MARCH 2024

SUNDAY 03.31.24 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

RADIO 2050 #21: Beyond Bars (00:56:22)

This conversation explores the issue of mass incarceration and the need for criminal justice reform. The guests share their personal backgrounds and experiences, including stories of granting clemency and overcoming challenges. They discuss the reasons behind mass incarceration and the brokenness of the current system. The conversation also touches on topics such as the school-to-prison pipeline and the need to abolish mass incarceration. The guests provide hope and inspiration, highlighting the importance of finding solutions and taking action. The conversation concludes with a discussion of upcoming projects and future plans.

EARTH RIOT RADIO #110: When You Try to Fire the EARTH (00:29:00)

Always invite the Earth – the living being who creates living beings that become a part of it – to whatever event you are hosting. If you are negotiating with New York City about what to do with the 10,000 migrants arriving each month, and you don’t have the Earth at the table, then you are pissing in Hell. First of all, they are coming here because we invited them, as we in turn were invited… Second, you will drift into professional gibberish very easily. For instance, you might call “Love” something like “mitigating food and shelter insecurity….” Please put the Earth into the words you use, especially around the children.

BOOM GODDESS RADIO #512: Understanding Medicare (00:25:54)

Many listeners have asked us to produce an episode discussing how Medicare works. This week we aim to do that with guest Cheryl Baker, a licensed Medicare health and life benefits consultant. Also on the show is a panel of three women who have recently become or are soon to become eligible to utilize Medicare who have questions about how to navigate it.

Best of ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN March 30, 2024 (00:59:30)

Segment One

We begin the show with Mark Joseph Stern, reporter for Slate about the important case before the US Supreme Court. They will be deciding the legality of the FDA’s approval of mifepristone, over 20 years ago. The standing of the plaintiffs is also in question. This is part of the Heritage Foundation’s push of Project 2025. And even though the court has yet to rule, the results will be far reaching and affect the FDA’s power to declare the safety/non-safety of drugs and medical devices in the US.

Segment Two

We then catch up with Bill Curry and Adam Finkel. We begin with our remembrance of Joe Lieberman and discuss his tenure as a politician, and how his emphasis had shifted from his political convictions to his donor’s desires. We then continue our important discussion about the SCOTUS and its considerations of the legality of the abortion drug mifepristone.

BACKGROUND BRIEFING with IAN MASTERS March 28, 2024 (00:59:00)

While a Bitcoin Fraudster Gets a 25 Year Sentence Today, the Head of the SEC Gives Bitcoins a New Lease on Life | Trump’s Secretary of State-in-Waiting Meets With Far-Right Leaders Around the World While Making Real Estate Deals With Jared Kushner | Trump’s Grift From God

MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR: Part 2 – The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science & Traditional Wisdom to Find Our Place in the World (00:59:00)

This is the second half of my first interview with Jeremy Lent from last week. There’s a follow up interview coming soon. Jeremy Lent has been described as one the greatest thinkers of our age. He’s the founder of the nonprofit Liology Institute, dedicated to fostering an integrated worldview that could enable humanity to thrive sustainably on the Earth and he’s the author The Patterning Instinct: A Cultural History of Humanity’s Search for Meaning, and his new book is The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science and Traditional Wisdom to Find Our Place in the Universe. 


Two of Nick’s favorite interviews of all time. A QAnon defector explaining to all of us what are in store for in the future with this cult. And also the future of car tech! Will we have driverless cars soon? Find out here!


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 3/29/2024 Legal reporter Mark Joseph Stern on federal judiciary debacles; Biden’s ‘biggest climate move yet’ (00:58:00)

Encore: original airdate 3-20-2024. On today’s ‘BradCast’: A quick review of Tuesday’s Primary and Special Election results in Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Ohio and California, and some telling data points. The Biden Administration EPA released a new final rule that strengthens tailpipe pollution and emissions standards for cars and trucks, to accelerate the nation’s transition to clean vehicles and combat dangerous man-made climate change. Slate’s legal journalist MARK JOSEPH STERN discusses two bonkers cases that came before the U.S. Supreme Court this week. The first is an absurd case brought by Republican-run states falsely claiming the federal government unconstitutionally forced social media companies to censor misinformation, which Stern thoroughly debunks. The second lawsuit is the Court’s shocking ruling to allow a blatantly unconstitutional, radical new Texas immigration law to take effect while under appeal, which was immediately put on hold by the extremist Fifth Circuit. Stern unpacks the bizarre twists and turns, plus a new rule ending the practice of ‘judge-shopping,’ and much, much more.

KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: Why Place Supplants Issues in the Heartland   (00:59:58)

Most of us can guess but there’s nothing like serious scientific research when it comes to understanding political change. In her forthcoming book How the Heartland Went Red, Harvard’s Stephanie Termullo shares her findings from field research in three mid-western small cities. Sense of place supplants party policy positions which may be actually better for those communities. Fear and reassurance play a major role. What can Democrats do? Give a listen.

AGING MATTERS: Affordable Housing (00:58:03)

More than 17 million older adults age 65+ live with incomes below 200% of the federal poverty level. This number will grow as retiring boomers face declining home values, decreased earnings, and depleted savings. Affordable housing options with supportive services are required to meet lower-income older adult needs.

GROWING GREENER: Native Annuals of the Eastern United States (00:29:00)

Annuals offer unique advantages for the ecological gardener, growing fast to stabilize disturbed soils, and providing quick color for new plantings. In this conversation, master plantsman Ethan Dropkin of Larry Weaner Landscape Associates shares his pick of the best native annuals native to eastern North America

TUC RADIO: Michael Parenti: Capitalisms Apocalypse – ARCHIVE (00:29:00)

2024 Tribute ” Updated Archive:

Parenti predicted the financial crisis and said that giant corporate capitalism ” by its very nature ” is an apocalyptic system. When unregulated the built in elements of ever increased growth may well bring the whole system down. And he described the growing national debt not as a tragic mistake but as a means to shift ever more money from the tax payers to the financial institutions in the form of interest payments. This speech is an analysis of the many structural flaws of a capitalist system that puts it on a permanent collision course with democracy. Recorded on August 23, 2008 at the closing reception for Maria Gilardin’s art show. This rebroadcast, made in March 2024, is eerily contemporary and lends a historic perspective to current events.

THE BOPST SHOW: In Love With Me (00:55:34)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s show, you’ll hear Indonesian pop sensations Ervinna & the Stylers, late great Richmond instrumentalists Brainflowr, and the multi-genre concoctions of Cécile McLorin Salvant as well as tunes by Wet Leg, Taddese Kebbede, and many others locked out of the nation’s largest terrestrial bandwidths.

RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR #525 (00:58:00)

Not a lot of lawyers can say that they helped create a whole new legal field, but William Shernoff can. On this week’s episode, Ralph welcomes trailblazing attorney William Shernoff to discuss predatory insurance practices, and how consumers can protect themselves. This special episode was co-presented by The American Museum of Tort Law, and was recorded in front of a live virtual audience.

FRIDAY 03.29.24 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Friday March 29, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: After a hurricane or wildfire, communities can be overwhelmed by debris  

THIS IS SCIENCE: What We Need to Make Democracy Work (00:29:00)

Longtime Washington journalist Jesse J. Holland talks with Jess about changes in journalism and communicating science in the age of social media and alternative facts, and what we can expect as the 2024 US election cycle swings into gear. This is the second episode in UCS ongoing 2024 election cycle coverage.

COUNTERSPIN: Evlondo Cooper/climate crisis coverage, Rick Goldsmith/Stripped for Parts (00:28:00)

This week on CounterSpin: 2023 was the warmest year on record. The World Meteorological Organization announced records once again broken, “in some cases smashed” (their words), for greenhouse gas levels, surface temperatures, ocean heat and acidification, sea-level rise, Antarctic sea ice and glacier retreat. Climate disruption is the prime mover of a cascade of interrelated crises. At the same time, we’re told that basic journalism says that when it comes to problems that people need solved, yet somehow aren’t solved, rule No. 1 is “follow the money.” Yet even as elite media talk about the climate crisis they still…can’t… quite…connect images of floods or fires to the triumphant shareholder meetings of the fossil fuel companies. Narrating the nightmare is not enough. We’ll talk about the latest research on climate coverage with Evlondo Cooper, senior writer at Media Matters.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Get Off My Neck: Black Lives and White Justice with Debbie Hines   (00:58:00)

Guest Interview: Debbie Hines, trial lawyer, legal/political commentator, former prosecutor & author of the brand new book: Get Off My Neck: Black Lives, White Justice, and a Former Prosecutors Quest for Reform. Also Phil Ittner with the Ukraine Update. Plus a video that the GOP doesn’t want you to see. Plus Trump’s Bibles and the evolution of his messianic message.

SEA CHANGE RADIO: The Myth of Meritocracy Revisited: John Brittain on Legacy Preference (00:29:00)

The official subject matter of Sea Change Radio is environmental sustainability. This week, however, we are deviating from that to talk about a topic that we believe is inextricably linked to sustainability: stratification in education. We are talking with law professor, civil rights advocate, and educational diversity expert, Prof. John C. Brittain, about educational practices that perpetuate social, racial, and socioeconomic exclusiveness. Elite private schools were once restricted to wealthy white young men. Since the 1960s we have seen some progress at these schools ” they all admit women, most have scholarship programs to make room for the non-wealthy, and they generally boast of need-blind admissions practices. But there is one hidden practice, often overlooked, which runs counter to all of that progress: the practice of legacy admissions. That is, giving preference to applicants who have a family connection to the school. The majority of elite educational institutions in this country do this. For example, in 2017, a full41% of Harvard’s incoming freshman were legacies. Logic tells us that generation after generation, this sort of admission preference can’t be doing much for these school’s demographic diversity. Professor Brittain and host Alex Wise discuss how legacy admission practices serve as affirmative action for the privileged, the irony that the practice thrives in the United States which holds itself up as a model meritocracy and how school’s justifications for the ongoing use of legacy preferences don’t hold up to a reasoned analysis.

LAURA FLANDERS SHOW: Inside ALEC: 50 Years of Driving Extreme Policies in America with Rep. Ro Khanna & Lisa Graves (00:28:00)

We’re discussing what’s being done to expose and push back against the anti-democratic practices of the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC. Working on behalf of the world’s largest corporations and private interests as a back door influencer, ALEC acts as a bill mill getting so many laws passed in the US that do not reflect the majority. 

THE BOPST SHOW: In Love With Me  (00:55:34)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s show, you’ll hear Indonesian pop sensations Ervinna & the Stylers, late great Richmond instrumentalists Brainflowr, and the multi-genre concoctions of Cécile McLorin Salvant as well as tunes by Wet Leg, Taddese Kebbede, and many others locked out of the nation’s largest terrestrial bandwidths.

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/29/24 (00:56:18)

On the Show: Georgia Republican Party Vice Chairman Brian K. Pritchard is determined to have voted illegally nine times. Charlie Kirk goes fully antisemitic in his attack on Larry David. David’s newest children’s book, Think Like a Voter, hits the top Amazon slot for children’s government book. Get the book at

Caller doesn’t believe people would vote Trump over Biden because of Israel/Gaza. Caller compares Trump’s gaffes to Biden’s. Caller discusses terrorism in the context of the Israel/Gaza war. Caller talks about Truth Social becoming a publicly traded company. The Friday Feedback segment.

THURSDAY 03.28.24 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon

(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Thursday March 28, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS The plastics industry’s carbon footprint has doubled in the past few decades  

RADIO ECOSHOCK: Climate Sci-Fi Gets Too Real (00:58:00)

Is it science or fiction? Both! This week on Radio Ecoshock, top climate science fiction writers Kim Stanley Robinson, and Bruce Sterling. Robinson shocked the world with his 2020 book The Ministry of the Future where 20 million people perished in a massive heat wave. We talk consequences in a new interview. My feature on the climate sci-fi work of Bruce Sterling was produced in 2006 – but sounds like today (unfortunately).

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: What About That Biden Economy (00:58:00)

Guest Interview: Michael Tomasky, Editor of The New Republic. Over the past year, Team Biden has been conducting war games, crafting complex legal strategies, and devoting extensive resources to prepare for, as one former senior Biden administration official puts it, all-hell-breaks-loose scenarios. Geeky Science! Can not getting enough sleep age you? Also, How Fox News is one of our top threats. Federal trial attorney Sabrina Haake explains.

YES! Presents: Rising Up With Sonali – 2024-03-26 (00:58:30)

This week, well examine a new case before the U.S. Supreme Court on whether or not to ban the abortion pill, Mifepristone. Rightwing anti-abortion groups, not content to ban the surgical procedure, are hopeful of ending all safe access to abortions. My guest Jess Braverman of Gender Justice will have more. Then, ahead of tax day, Sarah Anderson of the Institute for Policy Studies will link extraordinarily low corporate tax rates to obscenely high CEO compensation packages, and what can be done about it. Finally, Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr. of the Hip Hop Caucus will analyze President Bidens new tailpipe emissions rule and why cheap, Chinese-made electric vehicles are being kept out of the US market even though they could help meet the presidents climate goals.

LITERATURE ALOUD: Walden Two (1948) by B.F. Skinner ch. 7-8 (00:41:04)

A utopian novel that outlines the philosophy and characteristics of an intentional community that has inspired many real-world, functioning intentional communities such as Virginia’s own Twin Oaks Community. The novel was controversial for promoting the common good over personal free will and the gradual molding of human behavior by groups of temporary “planners” for continual improvement. The goal is an evolving, supportive community that allows for a more relaxed work schedule and increased leisure time for personal and artistic pursuits.

Written and read by Behavioral Psychologist B.F. Skinner.


ALAN WATTS: Alan Watts Opens Up About Religion

This summarised lecture by Alan Watts is from the Alan Watts Library at The image of Jesus is owned by the church traditions and authorities. He has been moulded to fit the interests of the church patriarchs for centuries, so much so that the prevailing image of Jesus is now so far removed from what he truly represented. Namely an energy from the future who came to earth to bring illumination and knowledge to humanity. The reason why the Jesus/Jeshua personality came to earth was to create an opening or doorway to a different state of consciousness. He wanted to set an example of the possibilities that are available to each human being. He wanted to hold up a mirror to human beings and remind them of their own divine origin and the dormant potentials they carried within. The potentials for peace, freedom and mastership over oneself. Speech extract from “Jesus: His Religion” by Alan Watts, courtesy of

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/28/24 (00:54:42)

On the Show: In the wake of the absurd Alabama IVF ruling, Democrat  Marilyn Lands wins a House special election in Alabama, making her the first net-gain Democratic pick-up in the Alabama legislature since 2002. Republicans are increasingly panicking over the possible impact in 2024 of their continued assault on reproductive rights, most recently the Alabama IVF ruling. Fox hosts are demanding apologies from NBC and are generally furious over the quick firing of former RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel after an on-air talent revolt against her. Republican strategist Karl Rove warns Democrats and Republicans that RFK Jr.’s candidacy could “cost Joe Biden the election.” Failed former President Donald Trump blatantly ignores Judge Juan Merchan’s gag order and continues attacking Merchan’s daughter. President Joe Biden is lining up a major ambush on Donald Trump in the 2024 election. John Eastman, Donald Trump’s insurrectionist former lawyer, has been disbarred. Charlie Kirk makes a pathetic anti-transgender argument, equating gender identity with arbitrary “age identity.” A disheveled and haggard looking Donald Trump begs for cash in his most pathetic video in weeks. Voicemail caller wonders where all of the MAGAs reacting to things David has never said on the show are getting their ideas.


