans on 9/11?… What does the government fear? Plus, Ralph gives us his take on the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. And then on a lighter note, we talk about the Super Bowl.


FRIDAY 02.17.23 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Friday February 17, 2023



JUST SOLUTIONS: 1Hood Media Comes to FSTV (00:29:00)

Glo sits down with CEO and co founder of 1HOOD Media, Jasiri X. We discuss the state of policing in minority communities, police reform initiatives that continue to fail and we tease the newest addition to FSTV, This Week in White Supremacy.

COUNTERSPIN: Evan Greer/Sohn FCC nomination (00:28:00)

This week on CounterSpin: Why does it matter to me, a media consumer, internet user, a person concerned with social justice—why does a 2–2 deadlock at the FCC matter to me? What could be happening if Biden’s long-languishing nomination of public interest advocate Gigi Sohn were put through? Net neutrality, an anti-discrimination law around broadband access that isn’t written by corporations? Maybe US citizens could stop paying more for slower broadband than just about every other industrialized country? We won’t know unless Democrats stand up.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Can Protesting French Workers Teach Americans How to Save Social Security? (00:58:00)

Interview: Cole Stangler, French-American journalist based in Marseille, France covering labor and politics and correspondent for the international news network France 24. French workers are resisting Macrons push to raise the pension age. What can Americans learn from French protestors to help save Social Security and other safety nets here at home? Senators Sanders and Warren plan would tax the rich to increase Social Security by $2,400 a year. New Kentucky law says abortion is murder – does that mean women may soon die by lethal injection? America has a system of laws. Jared Kushner’s cozy ties with the Saudis. Geeky Science! Microsofts new ChatGPT AI starts sending unhinged messages to people – Remember Hal? 


SEA CHANGE RADIO: Defenseless: Daniel Medwed on Incarcerated Innocents (00:029:00)

Many followers of the highly publicized Adnan Syed case we’re delighted to see an innocent man set free after over two decades behind bars. But the case also highlighted some troubling aspects of American justice, or in Syed’s case, injustice. This week on Sea Change Radio, we speak to Daniel Medwed, a law professor at Northeastern University and an innocence advocate. His new book, Barred: Why the Innocent Can’t Get Out of Prison, takes an in-depth look at how difficult it is for wrongful convictions to be overturned in this country. We examine the Syed case, learn about the plight of Harry Miller, and expose an ineffective system that tilts the scales against the most vulnerable.


LAURA FLANDERS SHOW: Warrior Women & Wounded Knee at 50: Madonna Thunder Hawk & Marcella Gilbert (00:28:00)

What role did Warrior Women play in the Wounded Knee Occupation, and the American Indian Movement (AIM)? This February 2023, as we mark the 50th anniversary of the occupation, Laura speaks with two Indigenous women activists, a mother-daughter duo, who have been involved in the Red Power movement their entire lives. Madonna Thunder Hawk, Oohenumpa Lakota and Lakota Matriarch, Marcella (Marcy) Gilbert, Lakota/Dakota/Nakota, with Elizabeth Castle, co-director of the documentary Warrior Women, have co-organized the Warrior Women Project, an oral history archive thats the first of its kind. Hear how the project, and an interactive exhibit set to open this month, are finally putting a spotlight on Indigenous women at the frontlines of the movement.

THE BOPST SHOW: Extinction Event Souvenir T-Shirt (00:56:01)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. This week’s show features music by Puerto Rican salsa band leader Bobby Valentín, Texan psychedelic soul band Black Pumas, post-punk and industrial hip-hop innovator Mark Stewart as well as Mauritanian griot, singer, songwriter, and instrumentalist Noura Mint Seymali, American artist, art educator, and musician Lonnie Holley and many others outside mainstream consciousness.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/17/23 (00:00:00)

On the Show: Fox & Friends hosts admit that regulations regarding train safety were cut during the Trump administration. Fox & Friends interviews Nikki Haley and she refuses to directly criticize Donald Trump. Caller asks how the Republican civil war will end. Caller asks about whether Florida banning books is a free speech issue. Caller asks what it means for Democrats to start playing offense. Caller goes off the rails in a historic swear-infested call. Caller asks whether Democrats are too obsessed with poll numbers. Caller talks about apolitical people who think they are being virtuous. Caller talks about how bad lying in politics has gotten. David responds to viewer emails and social media messages.

THURSDAY 02.16.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon

(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Thursday February 16, 2023  


RADIO ECOSHOCK: Mass Extinction with Apocalyptic Economics (00:58:00)

Australian biologist Corey Bradshaw, Professor of Global Ecology at Flinders University, Adelaide. Corey returns to Radio Ecoshock with this update from the real world of living things. Then, why do top economists claim global warming over 3 degrees will cause only minor damage to the economy? From the analysis news podcast, Colin Anthe’s interviews Australian economist Steve Keen about crazy numbers from the people who advise governments, banks and business. 


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Will the Culture War Fascists Win? (00:58:00)

Will democracy survive in this land of its modern birth? Will we take seriously the threat of those who proudly called themselves Cultural Warriors? Also, Trump says of the 2024 battle: Its going to be a life or death election.” How much more unaccountable violence will Trump be allowed? Our mass shooting problem is very simple – It is about the access to guns. Where is the media? Interview: National Opinion Columnist on the Philadelphia Inquirer, Will Bunch reports on that toxic mushroom cloud over Ohio. Plus Marjorie Taylor Greene is complaining that not enough money went toward rail safety in the bill that she voted against – How twisted can you be? Crazy Alert! Charlie Kirk claims Ohio train derailment is proof of a ‘war against white people.’  


LOPATE AT LARGE: Eric Alterman on We Are Not One (00:47:14)

In We Are Not One, historian Eric Alterman traces this debate from Israel’s nineteenth-century origins. Following it’s 1948″1949 War of Independence (called the nakba or catastrophe by Palestinians), few Americans, including few Jews, paid much attention to Israel or the challenges it faced at this time. According to Alterman, following the 1967 Six-Day War, almost overnight support for Israel became the primary component of American Jews collective identity. Over time, Jewish organizations joined forces with conservative Christians and neoconservative pundits and politicos to wage a tenacious fight to define Israel’s image in the US media, popular culture, Congress, and college campuses. Join us when Alterman expounds on his researched, and reveals how consensus on Israel and Palestine emerged and why, it is fracturing. 


LITERATURE ALOUD: Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe ch. 9 (00:39:28)

Among the most “banned” books in the United States, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is a novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe which treats slavery as a central theme. Stowe was a Connecticut-born teacher at the Hartford Female Academy and an active abolitionist. The novel is believed to have had a profound effect on the North’s view of slavery. In fact, when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe, President Lincoln is said to have commented, “So you’re the little lady whose book started the Civil War.” First published on March 20, 1852, the story focuses on the tale of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave, the central character around whose life the other characters—both fellow slaves and slave owners—revolve. The novel depicts the harsh reality of slavery while also showing that Christian love and faith can overcome even something as evil as enslavement of fellow human beings. (summary by Wikipedia and John Greenman)


TEXT: http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/uncletom/uthp.html

WINGS #44-22: Sister Dianna Ortiz (00:28:50)

As a young nun, Sister Dianna Ortiz went to Guatemala to teach indigenous children and support those being devastated by the military. She was kidnapped and severely tortured, in the presence of a man with an American accent. He took her away from there; fearing for her life, she jumped out of the car and ran. Vilified when she sought truth and justice, emotionally wrecked, she was helped by staying at the Marjorie Kovler Center for Survivors of Torture in Chicago. She went on to be a major campaigner for those whose human rights had been violated, in Guatemala and around the world. Since her death in 2021, she is venerated like a saint by many. A school is named for her in the indigenous community where she taught.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/16/23 (00:00:00)

(notes posted when available)


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Wednesday February 15, 2023  


PATIENS COME FIRST: Ariel Hill-Thomas (00:14:31) 

This episode of VHHA’s Patients Come First podcast features an interview with Ariel Hill-Thomas, a Clinical Research Coordinator with the VCU School of Nursing, for a conversation about the Mindful Moms research study, a multi-year program to support the mental health and well-being among women in the second trimester of pregnancy through the offering of virtual yoga and educational programming.

ALAN WATTS: Exploring Your Dark Side (00:12:43)

Alan Watts was a British writer who explored Eastern Philosophy for a western audience.

THIS WAY OUT #1820: Queer Giants of Black History & global LGBTQ news (00:29:00)

Black queer history repeats relevant messages; a Japanese high official is sacked for homophobic remarks, “Captains of Christianity” condemn same-gender criminalization, Sri Lanka’s government favors anti-queer sex laws repeal, the top Hong Kong court rejects required full reassignment surgery for trans legal gender I.D. changes, Utah is poised to become the latest U.S. state to ban all gender-affirming care for trans young people, and why is the violence-sparking anti-queer Libs of TikTok still on the supposedly “liberal biased” Twitter?

Those stories and more this week when you find “This Way Out”: the world’s audio oasis for queer news and culture.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Why Would Anybody Embrace Fascism? (00:58:00)

Is it useful to examine why so many white people, with their built-in white privilege, would stand shoulder-to-shoulder with wannabe dictators like Trump, Abbott, and DeSantis? Donald Trump *knew* his election conspiracy theories were BS. What now? Woman jailed for collecting 4 ballots in Arizona sparks fear of voting. Chalice Blythe from The Satanic Temple Reproductive Rights Campaign reports on the new Sam Alito’s Mom’s Religious Abortion Clinic. Also the new amendment to bar Nebraska kids from church camps. Plus, inside the push for a nationwide ban on abortion medication.