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Wednesday March 27, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS What is solar thermal? 

PATIENTS COME FIRST: Cardiology – Dr. Jeremy Bock (00:10:30)

This episode of VHHA’s Patients Come First podcast features an interview with Dr. Jeremy Bock, an interventional cardiologist and endovascular specialist, who is Medical Director of the cardiology practice at VHC Health. The conversation covers his career, cardiovascular health, hypertension, a minimally invasive surgical technique to treat patients with high blood pressure resistant to other forms of management, and more.

ALAN WATTS: The Illusion of Wealth – It is not money (00:09:45)

A powerful and thought-provoking speech about money and wealth by the great philosopher Alan Watts.

THIS WAY OUT #1878: Fulfilling Methodist Prophecy & Rosie for Equality & global LGBTQ news!  (00:28:59)

A Methodist prophet foretells coming inclusion; when San Francisco weddings were coming up Rosie; Irelands gay P.M. Leo Varadkar calls it quits; Israeli co-moms win birth certificate recognition, Russia charges queer club workers with extremism, Alabama excludes inclusion and trans toilet rights, New South Wales bans conversion therapy, and Aussie Senator Wong weds while footballer Cavallo proposes.

Those stories and more this week when you discover This Way Out, the worlds audio oasis for LGBTQ+ news and culture.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Trump’s Worst Nightmare is About to Begin With His First Felony Trial   (00:58:00)

Do you recall either the Democratic or Republican Party operating like this? No, of course not. This is how authoritarians run parties and countries. The role of Republicans in trying to outlaw the abortion drug mifipristone. How big a factor is the GOP stance on abortion & IVF going to be this fall? Were about to find out.

CIVIC CIPHER: Israel’s Response in Gaza with Suzanne Aslam (00:59:00)

This episode is our second installment of a two-part series that will see sympathizers of Israel and Palestine giving us updates on the war taking place in Gaza. Today’s guest is Suzanne Aslam, former Miss Arab USA, actress, activist, and a friend of the show. She has spent time in Palestine working with a peacekeeping team and has a deep, personal understanding of the occupation in Palestine. In the first half of today’s episode, we discuss the feelings in Pro-Palestinian circles now that global support has shifted away from Israel in support of Palestine. We also discuss Suzanne’s responses to some of what was discussed on last week’s episode about the narrative in Pro-Israeli circles.

In the second half of today’s show, we discuss some of the developments since Suzanne’s last visit, including her thoughts on Joe Bidens SOTU address, the organization of the Arab-American community at the polls to show the Democratic establishment their dissatisfaction with Bidens support of Israel, and some of the now-debunked narratives that were initially associated with Palestine. Our Way Black History Fact is about a book called Black Power and Palestinea must-read for anyone wanting to know how deep the activism roots go between these two communities.

LITERATURE ALOUD: Walden Two (1948) by B.F. Skinner ch. 5-6 (00:22:53)

A utopian novel that outlines the philosophy and characteristics of an intentional community that has inspired many real-world, functioning intentional communities such as Virginia’s own Twin Oaks Community. The novel was controversial for promoting the common good over personal free will and the gradual molding of human behavior by groups of temporary “planners” for continual improvement. The goal is an evolving, supportive community that allows for a more relaxed work schedule and increased leisure time for personal and artistic pursuits.

Written and read by Behavioral Psychologist B.F. Skinner.


CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS: Lessons in Curiosity from CreativeMornings, with Regina Buono & Jessica Whalen (00:28:00)

Do you have things you do, with any regularity, that feed your curious soul? Things that you just know will energize and enliven your day, your week, your whole month? You should. They make a difference. Allow me to introduce you to CreativeMornings, a global network of monthly breakfast gatherings “for the creative community” — meaning: for you, me, and anyone else who is interested. Regina Buono and Jessica Whalen are the founding dynamic duo behind CreativeMornings/ Fayetteville. They join me for a delightful conversation about what curiosity needs to flourish, our respective superpowers, storytelling, listening well, and the curiosity insights they have gained along the way. “I don’t know that it has really changed my understanding of curiosity, other than it has definitely expanded what I believe and understand curiosity can accomplish.” ~ Regina Buono

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/27/24 (00:55:04)

On the Show: The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge across the Patapsco River in Baltimore has brought out endless conspiracy theorists ranging from Alex Jones and Andrew Tate to Maria Bartiromo and Jesse Watters. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. selects his 2024 Vice Presidential running mate, choosing Silicon Valley lawyer and investor Nicole Shanahan. NBC fires former RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel after blowback from NBC and MSNBC staff. Republican Congressman James Comer appears to admit in a recent fundraising email that the attempt to impeach President Joe Biden is effectively over. Failed former President Donald Trump is now pretending to be religious and selling Bibles. Donald Trump attacks Judge Juan Merchan’s daughter on Truth Social, leading to a new gag order issued by the judge. A confused Donald Trump posts a typo-riddle rant, misspelling everything in the most concerning social media post yet. MyPillow CEO and Founder Mike Lindell’s troubles continue with the news that he is getting evicted from a warehouse in Shakopee, Minnesota for unpaid rent. Voicemail caller asks what to do about his date dropping transphobic comments during their third date.

TUESDAY 03.26.24 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Tuesday March 26, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Do wind farms hurt home values? When they do, its usually temporary

ENCOURAGEMENTOLOGY: Purposeful Fusion: Aligning Passion with Impact (00:30:00)

On this show we are aligning our passion with impact to create a purposeful fusion. This idea may feel as impossible as seeing a unicorn or finding the fountain of youth. But remember, we are talking about your passion, not someone else’s or some predetermined and assigned passion. But I get it. Finding your purpose can be a real challenge. Society often pushes us toward more traditional paths, making it tough to explore what really lights us up inside. With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s hard to find a moment to really dig deep and figure out what were truly passionate about. And let’s not forget about the fear factor – the worry of failing or being judged can stop us from taking those leaps of faith into the unknown. Plus, our interests and who we are can change so much over time, adding to the complexity. Finally, not having clear role models or guidance in certain areas can leave us feeling a bit lost.

MAKING CONTACT: Reproductive Justice: The Ongoing Struggle for Bodily Autonomy (00:29:00)

Today we share excerpts from She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry, a documentary about the rise of activism around womens rights in the late 1960s, the intersections of race in this movement, and the coalescence of the movement around bodily autonomy. The stories resonate particularly in a moment where control of womens bodies has yet again become a debate.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Trump Gets Another Reprieve? (00:58:00)

How does this guy keep getting away with it all? When it comes time for the election will Trump be viewed more as a victim or as a criminal? – and will it get him elected? Also, will Putin use the theater attack to justify a major scaling up on his invasion of Ukraine? Plus- Thom reads from his own book ‘The Hidden History of Oligarchy’.

THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: Querencia: A Place We Call Home (00:53:00)

This time on The Children’s Hour we learn about the concept of querencia: the feeling of home in a place, and with our communities. Using poetry, imagery, history, music and sharing, we explore the elements of home with our special guest from the Center for Social Sustainable Systems, Alicia Chavez When you feel like you are home can you describe what that feeling embodies? We learn about this feeling, which is more than a feeling, really. In Spanish, the concept of querencia is much more than just home. Querencia is a sense of peace, belonging, purpose, resilience, and community.

LITERATURE ALOUD: Walden Two (1948) by B.F. Skinner ch. 3-4 (00:28:44)

A utopian novel that outlines the philosophy and characteristics of an intentional community that has inspired many real-world, functioning intentional communities such as Virginia’s own Twin Oaks Community. The novel was controversial for promoting the common good over personal free will and the gradual molding of human behavior by groups of temporary “planners” for continual improvement. The goal is an evolving, supportive community that allows for a more relaxed work schedule and increased leisure time for personal and artistic pursuits.

Written and read by Behavioral Psychologist B.F. Skinner.


BETWEEN THE LINES RADIO NEWSMAGAZINE for March 20, 2024 (00:29:00)

Biden’s Contradictory, Deadly Gaza Policies Prioritize Rhetoric Over Action; US, Other Nations Intervene Again in Haiti to Address Crisis They Helped Create; Elder Climate Activist Risks Freedom and Health in Mountain Valley Pipeline Protest.

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/26/24 (00:55:30)

On the Show: Bill Scher, Politics Editor for the Washington Monthly and co-host of the online show “The DMZ with Matt Lewis,” joins David to discuss Trump vs Biden polling, the future of this presidential race, and much more. Fox News hosts are stunned that other networks have journalists with standards when discussing the blowback to NBC’s hiring of Ronna McDaniel. An appeals court saves Donald Trump, reducing his bond more than 60% and gives him 10 more days to come up with the money. Trump reposts to Truth Social a message likening him to Jesus during his court appearance. Failed former President Donald Trump snaps at a reporter during an unhinged post-court press conference. The Biden-Harris campaign releases a hilarious statement about Donald Trump’s nutty press conference. Karoline Leavitt, Donald Trump’s current campaign press secretary, says the campaign will deploy “soldiers” and “troops” to polling places on election day. Donald Trump’s first felony trial is scheduled for April 15, just weeks away. Voicemail caller is still furious that David supposedly “blocked him on Instagram.”

MONDAY 03.25.24 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Monday March 25, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Snowmobiles don’t have to be noisy and polluting


The world is teetering on the edge of disaster. The Great Depression ” the Cold War ” 9-11 ” Katrina ” the 2008 Economic Meltdown ” Covid…Doesn’t it make sense to build yourself a bunker, stock it with beans and ammunition, and wait out the Zombie Apocalypse? Is that what it means to be a prepper. Or is it just a common sense approach to have the skills and supplies on hand to deal with whatever emergency may come your way?

Join Annie and Jay Warmke of Blue Rock Station as they discuss the realities of living a sustainable life.

ECONOMIC UPDATE: Patriarchy And Capitalism (00:29:00)

On this weeks Economic Update, Professor Richard Wolff discusses the UAW unions latest moves; their organizing drives at auto plants, their efforts to form unions among employed and free-lance journalists. In addition, we will highlight New York Governor Kathy Hochuls decision to deploy national guard troops in New York City subways and what that means for everyday residents. Finally, an interview with psychotherapist Tess Fraad-Wolff on the interactions between patriarchy and capitalism, today.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Medgar and Myrlie, the Love Story That Awakened America  (00:58:00)

Thom Hartmann speaks with journalist and host of MSNBC’s The Reidout, Joy Ann Reid about her astonishing new book on American civil rights activist Medgar Evers and his wife and life partner Myrlie. Plus did Judge Cannon commit gray mail? Is Cannon all in on Trump’s plan to wriggle out of prosecution in FL? Is Trump’s real business pretending to be a billionaire and scamming people out of money in an election? Is his house of cards about to fall?

SPIRIT IN ACTION: Home From Gaza…for the Moment – Human Peace Work (00:55:00)

Gisele Bolton is an inspiration of where a passionate heart for healing the world can lead you. From her home in the Chippewa Valley of Wisconsin, Gisele earned degrees in International Politics and Human Rights and in Global Studies, Human Rights and Justice in the Middle East and Africa. She added languages, including Arabic, to her toolkit, and she volunteered and interned in diverse countries like Lebanon, Kenya, and Honduras. Gisele worked with the Nonviolent Peaceforce, both domestically and abroad, and has worked with organizations like the French NGO ACTED, helping refugees, displaced persons, and many other folks in places like Syria, Bangladesh, Sudan, and, most recently, in Gaza, Palestine, in the midst of the war there.

LITERATURE ALOUD: Walden Two (1948) by B.F. Skinner ch. 1-2 (00:30:58)

A utopian novel that outlines the philosophy and characteristics of an intentional community that has inspired many real-world, functioning intentional communities such as Virginia’s own Twin Oaks Community. The novel was controversial for promoting the common good over personal free will and the gradual molding of human behavior by groups of temporary “planners” for continual improvement. The goal is an evolving, supportive community that allows for a more relaxed work schedule and increased leisure time for personal and artistic pursuits.

Written and read by Behavioral Psychologist B.F. Skinner.


GRASSROOTS: Forever Chemicals with Dr. David Bond (00:28:43)

This week on Grassroots Patti and Doug talk with Dr. David Bond about forever chemicals, how (and why) they were created, what the manufacturers knew about their toxicity, and what consumers should know about avoiding them whenever possible.

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/25/24 (00:52:54)

On the Show: Violent crime rates continue to fall, but the right wing media and elected officials continue to claim that crime is up. Republican Congressman Mike Gallagher announces his resignation, which will leave the Republican majority in the House at just one vote. NBC and MSNBC hosts, including Chuck Todd, Mika Brzezinski, and Joe Scarborough revolt against the recent hiring of former RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. Failed former President Donald Trump implies right wing interviewer Sebastian Gorka is a liar over Gorka’s claim that Trump has selected his Vice Presidential running mate for 2024. Donald Trump needs to come up with $450 million today to avoid asset seizures. Failed former President Donald Trump continues to spiral as the asset seizure deadline looms. Eric Trump admits that financial institutions are laughing at Trump’s requests for financing Trump’s $450 million bond. Yet another Republican Trump voter, this time Nathan from Ohio, is now voting for Joe Biden. President Joe Biden brutally trolls Donald Trump’s bragging about his golf trophies. Voicemail caller from a Trump supporter warns David that he will wish he had seen the light (???).

SUNDAY 03.24.24 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

RADIO 2050 #20: Preserving Paradise  (01:00:53)

Sian Williams, from Gili Eco Trust, discusses the importance of coral reefs and the work being done to protect and restore them. She explains the Biorock project, which uses electricity underwater to rebuild reefs, and the various initiatives of Gili Eco Trust, including marine conservation, horse welfare, cat rescue, and ecotourism. Sian emphasizes the significance of coral reefs as habitats for marine life and the need for responsible tourism. She also shares her daily activities and encourages individuals to take action in their own communities to support sustainability and conservation efforts. The conversation with Sian from Gili Eco Trust covers the importance of community, creating a foundation for sustainable practices, and a specific call to action for the organization.

EARTH RIOT RADIO # 109: Goddamnit Be Kind! the Sequel… (00:29:00)

We find kindness in the strangest places. Kindness is confusing to the fearful; mistaken for crime by politicians. Kindness has power, after all, that cannot be controlled. Kindness is not a static quality; it is always in motion as people touch and fly apart. Mutual kindness can blossom into radical sharing. Strangers living in a sudden conscious agreement… Kindness is something each of us will invent with a newcomer. Trust rises in our heart.

BOOM GODDESS RADIO: BGR511 | Author Susan Smith

This week our guest is Susan Smith, author of the book “My Heart Attack Saved My Life?…But for What?”

Boom Goddess Radio, hosted by Jennifer Davis-Paige, features women who are inspirational in their life journey, their experiences, and their successes and failures. Listening to their stories may motivate you to call your girlfriends and organize a virtual Boom Goddess Radio listening party. Wherever you listen and whoever you listen with, we promise to inspire, unite and entertain.

Best of ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN March 23, 2024 (00:59:30)

Segment One

We begin the show with California Congressman, Ro Khanna. We discuss the Biden and Netanyahu conversations, and what pressures Biden should bring to bear on Netanyahu. Biden has been extremely successful domestically, although anxiety still plagues voters, despite the improvements.