CIVIC CIPHER: What Intelligence Tests Say About Race / What is Code-Switching? (00:59:00)

Today’s episode we discuss the bias that is found in some far-right conservative circles and pockets of the internet that suggest that White people are intellectually superior to Black people. We examine the origins of this myth, explain how dangerous and divisive it can be, and remind you to look beyond the numbers published in reports.

The second half we discuss code-switching or talking White as well as why Black people will sometimes switch up their dialect, cadence, tone, and even posture when interacting with White people or people in positions of authority. We give insight into this phenomenon and why it’s necessary for Black people to essentially be bilingual in America.


LITERATURE ALOUD: Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe ch. 8 (00:36:38)

Among the most “banned” books in the United States, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is a novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe which treats slavery as a central theme. Stowe was a Connecticut-born teacher at the Hartford Female Academy and an active abolitionist. The novel is believed to have had a profound effect on the North’s view of slavery. In fact, when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe, President Lincoln is said to have commented, “So you’re the little lady whose book started the Civil War.” First published on March 20, 1852, the story focuses on the tale of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave, the central character around whose life the other characters—both fellow slaves and slave owners—revolve. The novel depicts the harsh reality of slavery while also showing that Christian love and faith can overcome even something as evil as enslavement of fellow human beings. (summary by Wikipedia and John Greenman)


TEXT: http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/uncletom/uthp.html

CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS: Curiosity Is Hailey Magee’s Love Language (00:28:00)

Just in time for Valentine’s Day we consider curiosity and how we experience/express love. Hailey Magee is a certified coach, educator, and writer who helps folks worldwide set empowered boundaries and break people-pleasing patterns. She says curiosity is her love language. That seemed like a conversation we would all want to have! “I feel so loved and seen when the people close to me get curious about me.” ~ Hailey Magee

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/15/23 (00:56:18)

On the Show: Matthew Connelly, author of the book The Declassification Engine, joins David to discuss classification, declassification, the document scandals involving Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Mike Pence, and more. Get the book: https://amzn.to/40V75Wj  2024 Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley’s first day of the campaign goes brutally wrong as videos resurface of her defending the Confederate flag and saying states have the right to secede from the United States. Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, clearly scared to take a stand against Donald Trump, says he will vote for whoever the Republican nominee ends up being. Right wingers lose their minds over the Ohio train derailment, blaming everything from wokeness to racism for the incident. Failed Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake implodes when confronted by Piers Morgan about her 2022 election lies. Donald Trump reportedly wants to bring back firing squads for the death penalty, and wants to televise elements of the executions. California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein will indeed retire, clearing the path for a Democratic primary involving Katie Porter, Adam Schiff, and Barbara Lee. Voicemail caller is shocked that he thinks David is moving to Florida.

TUESDAY 02.14.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Tuesday February 14, 2023


ENCOURAGEMENTOLOGY: Refusing to Give Up; Another Try, Another Chance  (00:30:13)

On this show we are making a commitment to ourselves to give it another try and another chance. No quick throw of the towel here. If you’re tired of always starting over, changing courses, sacrificing your dreams, and just feeling like you can never win, then keep listening. We’re making a bold statement today and refusing to give up that easy. How many times do you have a great idea, excited, and anxious to get going then days, weeks, or months later, you’ve second guessed yourself, talked yourself out of it, and given up the idea? All the time.

COOL SOLUTIONS: Throwing Shade (0028:00)

With growing conflicts over solar development on farm land, dual use may provide middle ground and enough income to help small farmers keep farming. That’s how Byron Kominek found himself putting a solar garden on one of his hay fields and hosting teams of agrivoltaic researchers. Colorado farmers Byron Kominek and Liza McConnell and Jordan Macknick, head of agrivoltaic research at the National Renewable Energy Lab, are finding showing some crops in solar arrays grow better and use less water.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Shared Experiences Matter for Economic Unity (00:58:00)

Guest host, Jefferson Smith sits in for Thom Hartmann with thoughts on professional sports, economic inequality and U.S. presidents. Though regularly winning big at the Olympics and professional sports, regrettably America comes in last when it comes to health care. What can we learn about income inequality from the recent Super Bowl? Also Tess Fields, Executive Director of Home Share Oregon, explains affordable housing through homesharing. We believe that this is a direct way to prevent housing instability, foreclosure, and homelessness.


THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: Lucky Diaz & The Family Jam Band (00:58:00)

This time on The Children’s Hour, meet Lucky Diaz and Alisha Gaddis from Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band.

This Grammy winning bilingual duo have gained acclaim worldwide, and will be visiting with our Kids Crew for a lively conversation. They were the first North American band to ever win a Latin Grammy, and received their sixth Grammy nomination this year with their latest work, Los Fabulosos. Both Alisha and Lucky are also writers. Alisha has won multiple Emmys for her TV work and has published many children’s books. The Kids Crew review her latest book, She Loves Me All The Same, and Lucky’s Paletero Man. Dance, sing and laugh into the world of Lucky Diaz and the Family Jam Band with us this week on The Children’s Hour.


LITERATURE ALOUD: Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe ch. 7 (00:29:43)

Among the most “banned” books in the United States, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is a novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe which treats slavery as a central theme. Stowe was a Connecticut-born teacher at the Hartford Female Academy and an active abolitionist. The novel is believed to have had a profound effect on the North’s view of slavery. In fact, when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe, President Lincoln is said to have commented, “So you’re the little lady whose book started the Civil War.” First published on March 20, 1852, the story focuses on the tale of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave, the central character around whose life the other characters—both fellow slaves and slave owners—revolve. The novel depicts the harsh reality of slavery while also showing that Christian love and faith can overcome even something as evil as enslavement of fellow human beings. (summary by Wikipedia and John Greenman)


TEXT: http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/uncletom/uthp.html

GREEN STREET NEWS: No More Humans? with Dr. Shanna Swan (00:28:22)

On this week’s GSN, our feature story involves endocrine disrupting chemicals in food, cosmetics and other consumer products, and how they are causing a decline in birth rates and sperm production, and an increase in testicular cancer and gender dysphoria. News items include Tom’s River pollution, plastic in the medical system and microplastics impacting climate change.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/14/23 (00:00:00)

(notes posted when available)

MONDAY 02.13.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Monday February 13, 2023


WHEN THE BIOMASS HITS THE WIND TURBINE # 170: Defining Food Forests (00:29:14)

Agriculture is rediscovering the ancient practice of managing forests as a source of food and other revenue crops (other than just harvesting trees for lumber). But there are a dizzying number of terms thrown about that each mean something to someone ” each a bit different in process and intent. Terms such as food forests, forest farming, agroforestry, row cropping, and more. Annie and Jay Warmke of Blue Rock Station are joined by Katherine Favor, a sustainable agriculture specialist, based in the National Center for Appropriate Technology’s Western Regional Office to try to make sense of it all.


ECONOMIC UPDATE: Unionization, Marxism and Education (00:29:00)

In this week’s show, Prof. Wolff shares updates on Starbucks union growth; Texas journalists and Yale graduate students/employees unionize, strike, win; Western Mass Labor Federation denounces Biden’s denial of railway workers’ right to strike; two major kinds of US tax injustice: (1) exempting bonds and stocks from property tax when 10% richest own 80% of stocks and bonds, and (2) failing to levy excess profits tax on war profiteers as UK and Portugal have already done. In the second half of the show, Wolff interviews Notre Dame Professor Emeritus David F. Ruccio on Marxian economics, its absence from US universities, and its social insights.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: The “Noble Lie” Lives On In Crisis Pregnancy Centers As They Rake In Millions (00:58:00)

For the moment, the only defense women have against these noble liars is knowledge of what they are and how they work. Pass it on. The GOP trying to ban science next – it interferes with fascism. Also is God gender neutral? What will the GOP do with this? Veteran War Correspondent Phil Ittner, on the ground in Lviv, Ukraine. Plus FL teachers are scared to teach black history for black history month, and Missouri House lawmakers have voted against banning children from openly carrying firearms on public land without adult supervision.


RADIO ART HOUR: Tetsuo Kogawa; Wax Tailor; Absolute Value of Noise, Anna Friz, and Glenn Gear; Lily Tomlin, Chris Brookes; Gustavo Matamoros (00:58:00)

Sounds, stories, and radio art this week from Tetsuo Kogawa; Wax Tailor; Absolute Value of Noise, Anna Friz, and Glenn Gear; Lily Tomlin, Chris Brookes; and Gustavo Matamoros. The show begins with a brief clip of Japanese radio artist, activist, and pirate Tetsuo Kogawa. Then tune in for Wax Tailor’s song “On The Air” about radio payola. Then stay tuned for radio artists Absolute Value of Noise, Anna Friz, and Glenn Gear with “Natural Radio” from their 2014 album “Somewhere a voice is calling.” Then Lily Tomlin phones in with her classic telephone operator character that still resonates today. Then listen for “The Moratorium” by Chris Brookes, a radio art story of the fishing industry in Newfoundland in 1992. Brookes created this radio piece in collaboration with a dancer, and you can hear the rhythm and repetition and three part structure. The show concludes with “Tracing the Radio Landscape” by Gustavo Matamoros. Commissioned by New American Radio, the work is a sound portrait based on “snapshots” of living room environments that include a radio as an active sound element. The first layer of the work is made up of these recordings. The second layer is constructed from a selection of the same sounds, but manipulated and processed by computer. The third layer, representing the interpretative stage of the work, includes a text developed in collaboration with writer Robert Gregory.


LITERATURE ALOUD: Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe ch. 6 (00:21:04)

Among the most “banned” books in the United States, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is a novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe which treats slavery as a central theme. Stowe was a Connecticut-born teacher at the Hartford Female Academy and an active abolitionist. The novel is believed to have had a profound effect on the North’s view of slavery. In fact, when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe, President Lincoln is said to have commented, “So you’re the little lady whose book started the Civil War.” First published on March 20, 1852, the story focuses on the tale of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave, the central character around whose life the other characters—both fellow slaves and slave owners—revolve. The novel depicts the harsh reality of slavery while also showing that Christian love and faith can overcome even something as evil as enslavement of fellow human beings. (summary by Wikipedia and John Greenman)


TEXT: http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/uncletom/uthp.html

CREATING OUR PREFERRED FUTURE: Second Half Part 1 Primer For Paradigm Shift (00:28:00)

The Primer on Paradigm Shift is a four part series. It is a “how to” for Paradigm Shift.

See further below for more info about the Primer. The SECOND HALF OF The Primer deconstructs the mythologies of capitalism – the magic hand, efficiency, informed choice, capitalism and democracy and American Exceptionalism. The Primer refers to the consumer culture for examples to debunk the myths. THE SECOND HALF OF Part one takes a look at the assertion – The American Way of Life is Non Negotiable.

The FIRST HALF of Part one is a point of departure for the 4 part series. It Describes what is paradigm shift and why we need it. There are principles and ideals that inform the Primer. The Primer is open source. The first half of part one explains social engineering, how liberation equals self empowerment and describes the idea, sequence of paradigm shift. The Primer provides powerful talking points to the reader for their use to empower their advocacy for paradigm shift and encourages the reader to build on the primer. THE FIRST HALF explains the term external costs and why capitalism is profoundly dishonest.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/13/23 (00:55:39)

On the Show: Another unidentified flying object has been shot down, believed to be yet another surveillance balloon from China, as China claims the US also flies balloons over China. Solar power is suddenly incredibly good on Fox News in the context of the Chinese surveillance balloons. Republican Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna claimed to be Jewish, but isn’t, and is actually the granddaughter of a Nazi. Republicans’ “Hunter Biden’s laptop” narrative implodes as a “Trump laptop” surfaces. Republican Congressman Jim Jordan is humiliated by new Congressman Dan Goldman during a recent hearing. Failed former President Donald Trump is losing to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis by 13 in a new Monmouth poll. Donald Trump explodes, wildly attacking Ron DeSantis, after a new poll has Trump losing to DeSantis by 13. Incredible footage of a man’s paralyzed hand being cured by a Christian preacher. The David Pakman Show is now available in Spanish on YouTube! Voicemail caller wants to hear David’s stories of selling extended service plans during his time working at the now defunct Circuit City.

SUNDAY 02.12.23 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 2/10/23: Encore: Special coverage of the State of the Union Address (00:58:00)

Encore: original air-date 2/8/2023. On today’s ‘BradCast’: Joe Biden’s second State of the Union address as President turned out to be an unexpectedly fun humdinger of a speech, including ‘the greatest Rope-a-Dope Moment in the all-time history of State of the Union addresses.’ The great HEATHER DIGBY PARTON, the award-winning columnist at Salon and founder of Digby’s Hullabaloo blog, and ‘DRIFTGLASS,’ of The Professional Left podcast, offer insight, context and analysis of the frequently contentious, very unusual event, and the strange Republican response. Biden delivered lively remarks and surprisingly brilliant off-book responses to the raucous, obnoxious jeers and heckling from members of the new Republican House majority. Biden touted his administration’s accomplishments in what is arguably one of the most successful first two years of any presidency going back to at least FDR. Snap polling revealed a whopping 72 percent of Americans who watched the speech reacted positively. Will his remarks on Tuesday make any difference in his approval ratings moving forward? We cover a lot of ground on today’s special coverage, with lots of insight, analysis and hilarity. . .


EARTH RIOT RADIO: Savitri D, Joan Baez, Sunder Ganglani, Leila Adu (00:29:00)

Yes, review life again and again, around & around led by the women. Because why are we passive in the face of the interruption of life by fossil fuel profiteers and their police. Our powerful ally is life itself. So let’s review. But not Disney’s “Circle of Life”… Real love comes out of the bright darkness before birth and then with the 13th bullet returns us to the Earth.

TURN ON THE NEWS: Attack of the Chinese Balloon (00:28:24)

This week: “Attack of the Chinese Balloon.” Look, up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s a balloon.

“Turn On The News” is the weekly newscast from the fictional Radio Network, with parody radio coverage of the radio and its headlines. Now with computerized news readers, and fewer meddling reporters, plus aggregated reporting, and automated music. Tune in “Turn On The News” each week for the latest news, radio art, and more from our robot reporters, making sure you hear both sides — good and evil — every time you “Turn On The News.”


ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 2/10/23 (00:58:00)

Part 1:

We talk with Scott Braddock about Texas, and about the governor. He seems to be challenging the state House, by scheduling the State of the State message to be delivered to the Chamber of Commerce, rather than directly to the House. Abbott is using a lot of executive authority, bypassing the legislative branch in Texas. Abbott appears to be pushing school vouchers in Texas, when others do not want them.

Part 2:

Bill Curry and Steffen Schmidt discuss the State of the Union speech by Biden. Widely considered the best speech by Biden in a long time, it emphasized issues important to most people. Biden appeared to enjoy the speech, despite several Republican dissenters and hecklers.


The Far-Right House Republican’s Madcap Hearings Yesterday and Today | The Spiking of a Story on The Nation Magazine’s Publisher’s Pro-Putin Bias By the CJR’s Kyle Pope | What Are “Spaces Not Bases” When the US Already has 750 Bases in 80 Countries?


MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR: In the Garden of the Righteous: The People Who Risked Their Lives to Save Jews During the Holocaust (00:59:00)

Richard Hurowitz is a writer and the founder and publisher of the Octavian Report. His writing has appeared in the New York Times, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, History Today & Jerusalem Post, among other publications and He is the author of In the Garden of Righteous – The Heroes Who Risked Their Lives to Save Jews During the Holocaust. In this interview we talk about some of the amazing stories of people who risked their lives and careers to save the lives of Jews and other refugees desperately trying to flee the Nazi extermination. As well as what they shared in common that set them apart from those who stood by and did nothing or worse.


Russia is losing the war. Russia isn’t going to nuke the US… BUT they will attempt to destabilize us through cyberwarfare. We discuss how to prepare yourself for the impending attack plus we catch up all on all the cybersecurity news and breaches. DO NOT miss this episode!! 



6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 2/8/23: House GOP Twitter/Hunter Biden laptop ‘censorship’ hearing crashes and burns (00:58:00)

On today’s ‘BradCast’: The long-awaited GOP-led House hearings are now underway, and as predicted, they are not going well. Republicans intended a hearing on Twitter’s content moderation policies to bolster their bogus claims of alleged federal government censorship of the social media site before the 2020 election. But the hearing was a dud for Republicans, failing to produce any evidence that Joe Biden, the ‘deep state,’ or anyone violated the First Amendment when Twitter decided to place a temporary, 48-hour hold on sharing of a questionable New York Post article regarding a laptop purportedly abandoned by Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. The hearing did reveal that then-President Trump and his administration frequently pressured Twitter to censor posts critical of Trump, and management altered its terms of service to accommodate Trump’s violations. Also today: House Democrats have succeeded in saving the Office of Congressional Ethics, an independent watchdog that conducts real investigations, after overcoming House Republicans’ scheme to effectively kill the ethics office through unworkable rules. Pennsylvania Democrats won full control of the statehouse after three special elections this week, thwarting a GOP power grab. Minnesota Democrats, after winning trifecta control of state government in 2022, are moving ahead with landmark legislation on women’s reproductive rights, clean energy, and more. Plus Desi Doyen has our latest ‘Green News Report.’


KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: How Real Our Democracy? 2) Who is This Ruben Gallego (00:59:54)

Is the US is merely a procedural, but not a substantive democracy? On part one, Franklin and Marshall history professor Van Gosse asks: what are the factors why we lack more actual democracy? And on part two, The Nations national affairs correspondent John Nichols answers questions a lot of KDA listeners have been asking: Who is this Ruben Gallego, taking on Kyrsten Sinema? You’ll be glad you listened in to this double topic discussion.

Best of ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN (00:59:30)

Segment One

We begin our show with Mark Joseph Stern, who writes for Slate(dot)com. We discuss the problem of the very conservative 5th Circuit Court in Texas, where many MAGA activists take their cases. One such case could decide that ALL abortions, including the medical abortions that use pills, could be ruled illegal in ALL states by ONE judge, Matthew Kascmarek. This judge has already demonstrated his enmity to women.