Segment Two

We then catch up with Lynn Parramore about Big Pharma’s ongoing drug cost scams and rapacity. Pharmaceutical companies often claim that drug costs are high because of the cost of research. This isnt true, what the companies are doing is price gouging. Most of the profits are distributed as shareholder dividends, executive compensation, and for excess marketing. We have serious discussion of the consequences of high prices in US, and lower, controlled prices in the rest of the world for the exact same drugs.

BACKGROUND BRIEFING with IAN MASTERS March 21, 2024 (00:59:00)

Can the Public Own Giant Tech Companies Who Operate as Monopolies? | In a Major Shift, the US Drafts a UN Resolution For an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza and a Hostage Deal | The Ethical Obligation to Warn the Public About Trump’s Dementia.

MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR:   Part 1 – The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science & Traditional Wisdom to Find Our Place in the World w Jeremy Lent (00:59:00)

Jeremy Lent has been described as one the greatest thinkers of our age. Hes the founder of the nonprofit Liology Institute, dedicated to fostering an integrated worldview that could enable humanity to thrive sustainably on the Earth and he’s the author The Patterning Instinct: A Cultural History of Humanity’s Search for Meaning, and his new book is The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science and Traditional Wisdom to Find Our Place in the Universe. 


Two of Nick’s favorite interviews of all time. A QAnon defector explaining to all of us what are in store for in the future with this cult. And also the future of car tech! Will we have driverless cars soon? Find out here!


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 3/22/2024: Kelly Sampson of the Brady Center on the future of the NRA) (00:58:00)

Encore: original airdate 3-13-2024. On today’s ‘BradCast’: The most powerful pro-gun lobbying group in the nation has finally been held to account for years of massive fraud. So what comes next for the NRA, the firearms industry’s ironclad death grip on the Republican Party, and the continuing battle to enact popular gun safety reforms in the U.S.? KELLY SAMPSON of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence discusses the National Rifle Association’s evolution into a powerful firearms industry lobbyist group; the court verdict finding the NRA engaged in fraud and other illegal actions; groups now filling the void to oppose all gun safety reform; and ongoing efforts to stem the nation’s epidemic of gun violence. Also today: both President Biden and disgraced ex-President Donald Trump have clinched their respective party’s nominations. Georgia judge dismisses six counts against Trump and co-conspirators in the sprawling Fulton County RICO investigation into Trump’s efforts to steal the 2020 election.

KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: Is There Journalism That Doesn’t Love a War? (00:59:11)

Its gotta be eye catching. Journalism works by way of fear and anxiety. How it gets presented affects how we understand the news. On this show Tufts University lecturer and author Nan Levinson and your host discuss questions about the nature of reporting and perhaps unintentionally advocating for war. How about not just war reporters, but a peace desk to cover actions in that now-quiet but active realm? What would that look like? Tune in.

AGING MATTERS: Solo Aging with Sara Zeff Geber PhD (00:58:00)

Solo aging may mean aging alone without a spouse, adult children, or other close relatives, or it can refer to someone who is widowed, divorced, or estranged. If circumstances forecast the possibility of solo aging, planning is easier and less stressful if done before a crisis. Sara Zeff Geber, PhD, Author, Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers, and Founder, LifeEncore, , talks about issues, challenges, and circumstances facing solo agers, and options to consider to ensure well-being and quality of a later life.

GROWING GREENER: Thomas Rainer: A Case for Thoughtful Optimism (00:29:00)

In 2015 landscape architect Thomas Rainer and his professional partner Claudia West stirred the gardening world with their best-selling book, Planting in a Post-Wild World. Now Rainer shares his arguments for thoughtful optimism regarding gardening and its potential impact on our ecological challenges.

TUC RADIO: The Assassination of Julius Caesar by Michael Parenti – Archive (00:29:00)

Who was Julius Caesar, a dictator or a populist? And who really was Brutus, who murdered him on the Ides of March? A young hero or a participant in a deep seated conspiracy? This intriguing lecture by the noted author, speaker, activist and scholar Michael Parenti provides surprising new insights and parallels to today that are both shocking and amusing. This rebroadcast is part of the very popular and ever expanding series on what Parenti called Real History, a different and intriguing reading of a surprisingly large number all too familiar stories. Parenti spoke about his Pulitzer Price nominated book: The Assassination of Julius Caesar, a people’s history of ancient Rome. He was recorded by Brian Barry in the summer of 2003 in San Francisco at Modern Times Books.

THE BOPST SHOW: A Different Bob (00:55:04)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s show, you’ll hear the 21st century reggae of Tiken Jax Fakoly, the tribal, hip-hop drum beats of Grampall Jookabox and Canadian country sensation Lindi Ortega as well as tunes by Dedeh Winingsih with the Sampurna Group, The Colorblind James Experience, and many others locked out of the nation’s largest terrestrial bandwidths.

RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR #524 (00:58:00)

Legendary public school reform advocate, Jonathan Kozol, joins us to discuss his latest book An End To Inequality: Breaking Down the Walls of Apartheid Education in America. Then, we do a deep dive into the scourge that is kratom, the dangerous so-called pain relief supplement our guest, lawyer Matt Wetherington, calls gas station heroin.

FRIDAY 03.22.24 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
March 22, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: How a snowmobile tour company is getting ready for a future with less snow  

THIS IS SCIENCE: What We Need to Make Democracy Work (00:29:00)

Longtime Washington journalist Jesse J. Holland talks with Jess about changes in journalism and communicating science in the age of social media and alternative facts, and what we can expect as the 2024 US election cycle swings into gear. This is the second episode in UCS ongoing 2024 election cycle coverage.

COUNTERSPIN: Evlondo Cooper/climate crisis coverage, Rick Goldsmith/Stripped for Parts (00:28:00)

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Checking in with Congress (00:58:00)

Mark Pocan dives into listener questions – should the largest refinery in the US be owned by the Saudis?.. What to do about corrupt federal judges?.. Can the drive to privatize Medicare be stopped?..Plus- Thom reads from “Unsettled: How the Purdue Pharma Bankruptcy Failed the Victims of the American Overdose Crisis” by Ryan Hampton.

SEA CHANGE RADIO: Nicole Voudren: Charged Up For EVs (00:29:00)

According to Reuters, electric vehicle sales leapt 50% in the US in 2023, and are expected to grow by another 30% in 2024. But driving around your city or town, you’ll probably still see a lot more gas stations than electric charging stations. This week on Sea Change Radio, we learn the ins and outs of electric vehicle infrastructure from Nicole Voudren, an engineer, educator and consultant in the EV charging space. We look at how private industry, public utilities, and governmental agencies are all converging in this new vital area of the economy to help Americans transition away from internal combustion engine vehicles and get electrified. Voudren talks about the Tesla supercharging network, free, ad-based charging initiatives like Volta, and other ways that technologies are improving to help allay the range anxiety that many EV owners experience.

LAURA FLANDERS SHOW: Climate Catastrophe, Lessons From the Frontlines: Colette Pichon Battle, Taproot Earth (00:28:00)

In our continuing coverage of the ongoing climate catastrophe, we often ask what we can learn from the experiences of people living on its frontlines. From New Orleans to New York and Seattle to Maine ” and from suffocating wildfires to deadly heat waves, drenching rain, hurricanes, floods and saltwater intruding into drinking water “many Americans have experienced the devastating impacts of the climate crisis. Now they have begun asking: How much more can we take? Colette Pichon Battle, an award-winning lawyer and climate justice organizer whose work focuses on creating spaces for frontline communities to gather and advance climate strategies that help to steward the water, energy, and land, has some answers.

THE BOPST SHOW: No Fear (00:55:12)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s show, you’ll hear the Palestinian hip hop of Dam, the English dub stylings of Ranking Joe and 20th century xylophonist Michael Eingorn as well as the intoxicating sounds by the Soul Sisters, the Beautiful New Born Children and many others outside of bovine American consciousness.

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/22/24 (00:57:09)

On the Show: Fox News anchor John Roberts admits the truth about the Biden impeachment inquiry, which is that no matter what they do or don’t find, it won’t end before the election. Michele Morrow, the Republican nominee for North Carolina public school superintendent, runs away when asked by CNN reported about her posts saying Presidents Obama and Biden should be executed. Stormy Daniels says in a new documentary that she worried Donald Trump would have her killed if she did not sign the NDA associated with the hush money payment she received. Caller predicts the end of the United States. Caller wants help dealing with Trump-supporting family members. Caller argues that Biden not being in charge is a dumb talking point. Caller reflects on how we ended up with Donald Trump. Caller discusses the Electoral College. Caller is a bartender who has to deal with Trump supporting clients. The Friday Feedback segment.

THURSDAY 03.21.24 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon

(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
March 21, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Which actions benefit the climate the most? This tool can show you

RADIO ECOSHOCK: Whiplash & Greenlash (00:58:00)

When big systems flip into another state, that is trouble for species needing normal. Like us. We get the latest on global tipping points in 2023 from one of the worlds experts, Professor Tim Lenton from Exeter University. Then we explore earth energy imbalance at the poles with Hamish Prince and greenlash – backward steps in the European Union.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Is Chaos the GOP Election Plan? (00:58:00)

If enough crazy election deniers get put in place on the precinct or county level to refuse to certify the vote will the presidential decision instead be made by the US Congress…. again? Plus -Bernie Sanders Says US Must ‘Fundamentally Rethink’ Its Foreign Policy.

YES! Presents: Rising Up With Sonali – 2024-03-19 (00:58:31)

This week, well mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day with Shane Burley, who has written a new story for YES! Magazine about the weaponization of Jewish suffering to justify a genocide in Gaza. Then, David Swanson will join me to discuss an on-going public awareness campaign that his organization World BEYOND War is engaged in to point out just how obscenely large U.S. military funding is. Finally, Matthew Kincaid, author of the new book Freedom Teaching will examine the rightwing playbook to undo social and racial justice progress in education via attacks on DEI initiatives.

LITERATURE ALOUD: Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman ch. 12 “Expelled” (00:27:35)

Herland is a utopian novel written in1915 by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman author of the famous and influential short story “The Yellow Wallpaper.” It describes the adventures and education of three men who land in an isolated and get schooled by a society comprised entirely of women who reproduce via asexual reproduction. Their matrifocal emphasis leads to an ideal social order, free of war, conflict and domination. It first appeared as a serial in Perkin’s monthly magazine Forerunner.

WINGS #49-23 Suppressed Histories Archives (00:28:54)

WINGS contributor in Amsterdam Mindy Ran interviewed Max Dashu via zoom in March 2024, for Women’s History Month. Dashu explains how and why she started the Suppressed Histories Archive and explains some of the obstacles and complications in appropriately finding and interrogating the biases of various kind of sources. She notes how the technical demands and opportunities have arisen for the project over its 54 years, and her hopes for making the entire collection searchable and accessible.

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/21/24 (00:56:24)

On the Show: Austin Frerick, antitrust and agriculture experts at Yale University and author of the book “Barons: Money, Power, and the Corruption of America’s Food,” joins David to discuss monopoly power in the food industry, the truth about food regulation, and much more. Get the book:

Tony Bobulinski, the supposed bombshell “Biden crimes” witness, collapses under basic questioning from Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Lev Parnas, a former Trump ally who did his dirty work in Ukraine, testifies before Congress than Ron Johnson was their point person in the Senate. Republicans have finally found the proof that President Joe Biden has a bank account, and sometimes deposits checks. Yet another psychiatrist, Dr. Lance Dodes, says that the evidence of Donald Trump’s dementia is “overwhelming.”

Alina Habba, Donald Trump’s on-again-off-again lawyer, won’t deny on Fox News that Trump might ask Saudi Arabia or Russia for money for his bond. Failed former President Donald Trump received a lower share of the Republican primary vote in Florida in 2024 than 2020, a number that could spell trouble for Trump in November. Many prominent Nikki Haley donors are switching to President Joe Biden rather than Donald Trump. Voicemail caller asks about reading physical books versus digital and e-books. The newest children’s book by David is out, Think Like a Voter. Get the book at


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
March 20, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Sheep are living their best life at Susquehanna University

PATIENTS COME FIRST: Perinatal Bereavement (00:13:02)

This episode of VHHA’s Patients Come First podcast features an interview with Deborah Floyd, a nurse and Perinatal Bereavement Coordinator with Sentara Health. The conversation covers her career, how her current work is informed and inspired by personal experience with loss, wellness for health care professionals, and more Send questions, comments, feedback, or guest suggestions to or contact us on X (Twitter) or Instagram using the #PatientsComeFirst hashtag.

ALAN WATTS: Stop Feeling Lost by Doing This (00:15:17)

If there is one simple question that bothers us all as human beings, it is: Why are we living? It is a burden on our shoulders, and we cannot think about it without going depressed or becoming sad, because simply we can’t answer it. We got blocked. In this lecture, Alan Watts talks about the game of life, how the answer of that question is: To play. To simply not take it seriously, to stay within the flow of life without having to be very strict and rigid about it. We have to take it as if it was a game. Because if we take it seriously, we will be forced to think scientifically, to predict the future, and be aware that any false move, would lead us to a fatal death, which is not the case.

THIS WAY OUT #1877: Talarico Testifies, Nigerian Allies & Untroubled Irish & global LGBTQ news!  (00:28:59)

Pro-queer Christian soldiers battle religious nationalists; ten years of Nigerian crackdowns on LGBTQ people; New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parades are troubled no more; England’s N.H.S. cuts off trans kids puberty blockers, Uganda activists lose their recognition appeal, Tokyo and Sapporo courts rule for marriage equality, drivers can only be male or female in Kansas and Arkansas, and Floridians can now say some gay.

Those stories and more this week when you choose This Way Out, the worlds audio oasis for LGBTQ+ news and culture.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Is Paul Manafort Returning Because Trump Needs Foreign Money?   (00:58:00)

As Rachel Maddow wonders ‘why today of all days is the day we learn’ about Paul Manafort. What chaos is being planned for the 2024 election? Guest Interview: Dr. Bandy Lee, Medical doctor, Forensic psychiatrist & violence expert, President of the World Mental Health Coalition. Topic: Donald Trump Foments a Bloodbath. How far will we let this go? It is up to us.

CIVIC CIPHER: Israel’s Response in Gaza with Ami Horowitz  (00:59:00)

This episode is our first installment of a two-part series that will see sympathizers of Israel and Palestine giving us updates on the war taking place in Gaza. Today’s guest is fellow journalist Ami Horowitz a Jewish, conservative-leaning reporter, and a friend of the show. He has gone underground with Hamas to research and report on the ongoing conflict in the region. In the first half of today’s episode, we discuss the feelings in Pro-Israeli circles now that global support has shifted away from Israel in support of Palestine. We also discuss some other developments since Amis last visit to our program. In the second half of today’s show, we discuss some of the speculation, misinformation, and disinformation associated with the IDF and Israel’s response to the attacks on October 7th. Next week’s episode will ensure that Pro-Palestine sympathizers will be able to address these same topics, so be sure to tune in! Our Way Black History Fact covers the 21 Black boys that burned to death after being locked in a segregated and neglected Arkansas reform school on March 5, 1959.

LITERATURE ALOUD: Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman ch. 11 “Our Difficuties” (00:29:29)

Herland is a utopian novel written in1915 by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman author of the famous and influential short story “The Yellow Wallpaper.” It describes the adventures and education of three men who land in an isolated and get schooled by a society comprised entirely of women who reproduce via asexual reproduction. Their matrifocal emphasis leads to an ideal social order, free of war, conflict and domination. It first appeared as a serial in Perkin’s monthly magazine Forerunner.

CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS: Superpower: Curiosity & Athletic Performance, with Addie Bracy   (00:28:00)

Addie Bracy is a professional ultra trail runner, coach, and sport psychology consultant. She helps athletes of all ages and abilities prepare for the mental demands of competing. She says curiosity is key. Think of performance — authentic or otherwise — as a hypothesis; see what works, what doesn’t, and learn from that. “Self-awareness” she says, “is a by-product of curiosity.” Her favorite curiosity lure? Having a goal to motivate you to action.

“I’ve been in this sport for 27 years. I’ve raced probably 350 races. And I think without that curiosity of changing things, or adapting, or new challenges, I wouldn’t still be in it.” ~ Addie Bracy

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/20/24 (00:55:01)

On the Show: Former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley receives more than 150,000 in the Florida Republican primary, which signals a problem for Donald Trump. Bernie Moreno, an extremist Trump-endorsed Republican, wins the Ohio Senate primary. Failed former President Donald Trump gives a strange series of answers to questions outside his Florida polling place. Elon Musk’s biggest mistake in the Don Lemon interview is discussed. A desperate Donald Trump melts down over his continued inability to secure a bond, complaining that he may have to “fire sale” his properties to meet the cash requirement. Donald Trump’s properties could start being seized as early as Monday, per a new report. Former Trump White House aide Sarah Matthews explains why she is embarrassed to have ever supported Donald Trump, and discusses what ultimately changed her mind. Peter Navarro, former economic advisor to Donald Trump, reports to prison and gives a wild speech. Peter Navarro, former economic advisor to Donald Trump, gives a speech so insane while arriving at prison that even Fox News cuts away. Voicemail caller asks David what it says about Joe Biden that despite all of Trump’s problems, the polls are basically tied.

TUESDAY 03.19.24 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
March 19, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Archaeological sites in North Carolina under threat from sea level rise and storms

ENCOURAGEMENTOLOGY: Blue Zone Living: Thriving, Not Just Surviving (00:30:00)

On this showwe are exploring the phenomenon that is the Blue Zone as we embark on a life thats thriving and not just surviving. Have you heard about the Blue Zone? Blue Zones are regions around the world where people live much longer than average, often reaching age 100 or older. These areas have been studied for their common lifestyle and environmental factors that contribute to longevity and overall well-being. Who doesnt want to live longer IF you could feel good, achieve happiness, and be content? Thats the key, long life could be a burden if you are sick, lonely, and unfulfilled. So no matter where you are in your journey, you can pivot your thinking and embrace some new ideas to improve your quality of life and your longevity.

MAKING CONTACT: The Ethical Dilemma of Geoengineering & Global Warming (00:29:00)

In an era where climate change is top of mind for all and our futures hang in the balance, scientists think they’ve found a solution: geoengineering. We take a deep dive into whether this answer to global warming actually fulfills its promises – or does more harm than good.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: The Sneaky Snakey World of Donald Trump’s America (00:58:00)

What Americans are Missing About the TikTok Crisis. Is America getting acclimated and inured to his calls for violence? How Boeing succeeded in not having oversight from the FAA? Two executive orders from the Trump administration in 2017 and 2019 ended the requirement for FAA oversight on safety.

THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: Kiwi Land – New Zealand (00:53:00)

This week on The Childrens Hour well explore New Zealand through stories and songs, and in conversation with our friends, Kiwi musicians Lucy Hiku from Itty Bitty Beats, and Claudia Robin Gunn. One lives on the north island, and the other on the South Island! Well learn about New Zealands unique geography, climate, landscape, wildlife, and culture. Expect to hear all New Zealander music, in both English and Maori. Celebrate the unique culture, landscape, flora and fauna of New Zealand with us. From kiwi birds to Kkp, theres a lot to learn.

You can learn a lot more about New Zealand in our Learn-Along Guide. This guide meets and cites US National Education Standards, and will expand on what we explored today on the show.

LITERATURE ALOUD: Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman ch. 10 “Their Religions and Our Marriages” (00:25:25)

Herland is a utopian novel written in1915 by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman author of the famous and influential short story “The Yellow Wallpaper.” It describes the adventures and education of three men who land in an isolated and get schooled by a society comprised entirely of women who reproduce via asexual reproduction. Their matrifocal emphasis leads to an ideal social order, free of war, conflict and domination. It first appeared as a serial in Perkin’s monthly magazine Forerunner.

BETWEEN THE LINES RADIO NEWSMAGAZINE for March 13, 2024 (00:29:00)

Humanitarian Crisis & Starvation Used as a Weapon of War in Gaza Demands Immediate Ceasefire; Beyond the Devastation in Gaza, Repression & Violence Impact Palestinians in the Occupied West Bank; Corporate Media Coverage of Election 2024 is Riven by Journalistic Malpractice.

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/19/24 (01:02:33)

On the Show: Ken Block, Owner of Simpatico Software Systems and author of the book “Disproven: My Unbiased Search for Voter Fraud for the Trump Campaign, the Data That Shows Why He Lost, and How We Can Improve Our Elections,” joins David to discuss his work attempting to find the non-existent voter fraud in 2020. Get the book:  President Joe Biden is suddenly leading Donald Trump in multiple new polls and we discuss what is causing this. Peter Navarro, Donald Trump’s former economic advisor, is finally going to prison. In a bizarre new segment, Fox News hosts pray on air, and the prayer segment is sponsored. Trump supporters are interviewed at Trump’s latest rally in Dayton, Ohio, and it is truly scary stuff. Failed former President Donald Trump explodes in a wild antisemitic tirade, including threatening Jews. Donald Trump is unable to make the bond payment in his New York civil fraud case, suggesting his properties may soon be seized. Is Donald Trump about to go bankrupt? Failed former President Donald Trump admits that he doesn’t have the money to secure a bond in his New York civil fraud trial. Absolutely unhinged caller loses it, accusing David of many things, including being white, and not being Latino.

MONDAY 03.18.24 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Monday March 18, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Volcanoes emit carbon dioxide, but not nearly as much as humans

WHEN THE BIOMASS HITS THE WIND TURBINE # 146 ” the Environmental Impact of Lawns (00:29:25)

Ah, the suburban dream. A lush, freshly cut lawn stretching as far as the eye can see. But as far as the planet is concerned, that lawn is an ecological disaster, a toxic polluting wasteland devoid of biodiversity. Join Annie and Jay Warmke of Blue Rock Station for a discussion of the resources consumed and the environmental problems unleashed when we pursue the perfect lawn. And what are some alternatives that are a bit gentler on Mother Earth?

ECONOMIC UPDATE: Debris From A Declining Empire (00:29:00)

This week’s episode of Economic Update hosted by Professor Richard Wolff, we discuss United Kingdom politician George Galloway’s by-election victory, and the raised minimum wage in the UK. We will comment on Elon Musk’s lawsuit against the NLRB, as Trader Joe’s, Starbucks, and Amazon also join to ask the right-wing Supreme Court to gut regulation of business. We then look at US protectionism as the Biden administration raises tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, in an attempt to keep Chinese EV’s from US markets. Then in labor news, we discuss Starbucks negotiations with unions and how Michigan’s legislature killed its “right-to-work” law after 58 years.

Finally, we have an Interview with Richard RJ Eskow on the current decline of the US Empire. Richard RJ Eskow is a journalist and host of The Zero Hour. a syndicated radio and television program. A lead writer, speechwriter, and editor for Bernie Sanders 2016 campaign, he was also a featured columnist at The Huffington Post. He worked for years in the corporate world, with governments and with multinational organizations at the World Bank, specializing in healthcare financing, policy, and information technology.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Strengthening Ecosystems of Social Change (00:58:00)

Guest Interview: Julia Roig – Founder of The Horizons Project which strives to facilitate connections between the social justice, peace building & democracy fields. Plus news with Jeff’s dad and shout outs!

SPIRIT IN ACTION: Art-powered Activism, Then and Now (00:55:00)

Ken Grossinger has written a compelling new book about the synergy and power possible between art and organizing. His book is Art Works: How Organizers and Artists Are Creating a Better World Together and it brings together many social change efforts of the recent decades and the various forms of art that empowered dramatic movement toward change. From the Civil Rights movement to Black Lives Matter to environmental efforts to a wealth of other actions, looking at a wide spectrum of forms of art, not just music and painting, Ken’s book is amazingly deep and wide in its purview. Ken’s 35 years of organizing and his eagle eyes give him a valuable vantage point to analyze that made and missed opportunities for artists and organizers to harness their mutual strengths.

LITERATURE ALOUD: Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman ch. 9 “Our Relations and Theirs” (00:31:15)

Herland is a utopian novel written in1915 by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman author of the famous and influential short story “The Yellow Wallpaper.” It describes the adventures and education of three men who land in an isolated and get schooled by a society comprised entirely of women who reproduce via asexual reproduction. Their matrifocal emphasis leads to an ideal social order, free of war, conflict and domination. It first appeared as a serial in Perkin’s monthly magazine Forerunner.

GRASSROOTS: Forever Chemicals with Dr. David Bond (00:28:43)

This week on Grassroots Patti and Doug talk with Dr. David Bond about forever chemicals, how (and why) they were created, what the manufacturers knew about their toxicity, and what consumers should know about avoiding them whenever possible.

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/18/24 (00:56:24)

On the Show: Don Lemon joins David to discuss his recent interview with Elon Musk, after which Musk terminated Lemon’s contract to host a show on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. Republican Congressman James Comer struggles with the difference between evidence and proof in yet another Fox News interview about Joe Biden’s supposed “crimes.” The list of prominent and well-known Republican figures who are not voting for Donald Trump in 2024 is getting quite long. Failed former President Donald Trump suffers a scary brain glitch at his latest rally in Dayton, Ohio, wrongly claiming that Joe Biden ran against and defeated Barack Obama. Donald Trump threatens a “bloodbath” at his rally in Dayton, Ohio, and botches a number of other words. At Donald Trump’s latest rally in Dayton, Ohio, they stand and sing an alternative treasonous National Anthem in honor of the January 6 rioters, whom they call “hostages.” A former Trump voter, Mike from Pennsylvania, explains why he will not be voting for Trump in 2024. In a Fox News interview, failed former President Donald Trump defends his call to terminate parts of the Constitution, and then repeats a number of known and long-debunked lies.

SUNDAY 03.17.24 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

RADIO 2050 #19: Magic & Poetry  (00:58:11)

Poet Jacqueline Suskin delves into her career journey and the revelation of poetry’s potency. She stresses heeding creative instincts and embracing life’s current. Discussing creativity’s magical essence, she unveils ways to nurture it in daily routines and offers burnout coping advice. Highlighting poetry’s relevance today, she shares a poignant poem, urging attention to Earth’s guidance. Jacqueline previews upcoming projects and even shares a beloved song.

EARTH RIOT RADIO # 108. God Damn It, You’ve got to be Kind! (00:29:00)

In our current time in history, with the chaos of civil societies, the emergence of strong man governments and toxic capitalism and the resulting accelerating climate violence, we notice in our work at the Earthchxrch that there is a searching return by many humans to the most basic, hopeful, qualities: Love, kindness, and gratitude.

TURN ON THE NEWS: Day One Dictator (00:27:50)

“Turn On The News” is the weekly newscast from the fictional Radio Network, with parody radio coverage of the radio and its headlines. Now with computerized news readers, and fewer meddling reporters, plus aggregated reporting, and automated music. Tune in “Turn On The News” each week for the latest news, radio art, and more from our robot reporters, making sure you hear both sides — good and evil — every time you “Turn On The News.” This week: “Day One Dictator.” This week the ex-president says his dictatorship begins on the first day.

Best of ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN March 16, 2024 (00:59:30)

Segment One

We begin the show with Elliot Haspel, a child and family expert. We discuss child care availability, cost, and quality. We also take a look at the Canadian policy of subsidized child care, and its success so far. Goal is $10/day. This is separate from the Child Benefit already in place in Canada.

Segment Two

We then catch up with author, Andra Watkins. We talk about the Project 2025 and its truly terrifying goals of gutting the form and function of the Federal Government and what those loses will mean for all Americans. This plan would impose biblical rule in the US, dismantle the administrative arm of the government, negate courts and cause other changes. The goal of which, is to impose a christian version or sharia law.

BACKGROUND BRIEFING with IAN MASTERS March 14, 2024 (00:59:00)

Johnson Won’t Hold a Vote to Impeach Biden as Evidence Emerges the Source Who Fed House Republicans Russian Disinformation Was Paid $600,000 by Friends of Trump | More Problems For An Already Troubled Boeing Whose Disastrous CEO is Still on the Job | Senator Schumer’s Public Break With Netanyahu

MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR: Facilitating & Making Psychedelic Medicine Available for Marginalized Communities with Rebecca Martinez (00:59:00)

Rebecca Martinez is a Xicana writer & community organizer whose work explores the intersections between collective healing, systems design and expanded states of consciousness. She’s a student of transformative justice, emergent strategy, and somatic abolitionism. She’s the founder and executive director of Alma Institute, a nonprofit educational institution that equips students from marginalized communities to become legal psychedelic facilitators. She worked on the Measure 109 campaign that produced the Psilocybin Services Act, the first ever state program to provide community-based, legal access to psilocybin services. She served as an advisor to the National Psychedelics Association, the American Psychedelic Practitioners Association, and the Plant Medicine Healing Alliance, and is a prominent voice on psychedelic justice. And she’s the author of a new book we discuss in this interview, Whole Medicine: A Guide To Ethics and Harm Reduction for Psychedelic Therapy and Plant Medicine Communities.

In this interview we talk about all aspects around facilitating psychedelic medicine journeys, from the tremendous benefits and risks involved, to consent and creating safety & reducing the chance of harm, and training facilitators from marginalized communities to serve those who may not usually be able to access psychedelic medicine services. 

DEEP DIVE CYBERSECURITY SHOW: What Happens When A Data Broker Goes Bankrupt? (00:58:51)

Data Brokers have a TON of data on all us from the social media platforms we use, the apps we play with, and even from our phones directly. But what happens when they go bankrupt? Foreign companies can possibly buy all of our sensitive data! We explore this and also catch up on the latest news and breaches!


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 3/15/2024 Encore: Legal expert Ron Fein of Free Speech for People on SCOTUS gutting the ‘Insurrection Clause’ (00:58:00)

Encore: original airdate 3-7-2024. On today’s ‘BradCast’: We are joined today by constitutional law expert RON FEIN, Legal Director of non-profit group Free Speech For People, which brought the issue of the Constitution’s ‘Insurrection Disqualification Clause’ to the nation’s attention, before the corrupted, activist U.S. Supreme Court ‘invented’ a way to nullify it to protect disgraced former President Donald Trump earlier this week. Fein explains the legal history and context of the 14th Amendment and its Section 3 ‘insurrection disqualification’ clause; how the U.S. Supreme Court ignored its plain text to avoid applying it to Trump; what it all means going forward, and much more. Also today: Sweden formally joined NATO to protect against Russia’s aggression. President Biden announced the US military will construct a temporary port to deliver aid to Gaza. Third-party group ‘No Labels’ moves ahead with a bipartisan ‘unity’ ticket. Utility company Xcel Energy admits their equipment sparked the record Texas wildfire. Desi Doyen has our latest ‘Green News Report.’

KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: The Truth Behind the Myth of the American Revolution (00:59:01)

Its the bedrock of who we are today. But to believe there was agreement among the Founding Fathers, that they aimed to to replace plutocracy with democracy is just wrong. In this lively interview, historian Woody Holton reveals fascinating little-known facts from his new book Liberty is Sweet. Some of our Great Men vehemently opposed democracy which threatened to undermine their power. Holton says toxic masculinity almost lost the war. And he talks about the amazing founding mothers, from Abigail Adams to the heroic laundresses. It all goes on today.

AGING MATTERS: Affordable Housing (00:58:03)

More than 17 million older adults age 65+ live with incomes below 200% of the federal

poverty level. This number will grow as retiring boomers face declining home values,

decreased earnings, and depleted savings. Affordable housing options with supportive

services are required to meet lower-income older adult needs. Dawn Quattlebaum, Chief Executive Officer, Seabury Resources for Aging, talks about affordable housing availability in communities, housing options for low-income older adults, and Seabury affordable housing choices and supportive services for this population.

GROWING GREENER: Celebrating Regional Beauty (00:29:00)

In the 1990s Lauren Springer helped pioneer a new, regionally focused gardening style in Colorado, an undaunted garden that celebrated the Rocky Mountain landscape and the plants, native and introduced, that were at home there. In this conversation, Springer recalls those times and details how her design style has continued to evolve, and what comes next.

ALAN WATTS: The Purpose of Life Is Not In The Future (00:06:04)

Welcome to Way of Thinking! Alan Watts talks about how we sometimes think that happiness, awakening, spirituality or joy is in the future. Making us chase every kind of things and in the end realizing that everything was a lie and “joy” “love” “peace” is here and now.

TUC RADIO: Victoria Nuland Resigns – Glenn Greenwald and Ray McGovern Comment (00:29:03)

Glenn Greenwald is an American journalist, author, and former lawyer. He became a vocal critic of the Iraq War and American foreign policy. In 2014, he cofounded The Intercept and was the editor until he resigned in October 2020. Greenwald now is self-publishing on Substack. The Hill is a source for policy and political news. Glenn Greenwald was interviewed on their news commentary show, “Rising”. Five days after the Greenwald interview the former CIA analyst Ray McGovern speculated that political differences between Nuland and Biden administration officials may have led to her surprise ouster. Ray McGovern served as a CIA analyst for 27 years, from the administration of John F. Kennedy to that of George H. W. Bush. His duties included chairing National Intelligence Estimates and preparing the Presidents Daily Brief. In early March 2024 Ray McGovern is warning that intelligence might be falsified today to justify war on Russia.

Here are excerpts from a one hour interview entitled: Nuland’s Game is Up as Russia Smashed Ukraine’s Army, recorded by Nima R. Alkhorshid on the channel Dialogue Works. DATES: March 6 and 11, 2024

BOPST SHOW: Storm the Reality Asylum (00:55:55)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s show, you’ll hear 70s funk by Iris Bell & the Jive-ettes, legendary Cambodian singer Prum Manhoods, post-punk collective Rip Rig + Panic as well as music by Love is All, Plains and many others outside mainstream consciousness.

RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR #523 (00:58:00)

Ralph is joined by Tim Judson from the Nuclear Information and Resource Service (N.I.R.S.) to discuss the growing support for nuclear power in Congress, and the persistent myths that fuel nuclear advocates’ false hopes for a nuclear future. Then, Ralph pays tribute to Boeing whistleblower John Barnett, who died unexpectedly this week in the middle of giving his deposition for a whistleblower retaliation lawsuit against Boeing. Plus, Ralph answers some of your audience feedback from last week’s interview with Barbara McQuade.

FRIDAY 03.15.24 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
March 15, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Why more CO2 could be bad news for crops

THIS IS SCIENCE: The Expanse (00:29:00)

Jess talks about space, science, and the future of humans in our universe with Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck, the award-winning authors behind the hit books and critically-acclaimed TV series The Expanse.

COUNTERSPIN: Ian Millhiser on Supreme Court Trump Protection, Alfredo Lopez on Radical Elders (00:28:00)

This week on CounterSpin: Among the multitude of harms that could rain on this country should Donald Trump become president again, he could order the Department of Justice to drop any charges against him stemming from his fomenting of an insurrection aimed at overturning by violence the results of the 2020 election. Not to put too fine a point on it, Trump could declare himself above the law—and that’s just been enabled by the Supreme Court, which put off until April the legal case wherein Trump declares himself immune to criminal prosecution. The Court can move quickly; they hopped right to the decision that Trump can’t be removed from presidential ballots in the states. But this, we’re to understand, will take, huh, maybe until after the election, to mull. Vox Court-watcher Ian Millhiser says he tries to reserve his “this is an exceptionally alarming decision” voice, but this occasion calls for it. We hear from him this week.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Project 2025? Get Ready (00:58:00)

G.O.P. strategists are preparing to hit the ground running if Trump is re-elected. Can people of conscience turn back the tide of billionaire money seeking to remake our country completely in their interests? People for the American Way’s Svante Myrick joins Jefferson Smith to sound the alarm.

SEA CHANGE RADIO: To Serve & Protect Whom? Alec Karakatsanis on Copaganda (re-broadcast) (00:29:00)

What comes to mind when you hear the words “crime” and “safety?” For many, these words evoke images of poor people stealing things, or police enforcing laws to suppress street crime. Our guest today on Sea Change Radio argues that there’s a whole set of crimes that have been intentionally omitted from the messaging we get and that, for many, “police” and “safety” are far from synonymous. This week we speak with Alec Karakatsanis, the founder and executive director of Civil Rights Corps. A former public defender and the author of Usual Cruelty: The Complicity of Lawyers in the Criminal Injustice System, Karakatsanis believes that much of our countrys perspective on crime and policing has been shaped by “copaganda,” the swaying of public opinion for the benefit of law enforcement. We look at the corrosive societal effects of historic and current police practices, examine how and why these wrongheaded approaches persist, and discuss the complicity of journalists and policymakers who fall for and then perpetuate the American mythology of crime and safety.

LAURA FLANDERS SHOW: Andrea J. Ritchie: Emergent Strategies for Abolition Toolkit (00:28:00)

Andrea J. Ritchie, a self-described Black lesbian immigrant survivor who has been engaged since the 1980s in anti-violence, labor, and LGBTQ organizing, and in movements against state violence and for racial, reproductive, economic, environmental, and gender justice, offers a toolkit for organizers. If you’ve been wondering how to create a world that is collectively based, safer and more just ” and curious as to what is actually required to make the changes that we want to see in society ” Ritchie’s newest book, Practicing New Worlds: Abolition and Emergent Strategies, published by AK Press, is a visionary and practical workbook and toolkit. Some of her other books include Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Color and No More Police, co-authored with Mariame Kaba. She also co-founded Interrupting Criminalization and the In Our Names Network, a network of over 20 organizations working to end police violence against Black women, girls, trans and gender nonconforming people.

BOPST SHOW: Storm the Reality Asylum (00:55:55)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s show, you’ll hear 70s funk by Iris Bell & the Jive-ettes, legendary Cambodian singer Prum Manhoods, post-punk collective Rip Rig + Panic as well as music by Love is All, Plains and many others outside mainstream consciousness.

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/15/24 (00:56:22)

On the Show: Republican Senator Rand Paul stuns Fox News host Brian Kilmeade during an interview about TikTok, with Paul accusing Kilmeade of “defaming” TikTok. A pathetic former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is borderline begging to be Donald Trump’s 2024 Vice Presidential running mate during an interview with Donald Trump Jr. Caller compares filing taxes in America versus other countries. Caller isn’t voting for Joe Biden over Israel/Gaza. Caller has three questions for David about Israel/Gaza. Caller argues it doesn’t make sense for progressives to vote third party in 2024. The Friday Feedback segment.

THURSDAY 03.14.24 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon

(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
March, 14 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Solar project at Fort Lauderdale park keeps basketball players cool

RADIO ECOSHOCK: Are We In a Glimpse of the New Hot Future? (00:58:00)

Lost in endless election hype, this planet is hotter. Expert Earth System Modeler Till Kulhbrodt says this may be a glimpse of a future three degrees above pre-industrial. Are we approaching tipping points, or are some already behind us? We revisit an interview with Dr. Tim Lenton on cascading tipping points, as I line up guests to report the latest tipping science. The show closes with tips to survive times of mass fear.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Water Runs Uphill Towards Money (00:58:00)

Billionaire investors want to build a new city in a rural county between San Fran and Sacramento. Will it be a dream city, or are they just shilling for a new Gilded Age of corporate power? Plus – Thom reads from “State Capture: How Conservative Activists, Big Businesses, and Wealthy Donors Reshaped the American States — and the Nation ” by Alexander Hertel-Fernandez.

YES! Presents: Rising Up With Sonali – 2024-03-12 (00:58:30)

This week, well speak with investigative journalist Arun Gupta, whose explosive story in YES! Magazine debunks two major reports of mass sexual violence on October 7 published by Physicians for Human Rights Israel, and the New York Times. Arun will also comment on the recent UN report of mass rapes in Israel. Then, indigenous journalist Frank Hopper, also writing for YES! will discuss his new story about the first police accountability measure of its kind that voters in Washington state passed. Finally, Sunnivie Brydum, managing editor at YES! Media will preview the new Spring 2024 issue of YES! Magazine out now and themed around connections.

LITERATURE ALOUD: Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman ch. 8 “The Girls of Herland” (00:31:42)

Herland is a utopian novel written in1915 by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman author of the famous and influential short story “The Yellow Wallpaper.” It describes the adventures and education of three men who land in an isolated and get schooled by a society comprised entirely of women who reproduce via asexual reproduction. Their matrifocal emphasis leads to an ideal social order, free of war, conflict and domination. It first appeared as a serial in Perkin’s monthly magazine Forerunner.

WINGS #48-23 Kenyans Walk for Palestine (00:28:47)

The African Union has declared full support for Palestine, condemned Israel’s actions in Gaza, and requested its 55 member states “to end all direct and indirect trade, scientific and cultural exchanges with Israel.” But Kenya’s government has pledged solidarity with Israel, and met large pro-Palestine demonstrations in the capital Nairobi with tear gas and arrests. On February 24th, 2024, hundreds of people took to the streets in Kenya’s second-largest city Mombasa, to “walk for Palestine” – among them, women and children carrying placards condemning the ongoing killing. The interviewees provided local, national and international perspectives, and share recent statistics about destruction of Gaza and Gazans.

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/14/24 (00:54:41)

On the Show: As the case against Hunter Biden crumbles, Republicans liken him to Richard Nixon, and his testimony to the infamous Nixon tapes. A desperate Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert has an absurd new conspiracy theory about Republican Congressman Ken Buck’s resignation. A wildly triggered Elon Musk cancels Don Lemon’s forthcoming show on X because Lemon conducted a real interview with Musk. Republican Senator Katie Britt is blaming the left wing media for her own pathetic failure to deliver a coherent State of the Union response. A desperate failed former President Donald Trump goes full egomaniac in an interview with Newsmax, admitting to crimes, suggesting Biden was “on something” at the SOTU and more. Republican Congressman Guy Reschenthaler tells Fox Host Maria Bartiromo that if one needs a driver’s license to rent a car, one should need an ID to vote. Another former Trump voter, this time Eric from Louisiana, explains why he will be voting for President Joe Biden in November. Voicemail from a confused Trumpist leaves him thinking he really “got” David


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
March 13, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Video game teaches teens to stay calm in a weather emergency

PATIENTS COME FIRST: Women and Infant Services (00:11:27)

This episode of VHHA’s Patients Come First podcast features an interview with Theresa Blankenship, Director of Women and Infant Services at Clinch Valley Health. She joins us for a conversation about her nursing career, rural health care, and the work of the Clinch Valley team during an emergency situation involving a mother giving birth during a medical crisis.

ALAN WATTS: Accept Yourself (00:19:22)

Alan Watts. Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was a British philosopher, writer, and speaker, best known as an interpreter and populariser of Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. Born in Chislehurst, England, he moved to the United States in 1938 and began Zen training in New York.

THIS WAY OUT #1876: Sydney’s Qtopia Museum Opening (Part 2) + global LGBTQ news! (00:28:59)

Sydney’s Qtopia museum puts queer history on display; international pressure stalls Ghana’s horrific anti-LGBTQ bill, queer Serbs protest police brutality, Biden defends diversity in his State of the Union address, a U.S. federal judge backs North Dakota religious belief versus trans healthcare, another federal judge blocks Texas from seeing P-FLAGs trans/family files, and a Republican-sponsored bill would make pro-trans teachers in Missouri sex offenders.

All that and more this week when you choose This Way Out, the worlds audio oasis for LGBTQ+ news and culture.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Election Season is Finally Upon Us (00:58:00)

Filling in for Thom Hartmann, guest-host Jefferson Smith from the Democracy Nerd Podcast frames the key points to not overlook as the 2024 Election Season starts cranking into full gear. What are President Joe Biden’s accomplishments that should be lauded as the threat of DJT’s authoritarian promises loom large? Plus a breakdown of what Katie Britt’s peculiar performance may actually mean.

CIVIC CIPHER: Let’s Talk About White Christian Evangelical Men (00:59:00)

For today’s discussion, we turn our attention to White, conservative, evangelical, heterosexual men. Our brothers who fit this description have been pulling further right lately. In the first half of the show, we discuss some of the fears that are causing this shift, as well as some examples of individuals and circumstances that stem from this kind of thinking. In the second half of the show, we discuss a prominent MAGA megachurch evangelical and his political positions. We discuss how he manipulates the Bible to peddle falsehoods to his base, and how his example shows us the exact kind of thinking that has taken center-stage within this group. Our Way Black History Fact is dedicated to a Black woman named Valerie Thomas “The NASA engineer who invented the illusion transmitter” the transmission system that uses a video recorder to create the optical illusion of a 3D image. Think Star Wars.

LITERATURE ALOUD: Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman ch. 7 “Our Growing Modesty” (00:24:28)

Herland is a utopian novel written in1915 by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman author of the famous and influential short story “The Yellow Wallpaper.” It describes the adventures and education of three men who land in an isolated and get schooled by a society comprised entirely of women who reproduce via asexual reproduction. Their matrifocal emphasis leads to an ideal social order, free of war, conflict and domination. It first appeared as a serial in Perkin’s monthly magazine Forerunner.

CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS: Curiosity and Aging (00:28:00)

If I told you there was one little thing you could do that would help you maintain cognitive functioning, mental health, and physical health as you age, would you want to know more? Michiko Sakaki, PhD. and her team look at emotions and learning, aging and emotion, and individual differences in brain development. They think about learning across the lifespan. She’s helping us rethink what happens in aging, especially when it comes to curiosity.

“Think of aging as the process of gaining knowledge.” ~ Michiko Sakaki


DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/13/24 (00:53:25)

On the Show: President Joe Biden wins the number of delegates needed to secure the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination. Failed former President Donald Trump clinches the Republican presidential nomination for 2024. Donald Trump is shocked by how unpopular he truly is. Republicans hold “Biden crimes” hearings with special prosecutor Robert Hur, which backfire completely. Democrats play multiple brutal “Trump cognitive glitch” compilations at the Biden crimes hearings with special prosecutor Robert Hur. Beth, a two-time Trump voter, manages to escape the cult of Trump. Republican Congressman Ken Buck quits, attacks MAGA Republicans on the way out, and sets up Lauren Boebert to potentially suffer a huge defeat. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham is asked a simple question about Donald Trump and Viktor Orban, and it triggers him massively. Fox News host Maria Bartiromo says she has a friend who knows what “illegals” “look like.” Either a Trump impersonator or a Trump AI calls into the show, and we can’t tell which it is.