Segment Two

We then talk with Terri Gerstein, Director of the State and local Enforcement Project at Harvard Center for Labor and a Just Economy. We discuss how employers have often used immigration status as a weapon to avoid prosecution or even complaints about the treatment of their undocumented workers. Recent changes in the law have been made to help such employees.

GROWING GREENER: Become a Plant Explorer  (00:29:00)

Gratify your Indiana Jones fantasies by joining the Plant Conservation Volunteers. Your work will have you hiking into overlooked corners of the wild to monitor surviving populations of rare and endangered native plants, and work with landowners to combat threats.


TUC RADIO: How Science Is Manipulated by Industry (00:29:00)

When this conversation took place in April 2022 Ari Whitten and Prof. Yogi Hendlin had just met in Costa Rica and were inspired by their common interests. Here are excerpts from their 90 minute conversation on environmental toxins and how they affect our health. They discuss in detail how industries, that produce these toxins, manipulate research and evade responsibility. Ari Whitten is the founder of The Energy Blueprint, and a best-selling author.

Prof. Yogi Hendlin is an environmental philosopher and public health scientist. He has a PhD in Environmental Philosophy from the University of Kiel, Germany, and holds graduate degrees from the London School of Economics and UCLA and bachelor’s degrees from UC Berkeley. Hes currently an assistant professor in the Erasmus School of Philosophy, core faculty of the Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity Initiative at Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands. He’s a research associate in the Environmental Health Initiative at the University of California, San Francisco, working on the chemical industry and fossil fuel industry documents. I highly recommend to listen to the full 90 minute conversation. It is posted free on YouTube on The Energy Blueprint Podcast under the title: How Science Is Manipulated by Industry.


THE BOPST SHOW: He’s Getting Up (00:55:00)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s program, you’ll hear a warm up session by legendary American radio and television announcer Don Pardo, a dub mix by Jamaican sound engineer King Tuddy, dance floor magic by Brazil’s Telepathique as well as a guitar mediation by funk pioneer Eddie Hazel, Turkish pop by Richmond, Virginia own Yeni Nostalji, and many others outside mainstream consciousness.

RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR #466 (00:58:00)

Ralph welcomes Dr. Nason Maani, co-editor of The Commercial Determinants of Health, to explore the larger forces, forces beyond the power of an individual to control, that shape our environment and therefore our health. Then Chris Hedges stops by to discuss his latest article, Woke Imperialism which highlights the tension between class politics and identity politics. Plus, Ralph gives us a short take on President Bidens State of the Union address.


FRIDAY 02.10.23 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Friday February 10, 2023


JUST SOLUTIONS; Revisiting Improvements to the Vote (00:29:00)

Netroots 2022 recaps from Pennsylvania. Eileen Reavey on the push for a national popular vote and Nathan Lockwood on rank choice voting. 

COUNTERSPIN: Shelby Green and Selah Goodson Bell on Utility Shutoffs & Profiteering (00:28:00)

This week on CounterSpin: Powerless in the United States: How Utilities Drive Shutoffs and Energy Injustice is an ongoing project from the Center for Biological Diversity, the Energy and Policy Institute and Bailout Watch. It tracks utility service disconnections and corporate profiteering—because, it turns out, they’re flip sides of a coin. You and I may think that in disastrous weather conditions (with no signs of stopping), and a pandemic and low wages and a hike in prices, it’s a time to acknowledge workers’ sacrifices and support them.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Will the Children Tortured as a Trump Policy Tool Receive Justice?  (00:58:00)

This time we have an opportunity to make right a crime committed in the immediate past while all the co-conspirators and perpetrators are still alive. Plus, this climate change ocean disaster is a doozy – where is the news coverage on this? Crazy Alert! Trump is saying DeSantis is a pedophile – It is getting ugly……meanwhile lecherous DeSantis floats making it easier to sue the news. Google is now targeting women with ads for anti-abortion pregnancy centers as a federal judge mocks the Supreme Court on abortion.


SEA CHANGE RADIO: Lisa Song: Hard Pass on The Gas (00:28:00)

Frequent Sea Change Radio listeners have known for a while about the drawbacks of gas stoves – it turns out they’re considerably worse for both the environment and human health as compared to their electric countertop counterparts. Recent statements from the Consumer Product Safety Commission concerning the possible regulation of gas kitchen appliances have unleashed a sudden chorus of cries for rebellion. It’s not just restauranteurs and chefs who are worried about changing their cooking style, there’s a segment from the more cantankerous crevices of the American political underbelly getting pretty hot under the collar over this one – we’ll call them the gassy right. This week on Sea Change Radio we speak with ProPublica reporter, Lisa Song, to discuss how gas ranges have become part of the culture wars, learn about induction cooking technology, and hear about her own experience as a renter in New York City with an old, leaky gas appliance.


LAURA FLANDERS SHOW: How Trafficked Workers Pulled Off The Great Escape (00:28:00)

THE GREAT ESCAPE: A True Story of Forced Labor and Immigrant Dreams in America tells the story of one of the largest human trafficking schemes in modern American history and how the traffickers were finally held to account. Saket Soni was the co-founder of The New Orleans Workers Center for Racial Justice in the post-Katrina years. Today he’s the founder and director of Resilience Force, a project that comes directly out of his experience working with the men in this book. The U.S. is experiencing a labor shortage, and climate catastrophe will increase the need for disaster recovery workers. How can we build the resilient workforce we need, with the rights and equity workers deserve? Join Laura and Saket for this urgent conversation on the future of labor.

THE BOPST SHOW: He’s Getting Up (00:55:00)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s program, you’ll hear a warm up session by legendary American radio and television announcer Don Pardo, a dub mix by Jamaican sound engineer King Tuddy, dance floor magic by Brazil’s Telepathique as well as a guitar mediation by funk pioneer Eddie Hazel, Turkish pop by Richmond, Virginia own Yeni Nostalji, and many others outside mainstream consciousness.

ALAN WATTS: Are You Tired of Playing the Social Game? (00:08:50)

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/10/23 (00:55:23)

On the Show: Republicans are still talking about Hillary Clinton even though she has been out of politics since 2016. Representative Robert Garcia introduces a resolution to expel George Santos from Congress. Donald Trump’s campaign has been self-dealing to the tune of nearly $1 million. Caller asks what makes people become conservatives or liberals. Caller talks about Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ State of the Union response. Caller asks whether it’s right to call anti-trans bills “genocide.” Caller discusses Republicans throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall to see what sticks. Caller confronts David about Pete Buttigieg. Caller asks what Joe Biden should do for Black Americans. Caller wants to know the best way to respond to right-wing nonsense. David responds to emails and social media messages from the audience.

THURSDAY 02.09.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Thursday February 9, 2023  


RADIO ECOSHOCK: True Climate Revealed: The Late Will Steffen (00:58:00)

The late Australian super-scientist Will Steffen in his own voice. From Radio Ecoshock 2018, Hothouse Earth and Trajectories of the Earth System. From Ecoshock 2020, the risk of societal collapse as climate impacts mount. We need to listen until we really hear it. A best of the best replay for a life well given.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Joe Biden Hits A Home Run with State of the Union Speech (00:58:00)

Thom Hartmann reflects on the astonishing impact of the recent State of the Union speech by Joe Biden as the most presidential that he has ever seen in his lifetime. Callers respond in favor and against. Also a rumor is dropped of George Santos’ secret victory during the speech. Plus Sarah Huckabee Sanders fails to actually craft a response, instead phoning in dirge tinged pablum in front of a cheap green screen. 


LOPATE AT LARGE: Industrial Hygienist Monona Rossol On Health Updates (00:53:15)

Chemist, artist and industrial hygienist Monona Rossol is the founder of Arts, Crafts and Theater Safety, Inc. A not-for-profit corporation dedicated to providing health and safety services to the arts. She is also the Health and Safety Director for the Local 829 union of the United Scenic Artists International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees. Join us when, Monona addresses concerns of the flu and other infectious health statistics on this installment of Leonard Lopate at Large.


LITERATURE ALOUD: Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe ch. 5 (00:20:36)

Among the most “banned” books in the United States, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is a novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe which treats slavery as a central theme. Stowe was a Connecticut-born teacher at the Hartford Female Academy and an active abolitionist. The novel is believed to have had a profound effect on the North’s view of slavery. In fact, when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe, President Lincoln is said to have commented, “So you’re the little lady whose book started the Civil War.” First published on March 20, 1852, the story focuses on the tale of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave, the central character around whose life the other characters—both fellow slaves and slave owners—revolve. The novel depicts the harsh reality of slavery while also showing that Christian love and faith can overcome even something as evil as enslavement of fellow human beings. (summary by Wikipedia and John Greenman)


TEXT: http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/uncletom/uthp.html

ALAN WATTS: Understanding the Synchronicity of The Universe (00:12:37)

Alan Watts. Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was a British philosopher, writer, and speaker, best known as an interpreter and populariser of Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. Born in Chislehurst, England, he moved to the United States in 1938 and began Zen training in New York.

WINGS #43-22 Vandana Shiva on Memory for Survival (00:28:59)

“Undoing the lessons of development is the first step – not creating another set of new rules that call themselves sustainable development.” Vandana Shiva’s prescient speech on the topic of Grassroots Strategies for Our Global Future was given to the Public Interest Economic Law Conference, in Eugene, Oregon, in 1990.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/9/23 (00:56:13)

On the Show: House Republican Twitter hearings backfire spectacularly, proving the opposite points made by Republicans. Radical Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene wrongly and falsely claims that Twitter banning her was a violation of her First Amendment rights. Snowflake Donald Trump tried to get a Chrissy Teigen tweet calling him a “pu$$y @$$ B!tc&” deleted from the platform. A look back at the radical evolution of the Republican Party over the last 40 years. Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis attempts to take the high road after Donald Trump’s attack on him, but this is a strategy that is destined to fail. The new line from right wing media is increasingly that Joe Biden is more scared about facing Ron DeSantis in 2024 than he is about facing Donald Trump. Joe Rogan unleashes the “Jews love money” antisemitic trope. MyPillow CEO and founder Mike Lindell is completely incoherent during a segment with Steven Bannon about Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. The Eggman leaves a voicemail showing his resistance to Netflix’s new account sharing policy, defiantly stating that his 21-year-old daughter is still on his Netflix account.


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Wednesday February 8, 2023  


PATIENTS COME FIRST: Dr. Raj Sundar (00:21:16) 

This episode of VHHA’s Patients Come First podcast features an interview with Dr. Raj Sundar, a family physician in Washington state, for a conversation about his career, his Healthcare for Humans podcast that focuses on cross-cultural understanding for clinicians, and more.

RVA SOUNDSCAPE 1 Ralph White (00:09:17)

This is an original DJ Stryder collage of the sounds of Richmond, VA includes sonic selections both natural and man-made and it concludes with a brief explanation of the environmental impact of the Falls of the James by former James River Parks Manager Ralph White.

THIS WAY OUT #1819: Coping with Conversion Therapy-Caused PTSD & global LGBTQ news! (00:28:59)

Thriving despite religious abuse-caused PTSD with Anthony Venn-Brown; Finland transitions to simple declarations for trans people 18 and over to change their legal gender, a Canadian study counters myths of a competitive advantage by trans girls and women in elite female sports, Utah Republicans ban all gender-affirming care for the states trans young people, the European Court of Human Rights fines Lithuania for censoring a queer-inclusive childrens book, Slovenia wedding bells start ringing for lesbian and gay couples, Marjorie Taylor Jewish space lasers Green lies about a Drag Queen Story Hour during House committee hearings about COVID relief funding, and out Congressman David Cicilline loses a bid to stop insurrectionists from leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Those stories and more this week when you discover “This Way Out”: the world’s audio oasis for queer news and culture.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: How to Start a Civil War? (00:58:00)

America didn’t ask for a homegrown rightwing terror movement, but now that its here we need to take it seriously. Also: Will Republican extremism and hate for the middle class’ New Deal become grist for the media mill? 


CIVIC CIPHER: A Time for Ebony Excellence / A Discussion of Standpoint Theory (00:59:00)

accomplishments of Black Americans that have made the news in recent weeks! We take a break from the norm to highlight some of the trailblazers and history makers to show that we aren’t just victims of police shootings.

In the second half of the show, we discuss a mental framework known as Standpoint Theory. This theory suggests that we understand that we can only thoroughly articulate the perspectives we have witnessed firsthand. Our Way Black History Fact is dedicated to the first Rosa Parks named Elizabeth Jennings Graham.


LITERATURE ALOUD: Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe ch.1 (00:25:36)

Among the most “banned” books in the United States, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is a novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe which treats slavery as a central theme. Stowe was a Connecticut-born teacher at the Hartford Female Academy and an active abolitionist. The novel is believed to have had a profound effect on the North’s view of slavery. In fact, when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe, President Lincoln is said to have commented, “So you’re the little lady whose book started the Civil War.” First published on March 20, 1852, the story focuses on the tale of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave, the central character around whose life the other characters—both fellow slaves and slave owners—revolve. The novel depicts the harsh reality of slavery while also showing that Christian love and faith can overcome even something as evil as enslavement of fellow human beings. (summary by Wikipedia and John Greenman)


TEXT: http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/uncletom/uthp.html

CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS: Ode to Crows, with Colleen and John Marzluff  (00:28:00)

Having seen thousands of crows roosting right nearby, how could I not do a show about these curious creatures that use tools, are self-aware and (be still, my heart!) appreciate analogies? And who better to talk with than Colleen and John Marzluff, corvid experts extraordinaire? “The thing that strikes me most about a crow being curious is that they will stand back and look and watch. They will observe a situation, and then they will act.” ~ John Marzluff

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/8/23 (01:00:14)

On the Show: George Monbiot, Guardian columnist, environmental activist, and author most recently of Regenesis: Feeding the World Without Devouring the Planet, joins David to discuss the future of the planet, conservation, and more. Get the book: https://amzn.to/40H2U0g  President Joe Biden goes directly at Republicans during his 2023 State of the Union address, triggering many of them into humiliating themselves by screaming at him during the speech. Arkansas Republican Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivers the most disgusting and delusional State of the Union response speech in recent history. Republican Senator Mitt Romney confronts lying Republican Congressman George Santos before the State of the Union address and tells him that he should not be there. Failed former President Donald Trump goes low, implying that Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis previously “groomed” underage girls. Republican Senator Marco Rubio has a sudden realization about “wokeness” after President Joe Biden’s 2023 State of the Union address. The world is horrified over radical Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene briefly serving as Speaker Pro Tempore in the House of Representatives. A look at how the mind virus spreads through Fox News propagandist Tucker Carlson. A look at the defense of “we’re just asking questions” often employed by bad faith actors. Voicemail caller says that Patrick Bet-David, on whose show David recently appeared, is essentially Joe Rogan but with hair.

TUESDAY 02.07.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Tuesday February 7, 2023


ENCOURAGEMENTOLOGY: Holding Firm and Pushing Your Own Boundaries (00:30:31)

On this show we are defining our threshold and challenging our limiting beliefs as we set boundaries we intend to hold firm and those we aspire to push. Boundaries help us move through life with protection while providing a safe way to measure our growth. It just might be time to outgrow your current position and move forward! This exercise isn’t meant to box you in or make you feel trapped. Boundaries are evolutionary and when you feel ready, can shape-shift to meet your next trial. The goal we are setting for this topic is ownership. You own the next move instead of letting your circumstance, own you. 

PEACE TALKS RADIO: Peace Efforts at the Rainbow Gatherings (00:29:03)

Since 1972, 22 states in the U.S. have hosted at least one of 37 “Rainbow Gatherings.” The Rainbow Gathering is a temporary intentional community made up of thousands who travel to a specified National Forest site each year to live together and pray for peace around the Fourth of July. This time on Peace Talks Radio, we explore this on-going utopian experiment, to see if there are real lessons about peacemaking to be learned from the Rainbow Gatherings. Host Suzanne Kryder interviews Dr. Michael Niman, author of People of the Rainbow: A Nomadic Utopia, about the group’s efforts to practice nonviolent, nonhierarchical cooperative living with each other and the earth. Niman also discusses the Rainbow’s sometimes uneasy relationship with the Forest Service about the annual use of the National Forest for the gatherings. The program also includes interviews and first-hand reports from Suzanne’s participation in the 38th annual Rainbow Gathering in New Mexico, July 2009. A site has not been announced for the 2023 Rainbow Gathering. In 2022, it was held near Hayden, Colorado.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: American Healthcare is a Parasitic Industry (00:58:00)

The for-profit medical industry is sucking us dry. What are the forces that work to keep it this way?


THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: Negro Baseball Leagues (00:58:00)

This time on The Children’s Hour we learn about our Black American history, this time exploring the Negro Baseball Leagues. These were professional teams made up of Black and other non-white players, and the only way Black athletes could play professional baseball while the Major Leagues remained segregated. Our guest is Byron Motley, author of Negro Baseball Leagues – A Memoir which chronicles the story of these leagues. Byron’s own father was an umpire for the Negro Baseball Leagues. His father’s love of the game was passed along to Byron, who only understood as an adult what challenges his dad had to overcome to be included in the world of baseball.

Many legends of baseball come from the NBL, including Jackie Robinson, the first Black player to integrate the Major Leagues. We learn about the oldest player to ever rookie for Major League Baseball at the age of 42, Satchel Paige, along with NBL players Larry Doby, and Josh Gibson. We’ve also got a poem from E. Ethelbert Miller’s book “If God Invented Baseball” and we hear some classic comedy by Abbot & Costello. This episode is mixed with great music, and comes with a Learn-Along Guide that meets and cites National education standards. Find it at https://ChildrensHour.org/Negro-Baseball-Leagues.