TUESDAY 03.12.24 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
March 12, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Heat pumps are keeping homes warm in Maine

ENCOURAGEMENTOLOGY: Empowerment Through Accountability: Taking Personal Responsibility for Success (00:30:00)

On this show we are stepping up and taking personal responsibility to achieve true success. Understanding that empowerment comes through accountability. It’s time to own it; your past, present, and future vision. Aim without accuracy is merely wishful thinking, and without taking personal responsibility, growth is impossible. When we take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, we gain more control over our lives. This mindset encourages self-reflection, learning from mistakes, and actively seeking opportunities for improvement. It’s easy to throw up your hands and play the blame game while waiting for things to work out on their own. Taking the first step is more challenging but infinitely more rewarding; inventory what didn’t work out, why, how, and what YOU could do to enhance your role and alter the outcome. Ultimately, personal responsibility empowers us to shape our own future and become the best version of ourselves.

MAKING CONTACT: Who’s Afraid of DEI?: Interrogating Gender & Race in the Workplace  (00:29:00)

What does equity really mean? That might be an impossible question to answer objectively, but in this encore episode Ruchika Tulshyan, a workplace inclusion expert, and Ijeoma Oluo, a thought leader on race in America, discuss the subtle and overt ways white supremacy and anti-Blackness impact our experiences at work.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Jeff Smith Returns with a Review of the Oscars, SOTU and the Bizarre GOP Response (00:58:00)

Jefferson Smith guests hosts for Thom Hartmann as Katie Britts SOTU Rebuttal is lampooned by SNL and Dumb Donald hectors the Oscars. Guest Interview: James Steele Pulitzer Prize winning Investigative reporter.

THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: Owls (00:58:00)

Who’s hooting? This time on The Children’s Hour, we learn all about owls. Inspired by Mrs. Monica Charles’s second grade class from Coronado Elementary School in Albuquerque, New Mexico, we explore the lives of these mysterious night flyers. The 2nd graders share their owl research, discuss findings from dissecting owl pellets, and teach us why owls are so important, how to keep them protected, and much more! We also learn from our special guests at The Owl Research Institute in Charlo, Montana on the Flathead Indian Reservation. Denver Holt is the founder and president of ORI, and Beth Mendelsohn is a research biologist at the institute who focuses on North American owls. We hear about all of the incredible projects of the institute; including supporting year round field research of wild owls, organizing outreach and events to teach the public, and working towards conservation to help protect owls. With more than 200 species of owls around the world, maybe you have had the experience like some of our Kids Crew, of seeing owls in the wild? Stay tuned to learn all about owls with us, coming up on The Children’s Hour.

LITERATURE ALOUD: Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman ch. 6 “Comparisons Are Odious” (00:24:28)

Herland is a utopian novel written in1915 by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman author of the famous and influential short story “The Yellow Wallpaper.” It describes the adventures and education of three men who land in an isolated and get schooled by a society comprised entirely of women who reproduce via asexual reproduction. Their matrifocal emphasis leads to an ideal social order, free of war, conflict and domination. It first appeared as a serial in Perkin’s monthly magazine Forerunner.


Ongoing Gaza Catastrophe Rouses Michigan Primary Voters to Send Biden a Message; The World and Americans Must Hold all Israeli Institutions Accountable for Occupation, Apartheid, and Genocide; Review of Trump’s Total Immunity Claim, Effectively Delays Jan 6 Trial Until After Election.

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/12/24 (00:55:36)

On the Show: Cal Newport, Associate Professor of Computer Science at Georgetown University, New York Times bestselling author, host of the Deep Questions with Cal Newport podcast, and author of his new book “Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout,” joins David to discuss the book, which you can get here:  On the one hand, Biden is old, and on the other hand, in the last 24 hours, Trump claimed presidential immunity in a porn star hush money case, a former Trump employee admitted to loading classified documents onto a plane, authoritarian Viktor Orban said Trump told him he’d give Ukraine no money if he becomes President, the RNC has fired dozens of staffers as Trump-backed leadership takes over, and Trump’s former White House economic advisor has been told to report to prison. President Joe Biden is suddenly leading numerous national polls, and we discuss the reasons why. Brian Butler, a former Trump Mar-a-Lago employee known as “employee number 5” in court filings, publicly admits that he helped move classified documents onto a plane while federal authorities were looking for them. Republican Congressman Byron Donalds admits to Fox News host Maria Bartiromo that they have absolutely no evidence of criminality by President Joe Biden. Failed former President Donald Trump smears E. Jean Carroll again during the end of a CNBC interview. President Joe Biden states that to fix housing, we must build significantly more housing, which is absolutely correct. Voicemail caller who is a longtime listener is impressed that David went from the basement to meeting with the Vice President at the White House.

MONDAY 03.11.24 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Monday March 11, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: What is embodied carbon?

WHEN THE BIOMASS HITS THE WIND TURBINE #114 – Socially Responsible Investing (00:28:34)

Every dollar you spend is a vote. Every dollar you invest or save is also a vote. How can you make sure that the companies you support also support an agenda and a world vision that you agree with? And just what should you look for when trying to decide where to place your money? Join Annie and Jay Warmke of Blue Rock Station as they speak with Michelle Wilson, Financial Planner and owner of Athens Impact Socially Responsible Investments as they discuss the evils and advantages of money.

ECONOMIC UPDATE: Capitalism, Gender, And A Split Society (00:29:00)

This week’s episode of Economic Update we discuss the underemployment of US college graduates, failed anti-Russian sanctions, the collapsed UK birth rate, and expanding wars in the Middle East. In addition, we will dive into the costs and risks in absence of a ceasefire in Gaza. Finally we Interview Dr. Harriet Fraad, host of Capitalism Hits Home and a clinical therapist. Professor Wolff and Dr. Fraad explore the post 1970’s deindustrialization in the US, its impact on white males versus other social groups, and resulting US social splits.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Dark Brandon Manifests for SOTU and Brings the Fire (00:57:59)

Interview Guest: Barbara McQuade, MSNBC legal analyst and Professor from U. Michigan Law School, author of new book, “Attack from Within: How Disinformation Is Sabotaging America.” Russians are intervening in the election! Plus Geeky Science: Oscar Mayer is getting serious about plant-based foods.

SPIRIT IN ACTION: Democracy & Self-interest In Anti-racism: Beyond the Books (00:55:00)

A visit to an event, “Beyond the Books: A Way Forward for White Allies in Democracy”, and some time with the event’s main presenter, Gerri Williams. Gerri has been involved in a number of forms of activism, but, as a woman of color and inspired by the book, Sum of Us, What Racism Costs Everyone and How we can Prosper Together, by Heather McGhee, she’s also aware of the need for white allies to step forward and lead a change among their peers. With the increasing assault on our democracy by forces wishing to pit beleaguered whites against even more beleaguered minorities and people of color, there is a great urgency that we all find our self-interest in halting the erosion of our democratic government. (Friends for a Nonviolent World) and the Northern Yearly Meeting Anti-racism Working Group co-sponsored the Beyond the Books event and will act as a conduit for follow-up actions. Other resources include Rednecks for Black Lives, a video with Heather McGhee, and Gerri also recommends the film The Lives of Others to help understand complicity is repression.

LITERATURE ALOUD: Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman ch.5 “A Unique History” (00:30:10)

Herland is a utopian novel written in1915 by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman author of the famous and influential short story “The Yellow Wallpaper.” It describes the adventures and education of three men who land in an isolated and get schooled by a society comprised entirely of women who reproduce via asexual reproduction. Their matrifocal emphasis leads to an ideal social order, free of war, conflict and domination. It first appeared as a serial in Perkin’s monthly magazine Forerunner.

GRASSROOTS: Beware What You Wear with Alden Wicker (00:28:15)

This week Patti and Doug talk about chemicals in our clothes with award-winning journalist Alden Wicker. Should clothes come with an ingredient list?

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/11/24 (00:54:47)

On the Show: Republican Senator Katie Britt, almost in tears during a Fox News interview, admits the story she told during her SOTU response has nothing to do with President Joe Biden. President Joe Biden’s perfect reactions to the outrageous reaction by Senator Katie Britt to Biden’s State of the Union address. President Joe Biden raises an insane amount of money in the immediate 24 hours after the State of the Union address. Failed former President Donald Trump hits a new low during a rally in Rome, Georgia, making fun of President Joe Biden’s stutter, glitching badly, and telling many lies. Donald Trump supporters are interviewed in Rome, Georgia, revealing that their reasons for supporting Trump are a confusing mishmash of misunderstandings and confusion. A new report says that the White House is developing a plan to displace Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister of Israel. A Trump voter, who is also a union member, abandons Trump after being shown a video of Trump’s own statements by a member of Union Proud Warrior. President Joe Biden admits he was wrong to use the word “illegal” during his State of the Union speech, and MAGA pounces on him. Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace becomes irate with interviewer George Stephanopoulos when he calls her out about her support of a civilly liable rapist, Donald Trump. Voicemail caller is so impressed by David’s handling of anti-vaccine caller that she is getting a Membership.

SUNDAY 03.10.24 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

RADIO 2050 #18: Placemaking for All (00:58:00)

Mark Lakeman, founder of the City Repair Project with a background in Architecture and Planning, discusses the concept of urban placemaking and the importance of creating sustainable public places. He shares stories of projects his organization has done, such as transforming street intersections into public squares and building outdoor learning environments. Mark emphasizes the need for individuals to take action and not wait for permission to make positive changes in their communities. He encourages people to challenge the dominant paradigms and care for everyone around them, ultimately creating a culture of resilience and collaboration.

EARTH RIOT RADIO # 108. God Damn It, You’ve got to be Kind! (00:29:00)

In our current time in history, with the chaos of civil societies, the emergence of strong man governments and toxic capitalism and the resulting accelerating climate violence, we notice in our work at the Earthchxrch that there is a searching return by many humans to the most basic, hopeful, qualities: Love, kindness, and gratitude.

TURN ON THE NEWS: A Recurring Nightmare (00:27:54)

This week: The former President returns from the dead to leave again. “Turn On The News” is the weekly newscast from the fictional Radio Network, with parody radio coverage of the radio and its headlines. Now with computerized news readers, and fewer meddling reporters, plus aggregated reporting, and automated music. Tune in “Turn On The News” each week for the latest news, radio art, and more from our robot reporters, making sure you hear both sides — good and evil — every time you “Turn On The News.”

Best of ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN March 9, 2024 (00:59:00)

Segment One

We begin the show with Bob Hennelly, writer and reporter who writes about public employee union issues. We note the New York Governor’s announcement that NYC subways will have National Guard troops deployed has sent shockwaves throughout the city. We also discuss the NY Democrats’ goal to protect incumbents, rather than expanding their reach by expanding the number of seats in the House.

Segment Two

We then catch up with Marcia Brown, food and agriculture reporter at Politico. We discuss the summer school lunch program funded by the federal government, and how states (with Republican governors) are not participating. The reasons cited are specious. This will affect students in both cities and in rural areas, though the rural areas will be more affected. The help the government wants to provide is in the form of EBT cards. This will also affect grocery providers and farmers, since it will reduce food purchases as well.

BACKGROUND BRIEFING with IAN MASTERS March 7, 2024 (00:59:00)

What Biden, Might, Should and Will Say in Tonight’s State of the Union Address | Will Biden Take Off the Gloves and Confront the House MAGA Republicans’ Pro-Putin Caucus? | Belatedly Biden Appears to be Using the Enormous Leverage the US Has Over Netanyahu

MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR: Freeing Sexuality: Sex Workers, Psychologists, Consent Teachers & Polyamory Experts Speak Out w Dr Richard Louis Miller (00:59:00)

Richard Louis Miller has been a clinical psychologist for more than 50 years. He is host of the podcast Mind Body Health & Politics, and the founder of the nationally acclaimed Coke Enders Alcohol and Drug Program, and the Health Sanctuary at Wilbur Hot Springs in northern California. He is a former faculty member at the University of Michigan, and Stanford University & an advisor on the Presidents Commission on Mental Health. Richard is the author of Psychedelic Medicine and Psychedelic Wisdom, and his new book is Freeing Sexuality: Sex Workers, Psychologists, Consent Teachers & Polyamory Experts Speak Out, which features fascinating interviews with 20 experts in the wide world of sexuality. This a fascinating look into some largely unexplored areas of sexuality and relationship possibilities outside our narrow binary cultural norms, largely founded upon the puritanical ideals of a religious cult that England offloaded to the Americas in the 17th century.

DEEP DIVE CYBERSECURITY SHOW: What Happens When A Data Broker Goes Bankrupt? (00:58:51)

Data Brokers have a TON of data on all us from the social media platforms we use, the apps we play with, and even from our phones directly. But what happens when they go bankrupt? Foreign companies can possibly buy all of our sensitive data! We explore this and also catch up on the latest news and breaches!


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

THE BRADCAST 3/7/2024: Legal expert Ron Fein of Free Speech for People on SCOTUS gutting the ‘Insurrection Clause (00:58:00)

On today’s ‘BradCast’: We are joined today by constitutional law expert RON FEIN, Legal Director of non-profit group Free Speech For People, which brought the issue of the Constitution’s ‘Insurrection Disqualification Clause’ to the nation’s attention, before the corrupted, activist U.S. Supreme Court ‘invented’ a way to nullify it to protect disgraced former President Donald Trump earlier this week. Fein explains the legal history and context of the 14th Amendment and its Section 3 ‘insurrection disqualification’ clause; how the U.S. Supreme Court ignored its plain text to avoid applying it to Trump; what it all means going forward, and much more. Also today: Sweden formally joined NATO to protect against Russia’s aggression. President Biden announced the US military will construct a temporary port to deliver aid to Gaza. Third-party group ‘No Labels’ moves ahead with a bipartisan ‘unity’ ticket. Utility company Xcel Energy admits their equipment sparked the record Texas wildfire. Desi Doyen has our latest ‘Green News Report.’

KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: Plato: The Benefits of Acting Justly (00:57:33)

In her new book Of Rule and Office: Plato’s Ideas of the Political, Princeton Professor of Politics Melissa Lane shows how the orange one serves both anarchy and tyranny. Better politicians use virtue and justice to achieve success, and get re-elected. And on this show we ask: can a constitutional republic survive?

AGING MATTERS: Senior Centers with Dianne Stone (00:58:00)

Senior centers are not what they used to be! Rather than playing bingo and shuffleboard or watching television all day, older adults are coming together to enjoy a broad array of activities that can meet their social, physical, emotional, and intellectual needs. Dianne Stone, Associate Director, National Council on Aging, and National Expert on Senior Centers, talks about the role of senior centers in the community, available programs and services, and benefits to older adults and their families. Episode posted on FB page:

GROWING GREENER: Can Genetic Engineering Help Save North American Trees From Imported Threats? (00:29:00)

The American chestnut was a foundational species of eastern forests until an imported blight killed virtually all mature specimens back to stumps in the early 20th century. Jared Westbrook, Science Director of the American Chestnut Foundation discusses how a project to genetically engineer a blight-resistant American chestnut has revealed the complexity of applying this process to tree species.

TUC RADIO: Ilan Pappe: In Gaza now, it’s worse than ethnic cleansing (00:29:00)

Ilan Pappe: In Gaza now, its worse than ethnic cleansing | The Israeli historian Ilan Pappe is interviewed by Dareen Abughaida on Al Jazeera English | TUC Radio | tucradio | Prof. Ilan Pappe | Dareen Abughaida interviewed Ilan Pappe on Feb 25, 2024. Pappe is the author of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. This program is dedicated to those who question the claim that the current war by Israel on Gaza began on October 7, 2023.