LITERATURE ALOUD: Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe ch.1 (00:25:36)

Among the most “banned” books in the United States, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is a novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe which treats slavery as a central theme. Stowe was a Connecticut-born teacher at the Hartford Female Academy and an active abolitionist. The novel is believed to have had a profound effect on the North’s view of slavery. In fact, when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe, President Lincoln is said to have commented, “So you’re the little lady whose book started the Civil War.” First published on March 20, 1852, the story focuses on the tale of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave, the central character around whose life the other characters—both fellow slaves and slave owners—revolve. The novel depicts the harsh reality of slavery while also showing that Christian love and faith can overcome even something as evil as enslavement of fellow human beings. (summary by Wikipedia and John Greenman)


TEXT: http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/uncletom/uthp.html

GREEN STREET NEWS; No More Humans? with Dr. Shanna Swan (00:28:22)

On this week’s GSN, our feature story involves endocrine disrupting chemicals in food, cosmetics and other consumer products, and how they are causing a decline in birth rates and sperm production, and an increase in testicular cancer and gender dysphoria. News items include Tom’s River pollution, plastic in the medical system and microplastics impacting climate change.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/7/23 (00:57:38)

On the Show: Chris Tarbell, former FBI Special Agent and founding partner at NAXO, joins David to discuss his role in taking down the Silk Road. Republicans are transitioning to now claim that Joe Biden popping the Chinese surveillance balloon might actually have been the wrong thing to do. Radical Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene whines that her $174,000 Congressional salary is too low for the amount of work she has to do. Radical Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert appears to pray for Joe Biden’s death. Fox News propagandist Tucker Carlson enters a talking point coma about black judges, transgender satanism, and more. Fox News propagandist Tucker Carlson gives a delusional defense of lying Republican Congressman George Santos. Failed Arizona Republican Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake teases her next grift, a run for Arizona Senator. Right-wing indoctrinator Charlie Kirk wildly claims that TikTok is turning kids transgender. Voicemail caller praises David’s new mustache despite major concerns about it from most of the audience.

MONDAY 02.06.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

WHEN THE BIOMASS HITS THE WIND TURBINE #169: Are We Ready for Electric Vehicles? (00:00:00)

Electric vehicles are changing the way we fuel our transportation system. They are cleaner, faster, more efficient and cheaper than the internal combustion engine. Every major car company (and many you have never heard of) are planning to convert their fleet of vehicles to all electric by 2040. But there are a number of fundamental changes that will be required to how we wire our homes, how we manage the grid, and pricing policies used by utilities that must change if we are going to make this happen. Can your home handle the requirements of an EV… can your city… can your state? Join Annie and Jay Warmke of Blue Rock Station for a discussion of many of the challenges we face as we electrify the transportation industry.


ECONOMIC UPDATE: 2023 World Economic Trends (00:29:00)

Identifying and examining the larger economic dimensions and trends of three key aspects of today’s global economy: Russia/Ukraine war, Europe’s quandary, and the decline of the US empire. Attention focuses on the immense direct and indirect costs of the war in Ukraine; on Europe’s desperate position and choices caught between the US and China blocs in the world economy; and on how the US empire is responding to its decline in the world economy. Our approach is to stress what so many others deny or minimize. The risk of war and lessons of the past decline of empires figure prominently in the analysis.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Is SCOTUS About to Put Religion Over Civil Society? (00:58:00)

Is SCOTUS About to Put Religion Over Civil Society? So here we are in 2023 and the real beliefs and plans of the Founding generation ” slaveholders and abolitionists alike ” have dissolved into a blur of BS, Qanon, and fundamentalist religion. Veteran War Correspondent in Kiev, Ukraine, Phil Ittner, on the ground in Kyiv, Ukraine. Why do Republicans want more babies? And how they want to put those babies to work later. Crazy Alert! The Satanic Temple opens a telehealth abortion clinic named after Alito’s mom. Journalist and radio host, Michelangelo Signorile examines the Pope’s recent call to end the criminalization of homosexuality. 


RADIO ART HOUR: Janete El Haouli, 31 Down, Aki Ondo  (00:58:00)

Tune in three radio theatre works from Janete El Haouli, 31 Down, and Aki Ondo. First tune in Janete El Haouli’s “Memories of Zarah.” Haouli is a fixture in the Brazilian radio art scene and beyond. She produced the program New Music: radio for thinking ears (1991-2005) at a radio station in Londrina, Brazil. “Memories of Zarah” was created in collaboration with Jos Augusto Mannis, a Brazilian electroacoustic composer, performer, sound designer, and professor. It is a radio play that revolves around a 1998 recording of Janete El Haoulis mother a month before she died. Then listen for 31 Down’s “Dead Dial Tone.” 31 Down creates darkly themed, romantic performance work with an emphasis on sound design, imagery, and mood, led by Ryan Holsopple. Then tune in Aki Onda work “Nam Junes Spirit Was Speaking To Me,” commissioned by Documenta 14s radio art series called “Every Time A Ear di Soun.” From Documentas catalogue: New York-based artist and composer Aki Onda has channeled the spirit of late Korean artist Nam June Paik via radio transmission…. With a portable radio in hand, Onda communicates with his spirit over long distance, collecting field recordings of cryptic broadcasts/messages on anonymous radio stations.”


LITERATURE ALOUD: Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe ch.1 (00:25:36)

Among the most “banned” books in the United States, Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is a novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe which treats slavery as a central theme. Stowe was a Connecticut-born teacher at the Hartford Female Academy and an active abolitionist. The novel is believed to have had a profound effect on the North’s view of slavery. In fact, when he met Harriet Beecher Stowe, President Lincoln is said to have commented, “So you’re the little lady whose book started the Civil War.” First published on March 20, 1852, the story focuses on the tale of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave, the central character around whose life the other characters—both fellow slaves and slave owners—revolve. The novel depicts the harsh reality of slavery while also showing that Christian love and faith can overcome even something as evil as enslavement of fellow human beings. (summary by Wikipedia and John Greenman)


TEXT: http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/uncletom/uthp.html

CREATING OUR PREFERRED FUTURE: First Half Part One – Primer For Paradigm Shift (00:29:00)

The Primer on Paradigm Shift is a four part series. It is a “how to” for Paradigm Shift. The FIRST HALF of Part one is a point of departure for the 4 part series. It Describes what is paradigm shift and why we need it. There are principles and ideals that inform the Primer. The Primer is open source. The first half of part one explains social engineering, how liberation equals self empowerment and describes the idea, sequence of paradigm shift.

The Primer provides powerful talking points to the reader for their use to empower their advocacy for paradigm shift and encourages the reader to build on the primer. THE FIRST HALF explains the term external costs and why capitalism is profoundly dishonest. The SECOND HALF OF The Primer deconstructs the mythologies of capitalism – the magic hand, efficiency, informed choice, capitalism and democracy and American Exceptionalism. The Primer refers to the consumer culture for examples to debunk the myths. THE SECOND HALF OF Part one takes a look at the assertion – The American Way of Life is Non Negotiable. Part 2 will look at aspects of paradigm shift and compare the consumer culture and a preferred future. Part 3 will describe many examples of paradigm shift already at work in the real world. Part 4 will describe allies and assets and putting ideas of paradigm shift out to the wider world.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/6/23 (00:55:58)

On the Show: President Joe Biden orders the Chinese surveillance balloon blown up and this explodes into a major story. Failed former President Donald Trump is massively triggered by the Chinese surveillance balloon and Joe Biden blowing it up. Fox News host Maria Bartiromo unleashes a Chinese balloon conspiracy so absurd that it boggles the mind. Is the anti-globalism touted by many on the right merely a form of veiled antisemitism? Democrats decide to make South Carolina, not Iowa, the first primary of 2024. Correspondent Luke Beasley interviewed Trump supporters at Trump’s recent event in South Carolina and it was completely out of control.

Lying Republican Congressman George Santos has already been accused of sexual harassment since taking office. The term “woke” has been perverted into oblivion by the American right wing. Voicemail caller praises David’s recent appearance on the Patrick Bet-David podcast, but overall feedback was mixed.

SUNDAY 02.05.23 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 2/3/23: Campaign finance expert Brandon Fischer on Heritage Foundation’s vote suppression scheme and George Santos scam (00:58:00)

Encore: Original air-date 1/25/2023. On today’s ‘BradCast’: Newly-uncovered documents have uncovered the extent of the far-rightwing Heritage Foundation’s multi-million dollar effort to suppress voting rights in multiple states after the 2020 election by exploiting bogus claims of ‘election fraud’. One of the nation’s foremost campaign finance experts, BRENDAN FISCHER, Deputy Executive Director of the investigative watchdog group Documented, discusses how dark money group Heritage Action, Heritage Foundation’s political action arm, was caught on video boasting about its $24 million scheme that got new voter suppression bills passed in Iowa and Georgia. Heritage also succeeded in blocking legislation to protect voting rights at the federal level. Fischer explains how dark money groups avoid disclosing their donors, their use of ‘model legislation’ disguised as coming from ‘grassroots’ groups, and Heritage Action’s plans to expand their anti-democracy efforts to more swing-state legislatures across the country in advance of the 2024 Presidential election. Fischer also offers perspective on new revelations that appear to show huge potential violations of campaign finance laws by newly-elected Republican fabulist, Rep. George Santos (R-NY).


EARTH RIOT RADIO: Singing “Tortuguita Presente” in Chase Bank   (00:29:00)

Freedom songs are basic to revolutionary change, to social movements.

There never was radical social change that took place in silence.

The intellection is more intense in revolutions. And the sex is hotter and the death is sooner and everything is different. And we need a revolution badly with the Earths crisis. But we seem to be rejecting revolution as if it is a product that we refuse to buy. Well, we are consumers. And consumers will kill us all by not buying our life for us. Our only choice is to destroy the consumer within.

TURN ON THE NEWS: See No Evil (00:28:00)

This week: “See No Evil.” This week no one sees anything, until the video is released. “Turn On The News” is the weekly newscast from the fictional Radio Network, with parody radio coverage of the radio and its headlines. Now with computerized news readers, and fewer meddling reporters, plus aggregated reporting, and automated music. Tune in “Turn On The News” each week for the latest news, radio art, and more from our robot reporters, making sure you hear both sides — good and evil — every time you “Turn On The News.”