THE BOPST SHOW:  Jumping Jolly (00:55:00)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s show, you’ll hear Honduran guitarist Aurelio Martínez, Richmond noise experimentalists MUTWAWA and the Malian desert blues of Tinariwen as well as tunes by Bwa Bandé, Bunny Rags & the Upsetters, and many others locked out of the nation’s largest terrestrial bandwidths.

RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR # 522 (00:58:00)

Ralph speaks to law professor, Barbara McQuade, who specializes in national security issues and has written a book that outlines the very real threat to American democracy, Attack From Within: How Disinformation Is Sabotaging America. Also, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson sums up Israeli goals in its war on the Palestinians with three words eradication, elimination, and expulsion.

FRIDAY 03.08.24 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
March 8, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: As seas rise, task force recommends new bridges for Outer Banks island

THIS IS SCIENCE: The Expanse (00:29:00)

Jess talks about space, science, and the future of humans in our universe with Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck, the award-winning authors behind the hit books and critically-acclaimed TV series The Expanse.

COUNTERSPIN: Victor Pickard on the Crisis of Journalism (00:28:00)

Years ago when media critics called attention to ways corporate media’s profit-driven nature negatively impacts the news, lots of people would say, “But what about the internet?” Nowadays, folks seem to see more clearly that constraints on a news outlet’s content have little to do with whether it’s on paper or online, but on who owns it, who resources it, to whom is it accountable. You’ll see the phrase “crisis of journalism” newly circulating these days, but one thing hasn’t changed: If we don’t ask different questions about what we need from journalism, we will arrive at the same old unsatisfactory responses.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: The SOTU Challenge – Is Biden Up for It? (00:58:00)

Will the GOP extremists be respectful of Biden at the State of the Union address? Also the most under-reported story of the week – Putin’s right-hand man unveils new map of Russia – with plans to invade two NATO allies. Veteran War Correspondent in Kyiv, Phil Ittner reports from Ukraine. Dan Rather has something to get off his chest. Crazy alert! Trump humping WWE wrestler just turned himself in for murder.

SEA CHANGE RADIO: Andrea Thompson: Battling Extreme Heat Fatigue (00:29:00)

While you’re shoveling snow out of the driveway this week, you may not want to hear about extreme heat – but then again, maybe you do! This week on Sea Change Radio, we discuss the issue of a warming planet with Andrea Thompson, a science reporter and associate editor at Scientific American. We look at how people and policymakers are trying to cope with the rising temps, examine how different parts of the globe are being affected, and talk about the challenges of presenting this important information to the public in a fresh, engaging manner.

LAURA FLANDERS SHOW: Post-Dobbs Crisis: Visions for Abortion Access & Radical Care (00:28:00)

There are more anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers than there are abortion clinics in the U.S., even in states like New York where abortion is legal. Fake clinics are feeding people disinformation, laws are criminalizing doctors and patients, and the climate of stigma and fear has only worsened since the Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health in 2022. The Dobbs decision took away the constitutional right to abortion, abandoned almost fifty years of precedent, and paved the way for states to ban abortion entirely, as more than a dozen have. In this episode, Laura Flanders and co-host Adaku Utah explore the situation in a so-called safe haven (New York), and the frameworks for care that BIPOC reproductive justice activists ” whose people have never been served well by the health system ” are drawing on for strength and survival today. Our guests are Elizabeth Estrada, New York Field & Advocacy Manager at the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice and Chelsea Williams-Diggs, Executive Director of the New York Abortion Access Fund. Join us to hear why community care and chisme are critical in this moment.

THE BOPST SHOW:  Jumping Jolly (00:55:00)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s show, you’ll hear Honduran guitarist Aurelio Martínez, Richmond noise experimentalists MUTWAWA and the Malian desert blues of Tinariwen as well as tunes by Bwa Bandé, Bunny Rags & the Upsetters, and many others locked out of the nation’s largest terrestrial bandwidths.

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/8/24 (00:00:00)

(notes posted when available)

THURSDAY 03.07.24 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
March 7, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Is marijuana bad for the climate?   

RADIO ECOSHOCK: Broken News (00:58:00)

In all the mind-bending human disasters, some hope evolution can save us. Maine Professor Tim Waring studied that. He worries evolutionary design may stop humans from solving climate change. Meanwhile in these times of turmoil, Antarctica is accelerating into massive ice loss. According to new science, a major meltdown can happen not in thousands of years, but less than 200. That leads to a new age of rapid sea level rise around the world. Royal Society Research Professor Eric Wolff explains.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Why Trump is Going to Lose (00:58:00)

Congressman Mark Pocan – National Progressive Townhall. Billionaire Elon Musk told his 175 million followers on X that President Biden had committed “treason” by “secretly” flying “320,000 illegal immigrants” from Latin America to US airports. Why is he lying? Hunter in a farmer’s World Alert! Why the Definition of ADHD is Often a Slippery Thing. Mark Alesia – Marjorie Taylor Greene gets fresh scrutiny from regulators after election violation fine.

YES! Presents: Rising Up With Sonali – (00:58:31)

This week, we’ll continue part 2 of our 2-part series on reparations, featuring stories from YES! Magazines Realizing Reparations series. First, well speak with journalist Erin Aubry Kaplan who has written about California’s Reparations Task Force, and whether the state that has gone the furthest of any state in exploring reparations, will actually take its project to the finish line. Then, Torsheta Jackson will join us for a discussion on local reparations efforts, from Evanston, Illinois to Asheville, North Carolina. Finally, well turn to Anneliese Bruner, the great granddaughter of a survivor of the Tulsa Race Massacre. Bruner will explore how younger Tulsans are rebuilding what was lost in the absence of reparations.

LITERATURE ALOUD: Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman ch.4 “Our Venture” (00:26:24)

Herland is a utopian novel written in1915 by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman author of the famous and influential short story “The Yellow Wallpaper.” It describes the adventures and education of three men who land in an isolated and get schooled by a society comprised entirely of women who reproduce via asexual reproduction. Their matrifocal emphasis leads to an ideal social order, free of war, conflict and domination. It first appeared as a serial in Perkin’s monthly magazine Forerunner.

WINGS #47-23 Truth To Power (00:28:58)

The most dangerous jobs in journalism involve reporting on wrongdoing of governments, corporations, and major criminals in one’s own country. Forms of censorship can include imprisonment and death, even in alleged democracies. The women in this program spoke on a panel at a conference themed “Speaking Truth to Power” in Delhi in 2015. Ilang Ilang Quijano from the Philippines was then managing director and editor of a multimedia outlet for investigative journalism, Pinoy Weekly; she works on media about agriculture and safety. Kishali Pinto-Jayawardena was a media columnist in Sri Lanka; she is now a legal analyst whose work encompasses advocacy, research and litigation in the protection of civil liberties. Dr. Anja Kovacs directs the Internet Democracy Project in Delhi, India. Racheal Nakitare from Kenya is past President of the International Association of Women in Radio and TV (IAWRT); she is a career broadcast journalist with the Kenya Broadcasting Company. Sheila Dallas Katzman, originally from Jamaica, has had a long international career in broadcasting; she is President of the US Chapter of IAWRT.

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/7/24 (00:00:00)

(notes posted when available)


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
March 6, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Climate change could shorten the life span of U.S. bridges

PATIENTS COME FIRST: Heart Health (00:19:03)

This episode of VHHA’s Patients Come First podcast features Dr. Greg Hundley, a cardiologist and Director of the Pauley Heart Center at VCU Health. He joins us for a conversation and his career and clinical work, medical imaging, heart health, training future generations of cardiac sonographers, his podcast, and more. Send questions, comments, feedback, or guest suggestions to or contact us on X (Twitter) or Instagram using the #PatientsComeFirst hashtag.

ALAN WATTS: It Will Give You Goosebumps (00:09:43)

An inspirational and profound speech on the eternal now by Alan Watts. Original Audio sourced from: “Alan Watts Limits of Language-2″ “Life exists only at this very moment, and in this moment it is infinite and eternal, for the present moment is infinitely small; before we can measure it, it has gone, and yet it exists forever….” – Alan Watts. (1915 – 1973)

THIS WAY OUT #1875: Sydney’s Qtopia Museum Opening (Part 1) + global LGBTQ news! (00:28:59)

Sydney opens the world’s largest queer museum; pending Ghanian law will make coming out a crime, Czech lawmakers swap marriage for adoption rights, a U.S. appeals court denies gender-affirming healthcare for Indiana trans minors, the American Psychological Association fights those bans, cops march in compromise plainclothes at the Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras, and Washington state lawmakers repeal antiquated queer-targeting lewd conduct statutes in the Strippers Bill of Rights. Those stories and more this week when you find This Way Out, the worlds audio oasis for LGBTQ+ news and culture.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Are Foreign Governments Spending Millions to Sink Progressive Candidates? (00:58:00)

Guest Interview: Rachel Bitecofer, PhD, author of the new book, Hit ‘Em Where It Hurts: How to Save Democracy by Beating Republicans at their Own Game. So, get ready: its coming this fall. And unless the administration acts quickly, there will be nothing they can do about it. Gas at $6 a gallon could easily throw the election to Trump.

CIVIC CIPHER:  Womens Empowerment Month with Debbie Esparza ” National Board Member of the YWCA (00:59:00)

Today we are delighted to discuss Women’s History Month with Debbie Esparza of the YWCA. In the first half of the program, we discuss the mission of the YWCA, some national issues affecting women differently than expected, and the importance of teaching women’s history. In the second half of the show, we discuss the intersection of social justice and women’s justice. We also discuss Debbie’s thoughts on the Supreme Court’s decision on Affirmative Action, and abortion access. Finally, we discuss some actions you can take to immerse yourself in the spirit of Women’s Empowerment Month. Our Way Black History Fact is dedicated Patricia E. Bath, whose accomplishments include the invention of a new device and technique for cataract surgery known as laserphaco.

LITERATURE ALOUD: Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman ch. 3 “A Peculiar Imprisonment” (00:27:23)

Herland is a utopian novel written in1915 by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman author of the famous and influential short story “The Yellow Wallpaper.” It describes the adventures and education of three men who land in an isolated and get schooled by a society comprised entirely of women who reproduce via asexual reproduction. Their matrifocal emphasis leads to an ideal social order, free of war, conflict and domination. It first appeared as a serial in Perkin’s monthly magazine Forerunner.

CHOOSE TO BE CURIOUS: Curiosity, Creativity, Science & Art  (00:28:00)

Soren Meibom, scientist turned visual artist, situates himself at the intersection of curiosity, creativity, art and science. His work blends the techniques of visual arts with the tools of science: data, formulae, charts, and graphs. His unique combination — what he calls “SciArt” — seeks to trigger our curiosity and ignite our joy of discovery.

“The experiment I am living right now is: can you use that storytelling of science in art, to give it extra dimension, with the goal of inducing…people to explore and learn…to be more curious?” ~ Soren Meibom

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/6/24 (00:56:38)

On the Show: Daniel Dennett, philosopher, cognitive scientist known for his work on consciousness, evolution, and the philosophy of the mind, and author of numerous books, most recently I’ve Been Thinking, joins David to discuss artificial intelligence, New Atheism, the decline of religion in the United States, and more. Get the book:  Failed former President Donald Trump sweeps all Super Tuesday Republican primaries other than Vermont, which Nikki Haley wins, but Haley will drop out of the race and not immediately endorse Trump. Donald Trump is visibly confused and incoherent at his Super Tuesday “victory” speech at Mar-a-Lago in Florida. Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene tells an interviewer to “f*ck off” when asked about her Jewish space laser conspiracy theory. Independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema announces she will not be seeking re-election, as her re-election seemed increasingly unlikely as she faced Republican challenger Kari Lake and Democratic challenger Ruben Gallego. Supporters of Donald Trump are interviewed in Virginia, reminding us why they are such a dangerous voting block. Podcaster, MMA analyst, and comedian Joe Rogan says the country needs religion, and needs Jesus.

TUESDAY 03.05.24 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
March 5, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: High schoolers helped develop Tuscons climate action plan

ENCOURAGEMENTOLOGY: Reclaiming You: Embracing Growth Through Recovery (00:30:00)

On this show, we are striving to embrace growth through recovery as we set out to reclaim YOU. We are embarking on a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation. It requires courage, resilience, and a willingness to embrace change. Are you ready? Oh boy, that’s the question. How many times have you found yourself at a crossroads knowing you need to make a change but unsure about the next step? What to do and if you are capable enough to do it. Let’s first define recovery: a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength. The action or process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost. What has been stolen or lost? We can all dig into our bag of regrets to find something we wish we could undo and to regain something we no longer have. By focusing on personal growth and self-empowerment, you can reclaim your authentic self and create a life that is meaningful and fulfilling.

MAKING CONTACT: The Feminist Birth of the Home Pregnancy Test (00:29:00)

In 1965 Margaret Crane was a young graphic designer with an idea: Why couldn’t women do their own pregnancy tests at home? This is the story of how she launched a product to help women know and make choices for their own bodies – and the inevitable backlash.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: The “Biden is Old” Story is Getting Old (00:58:00)

Supreme Court shoots down Colorado bid to keep Trump off ballot. Will the New Illustrious Dunderheads Lead us Into WWIII. Too “much” to be president? Crazy Alert! Trump rages at Fani Willis “escapades” as an embarrassment. Could there be anything more embarrassing to American than a president convicted of Rape and boasting “grabbing pussies?”

THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: Mega Ran (00:58:00)

Mega Ran is one of the most prolific hip hop artists you have heard, but likely have not heard of. His music is featured in hundreds of video games, earning him an award from the Guinness Book of World Records. Now hes a childrens musician with a beat and a message. Get inspired by his amazing journey in an engaging conversation with our Kids Crew. This time on The Children’s Hour, we’re joined by Mega Ran, musician, rapper, artist who’s music can be found in video games, movies, and on his albums. Mega Ran is a self proclaimed “nerdcore” rapper who was inspired to create positive rap music for people of all ages to enjoy.

LITERATURE ALOUD: Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman ch. 2 “Rash Advances” (00:26:51)

Herland is a utopian novel written in1915 by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman author of the famous and influential short story “The Yellow Wallpaper.” It describes the adventures and education of three men who land in an isolated and get schooled by a society comprised entirely of women who reproduce via asexual reproduction. Their matrifocal emphasis leads to an ideal social order, free of war, conflict and domination. It first appeared as a serial in Perkin’s monthly magazine Forerunner.

BETWEEN THE LINES RADIO NEWSMAGAZINE for February 28, 2024 (00:29:00)

Julian Assange Fights Last Battle to Stop UK Extradition to US; Worldwide Protests Demand Insurance Companies Stop Fueling the Climate Crisis; New Information Emerges in the Assassination of Malcolm X, Implicating the FBI

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/5/24 (00:55:05)

On the Show: Lev Parnas, author of the book “Shadow Diplomacy: Lev Parnas and his Wild Ride from Brooklyn to Trump’s Inner Circle,” joins David to discuss how he came to be in Donald Trump’s inner circle, and more. Get the book:  Thom Hartmann lays out the secret plan for how the fascists could win and take over in 2024. President Joe Biden understandably believes that Donald Trump will not concede if he is again defeated in 2024. As wages continue to climb, Fox News has now rebranded it “wage inflation” and is putting a negative spin on it. Yet another poll suggests that Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz could be defeated by Democratic challenger Colin Allred. Fox News interviews a diner guest who says she would not vote for women for President. Failed former President Donald Trump is asked about policy during a Fox News interview and delivers a garbled and incoherent response. Donald Trump is so incoherent and confused during a bizarre statement after the SCOTUS decision about Colorado that even MSNBC cuts away. Voicemail caller is shocked and appalled that David is wearing turtlenecks, including in March, on the show.