Best of ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 1/4/23 (00:59:30)

Segment One

We begin our show with Professor Rashad Shabazz, Arizona State University about the killing of Tyre Nichols by five police officers. These officers were themselves Black, as was Nichols. What enabled them to treat him as an enemy? What is the culture problem?

Segment Two

We then catch up with Dr. Ken Dolkart, a retired professor from Dartmouth Hitchcock about all-payer plans of managing costs of health care. The current system is unworkable and expensive: each provider charges rates that may differ significantly from area to area. He proposes a different plan that would equalize charges for similar procedures.

SOJOURNER TRUTH: Friday Roundpanel (00:57:17)

Today on Sojourner Truth our Friday roundtable is back. Each of our panelists select people they’d like to honor as we kick off the month of African American History. Our panelists are: journalist Laura Carlsen, LA Unified school board member Jackie Goldberg and Dr. Gerald Horne, Moores Professor of History and African-American Studies.

We cover a wide range of topics including: figures from curriculum, history and in particular Black history under attack in Conservative states across the country, international affairs in China, as well as the forces at play regarding the recent rise in violence in Israel-Palestine conflict.


MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR: The Dramatic Story of Survival Tragedy & Heroism of the Canadian Arctic Expedition of 1913 (00:59:00)

Buddy Levy is a Professor of English and Creative Writing at Washington State University and an adventurer and writer of adventure and historical narratives. Buddy Levy was also a history channel TV co-host for a couple of years. He’s the author of several books including Labyrinth of Ice ” The Triumphant & Tragic Greely Polar Expedition which was the subject of a past interview & his new book is Empire of Ice & Stone: The Disastrous & Heroic Voyage of the Karluk, a scientific expedition of the arctic that began in 1913. A story of survival and great determination under extreme conditions and tragic circumstances. In this interview we talk in depth about the extreme conditions this scientific expedition experienced and what life was like in those extreme conditions, especially when things go awry, which usually happens on these kind of expeditions. We also talk about the way these conditions affect people, in both inspiringly positive ways and psychologically deteriorating ways leading to madness.


Russia is losing the war. Russia isn’t going to nuke the US… BUT they will attempt to destabilize us through cyberwarfare. We discuss how to prepare yourself for the impending attack plus we catch up all on all the cybersecurity news and breaches. DO NOT miss this episode!! 


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 2/2/23: Evidence Suggests Hunter Biden Reads Newspapers, Not Classified Docs (00:57:30)

On today’s ‘BradCast’: GOP Debunking Week continues as the Republican majority in the US House launched partisan investigations and dropped all pretense of solving problems or pursing policies. House Republicans explicitly stated that their ‘investigations’ will focus solely on seeking dirt on Joe Biden and family, and they will ignore the mountains of evidence of influence peddling by Donald Trump and family. The Washington Post’s fact-checker eviscerated Republicans’ silly claims of a ‘suspicious email’ on Hunter Biden’s laptop that actually contained public information from major news outlets and no classified information. Hunter Biden has begun pushing back on the rightwing smear campaign, initiating legal actions warning rightwing media to retract their defamatory coverage, and calling for federal investigations into entities that disseminated and broadcast his personal data. New focus groups show that independent voters in several states are angry that House Republicans are not focusing on solving real problems, after campaigning on solving high crime, high inflation, and more. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) delivered fiery, inspiring remarks on the House floor after Republicans voted along party lines to remove her from the House Foreign Affairs Committee in retaliation for Democrats’ disciplinary actions in the last session. Also today: a note to listeners that we will be moving to a Monday-Thursday schedule with rebroadcasts on Fridays for the foreseeable future. Plus Desi Doyen has our latest ‘Green News Report.’ 


KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: Outsourcing War: The Wagner Group Making Atrocities Invisible  (00:59:15)

You’ve read about them in current New York Times articles on Ukraine. Now here’s the inside scoop on the Wagner Group. Private Security Firms; just part of doing business, right? Blackwater was America’s version in Iraq; The Wagner Group is Russia’s today in Ukraine and Africa. Atrocities in the Donbass region of Ukraine? Russia cynically said, that’s not us, it’s “little green men.” History Professor Emeritus Dr. Lawrence Wittner on this show reveals the major role of mercenaries, soldiers of fortune in the pay of Russian oligarchs. And they boost their great wages with wholesale looting. The United Nations is not doing its job.

ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN 2/2/23 (00:58:00)

Part 1:

We talk with Professor Antony Aumann, Northern Michigan University, about AI Chatbots, which are increasingly used by students to ‘cheat’ in writing assignments. These chatbots are capable of producing original documents. We discuss how students view them as a way to avoid doing their own work, and owning their own educational efforts.

Part 2:

We talk with Professor Rashad Shabazz (Arizona State University) about the killing of Tyre Nichols by five police officers. These officers were themselves Black, as was Nichols. What enabled them to treat him as an enemy? What is the culture problem?

GROWING GREENER: Fighting Back Against Weed Ordinances (00:29:00)

Are your beloved native plants actually noxious weeds? Too often town or homeowner association officers say yes and invoke anti-weed ordinances to force gardeners back to old-fashioned lawns and foundation plantings. Listen to attorney and native plants advocate Rosanne Plante tell you how you can fight back, and win.


GOT SCIENCE?: Meet New Podcast Host Jess Phoenix (00:29:08)

In her final interview, Colleen MacDonald passes the mic to Jess Phoenix, a geologist and author of “Ms. Adventure.”


THE BOPST SHOW Blasting Disco Down Below (00:55:33)

Music variety show hosted, mixed and recorded by Chris Bopst featuring words and music by Guillermo Buitrago, Peter Thomas Sound Orchestra, Mike Sammes Singers, Electric Tickle Machine, E.T. Mensah & His Tempos Band, TC & Company, Ivy & The Teachers, Mighty Sparrow, Mel Henke, Hazy Osterwald, The Safaris, Dandy Livingstone, Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine, The Steel Drummers of Trinidad, Dead Kennedys, Thurl Ravenscroft, Edgar Alan & The Po’ Boys, and Christine Lebail.


RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR #465 (00:58:00)

Ralph welcomes professor Karen Levy, who talks to us about how regulations aimed at making trucking safer have been turned into a tool of corporate surveillance as chronicled in her book Data Driven: Truckers, Technology, and the New Workplace Surveillance. And on the opposite side of the tech spectrum, high school senior, Logan Lane joins to tell us how she and her friends have liberated themselves from their iPhones and social media by forming a group they call The Luddite Club.


FRIDAY 02.03.23 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Friday Febrruary 3, 2023


JUST SOLUTIONS; Revisiting Improvements to the Vote (00:29:00)

Netroots 2022 recaps from Pennsyvania. Eileen Reavey on the push for a national popular vote and Nathan Lockwood on rank choice voting. 

COUNTERSPIN; Michael Mechanic on Underfunding the IRS (00:28:00)

This week on CounterSpin: If repeated messaging about how we “can’t afford” public goods but we should always be “cutting taxes” isn’t discordant enough, corporate media’s guiding yet unspoken theory has some corollaries—one of which is that because wealthy people pay large (if not proportionate) amounts of money in taxes, they should get policies that reward them, including those allowing them to keep, and grow, their extreme wealth and its concomitant power. That’s how we wind up with congressional Republicans’ efforts to claw back the attempts the administration made to actually help the IRS start to audit the notoriously tax-avoiding wealthy. The message from many politicians and their media amplifiers: Cheating on taxes is a luxury only the rich can, or should be able to, afford.

We know come April there will be a swell of “news you can use” stories about how to save a dime or two on your taxes. We get a bigger picture story this week from Mother Jones senior editor Michael Mechanic, author of Jackpot: How the Super-Rich Really Live—and How Their Wealth Harms Us All.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Is Cruelty Ron DeSantis’ Trademark? (00:58:00)

With Ron DeSantis, we may finally be facing an all-American politician who has Mussolini’s guile, ruthlessness, and willingness to see people die to advance his political career. Interview: Dean Obeidallah – Does McCarthy want to ban Ilhan Omar so bigots can be happy? Geeky Science – What you don’t know about that coffee buzz… Nope, coffee won’t give you extra energy. It will just borrow a bit that you will pay for later. Crazy Alert! Tucker wants you to believe that Kamala Harris is taking hallucinogens.


SEA CHANGE RADIO: Jared Yates Sexton on American Democracy and Religion (00:29:00)

In his book, “American Rule: How a Nation Conquered the World but Failed Its People,” Jared Yates Sexton writes that The American Myth paints the process as divinely inspired and the result of a work of distinctly American genius, the Constitution itself an impeccable guide in all things and a means by which freedom and liberty might be bestowed upon every citizen. This week on Sea Change Radio, we speak with author and podcaster Jared Yates Sexton about his latest book, “Midnight Kingdom,” discuss the role of Christian Nationalism in the US, and look at the potential ascension of Ron DeSantis as the Republican heir apparent to Donald Trump.