MONDAY 03.04.24 PROGRAM Notes 

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Monday March 4, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: What you need to know before you buy garden perennials this spring


Every dollar you spend is a vote. Every dollar you invest or save is also a vote. How can you make sure that the companies you support also support an agenda and a world vision that you agree with? And just what should you look for when trying to decide where to place your money? Join Annie and Jay Warmke of Blue Rock Station as they speak with Michelle Wilson, Financial Planner and owner of Athens Impact Socially Responsible Investments as they discuss the evils and advantages of money.

ECONOMIC UPDATE: Broken News (00:29:00)

This week’s episode of Economic Update hosted by Professor Richard Wolff, we discuss the Philadelphia University of the Arts Faculty Union and its struggles; we clarify what declining inflation does and does not mean; we answer the question: as to why sanctions fail. Finally we interview Essence Magazine’s senior news & politics editor, author, and lawyer Malaika Jabali. We discuss her newly released book “It’s Not You Its Capitalism”.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Hunter Biden Lets the GOP Know He is Not Jared Kushner   (00:58:00)

Navalny’s funeral’s brave attendees..the government shutdown boogie and Biden & Trump both went to the border and only one looked presidential. Crazy Alert! Trump is trying to pawn off the false claim that women kill their babies after birth. Will Jack Smith & the Department of Justice do battle against Ginni Thomas & a group of people who are openly working to manipulate our system to the benefit of Trump and his fascist cronies?

SPIRIT IN ACTION: Love, Gender, & Sexuality In The Bible – Reclaiming Truth (00:55:00)

The religious soup we grow up in affects all of us. Sometimes the influences are helpful and favorable, but especially for those off the mainstream, they can be very painful and alienating. Even passages from holy books, initially innocent or positive, can by so badly misconstrued as to become life-threatening. K. Renato Lings tackles the texts of the Bible that have been particularly hurtful to LGBTQ folks, using serious scholarship and analysis to help repair connections and compassion in our world. His newest book is Holy Censorship or Mistranslation? Love, Gender and Sexuality in the Bible, and his 2013 book was Love Lost in Translation: Homosexuality and the Bible. Renato grew up in Denmark & is currently living in Sweden.

LITERATURE ALOUD: Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman ch.1 “A Not Unnatural Enterprise” (00:25:37)

Herland is a utopian novel written in1915 by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman author of the famous and influential short story “The Yellow Wallpaper.” It describes the adventures and education of three men who land in an isolated and get schooled by a society comprised entirely of women who reproduce via asexual reproduction. Their matrifocal emphasis leads to an ideal social order, free of war, conflict and domination. It first appeared as a serial in Perkin’s monthly magazine Forerunner.

GRASSROOTS: Wireless Tech and Our Kids (00:28:37)

This week on Grassroots, after the news of the day (mostly about our own Boston Tea Party), the subject is wireless technology and its impact on the lives of our children. Our special guest is Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, UK-trained physician and founder of the Physician’s Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIRE). Dr. Mallery-Blythe was a primary signatory of the International Declaration on the Human Rights of Children in the Digital Age

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/4/24 (00:55:13)

On the Show: Donald Trump wins multiple primaries, but Nikki Haley finally wins on, in Washington DC. Failed former President Donald Trump rages at Nikki Haley after she defeats him in the Washington DC Republican primary. Vice President Kamala Harris gives a genuinely good speech, pointing out that despite claiming to be about “freedom,” the modern Republican Party is not at all what they claim to be. The Supreme Court puts Donald Trump back on the primary ballot in Colorado, deciding that states do not have the authority to remove candidates from federal office from state ballots. Donald Trump’s brain fails multiple times, clearly declining rapidly, at a rally in Greensboro, North Carolina. The National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegian get screwed up at Trump’s latest rally. Trump rallygoers are interviewed in North Carolina, and it is truly a horror show. NBC anchor Kristen Welker says that Donald Trump “allegedly” tried overturning the 2020 election, an example of dangerous revisionist history. A new New York Times/Siena poll says Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by 5, and some of the criticisms of the poll are not based in fact. Trump stuns a Virginia rally crowd into silence when he once against mixes up Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Confused Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace tells Fox News that crime is up everywhere, especially in “blue cities,” despite the reality that crime is down. The San Antonio troll leaves another voicemail criticizing David for something he never said, and a position he never took.

SUNDAY 03.03.24 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

RADIO 2050 #17: Ecological Reality – Dr. Julian Caldecott  (00:58:00)

Dr. Julian Caldecott, an ecologist and consultant, champions a shift in attitudes toward nature, advocating for governance to protect ecosystems. He highlights community-led conservation successes and the impact of individual actions, like supporting ecologically-minded candidates. Proposing a “peace with nature” constitution, he urges personal responsibility and a change of heart. The conversation touches on governance challenges and the necessity of common sense principles.

EARTH RIOT RADIO #107: I Wanna Be a Woke Monster for the Earth! (00:29:00)

Artists show the way: Coltrane and Ginsberg and Levitt and Annie Sprinkle and Bimbo Rivas and Basquiat and Keith Haring… they made new personal worlds in order to give themselves a way to inhabit on this Earth, and change people around them with their Earth-life…. It’s time for Ecstatic Environmentalism! Threatening, erotic, unembarrassable, dangerous, a radical evolution. Its the Earth that is our establishment royalty now. I wanna be a Woke Monster for the EARTH!

TURN ON THE NEWS: A Recurring Nightmare (00:27:58)

This week: The former President returns from the dead to leave again. “Turn On The News” is the weekly newscast from the fictional Radio Network, with parody radio coverage of the radio and its headlines. Now with computerized news readers, and fewer meddling reporters, plus aggregated reporting, and automated music. Tune in “Turn On The News” each week for the latest news, radio art, and more from our robot reporters, making sure you hear both sides — good and evil — every time you “Turn On The News.”

Best of ATTITUDE with ARNIE ARNESEN March 2, 2024 (00:59:30)

Segment One

We begin with Dave Levinthal, editor of Raw Story and Stephen Pimpare, of the Carsey School of Public Policy of UNH, about the Supreme Court. The Court has decided to consider Trump’s contention that he is eligible to run for President again because of presidential immunity. We then discuss the corruption of the Supreme Court and how Mitch McConnell helped bring this all about.

Segment Two

We then catch up with David Dayen about student loan relief as its currently being implemented by the Biden administration. There were many laws passed since the 1960’s that provided some relief, but were not used over the years. Biden used these methods to provide loan forgiveness to Americans. We talk about the several provisions, and how much ($1.2B) forgiveness has been provided, despite the objections of the Republicans, and despite the Supreme Court not allowing forgiveness in previous attempts.

BACKGROUND BRIEFING with IAN MASTERS February 29, 2024 (00:59:00)

The Naked Partisanship of the Supreme Court’s Right Wing Majority | The History of Supreme Courts That Have Served the Political Interests of Some of Our Worst Presidents | A Revival of Labor with Organizing Wins at Starbucks and Mercedes

MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR: Returning Home to Our Bodies: Reimagining the Relationship Between Our Bodies and the World (00:58:59)

Abigail Rose Clarke is a somatic educator, writer, and artist. She’s the creator of The Embodied Life Method which she has been teaching in the US and internationally since 2014, which aims to help people return to their bodies to find ease and comfort, even when life is difficult and the changes are extreme and fast approaching, and helping people navigate conflict in ways that transcend the models of domination and control many of us have been taught. She is also the creator of The Somatic Tarot and The Body Oracle deck. And her new book is Returning Home to Our Bodies: Reimagining the Relationship Between Our Bodies and the World.

DEEP DIVE CYBERSECURITY SHOW: Inside The White House on 9/11 (00:58:34)

Where were you on 9/11? Probably not in the White House Bunker helping to coordinate military response like my guest, Robert Darling, was. You DO NOT want to miss this astonishing interview! We also catch up on the latest news!


6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
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THE BRADCAST 2/28/2024 Guest host Nicole Sandler with Raw Story reporter Jordan Green on neo-Nazi hate groups (00:58:00)

On today’s ‘BradCast’: Brad is still under the (non-COVID) weather, so guest host Nicole Sandler of is in the captain’s chair for us today. Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell announced he will retire from Senate leadership in November. In the Michigan primary, reported results showed President Joe Biden and Donald Trump easily winning their respective contests, but corporate media found a strange way to spin the results, and failed to provide context for the 13 percent of voters who selected ‘Uncommitted’ as a protest vote against the Biden Administration’s policies regarding Israel’s brutal invasion of Gaza. Nicole speaks with investigative reporter JORDAN GREEN of Raw Story about his months-long investigation into a group of neo-Nazi teenagers who are working to recruit and indoctrinate even younger white kids online, and have now targeted Green for harassment and intimidation. Plus Desi Doyen has our latest ‘Green News Report.’

KEEPING DEMOCRACY ALIVE: Waking the Sleeping Giant: 85 Million Americans (00:55:01)

Politicians know the consequences of voters being ignored. There are tens of millions of people who used to be middle class but a revived Poor Peoples Campaign just may connect and inspire. According to today’s guest, campaign policy director Shailly Gupta Barnes, there’s reason to believe all people do care about doing the right thing, that being moral cuts across the political spectrum and can have a big impact on the upcoming election and the direction of the country

AGING MATTERS: Nutrition and Aging w/ Lawren Bercaw, PhD, RTI International Center for the Health of Populations (00:58:00)

Conversation w/ Lawren Bercaw, PhD, Research Public Health Analyst, RTI International Center for the Health of Populations, about nutrition for healthy aging, and how senior nutrition programs, including the restaurant program, provide meals for older adults in communities.

GROWING GREENER: A New CEO for the Native Plant Trust (00:29:00)

When it was founded in 1900, the Native Plant Trust was the first plant conservation organization in the United States. Its new CEO, Tim Johnson describes how, more than a century later, the Trust continues to break new ground, defining how an organization such as this can rise to meet the challenges currently facing our native flora.

TUC RADIO: The war on truth ” Julian Assange with Yanis Varoufakis (00:29:00)

This recording, The war on truth ” Julian Assange with Yanis Varoufakis, is part of a 58 minute Live Stream broadcast on February 20, 2024 when London’s High Court met to decide whether Julian Assange can be extradited to the US.

THE BOPST SHOW: Shake Your Stuff (00:55:00)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s show, you’ll hear the primitive roots rock of Billy Childish and the Black Hands, the silky smooth sound of the first lady of song Ella Fitzgerald, and global music trio Free Planet Radio as well as Radio Birdman, Tinariwen and many others outside of mainstream consciousness.

RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR # 521 (00:58:00)

Ralph welcomes Bishop William Barber from the Poor People’s Campaign to discuss their March 2nd mass moral march on State Assemblies and their efforts to mobilize millions of poor and low-wage voters. Then, Ralph is joined by Washington Post health reporter Dan Diamond to discuss his team’s recent report on a $2 billion Medicare fraud scheme.

FRIDAY 03.01.24 PROGRAM Notes

6-hour loop begins at NOON, repeats until following noon
(scroll down for previous notes)

Democracy NOW! with Amy Goodman
Friday March 1, 2024

CLIMATE CONNECTIONS: Converting vacant offices to apartments would be a win for the climate

THIS IS SCIENCE: Near The Water (00:29:00)

Hydrologist Dr. Karletta Chief of the Navajo Nation talks with Jess about the unique scientific problems facing indigenous communities in the United States and what role science has in finding the solutions.

COUNTERSPIN: Assault on Gaza (00:28:00)

This week on CounterSpin: International human rights lawyer Craig Mokhiber told Electronic Intifada recently that the International Court of Justice hearings on the legality of Israel’s 56-year occupation of Palestinian land are

 the largest case in history—more than 50 countries are taking part in this, and the US is virtually alone…in defending the legality of Israel’s occupation. Most states are affirming its illegality and cataloging Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other gross violations of international law.

THOM HARTMANN Best of 1 Hour: Will the Most Corrupt Supreme Court in History Assist the Trump Coup? (00:58:00)

Mitch McConnell to Step Down as Senate GOP Leader. “One of the worst people to ever serve in office. He will be remembered for all the wrong things.” from Common Dreams. If Democrats make it through this election intact, expanding the size of the Court, imposing 18-year term limits on the justices, and imposing a code of ethics on them must be the first order of business in 2025. Plus Ukraine Update with Phil Ittner.

SEA CHANGE RADIO: Raksha Vasudevan: Rocky Mountain Ways (00:29:00)

Denver, Colorado’s majestic mountains, green space, and reputation as an ecologically advanced city draw people into this growing metropolis. But there are some unwanted byproducts that result from the influx of humanity, for example air pollution and gentrification. This week on Sea Change Radio, we speak to Raksha Vasudevan, a freelance journalist and contributing editor to High Country News about the transition of Denver from a remote Rocky Mountain town to a booming metropolis. We learn about the city’s industrial history, discuss how its transportation system has evolved, and look at the paradoxes and unintended consequences of major green infrastructure projects.

LAURA FLANDERS SHOW: Idaho’s United Vision Project: Confronting Extremism in America’s Heartland (00:28:00)

As the 2024 presidential election campaign heats up, Idaho is not a place that Democratic campaign strategists will be thinking much about, but writing off places like Idaho is a mistake, say two anti-authoritarian activists based in the US Northwest. Adrienne Evans is the executive director for United Vision for Idaho, the states only multi-issue, progressive coalition. Scot Nakagawa, director of the new 22nd Century Initiative, has worked for decades to counter extremism, starting in the 1980s, confronting white militias in Oregon. In this episode, Laura asks her guests why places like Idaho ” one of the most conservative states in the country ” remain so important to US democracy, and Laura participates in a rural tour around Boise, Idaho’s capital. All that, plus a commentary from Laura on how Americans once toppled autocracy ” and what the writers of the Constitution did in response.

THE BOPST SHOW: Shake Your Stuff (00:55:00)

The Bopst Show, the critically acclaimed music radio show hosted by artist, musician, writer, DJ and founding member of GWAR, Chris Bopst, features a wide assortment of audio stimulations from a myriad of genres, eras and inspirations. On this week’s show, you’ll hear the primitive roots rock of Billy Childish and the Black Hands, the silky smooth sound of the first lady of song Ella Fitzgerald, and global music trio Free Planet Radio as well as Radio Birdman, Tinariwen and many others outside of mainstream consciousness.

DAVID PAKMAN SHOW 3/01/24 (00:54:18)

On the Show: After the uncontroversial testimony from Hunter Biden, Congressional Democrats are declaring the Biden impeachment dead, but are Republicans really ready to let it go? A reporter casually destroys Republican Congressman James Comer’s Biden crimes conspiracy during a press conference. Caller discusses Lauren Boebert’s dismal reelection chances. Caller wonders why Trump supporters don’t like Mitt Romney. Caller asks what it would take to support a Trump pardon. Caller asks who Kamala Harris’s vice president would be if Biden steps down. Libertarian caller returns to debate David. The Friday Feedback segment.

For the People | By the People