What are the stories that will be driving news coverage in the coming year for communities of color and our network partners in the media that serve them? In this 2023 preview for our monthly Meet the BIPOC Press roundtable with URL Media, we consider issues involving the economy, community investment, reproductive justice, local government, environmental justice, LGBTQ+ rights, the aftermath of COVID, and more. How will our partners be reporting the stories ” and angles ” that matter most? Laura is joined by Mitra Kalita, the publisher of Epicenter-NYC, a newsletter based in Queens, New York, and the co-founder of URL Media, a network of Black and Brown community news outlets; Alexandra Martinez, Senior Reporter with Prism, whose reporting on such topics as immigration and the affordable housing crisis also appears in VICE, CNN, and other outlets; and Malak Silmi, the local government reporter for Outlier Media, a Detroit-based service journalism organization with a mission to empower Detroit residents to hold landlords, municipal government, and elected officials accountable for longstanding problems. What are some of their stories?

THE BOPST SHOW Blasting Disco Down Below (00:55:33)

Music variety show hosted, mixed and recorded by Chris Bopst featuring words and music by Guillermo Buitrago, Peter Thomas Sound Orchestra, Mike Sammes Singers, Electric Tickle Machine, E.T. Mensah & His Tempos Band, TC & Company, Ivy & The Teachers, Mighty Sparrow, Mel Henke, Hazy Osterwald, The Safaris, Dandy Livingstone, Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine, The Steel Drummers of Trinidad, Dead Kennedys, Thurl Ravenscroft, Edgar Alan & The Po’ Boys, and Christine Lebail.


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/3/23 (00:00:00)

(notes posted when available)

THURSDAY 02.02.23 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon

(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Thursday February 2, 2023  


RADIO ECOSHOCK: How Ocean Heat Ends The Human Experiment (00:58:00)

Unwitting humanity has been saved by the sea. About 90% of the extra heat from our greenhouse gases was absorbed by the ocean, like a giant air-conditioner. But the power could be cut off soon, as we hear from our second guest Keith Moore. We are setting a hot stage for coming centuries. From New Zealand, Dr. Kevin Trenberth has worse news right now. For a third year in a row, world oceans set a new heat record, reaching levels not seen for over a million years. Trenberth says the hot ocean is dialing up strange extreme weather all over the world. Expect the unexpected.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: What is at the Heart of the GOP? (00:58:00)

Fascists are banning books and fanning the flames of racism in Florida and elsewhere. How far down this road is America willing to go?


LOPATE AT LARGE: Eat & Flourish (00:44:35)

Food has power to nourish your mind, supporting emotional wellness through both nutrients and pleasure. In her latest book, journalist Mary Beth Albright draws on cutting-edge research to explain the food/mood connection. She redefines emotional eating based on the science, revealing how eating triggers biological responses that affect human’s emotional states both immediately and long-term. Join us as Albright shares research from the new field of nutritional psychology, combined with straightforward suggestions for what to eat and how to eat it – certain foods help reduce the inflammation that can harm mental health, the critical relationship between the microbiome and the brain, which vitamins help restore the body during intensely emotional times, and how to develop a healthful eating pattern for life – on this installment of Leonard Lopate at Large. 


DAVID PAKMAN: The Truth About Political Correctness (00:14:36)

Our long-form investigation into political correctness, including a history of the term, and whether it is too liberally or conservatively applied in modern culture.

LITERATURE ALOUD: The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass – ch. 11 (00:12:55)

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is a memoir and treatise on abolition written by famous orator and ex-slave, Frederick Douglass. It is generally held to be the most famous of a number of narratives written by former slaves during the same period. In factual detail, the text describes the events of his life and is considered to be one of the most influential pieces of literature to fuel the abolitionist movement of the early 19th Century in the United States. (Summary by Jeanette)


TEXT: http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/abolitn/dougnarrhp.html

ALAN WATTS: Stop Feeling Lost by Doing This (00:15:17)

If there is one simple question that bothers us all as human beings, it is : Why are we living ? It is a burden on our shoulders, and we cannot think about it without going depressed or becoming sad, because simply we can’t answer it. We got blocked. In this lecture, Alan Watts talks about the game of life, how the answer of that question is : To play. To simply not take it seriously, to stay within the flow of life without having to be very strict and rigid about it. We have to take it as if it was a game. Because if we take it seriously, we will be forced to think scientifically, to predict the future, and be aware that any false move, would lead us to a fatal death, which is not the case.


WINGS #42-22 Islamic Identities (00:28:55)

Irshad Manji is an Islamic scholar, a practicing Muslim, an anti-dogmatist, a feminist, and an out Lesbian. She believes it is possible to reconcile faith with freedom. She attributes oppression of women in Muslim societies to Arabic culture rather than dictates of the Koran. She has faced criticism and rejection, and found that cruelty is often due to fearful clinging to a sense of identity. Manji’s books include The Trouble with Islam Today, and Don’t Label Me. She writes: “My mission is to teach a critical mass of people the skills of moral courage: doing the right thing in the face of our fears.”


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/2/23 (00:57:34)

On the Show: Jesse Dollemore, host of “Dollemore Daily” and the “I Doubt It” podcast, fills in for David while he’s on vacation. Matt Gaetz and David Cicilline propose amendments regarding saying the pledge of allegiance before judiciary hearings. Marjorie Taylor Greene asks about critical race theory and drag queen story hour at a committee hearing. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez shows Republicans how to ask serious questions in a committee hearing. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy gets asked about the lack of Republican credibility on the debt and deficit. Radical Christians are joined by members of Congress for a strange prayer event. Mike Lindell goes on Jimmy Kimmel and makes a fool out of himself by appearing in a claw machine. OAN hosts an exclusive interview with disgraced Congressman George Santos. Representative Dusty Johnson clashes with CNN’s Jim Sciutto about budget cuts. Ron Klain lists Joe Biden’s accomplishments in rapid-fire succession. https://davidpakman.com/


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Wednesday February 1, 2023  


PATIENTS COME FIRST: Robin Yoder (00:29:59)

Here’s our latest episode! This episode of VHHA’s Patients Come First podcast features Robin Yoder, an oncology social worker with HCA Virginia, a cancer survivor who lost a leg to the disease, a triathlete, and a community activist, for a conversation about her life, work, and community involvement.

THIS WAY OUT #1818: Pray Away? Born Perfect! & Global LGBTQ news (00:28:59)

A Netflix doc and a lesbian rights group each expose the harms of conversion therapy; the Pope urges worldwide decriminalization of same-gender sex, Germany remembers LGBTQ Holocaust victims, India’s rightwing government objects to the appointment of a highly qualified proudly gay attorney to the Delhi High Court, a Maltese former homosexual is being prosecuted for promoting conversion therapy while a U.S. federal appeals court upholds a conversion therapy ban in the state of Washington, Florida’s Republican Governor RON DESANTIS nixes advance placement high school African-American Studies because it has a queer theory component [with his press conference comments], and Mars, Inc., the maker of M&Ms, melts to rightwing pressure led by Fox blowhard TUCKER CARLSON and retires its modernized spokes-candies. Those stories and more this week when you choose “This Way Out”: the world’s audio oasis for queer news and culture.


THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Want a Side of Liver Cancer With Those Fries?  (00:58:00)

While the GOP are in the pocket of the chemical industry, we can still lobby them as citizens to do something about PFAS chemicals and their impact on us, our children, and our grandchildren. How worried should we be if the debt ceiling isn’t lifted? Texas Republican Chip Roy says GOP will hold the debt ceiling hostage even if it’s dangerous to do so. Geeky Science! This one habit can save your heart. Doing this effortless habit can help relieve stress, improve your heart health. 



This week on the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Clay Jenkinson and Lindsay Chervinsky continue their discussion prompted by a letter from a teacher in Iowa who asks what they think are the ten most important American historical events she should teach to her students.


LITERATURE ALOUD: The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass – ch. 11 (00:30:53)

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is a memoir and treatise on abolition written by famous orator and ex-slave, Frederick Douglass. It is generally held to be the most famous of a number of narratives written by former slaves during the same period. In factual detail, the text describes the events of his life and is considered to be one of the most influential pieces of literature to fuel the abolitionist movement of the early 19th Century in the United States. (Summary by Jeanette)


TEXT: http://utc.iath.virginia.edu/abolitn/dougnarrhp.html

CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS: From Curiosity & Language to Linguistic Justice 00:28:00)

How might choosing to be curious about language influence our familiarity with, understanding of, or comfort around the very words we use to express curiosity — or anything else? That’s where this fascinating conversation with University of Arizona linguistics professor Sonja Lanehart started. But it wasn’t long before we were talking about new words for curiosity, the forthcoming Oxford Dictionary of African American English, and curiosity as a privilege reserved for those who have already managed to establish legitimacy for their fields of study.

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language

And next year’s words await another voice.

And to make an end is to make a beginning.”

~ T.S. Eliot, Little Gidding, Four Quartets


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 2/1/23 (00:54:06)

On the Show: Jesse Dollemore, host of “Dollemore Daily” and the “I Doubt It” podcast, fills in for David while he’s on vacation. Disgraced Congressman George Santos steps down from his committee assignments. Video is released of testimony by Donald Trump wherein he pleaded the Fifth Amendment over 400 times. The Donald Trump versus Ron DeSantis flame war is beginning. Donald Trump reveals his policy objectives for his 2024 campaign. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene oddly compares the killing of Tyre Nichols to Ashli Babbitt. Tucker Carlson talks about the “Democrat new crisis” of “white racism.” Congressman Jamie Raskin undergoes chemotherapy to treat his cancer.

For the People | By the People